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NJ Finder - Tournament Finder Updated (10/8) See new thread for Brawl Rankings


Smash Master
Jul 31, 2008
AS the rebellion starts to take down the walls of dictatorship that inui has built himself it seems things will return to normal for New Jersey but not for long...

It seems Inui still has a couple of tricks up his sleeve....



Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
Its not hard to make a list. THAT is why there are usually no problems. It's usually pretty clear cut tbh.
Whenever there is an argument about what should count, there is usually only ONE spot on the list that will be altered because of it....yours.

A thriving and happy community means more than a few people being content with what they find logical. I'm not even going to get into a debate about it. If they don't want it, they don't want it. You might have to get your rank by placing in singles like the good ol days.

Objection! Low tier tournaments this season have earned me no notable wins thus far, while they have only given me two losses to Lee Martin! Do not slander me with your garbage. I earn my rank every time by still being better then the rest of you in singles.

You'd probably be better off relaxing with the way you talk to people on this forum. I can tell you're pissed, but people are really going to stop taking you seriously pretty soon. When you are outnumbered accept it. As of now mk banned tournies, and low tiers should not count if the vast majority of the community do not want them to count.

This means nothing. The masses can be foolish; they elected a president that is destroying our nation from the inside out, wrecking our economy, and creating a new world order where our individual freedoms will no longer exist. I care not for what the masses want. I care for what is right.

When the panel discusses the rankings, I will bring up what I believe should count, and it's up to the rest of you to somehow prove it shouldn't count. I will not have my win against you be deemed meaningless. I will not have Keitaro's loss to Rookie be meaningless based on the stupid notion that one of them "might" have an MK to bust out when neither of them have MKs that even exist.

Panelists are the only intelligent players. Clearly, they are the only ones eligible to solicit an opinion on rankings. The method in which these people are chosen is clearly 100% infallible.
What is the point of this? We are the ones that make the rankings because we are most suited to do so. If you have an objection to our lists, say it.

And once again, their acquiescence is not evidence of their agreement. NOBODY enjoys discussing ANYTHING with you on these forums. Most people would rather shut up and move along than actually try to mount an argument, because no matter how logical or correct, you'll just circle back to the same god**** thing you said three posts ago over and over again.

I grow wearisome of your silly personal attacks. This is all you have been saying. "Eh, don't feel like arguing with you." Boring. You can't challenge me. That is all. Face it. Accept it. Let me know when you decide to actually challenge my points.

Regardless of what you have to say Inui I'm pretty sure low tiers and MK banned tournies will not count.

You're just gonna have to get in front of Zucco or Kai by getting good wins and going to way more tournies than them so they never have a chance to actually get more good wins they you, which happens alot.

But if you beat Keitaro 5 times, and Zucco beats Ally and Anti, don't expect me to sit there and say "Yeah Inui you get ranked higher."

That's just an example, but what I see as of now is that you have a bunch of good wins and a small amount of great wins but Zucco has a small amount of great wins through only 1 or 2 tournies he's been to.

Imo if he went to as many tournies as you did this season he would be ahead of you, but since he hasn't, you're ahead of him atm.

Ridiculous. I can't believe you people think I want something to count because it benefits me. Are you daft? How stupid can you be? Low tier events have given me two losses to Lee Martin with no notable wins. An MK banned event gave me two losses to a complete newbie with only two semi-notable wins (both against people that would never use Meta Knight against me).

I do not need anything beyond my singles records to be above Zucco and Kai. Why? I am better than them. Plain and simple. They can be just as active as me and still be lower. Zucco beat Atomsk...so you're thinking he should be above me? Keep in mind that I have beaten players like Dabuz, Bizkit, and Pyronic~Star this season so far.

Inui what sonics have u lost to in the matchup?
Mr. 3000, Kai, Shugo. I'm very very very very experienced in it. I played it for many many many hours total with good Sonics. I fought Mr. 3000 for almost three hours in it.

AS the rebellion starts to take down the walls of dictatorship that inui has built himself it seems things will return to normal for New Jersey but not for long...

It seems Inui still has a couple of tricks up his sleeve....

Rebellion? Hah! Normal in NJ...is me being king. So it shall remain.


