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Norcal/Bay Area/DBR:NorCal Nevers: Everything in Moderation. Including Moderation.


Smash Champion
May 4, 2005
walnut creek, CA
there is no point to do melee pools.. not enough people will show up for it.. (just basing it on last ncb attendance.) brawl though will have a massive turnout this time around.. which is why overlapping events will have to happen, and run 2 event simultaneously


Smash Champion
Nov 17, 2005
Bay Area, Cali
sounds like MEATFEST. you could have gone to espetus to discover the amazing meats instead of going to iowa
no way that the endless meat was any better than the **** out here

im tempted to grind it and snort it to get a more intense flavor rush

ridiculously good, and ridicuously cheap, 8 bucks for a 12 oz with potato side and kick *** salad bar



Jun 4, 2003
Portland, OR
no way that the endless meat was any better than the **** out here

im tempted to grind it and snort it to get a more intense flavor rush

ridiculously good, and ridicuously cheap, 8 bucks for a 12 oz with potato side and kick *** salad bar

Well, we had 15 different kinds of meat, on swords, brought around to us, sliced off with another sword, and we could have as much as we wanted. I probably had like 3-4 pounds of meat all told. And it was basically all excellent, especially the filet, and the bacon-wrapped chicken, and the top sirloin.

But I'm sure Iowa is pretty good too.

Simultaneous pools, I don't know if it can work, because you'll be in a pool with different people in Melee and Brawl, so it would be really hard to avoid having SOMEONE having to play both pools at once or to have some of the same people in both Melee and Brawl pools. I'm sure it's possible but we'd have to work out some kind of algorithm for pool placing and which pools run.


Smash Legend
Jul 21, 2006
San Francisco, CA
Simultaneous pools, I don't know if it can work, because you'll be in a pool with different people in Melee and Brawl, so it would be really hard to avoid having SOMEONE having to play both pools at once or to have some of the same people in both Melee and Brawl pools. I'm sure it's possible but we'd have to work out some kind of algorithm for pool placing and which pools run.
that's the beauty of it though

if someone is playing a melee pools match, then someone else in their brawl pool can be playing

you take advantage of the unchronologicalness/asynchronousicity of pools to allow near full use of all the TVs until the final matches

on the other hand, if you were running simulbrackets, there is a very limited amount of matches that can be 'scheduled' at any given time


Smash Master
Mar 1, 2002
54th and 5th
I think Iowa could have been the place where this Hardee's employee reached into a cupboard to get my small cardboard cupped orange juice. It was the nastiest orange juice I've ever had in my life.


Jun 4, 2003
Portland, OR
i just think most players dont want to go from playing melee one minute, to playing brawl literally a minute later.
We had this discussion in this thread a week ago or so, and the only way around this is to cut out doubles, which most people are against. We got 35 for Brawl and 32 for Melee last time and we pretty much pushed it to the limit, so it will just be impossible to have all the tourneys non-simultaneously. If people don't want to play melee and brawl right after one another, they don't have to enter all the tourneys. Which is equivalent to not having that tourney in the first place, so you're not really losing anything.

Pocky, that can only work if we can successfully micromanage all the pools at once. This will likely be impossible because someone in Brawl pool 1 will be with people in Melee pool 2 and 3 and THEY will be with people in Brawl pool 2 or 3, and so on. We'd have to manage pools down to the match, otherwise you get people waiting for other people, and TV's unused since they are TV's for that specific Brawl or Melee pool. You might say 'just play on a free TV' but that just gets the pools all mixed up and separated, etc. I will think more about how to arrange pools though later. Perhaps if we make say Brawl pools first, we can impose certain constraints on who is in what Melee pool so that it works out, such as if you're in the first half of Brawl pools, you'll be in the second half of Melee pools. There could be problems with that though, we'll see.


Smash Legend
Jul 21, 2006
San Francisco, CA
Pocky, that can only work if we can successfully micromanage all the pools at once. This will likely be impossible because someone in Brawl pool 1 will be with people in Melee pool 2 and 3 and THEY will be with people in Brawl pool 2 or 3, and so on. We'd have to manage pools down to the match, otherwise you get people waiting for other people, and TV's unused since they are TV's for that specific Brawl or Melee pool. You might say 'just play on a free TV' but that just gets the pools all mixed up and separated, etc. I will think more about how to arrange pools though later. Perhaps if we make say Brawl pools first, we can impose certain constraints on who is in what Melee pool so that it works out, such as if you're in the first half of Brawl pools, you'll be in the second half of Melee pools. There could be problems with that though, we'll see.
let's say pools have 6 people and 1 TV

then at any given time, 4 players are not playing; each player has pretty much 6 opponents he could be scheduling his next match with

obviously, this relies on people not being stupid, which has always been the downfall of efficient systems, so i dunno, do what you will, but in theory it's certainly good


