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Milk 1 Results


Smash Master
Apr 27, 2009
1: G$'s Marshmallow(Darc ($266.00)
2: Th0rn ($76.00)
3: PatG(Dazwa) ($38.00)
4: Banks
5: Irish Mafia
5: Zoso
7: Sol
7: Hayato
9: hero
9: Roman
9: SilentSOLAR
9: Phi****
13: Kyu Puff
13: eve
13: phantom
13: Sky
17: Jinjo
17: Ironchief
17: Proverbs
17: V
17: Fubudis
17: Twebb
17: Yeti
17: KevinM
25: Bino
25: Boxman
25: improbable
25: Mop
25: panzy
25: Spife
25: Hibiki
25: Deez
33: Icearrow
33: akc12
33: Almo
33: Majority
33: DarkDragoon
33: Shadowball
33: Mei

Top 3 may have split

good tournament guys, banks wtf at someone stealing your gps, were you parked at the library???

but yeeee sorry about not posting last night i was dranking

edit: doubs

1: Gmoney's Marshmallows (Darc and Dazwa) ($84.00)
2: Six Dirty ***** ($42.00)
3: Banks and Roman (Banks and Roman) ($14.00)
4: Resin (Ironchief and Hayato)
5: Team Roc
5: The Infamous Bad Guys (sol and bino)
7: Sex Money (Mafia and V)
7: The Tickets Are Now Diamonds (boxman and solar)
9: Swatcats (Proverbs and Deez)
9: Almo and Cog
9: KevinM and HaileyM (KevinM and HaileyM)
9: TWebb and KY
13: Cabot (majority and iceara)
13: MOPB&J


Heir to the Monado
Sep 20, 2005
Amherst, MA
What about teams broseph.

Top 2 split. I still won the set though :3

Also, shoutouts to that guy who kept on shaking people's hands.

The **** was up with that guy.


Smash Lord
Jan 16, 2003
Fall River, MA
1: G$'s Marshmallow(Darc) - kits too goot i cont tachi da baruun :(
2: Th0rn - we not got to puree-ingu it meree ;(
3: PatG(Dazwa) - i too not got puree maitii dazwario. :(
4: Banks - omg kit so fost i cont cotch em :( kit so goot 4 stock me so easily.
5: Irish Mafia - we not got play
5: Zoso - kit just 4 stocks me like its a toy :O kit is goot i shall be prepared for next time sir.
7: Sol - fun teams. we got lucky at the end. if it wasnt for my wes experience we probably get merk'd
7: Hayato - dis kit sacks.
9: hero - fun teams. scarey marf.. i suck againts marfs so thats why i avoided u alot in teams :)
9: Roman - we not gotch to play ;(
9: SilentSOLAR - fun friendlies lad
9: Phi**** - the game was suppose to be urs. that sd in the 2nd game i got really lucky :( i had to reformulate my plan for the 3rd game because my usual tactics didnt work on that ape :( kit is goot. glad to see the king kong back in the game.
13: Kyu Puff - goot games. sorry i had to switch to peach the 2nd game i was playing too much run away with shreik and its not fun. i also wanted to see if jones peach was passed on to me.
13: eve - you sure you want to pick luigi?
13: Sky - scary first game. i was totally caught by the slickness of fox. if you not choke, you would pwned me.
17: Jinjo - goot seee old face again son. we should pureeee sumooosh : D retsu maku e kanbaku!!!! ganbariiimashouuuu?!
17: Ironchief - goot teams i had fun and glad we got top 4 :)
17: Yeti - yooo there is a jam coming up next month... boston i think it is.. u down?!?! oh yeah i entered the 2v2 battle last night too with some little kit. we actually made it to the finals. :) except we lost cuz i suck. my power was drained by then.
17: KevinM - kit so goot, i cont beat em.
25: Boxman - i keep getting lucky vs jigglypop fan furenzuriiiizu.
25: Mop - i shall await our next encounter. you will beat me up. its been so long since i picked up samoose. it feels so refreshing :)
25: Spife - kits goooooooot
33: Almo - brawl? mm anyone in the room you will win :) i dong puree tatsu game enimo... ifu i do, i jasu piku shrek.

in alll i had fun. its been such long time since i puree smoosh meree in tournament scene but its refreshing raiku learning again! oiiii prawn ifu you launch mabaru vs kapukon 2, i will come along with my squadron : )


