If I have Voltaic Key out, I win if I get Time Vault down with 1 mana open. With Tezzeret, I need to wait another turn or already have Time Vault. Plus, Tezzeret is 3UU, while Voltaic Key needs only 2 colorless. Sometimes getting Tezzeret down is a pain and so is having to wait a turn. I'm considering running 2 though, just because he's blue.
This is very true I suppose.
Well, it lets me win off the bat with Gifts like 10% more often, plus you can Regrowth Ancestral Recall or Black Lotus for mana and stuff.
Regrowth? Yes, absolutely and I definitely see your point there. It's just Tarmogoyf that I'm iffy about. Also, when you said "transformational sideboard" I kind of interpreted it as meaning something ridiculous like "the other 3 scarecrows and 6 REBs" so I guess that's the main reason I reacted so adversely to it lol. I think the deck looks fine right now and the only legit concern I'd have with adding green for Regrowth is the effect it would have on the manabase. Of course if you don't see many Wastelands or Blood Moons that's not a problem.
The only thing janky about that SB imo is the crapload of bounce. Is the Thoughtseize not a Duress just because of Meddling Mage?
Ever played a combo deck against Stax? You NEED a lot of bounce lol. Now that I look at it again I may have gone a little overboard but I feel I do need at least 1 bounce spell for each casting cost (Chain for Chalice at 2, Hurkyl's for Chalice at 1, Rebuild for Trinisphere - though Chain is probably the least important here). I might cut a bounce spell or two for some Spirit Guides. And Thoughtseize is not in there for Meddling Mage, it's in there because I don't want to jeopardize the manabase to run Xantid Swarm against control or aggro control so I'm using Thoughtseize+Defense Grid (not that I don't like Xantid Swarm). Why would they name Duress with Mage anyway? Dark Ritual would be much more effective. Also, it's hard to run extra Duresses in the board when I have 4 in the main lol. But yeah, what I'm most concerned about with the SB is actually the Tormod's Crypts. I'm not sure if I need 3 but at the same time I don't want to go down to 2.
Good point. What's the Cleric list (although I really only care about T1)? Does it run the infinite life combo (still in Extended, right?)?
Technically the infinite life combo is still in extended but it relies almost exclusively on Daru Spiritualist and Miren the Moaning Well. There aren't really any redundant effects except for Lightning Greaves/Shuko. On top of that, Aether Vial is banned so you can't do any end of turn setups like you could in old extended. It also doesn't have the alternate win condition of Cephalid Illusionist+reanimation spell+Sutured Ghoul since all those rotated out. The combo is possible I guess but it's generally not worth it.
No, the deck I made is actually more like Ghost Dad than Life combo or a tribal Clerics deck. Here's the list:
Ghost Dad, Cleric Mom
Lands: 22
4 Flooded Strand
4 Godless Shrine
5 Plains
4 Polluted Delta
5 Swamp
Dudes: 24
4 Dark Confidant
3 Auriok Champion
3 Withered Wretch
3 Glowrider
4 Rotlung Reanimator
3 Orzhov Pontiff
4 Ghost Council of Orzhova
Spells: 14
3 Chrome Mox
4 Thoughtseize
4 Umezawa's Jitte
3 Smother
Shaky SB: 15
1 Auriok Champion
3 Tidehollow Sculler
2 Aven Mindcensor
1 Orzhov Pontiff
1 Smother
3 Terashi's Grasp
2 Slay
2 Persecute
I originally had Edgewalker in the list to enable plays like:
turn 1: Swamp, Thoughtseize
turn 2: Plains, Mox, Edgewalker
turn 3: Land, Champion (for 1 mana), Pontiff (for 1 mana), Glowrider (for 2 mana).
Two Glowriders also means that you can play nearly a third of the deck for free. However, if I drew it on its own with a small hand it wouldn't be very good, so it's really a "danger of cool things" deal. I guess I could always go back to it if I find the deck is too slow.
Anyway, for reference the Extended metagame is basically 4 deck types:
Blue control decks (including Tezzeret and traditional blue-based control)
Elf Combo (the big shock of the season)
Affinity is actually basically dead in Extended now since there's so much more hate for it than there is for Zoo. Personally, I think that Affinity wouldn't even return to total dominance if Disciple of the Vault was unbanned just because of the sheer amount of things that hate it.
Anyway, a lot of things in the Ghost Cleric deck are metagamed around those dominant decks. Auriok Champ is in there for Elves mostly but it also does decently against Zoo since the only non-red non-black creatures it runs are Nacatyl and Tarmogoyf, which both die to Smother. Withered Wretch also helps keep Tarmogoyf under control and it's a great 2-drop overall. Orzhov Pontiff kills all Elves and Faeries on sight and pumps your dudes for the final strike. Glowrider is a good surprise card since not many people will suspect
THE SPANISH INQUISITION Thorn of Amethyst.guy game 1, even though he comes out against everything but control decks and non-elf combo. Another notable thing to note is the synergy between Champion, Ghost Council, and Rotlung. You'll basically be gaining 3 life and getting more and more dudes every turn (of course when you factor in Dark Confidant it kind of evens out, but still).
Terashi's Grasp is in the board because Chalice of the Void has become very popular due to the influx of Elves (almost everything is 1cc) and Zoo (most of the cards are 1cc or 2cc) and I need something to take care of both Chalice at 1 and Chalice at 2. Unfortunately, BW isn't a good option for artifact destruction, so this is the best I can do for a reasonable cost. Tidehollow Sculler is Thoughtseize #5 thru 7 against control and also has synergy with Ghost Council. Aven Mindcensor is also good against control and it can come in against Zoo as well to mess with their fetchlands or against Elves to kill their Weird Harvests. Slay seems kind of random, but if you think about it the only creatures that you really want to kill are green. You could also use a little more draw in the Zoo matchup.
This deck is untested to the max though and even with moxen it might still be too slow to beat elves and too unstable to beat Zoo. Still, it's a decent attempt, right?