Smash Lord
May 31, 2005
Salinas, CA
Yes of course you may enter the tournament, you don't need any special membership or anything, just a controller. If you could bring a wii too that'd be very helpful thanks:)


Jun 4, 2003
Portland, OR
let's say pools have 6 people and 1 TV

then at any given time, 4 players are not playing; each player has pretty much 6 opponents he could be scheduling his next match with

obviously, this relies on people not being stupid, which has always been the downfall of efficient systems, so i dunno, do what you will, but in theory it's certainly good
I don't like a pool being run on only one tv. People wander around and stuff. I think pools of 6 on 2 tv's each is best. And anyway it's just going to be too much to expect nubs to deal with. You're gonna have one person trying to play X, and then X is trying to play his Melee match with Y, and Y trying to play his Brawl match with Z and etc.

I'd LIKE to do pools of 8, but it's gonna have to be 6; more pools of fewer people actually go faster. The way it's going to work from pools is that it we will just have however many pools of 6 it takes, then take top 2 from each pool, and then however many wild cards it takes to fill the bracket. The bracket won't necessarily be 16 or 32, it may be some number in between with the top X getting byes the first round, depends on time.

I'm fairly certain that the plan of "being in the first half of Melee pools -> 2nd half of Brawl pools" type thing is going to work actually though so we may still run both pools at the same time.

Deep Norcal should probably come over on Friday night.


Smash Lord
May 31, 2005
Salinas, CA
Deep Norcal should probably come over on Friday night.
This is the only part that caught my eye and I agree haha. Not that your algorithims for pool play aren't lovely, but I'll just figure it out on saturday as usual haha. Yeah, but are you going Sheridan? I thought I read somewhere that you might not or something. Oh and I actually have a ride back to Salinas from this one, so I won't be pouting at the end of the night haha.


Smash Master
May 30, 2002
No top gamer in the Street Fighter community has ever complained about having to switch games while playing multiple tournies at the same time and those game vary much more than Melee and Brawl. So I think people complaining about switching games are scrubs, and why should the tourney cater to scrubs?

Pools of 6 = 15 matches.

Pools of 8 = 28 matches.

8 pools of 6 = 120 matches.

6 pools of 8 = 168 matches.

I did the math!

Edit: Of course, we could always do double-elimination pools instead of round-robin pools.


Smash Champion
Nov 17, 2005
Bay Area, Cali
yeah but after you're done eating you realize you're in iowa
then after you realize that your in a boring state with nothing else better to do than get drunk and ride a jetski..... well..... you get drunk..... and ride a jetski.....


Jun 4, 2003
Portland, OR
L2edit quak. PS you should have gone to the annual hobo convention in Britt, Iowa.

Not that your algorithims for pool play aren't lovely

Yeah, but are you going Sheridan? I thought I read somewhere that you might not or something. Oh and I actually have a ride back to Salinas from this one, so I won't be pouting at the end of the night haha.
By somewhere, you mean one of my own posts less than 24 hours ago? You shall know by Thursday. And you guys can still come over even if I don't go. Course you'll need a ride to the tourney in that case.

Nick, if you say we can use the hallway, We are probably going to take full advantage of that, so please make sure. IIRC the outlet is kind of far down the hall, so if someone could bring an extension cord it would help out.

Again all this crap depends on what sort of attendance we get, so we'll see once it rolls around.


Smash Champion
May 4, 2005
walnut creek, CA
so.. just incase sheridan cant make it to the tourny.. who will run things??? btzo will need a ride from sheridan.. and since hes not going.. he wont be running it either..


Smash Lord
May 31, 2005
Salinas, CA
Bringing wii's is always helpful so do it if you can haha.

I have a ride up to this biweekly even if Sheridan can't go so it's okay, but hopefully you do Sheridan, it's more fun with your punk *** haha...I'll probly go on Friday even if ya don't though :lick:


Smash Lord
May 19, 2006
UC Santa Cruz / Santa Clara CA
Nope. No cubes or Wiis have been stolen at NCBs (for as long as I have been going to them, which has been a while). I doubt anyone would want to steal a cube at this point. I think Melee itself is as much as a cube now.

But be aware, you're responsible for your own stuff, so don't blame Nick, Yen or a TO if something happens. But again, its unlikely your stuff will get stolen, since NorCal doesn't roll like that.
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