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Norcal/Bay Area/DBR:NorCal Nevers: Everything in Moderation. Including Moderation.


Smash Champion
Jul 15, 2006
The Bay Area, CA
I also think 65m should be counterpickable. Fox isn't top tier in this game, so lets give him stages to help him. v_v

Pocky can I get a ride to NCB (which I'm assuming you're going to). I was goign to ask you on AIM, but ur afk/idle.

btw, a friend of mine wants to go with us, but i didn't want to speak for you, so I told him to ask you himself.


Smash Ace
Nov 2, 2005
Milpitas CA (bay area)
wow this thread is just not worth reading anymore.

will people please stop blaming me for people saying that signups ended at 12:30? the only reason people could say that is if they MISREAD what i said, because i said EVENT started at 12:30, and its really freaking obvious that you have to sign up BEFORE the event but some people lack brains.

and yes, its REALLY FREAKING OBVIOUS on the front page now. if there is any misconception about signups ending at 12, they should not be allowed to play on the grounds of being stupid.

bridge of eldin and SMI are both too stupid to be played in tourney, but honestly i dont care enough to make a fuss about it. /automatically agree with sheridan's opinions of brawl


Smash Apprentice
May 28, 2005
Bay Area, CA
wow this thread is just not worth reading anymore.

will people please stop blaming me for people saying that signups ended at 12:30? the only reason people could say that is if they MISREAD what i said, because i said EVENT started at 12:30, and its really freaking obvious that you have to sign up BEFORE the event but some people lack brains.

and yes, its REALLY FREAKING OBVIOUS on the front page now. if there is any misconception about signups ending at 12, they should not be allowed to play on the grounds of being stupid.

bridge of eldin and SMI are both too stupid to be played in tourney, but honestly i dont care enough to make a fuss about it. /automatically agree with sheridan's opinions of brawl
I was under the impression that everyone was just kidding around.


Smash Lord
May 19, 2006
UC Santa Cruz / Santa Clara CA
will people please stop blaming me for people saying that signups ended at 12:30? the only reason people could say that is if they MISREAD what i said, because i said EVENT started at 12:30, and its really freaking obvious that you have to sign up BEFORE the event but some people lack brains.
People are still bothering you about that? That was like a month ago.


Smash Master
Jun 12, 2006
San jose
the title of this thread has the date of the next one

and BTZO were you the guy at fanime that kept saying something about C3P0 and called him something like 3cpo... i dunno... but it was funny


Smash Lord
May 31, 2005
Salinas, CA
the title of this thread has the date of the next one

and BTZO were you the guy at fanime that kept saying something about C3P0 and called him something like 3cpo... i dunno... but it was funny
Rofl nah that was Bootle, but I was with him that whole time laughing my *** off lol


Jun 4, 2003
Portland, OR
I love your combo Isai. This one is still my favorite though http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JWmw7FOf-n8

K guys uh....I've heard legends that attendance for this tourney could potentially exceed 60-70 people. Some of you may remember the NUB when we had over 100 people, and although the tourney got done on time, we had to kick people out of the room that weren't in the tourney, and that sucked. I don't want such a thing to happen again. So we need to figure out what we're going to do if we get a lot of people.

One thing that could really help is if we could use the hallway outside so that the crowding doesn't get so bad. If we can, then we'll need people to bring a few TV's as well. Also any possibility of expanding how much of the math club room we can use? Maybe the usual TO area could be more setups, and the part on the other side of the walls could be the TO area. Another thing is, I need to know how early we can start and how late we can go with this tourney.

As far as actually running the tourney, I am set on doing pools for singles. However I don't know if that will make my earlier plan of doing Melee and Brawl singles at the same time unfeasible or not. Pools will probably be 6 people, on 2 TV's each. Maybe we will do Brawl teams during Melee singles and vice versa. A lot of this depends on how long we get the room for. Entry may have to be capped. I'm not gonna set anything in stone, I'm just trying to work out a contingency plan for any number of people that show up.

