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MLG Columbus 2010 Results - Full Singles & Doubles Results NOW UP!


Smash Lord
Mar 11, 2008
South Jersey
My boy shaky getting 10th and then 2nd in teams? 5 points away from Pro status ?

awww yeeee


Smash Hero
Jul 10, 2008
riddle, esam and shaky reppin florida as....usual...lol

our best player cant even...<3 seibrik

Deleted member

Hmm..Choice is listed as playing Wolf/Falco in the results. Missed that because it is listed as just Falco in the other thread, but dang, good stuff repping Wolf, Choice!


Smash Ace
May 23, 2010
More vids of this tournament please.

By the way, L-storm is really Gnes? then why is he using this nick? xD
Anyway, It would be great to see videos of him in this tournament, also the finals and semi finals.

I didn't see ADHD in the list...


Unity Ruleset Committee Member
Aug 25, 2003
Does this look right? Am i missing a character?

1st M2k+Ally==:metaknight:+:snake:
2nd NickRiddle+Shaky==:zerosuitsamus:+:ness2:
3rd Dojo+Gnes==:metaknight:+:diddy:
4th Havok+MikeHaze==:metaknight:+:marth:
5th Jem+RichBrown==:metaknight:+:olimar:
5th Tyrant+Dehf==:metaknight:+:falco:

Alex Strife

Smash Hero
Apr 24, 2006
good **** everyone.

I hope to see you all at apex showing that support for the best year in smash ever!

Also, I'll see about coming to the one in Dallas or Raleigh.


Oct 13, 2007
Pittsburgh, PA
Well, another MLG is in the books, and like Orlando, it didn't disappoint.

Firstoff, my personal performance. Definitely seen better days. In winners, I choked for the first time in months vs Fonz, a Pr'd Ohio Lucario. I started off strong, bringing back a deficit on bf to take match one. Match 2 he goes frigate. It comes down to last match, last hit, and about 20 midwest players rallying behind Fonz against me. He lands the kill move. This is where I start to fall apart. I made the fatal decision to cp lucario to Pictochat. In addition, I let the hyped crowds get to me. I wound up getting 2 stocked.

In losers, after 2-0ing framerate, I run into Seph, a NJ mk who was previouisly PR'd, but was inactive the last pr. Match one goes to ps1, which seph wins in a close one. I counter with bf, and beat him in another close match. He takes me to lylat, where I get killed by a stage tilt at 30%. I was starting to bring it back, but the SD put me too far behind to rally for the win.(Morale of this match: Dont let mk win match one in MLG rules :]).

In mms I had much more success. I 2-1d King beef,$3, #10 in Ohio, and 2-1d Chibosempai, $5, #2 in PA

I lost 3-0 to CO18 though. But they were all last-hit matches. I need to figure out how to safely kill D3. Vex friendly me falco D3 next time I see you lol.

And now, to the shoutouts:

Florida: Great seeing all you again. Sad this was the real goodbye though, since only a couple of you are making APEX icon_sad. I had so much fun in florida, and got so much experience.

Nick Riddle- You are too good. wow. You shut down pretty much everyone. And your one of my favorite smashers period. I realize how bad Falco is for you after our several friendlies here. Also, you complementing me on how much better I've gotten really meant a lot to me. Thanks man.

Shaky- BEST NESS YEAHUZ. I saw how good you were in FL, and I knew you would clean house here. GOOD SHEEEEEEEE~

Fury/KT/Smurf-DONT BE DUCKING MY MM offers j/k j/k icon_smile. You guys did step your game up for sure, Lets make sure we mm next time we go to the same tourney, so we can see who stepped it up the most.

Ebo-Glad to finally meet you ^.^

Arty- I win teh Falco ditto. No cgs made it go from a super gay matchup to just gay icon_smile. Falco dittos=srs business icon_biggrin. Btw, taking out dojo was too good!

Acton- nice to meet you


San- Like shaky, you took the tier list and erased it from your head. Incredible job dude! You'll get ally next time.

DEHF- Its always the randoms that get you right? Man icon_sad. You lost to atomsk's icys too. I hate that MU so much. Still, good job overall.

Ninjalink- You sure showed me in the DDD mu , you took 1 stock off my Falco =P
But seriously, your Diddy/ROB would have been much, MUCH harder to fight >____>
Want to mm some time Falco vs diddy/rob?

Will- ggs I need to learn Marth vs DK, but at I did better than mikehaze did vs dk. OOOOOOOHHHHHHHHH.

Mikehaze: ggs. Trust your marth though man :/

King Beef: Ggs. I told you I knew the Peach matchup icon_wink

Chibo: GGs. I finally got my set vs you. Your still the best ROB I've played for sure.

Infern: ggs....before we got kicked off the tv xD

Havok: ggs, I'm suprised I did so well vs you. Doesnt change the fact I lost every time though lol. Big thanks for the Falco vs mk pointers.

clowsui: ggs. Marth beats Falco dude I'm telling you.