Smash Champion
Mar 25, 2007
Wilbraham, MA (Springfield)
I'm at work right now, so these will be skimpy

1: Darc - <3
2: Th0rn - good sheeeit
3: Dazwa - super <3
4: Banks - teams
5: Irish Mafia - impressive
5: Zoso - super duper <3
7: Sol - ***** me
7: Hayato - wish we played
9: hero - words cannot describe our love
9: Roman - marth T.T
9: SilentSOLAR - so + lar = pro
9: Phi**** - wish we played
13: Kyu Puff - lol
13: eve - wish we played
13: phantom - hope to see you more!
13: Sky - my baby
17: Jinjo - i swear i didn't recognize you cause you said you were jinjo but we never called you jinjo at pound >.> never again though, i promise!
17: Ironchief - we didn't play =( but i <3 you anyway
17: Proverbs - gotta fix your mentality LOL
17: V - samus in teams? lol i think i powershielded your charge shot in YO FACE!! lol
17: Twebb - close set, we need to play more
17: Yeti - heyyyy
17: KevinM - we didn't get to play but i heard you were super awful anyway lol
25: Boxman - we didn't play T.T i wove you though
25: Mop - <3 <3
25: panzy - should've introduced yourself to meeee, i woulda loved to play friendlies with you and introduce you to the scene
25: Spife - always a super pleasure to see you in general, everytime we play lately you're sheik has been getting leagues better so keep it up!!
33: DarkDragoon - HI NICK!!! lol we didn't get to play but you're the man anyway
33: Shadowball - we didn't play =*(
tall guy in the glasses at wpi - sorry i never got your name =( but you were pretty cool, keep working on that marth with MOP, i see potential in the both of you
prawn - great tourney, stop being selfish with the laptop when you're not even there xDD <3

Overall i had a lot of fun at this tourney except for getting pulled over for running a red light. Luckily the cop noticed the tv in my backseat, asked about it and i proceeded to tell him about smash. He was IMMENSELY interested about how we go about things and why we play and so we had an awesome, friendly conversation about it. I think because of my charm, I won him over and therefore only got a warning. <3

When is MILK 2?!?!

The Irish Mafia

Banned via Administration
Nov 19, 2008
cping you to Mute at a MDZ tourney
shoutout time

1: G$'s Marshmallow(Darc ($266.00): good stuff and whatnot.
2: Th0rn ($76.00): Didn't get to play but good ****. Saw you beat V with DK lol.
3: PatG(Dazwa) ($38.00): :U KIRBY VS FOX ON RC
4: Banks: Now on the Irish Mafia Tournament Hitlist.
5: Irish Mafia: Who is that Irish Mafia kid I've never heard of him but he's mad cute tho
5: Zoso: Didn't play you here. Next time.
7: Sol: INTENSE set. 1st match went right down to the wire.
7: Hayato: throwin cereal
9: hero: Great set. We'll have to play more.
9: Roman: Fun MM. :D im in bannana bread
9: SilentSOLAR: Didn't get to MM you here. Fun matches, though I didn't get to play peach.
9: Phish-it: We didn't play D:
13: Kyu Puff: Fun friendlies. lol peach IC's matchup
13: eve: We didn't play much but you seem cool.
13: phantom: who are you
13: Sky: Fun friendies. We'll have to play again soon.
17: Jinjo: Nice to meet you. Nice marth. Let's play again at Smash Fridays.
17: Ironchief: Didn't play you. Sorry to hear about the GPS.
17: Proverbs: Marth? lol, good stuff. Getting better everyday.
17: V: Teams were fun. Nice looking sheik you've got there.
17: Fubudis: EERISH MAIFIAH.
17: Twebb: We played, like, what, once? Nice to meet you.
17: Yedi: Nice set. I told you I learned the doc matchup. It involves him sding twice, appearantly. Let's play again soon.
17: KevinM: Nict hanging out with you. Fun teams set. I might head down to RI for some time, want to play smash if I do?
25: Bino: don't remember you, sorry
25: Boxman: good set, fun MM. Just work on the sheik.
25: improbable: Didn't play you.
25: Mop: pew pew pew. Fun match, didn't have time to play peach.
25: panzy: Nice fox. Hope to see you at upcoming tourneys.
25: Spife: NEEDLE NEEDLE NEEEEEEEEEEDLE BAIR BAIR BAIRRRRRR you ******. Nice MM. **** battlefield I thought you were going link D:
25: Hibiki: Don't think we met.
25: Deez: DEEZ NUTZ You'll **** them at SOTP
33: Icearrow: Good to see Melee's youth.
33: akc12: Didn't play gay enough
33: Almo: so it turns out bthrow nair shine doesn't work on me anymore. :D
33: Majority: We'll play sooner or later. Hope you enjoyed your first tourney.
33: DarkDragoon: mewtwo lololol fun matches. nice sheik. WHY WON'T THAT STUPID CAT THING DIE IT JUST KEEPS COMING BACK
33: Shadowball: I love how the two M2 players are both in last. Nice to see you, we'll play sometime.
33: Mei: Don't remember you, sorry.