Smash Hero
Sep 5, 2006
Lucas don't call yourself king. My roommate is sleeping and I can't laugh too hard or I'll wake him up.


Smash Lord
Aug 6, 2007

Objection! Low tier tournaments this season have earned me no notable wins thus far, while they have only given me two losses to Lee Martin! Do not slander me with your garbage. I earn my rank every time by still being better then the rest of you in singles.

This means nothing. The masses can be foolish; they elected a president that is destroying our nation from the inside out, wrecking our economy, and creating a new world order where our individual freedoms will no longer exist. I care not for what the masses want. I care for what is right.

When the panel discusses the rankings, I will bring up what I believe should count, and it's up to the rest of you to somehow prove it shouldn't count. I will not have my win against you be deemed meaningless. I will not have Keitaro's loss to Rookie be meaningless based on the stupid notion that one of them "might" have an MK to bust out when neither of them have MKs that even exist.

What is the point of this? We are the ones that make the rankings because we are most suited to do so. If you have an objection to our lists, say it.

I grow wearisome of your silly personal attacks. This is all you have been saying. "Eh, don't feel like arguing with you." Boring. You can't challenge me. That is all. Face it. Accept it. Let me know when you decide to actually challenge my points.

Ridiculous. I can't believe you people think I want something to count because it benefits me. Are you daft? How stupid can you be? Low tier events have given me two losses to Lee Martin with no notable wins. An MK banned event gave me two losses to a complete newbie with only two semi-notable wins (both against people that would never use Meta Knight against me).

I do not need anything beyond my singles records to be above Zucco and Kai. Why? I am better than them. Plain and simple. They can be just as active as me and still be lower. Zucco beat Atomsk...so you're thinking he should be above me? Keep in mind that I have beaten players like Dabuz, Bizkit, and Pyronic~Star this season so far.

Mr. 3000, Kai, Shugo. I'm very very very very experienced in it. I played it for many many many hours total with good Sonics. I fought Mr. 3000 for almost three hours in it.

Rebellion? Hah! Normal in NJ...is me being king. So it shall remain.
Edit, I will handle it in person.

Alex Strife

Smash Hero
Apr 24, 2006
You are not what you say you are. Lmao you don't even have access to the playerfinder. What kind of king DOES NOT HAVE ACCESS TO THE FAWKIN THREAD???? You aren't tricking anyone with your cocky talk. Again, you are better off talking to people with respect. Alot of the people you are talking to are intelligent, college educated individuals. And many of those who are not are still very intelligent within their own situation. So assuming because they are the majority, they are foolish...is foolish. I can create a list of people who post who make MORE sense than you.

So please stop posting as if you are the standard of intelligence, understanding, smashing ability or knowledge. You are F*cking Inui, accept it. There is not 1 person who would want to be you in this community. Most people do not like you, and you are showing the world why. Change how you talk to people, or continue to be considered a joke. And trust me, I know that no one who takes himself as seriously as you do, likes being considered a joke.

I'm not posting for attention, or for laughs anymore. I seriously want to see you realize that you are a person who is equal to everyone else. Regardless of how you see yourself, you are just as important as pikachunoob or any random smasher who involves himself within this community. You are becoming a drain on how people enjoy this game and the tournament scene. ( maybe you have always been to some people)If you find this to be a positive thing, than you are indeed, and idiot.
please follow eazy's advice. Sometimes its better to say things happen and move on.

This reminds me of something Woz said years ago about you Inui. Remember how you kept offering the hotel for tournaments and Woz said no because of how you are. Woz did not have the Patience that many of us have had with you but it is still the same principle. You are not a bad guy in general but countless acts of selfishness in the community and arrogant statements make you pretty much the biggest loser in this community ( this is me being blunt). It makes everyone not like you and despite how you try to retort these things by listing all the good things you done in person still does not change the fact about how you act here. Atomsk has told you to chill...I have had it to a point where I would not like to speak to you unless its at a convention since you cannot...

a- talk about smash
b- complain about losing due to X..Y..Z
c- being obnoxious.

I like talking with you and debating and you , in person outside of smash, have taught me a lot in terms of life lessons. I LOVED running apex with you and celebrating and ****. I enjoy the crew despite everything. I just have my limit as well with things like this. All I am asking is just to relax. Do not change or anything just learn the biggest thing in life is to accept a "loss" learn from it and do not let it happen again. Trust me I have be wrong DOZENS of times in life...I always learn from it.