Boss: WTF. IT HAPPENED AGAIN. 3 tourneys we both go to, and 3 tourneys we face each other first round in some event. Next time I see your going to a tourney I am, I'm practicing the luigi MU night and day, since I'll inevitably face you lmfao.

Fonz/framerate: ggs in brackets.

Seph: ggs in brackets. I'm totally down for a mm at apex since you mentioned it. Anywhere from 1-5 i normally go. I'll have my vengeance.

People I missed here I friendlied: ggs!

I'll update this with new shoutouts I remember.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 4, 2009
Ahh man Nick placed in both events. I'm speechless. Shaky/San are advancing their char's metagames.


Smash Champion
Jul 31, 2003
lmao @ mav.. trust your marth on mlg cps

you just don't know my friend, you just don't


Oct 13, 2007
Pittsburgh, PA
It was haze's cp, and the first match was FD dude. I could see switching when ook picked Green greens, but he really didnt need to switch match two....


Smash Master
Jan 24, 2007
Cincinnati, Ohio
I just wanted to tell you guys that I recorded a BUNCH of videos (because I was so bummed about there being no videos from Orlando)

I will make a thread, or add my videos to whomever makes a thread first, but I want to make a disclaimer that my videos were held by my hands mostly (sometimes with a chair for support) and I had random people bumping me- Like Vex Kasrani nonstop for some reason- so just remember before you post youtube comments about how I can't hold the camera still, it's better than nothing and I tried my best. Also, some of these start mid-match or mid set because I didn't see what was going on until too late. Sorry.

I personally recorded:
Lee Martin vs Dojo
Lee Martin Vs Ally
Esam Vs Dojo
Esam Vs Tyrant
Seibrik Vs Shugo
Shugo Vs Tyrant
Atomsk Vs Blue Rogue (First match)

Uploading all these to youtube will be annoying because I have finals this week, but I'll get them to you guys soon.

I know another guy recorded winners/losers and grand finals as well.

Eddie G

Smash Hero
Nov 24, 2006
Cleveland, OH
Shoutouts to come soon. I have few gripes with this tournament, but overall was a great experience. Major lack of friendlies and MMs though, and too much great competition around for that to be acceptable...


Smash Champion
Sep 3, 2009
Badkid Land
I would just like to say that this was the best tournament I have ever been to without a doubt. Not only will I try my best to come to Raleigh, but I think everyone else should do the same.

Just some shout-outs for people who I remember from this weekend.

First and foremost, AZ, JV, and all the refs need to be thanked for the tireless weekend they had making sure this event ran smoothly.

CO18/ESAM- I know I've said it a lot, but thank you so very much for letting me room with you. If you ever need housing or a hotel room for any tourney, you got it, no questions asked.

MikeHAZE- Same as CO18/ESAM.... It was great meeting you and playing friendlies with you, thank you for all the advice.

Shaky- Bess Ness! Good **** on 10th, you did $B proud.

Kingtoon- It was good seeing you again dude! I hope your comp gets fixed soon. :(

MDVA- Good **** to everyone that came. I hope to see you all again soon!

San- Bess Ike! ****in' Beast.

BigLou- Glad to have finally met you! Anytime you need anything let me know.

Jem- Too bad our team didn't win, huh? :( Glad to have met you.

That's all I can think of for now. Let me know if I missed you!


Smash Hero
Feb 18, 2008
New Jersey
Does this look right? Am i missing a character?

1st M2k+Ally==:metaknight:+:snake:
2nd NickRiddle+Shaky==:zerosuitsamus:+:ness2:
3rd Dojo+Gnes==:metaknight:+:diddy:
4th Havok+MikeHaze==:metaknight:+:marth:
5th Jem+RichBrown==:metaknight:+:olimar:
5th Tyrant+Dehf==:metaknight:+:falco:
The fact that you brought this up as an example and there happens to be a ness + zero suit team above all those other top level metaknight combinations disproves your point entirely.


Smash Legend
Feb 14, 2007
Chapel Hill, NC
i recorded losers finals but not grands or winners, i'll post losers up tonight

GREAT tournament, shoutouts later. steel samurai and i will be at apex if possible...so many things to work on. love you guys.


Smash Champion
Jul 31, 2003
It was haze's cp, and the first match was FD dude. I could see switching when ook picked Green greens, but he really didnt need to switch match two....
his marth lost to dk, 100% likely because he was impatient since that's how marth loses to dk, and then he went mk and won

problem being??


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
The fact that you brought this up as an example and there happens to be a ness + zero suit team above all those other top level metaknight combinations disproves your point entirely.
Dude, this one time there was a lawsuit about this power plant leaking radioactive **** into the water supply? They were all gettin' cancer and stuff, everyone in the town. This was like ALL OVER too, not just one power plant or town. It was huge. We went to court and then these guys from the power plant were like "you guys are ****in' noobs, look at this family, they don't have cancer!" and then brought some family that didn't have cancer into the court room. Boy was our face red, our point was totally not valid after that embarrassment.