So, any other suggestions? Or musings on rules?

I should also mention that I'm not 100% coming to this, because I have a take home final that happens between Friday and Monday, and I have a 30 minute presentation on Tuesday that counts for my other final, so it depends on how much work I get done over the week. If I don't go feel free to mess with my ruleset. I will post if I'm not going by Thursday. Otherwise assume I'm going.

Also I can house 2-3 people if they are desperate for housing. Apparently, for whatever reason, according to socal I'm a huge di
ck for only wanting to house people I've met before. However that caveat still stands; suck it. I can still house people even if I don't go to the tourney though.


Smash Champion
May 4, 2005
walnut creek, CA
id say just overlap the events.. last time i think we just waited till one was over to start the next one.. this time just have melee and brawl events overlap and run at the same time.. it will go by quicker..

and im sure theres probably only a handful of people who want to enter both melee and brawl events on a serious level. so.. just pick =D

ill try to bring my tv, and wii.. lets get some others to bring some tv's and wii's as well.. and get this tournament rolling..

as far as socal is concered as to who is coming, so far 6 are confirmed in coming 100%, and there are about 4-5 more that are still trying to figure out a ride situation.. so theyre up in the air about coming.


Smash Champion
Jul 15, 2006
The Bay Area, CA
lol i honestly think he has a pretty good shot to take brawl singles. his CF is getting to be really beastly now, since he's stopped playing CF like melee.

i sent him to losers at the last NCB, but from what I saw of his CF at my tournament a few days ago, I'm afraid to play him lol.


Smash Champion
Jul 15, 2006
The Bay Area, CA
Brawl Falcon > Melee Falcon
True talk.

Could Melee Falcon do uairs to jabs to downthrow and repeat? Actually... he probably could, and maybe throw in a knee in there somewhere.

But who needs hard to land, not ko-ing knees anyways, when you have uairs and jabs? The trick is not to kill you're opponent, but to combo them so much to the point where they'll be like "wtf, this is brawl, combos don't exist arggg... my brains... *head explodes*"

Edit: Being serious now... CF actually isn't as bad of a character as people make him seem. It's b/c ppl are still too stuck in the melee mindset, trying to throw out knees all the time.

CF has a good uair that can gimp if ur smart, a good jab that links pretty well to other things, his dthrow can sometimes set up, his spike uhh at least still spikes, and his smashes are pretty strong (if u can predict well). His nair is decent, and can juggle into uairs. His utilt is pretty fast and has surprisingly good knockback.

His knee, and bair suck now though... But everything else is essentially the same, u just gotta play him differently.


Smash Champion
Jul 2, 2007
Philadelphia, PA
..and his smashes are pretty strong (if u can predict well).
*SS vs Dizzy, last match, both at two stocks*

"Pssst... Jeff, do a down smash!"

(a couple seconds later Jeff guesses a standing getup and dsmashes. Dizzy dies.)

"Jeff, up smash!"

(a couple seconds later, Jeff tech chases into usmash)

As Dizzy dies, his friend was like, "hey, no coaching" LOOOL.


Smash Champion
Nov 17, 2005
Bay Area, Cali
steak here is bomb, prime rib is like butter, ribs just fall off the bone, food is just better here

and people brew their root beer here too, which kicks the **** out of that soda ****

(im in iowa)

be back in a few weeks, probably host another smashfest since family is staying here


Smash Ace
Nov 2, 2005
Milpitas CA (bay area)
LOL isai ive literally been waiting for that combo ever since the first part came out last year.

the biweekly is on, i confirmed with yen this morning.

im pretty sure whatever real estate we used at the NUB, it is feasable to use again at this biweekly.

there will be more setups this time so BRING UR DANG WIIS AND CUBES!!!

if you have an extra TV that is bringable, then bring it.

sheridan, if we do pools for both brawl and melee, then start pools of melee when you're done with brawl pools (so do pools of one while the brackets of the other) makes the most sense to me.
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