Smash Hero
Feb 10, 2008
Spokane, WA
Your argument:

"I don't care about this game and enter stuff as a joke, especially low tiers, and since I spam Falcon Punch and don't care, that means nobody else cares either!"


I care immensely about my performance in low tier events as well as winning cash in them, and I know plenty of other people do as well.
"I only care about doubles and enter singles as a joke and don't care about it!"

Doesn't sound familiar at allllllll....


Smash Lord
Feb 24, 2008
anyone from rutgers wants a ride / split gas to Chibos thingy tonight?!

*wants to go, but doesn't want to go alone..


Smash Researcher
Jun 1, 2008
Dexters Laboratory
if it helps

im for MK banned tournies counting (although if someone is a legit mk main obviously the win wont count as much)

im against low tiers counts strongly.

seriously, the reason i dont post on SWF is because i would end up in all of this drama with you people -.-....
the reason everyone loves me is because i just come on, say what i need to say and go to tournaments and have fun in person. i think if you guys are that pissed off maybe we should like discuss it in person at kosha boy instead of over the internet


Smash Lord
Feb 24, 2008
I'd go but you have to drive me home :) and I'd pay for the whole thing lol.
**** that... lmaoooo sorry alex. You knows me. After a tourn all I want to do is get the **** home. Nothing personal =) I can drive u to a nearby train station?

Someone go with me! Ether where you at?

Alex Strife

Smash Hero
Apr 24, 2006
I love you cause you time people out and I support that !

@ pride - its fine man I also house people IDC Lol but its all good probably going with crismas to dinner or something tonight.

Max Ketchum

Collegiate Starleague Smash Director
Dec 9, 2007
New Jersey
Of course I am. Where else would I look for a date but one of the most dude-infested, poorly-odored sites on the entire Internet? smatch-boards.com.

Turbo Ether

Smash Master
Apr 12, 2006
Of course I am. Where else would I look for a date but one of the most dude-infested, poorly-odored sites on the entire Internet? smatch-boards.com.
Great catch right here, fellas, he has the power to smell the internet. Get at him!

Max Ketchum

Collegiate Starleague Smash Director
Dec 9, 2007
New Jersey
Ether's sig really is amazing.

Also, let's ignore the fact that I may have been talking about the smells of the people who frequent the site, and stick with me having the ability to smell the Internet.

Get at me, fellas.

Kaiber Kop

Smash Master
Feb 3, 2009
So tired of this. Please seed me against you first round at Kosha boy.

It's ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*waits for screwing up the bracket comments*


Smash Lord
Feb 24, 2008
I wrote on the Internet like a child back then.
Last edited:

Alex Strife

Smash Hero
Apr 24, 2006

It's ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*waits for screwing up the bracket comments*

*keeps mouth shut*


Smash Lord
Feb 24, 2008
I wrote on the Internet like a child back then.
Last edited:


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
You are not a bad guy in general but countless acts of selfishness in the community and arrogant statements make you pretty much the biggest loser in this community ( this is me being blunt).
False. I am anything but selfish.

"I only care about doubles and enter singles as a joke and don't care about it!"

Doesn't sound familiar at allllllll....
Fool. I thought you were supposed to be a good debater.

I didn't care about singles for a long time, but I didn't let my personal bias cause me to deem the event a meaningless joke like Yes! is doing with low tiers.

So tired of this. Please seed me against you first round at Kosha boy.
Beating me head to head = next to meaningless. Cable and Will both mutilated me, but they are not better than me at all. So what if you can ride the fact that you know the match-up on your end ten trillion times better than I do? That's all you will prove again.

I will not have my years of experience be rendered meaningless by you. I will not seed a bracket poorly just because you want to face me. Perhaps I should force you to go through people I always beat but you probably can't, such as Pyronic~Star?

Eazy said:
Lmao you don't even have access to the playerfinder. What kind of king DOES NOT HAVE ACCESS TO THE FAWKIN THREAD????
This is because a semi-retired never-was that doesn't play Brawl and hates me, JFox, is in charge of the player finder, and the others aren't just changing the account and locking him out like they should have done ages ago.
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