Smash Hero
Feb 18, 2008
New Jersey
his marth lost to dk, 100% likely because he was impatient since that's how marth loses to dk, and then he went mk and won

problem being??
You dash too much.

Dude, this one time there was a lawsuit about this power plant leaking radioactive **** into the water supply? They were all gettin' cancer and stuff, everyone in the town. This was like ALL OVER too, not just one power plant or town. It was huge. We went to court and then these guys from the power plant were like "you guys are ****in' noobs, look at this family, they don't have cancer!" and then brought some family that didn't have cancer into the court room. Boy was our face red, our point was totally not valid after that embarrassment.
mmk, well u suck. k.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
This was a fun tournament. I have no shoutouts, I wrote a main page article for MLG instead.

Seibrik, send me your address.

Everyone that goes to MLG events: stop losing to Shakey. His Ness isn't anything super special, he's just a really good player playing Ness well. It's still Ness.

Dojo: Stop jumping and dairing at Ness when he's recovering. just fall and dair to gimp him. It works every time and he has nothing that can stop you except an air dodge, which is suicide for him.

Hell, that goes for everyone. I saw Shakey get out of easy gimp situations like a billion times and it made my blood pop out of my ear drums and I totally covered some kid to my right in blood. Just fall into Ness when he's giong to use his second jump and hit him with a move. He's so freaking floaty if he air dodges when he jumps, he's still vulnerable before he hits the ground. It's the easiest thing in the world and everyone treated him like he was a bomb that could explode people with his mind. that's only in the earthbound games. In Brawl he sucks.


Smash Hero
Feb 18, 2008
New Jersey
Yo not that I play brawl or anything, or give two ****s about its scene, but JESUS overswarm, Let the ****ing Ness main have his time in the sun, god****.
Yes ***ing **** the **** up Over****** and let the **** ****ing ness be **** praised. ***. Jesus ****ing christ.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
Yo not that I play brawl or anything, or give two ****s about its scene, but JESUS overswarm, Let the ****ing Ness main have his time in the sun, god****.
We obviously haven't met. I'm Overswarm.


Smash Master
Aug 21, 2006
Chicago/Ann Arbor
Everyone that goes to MLG events: stop losing to Shakey. His Ness isn't anything super special, he's just a really good player playing Ness well. It's still Ness.

Dojo: Stop jumping and dairing at Ness when he's recovering. just fall and dair to gimp him. It works every time and he has nothing that can stop you except an air dodge, which is suicide for him.

Hell, that goes for everyone. I saw Shakey get out of easy gimp situations like a billion times and it made my blood pop out of my ear drums and I totally covered some kid to my right in blood. Just fall into Ness when he's giong to use his second jump and hit him with a move. He's so freaking floaty if he air dodges when he jumps, he's still vulnerable before he hits the ground. It's the easiest thing in the world and everyone treated him like he was a bomb that could explode people with his mind. that's only in the earthbound games. In Brawl he sucks.
Everyone that plays Melee: stop losing to Taj. His Mewtwo isn't anything special, he's just a really good player playing Mewtwo well. It's still Mewtwo.

Forward: Stop jumping and dairing at Mewtwo when he's standing there. just shdl to beat him. It works every time and he has nothing that can stop you except an air dodge and powershielding, which is boring for him.

Hell, that goes for everyone. I saw Taj get out of easy combo situations like a billion times and it made my blood pop out of my ear drums and I totally covered some kid to my right in blood. Just hit Mewtwo when he's giong to use his second jump and hit him with a move. He's so freaking floaty if he air dodges when he jumps, he's still vulnerable before he hits the ground. It's the easiest thing in the world and everyone treated him like he was a bomb that could explode people with his mind. that's only in the pokemon games. In Melee he sucks.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 6, 2009
Home Run Contest Stadium
The verdict is in on whether Meta Knight should be BANNED in tournaments

The decision is to BAN..........

****MEW2KING**** He's obviously too Broken for Brawl [^ ^]


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
Everyone that plays Melee: stop losing to Taj. His Mewtwo isn't anything special, he's just a really good player playing Mewtwo well. It's still Mewtwo.

Forward: Stop jumping and dairing at Mewtwo when he's standing there. just shdl to beat him. It works every time and he has nothing that can stop you except an air dodge and powershielding, which is boring for him.

Hell, that goes for everyone. I saw Taj get out of easy combo situations like a billion times and it made my blood pop out of my ear drums and I totally covered some kid to my right in blood. Just hit Mewtwo when he's giong to use his second jump and hit him with a move. He's so freaking floaty if he air dodges when he jumps, he's still vulnerable before he hits the ground. It's the easiest thing in the world and everyone treated him like he was a bomb that could explode people with his mind. that's only in the pokemon games. In Melee he sucks.

Someone gets it.
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