Prawn: a most legit and bodacious tourney. Can't wait for another.


Smash Master
Apr 27, 2009
im looking into a new venue for milk 2, hopefully end of march or beginning of april. that way we can play til way later

Thank you all for coming and I hope you all enjoyed it

Kyu Puff

Smash Champion
Feb 22, 2007
1: G$'s Marshmallow(Darc ($266.00) -- good job darkck
2: Th0rn ($76.00) -- we didn't play :mad:
3: PatG(Dazwa) ($38.00) -- you're still so good, keep playing melee
4: Banks -- good game, hopefully we'll play more next time
5: Irish Mafia -- next time i'll beat hero and then knock you out, nice placing though
5: Zoso -- ggs, i like playing your marth even though you think it ***** me
7: Hayato -- nice games in tournament, i wanna play next week but i'm busy on saturday
9: hero -- ggs in tournament, you adapt really well
9: Roman -- w/e
9: SilentSOLAR -- we didn't play, silent + solar = pro?
9: Phi**** -- fun ganon dittos
13: Kyu Puff -- poop
13: eve -- you play luigi and marth
17: Ironchief -- ggs and nice seeing you, play more ics! :p
17: Twebb -- now we've played 4 games
17: Yeti -- hi
17: KevinM -- we didn't play :(
25: Boxman -- fun friendlies, more fox less jigglypuff
25: Mop -- you're getting a lot better
25: Spife -- now we haven't played in 5 years
25: Hibiki -- ggs, keep coming to tournaments
33: DarkDragoon -- thanks a ton for having that smashfest, hope we didn't disturb the other people in your dorm too much

prawn: thanks for holding the tourney, it ran really smoothly


Smash Lord
Nov 24, 2007
Lincoln MA
Overall i had a lot of fun at this tourney except for getting pulled over for running a red light. Luckily the cop noticed the tv in my backseat, asked about it and i proceeded to tell him about smash. He was IMMENSELY interested about how we go about things and why we play and so we had an awesome, friendly conversation about it. I think because of my charm, I won him over and therefore only got a warning. <3
Good **** Roman

Will brackets be uploaded?


Smash Journeyman
Sep 16, 2008
United States
lol you guys should have just arranged 1 tourney with nacho, would have had like 60+ attendees


Smash Master
Apr 27, 2009
**** brackets are on my friends computer,

i'll get them today and post them here tonight.

sorry bout that


Smash Master
Apr 27, 2009
Double post cause i love post counts LAWL

Firstly I would like to thank ALL of you for having confidence in an extremely new face to your scene to run a tournament for you. Although I think I'll always play brawl I'm incredibly excited in improving my skill at melee(which, after the tournament I played for 6+ hours with friends, and am improving my Falco and Falcon incredibly fast, yeahyuz) and I look forward to hosting/attending many more tournaments.

Looking at recent melee results threads(excluding pound 4) it looks like tournament attendence isn't exactly skyrocketing everywhere, but here we managed to a have an incredibly nice sized tournament in a small amount of time.

I'm getting a GREAT new venue that will allow us to have a tournament from 9 or 10 am to maybe even 12 pm

So yeah thanks.


