I played the 3DS at last years E3 while waiting in the dreadful line for more than an hour to get about 20 minutes of gameplay. To be honest, it is a delightful machine. Being able to augment things in reality is very mind boggling, and the line up looks good.
Even though I have no reason not to buy it, I'm still skeptical about an immediate purchase. Star Fox and Metal Gear drove me even further into buying it, but I still enjoy my DSi to the point where buying the next iteration is pointless. Big bitters like Resident Evil and Street Fighter are awesome, and the appeal of portability makes it better, but I have that at home. The N64 remakes are great. but I bought them for Virtual Consol already. Even BlazBlue is being released, which is great, but yet again I have it.
Don't get me wrong, I love the 3DS and the possibilities of amazing game ports, but I don't feel the urge to play anything presented at the moment.
For me the selling point of the 3DS would be GBA games on the virtual consol, but odds are that may not go into full swing until later in the year.
Also, smash 3DS? Maybe? Please?