1: G$'s Marshmallow(Darc ($266.00) - too good. thanks for helping me with seeding. I cant believe you guys got there that early from maine
2: Th0rn ($76.00) - I'm really disappointed I didn't get to see you play more.
3: PatG(Dazwa) ($38.00) - You weren't even gonna enter singles lol
4: Banks - also didn't get to see you play much.
5: Irish Mafia - LOLLLL you **** too hard bro lol. I wanna be in that ****in crew.
5: Zoso - Even though you thought you didn't do well this tournament, you completely inspired me to pick up falco who might even be my main at this point, so thanks.
7: Sol - called your name a whole bunch of times lol
7: Hayato - return of hayato is epic
9: hero - i dont think people even knew who you were really, but you were ******. good ****
9: Roman - do better scroooob.
9: SilentSOLAR - first kid that walked in the door, ***** all day, yee
9: Phi**** - people were saying you had this crazy DK but i didnt see it? idk
13: Kyu Puff - melee ics aint viable sonnnn
13: eve - saw you around a bit, what up
13: phantom - you looked mad nervous for some reason lol
13: Sky - talked to you a bit
17: Jinjo - called your name a lot too i think lol
17: Ironchief - doing work in dubz i see.
17: Proverbs - im loving falcon a lot now. we have to ditto A LOT next tournament/smashfest
17: V - chill kid for sure
17: Fubudis - best name award
17: Yeti - 4 STOCKED BY MAF LOOOL. seriously though he'll never let you live that down it sucks.
17: KevinM - you can do better I think wtfz get your girl to give you back massages while playing I bet you'd ****
25: Bino - saw you around a bit
25: Boxman - mad chill kid, GET ***** BY MAF LOLOLOL, also yugioh sucks
25: improbable - played you a bit
25: Mop - broken arm? more like no johns.
25: panzy - first tournament for you right? if so come to more!
25: Spife - you can do better, wtf at losing on your cp dont choke game 3 i had/have the same problem in brawl(lol bawrl)
25: Hibiki - john michaell, sup
25: Deez - *********
33: Icearrow - nice to see you there
33: akc12 - didnt play
33: Almo - lol almo you can do betttttttter.
33: Majority - dont really remember you im sorry
33: DarkDragoon - not from starcraft.
33: Shadowball - More like "Shadow Ball 'o' Johns"
33: Mei - its may, not me.


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2006
Quincy, MA
1: G$'s Marshmallow(Darc ($266.00)
2: Th0rn ($76.00)
3: PatG(Dazwa) ($38.00)
4: Banks
5: Irish Mafia
5: Zoso
7: Sol
7: Hayato
9: hero
9: Roman


Hero 13

Smash Apprentice
Jan 29, 2007
Lawrence, MA
1: G$'s Marshmallow(Darc ($266.00)- good **** darc..you really are that **** good; also ur a cool guy
2: Th0rn ($76.00): ur falco is still beast bro stay ******
3: PatG(Dazwa) ($38.00): your fox was really fun to pleh in team friendlies
4: Banks: haha your sheik is still on point man always a pleasure to pleh against
5: Irish Mafia: good stuff in our set bro..didnt expect to lose
5: Zoso: we didnt pleh once !!!! it was good seeing you again tho
7: Hayato: it was fun plehing you in teams
9: Roman: good **** in tourny bro; loving the fox
13: Kyu Puff: good **** in tourny man, ice climbers so weird lol
13: phantom: just go to more tournies homo
13: Sky: get patient homo
17: Jinjo: ur marths awesome..i suck at the ditto..so i hada go easy mode fox sorry haha
17: Twebb: ur a hella cool guy son.. had fun in friendlies and good **** in doubles
17: KevinM: u were hella good.. not very fun to start off the tourny with
25: Spife: hella cool guy..sheik hella gay tho and next time..please no coins lol

To all of Mass : Slowly but surely mass is getting better and more on the scene...we've gotten alot better and I'm sure as good as maine is they aren't going to stay that dominant for long so we definitely gotta step our game up and pretty soon we gonna be runnin shizzz


Smash Hero
Feb 17, 2005
Maine (NSG)
1: G$'s Marshmallow(Darc ($266.00) - good games minus the resting, which basically were the whole games
2: Th0rn ($76.00) - nice bro good stuff bro nice pillowcase
3: PatG(Dazwa) ($38.00) - lol sheik dittos, gaytastic etc etc. i was actually hoping you'd go fox and when you went sheik i was all "o boy dis gon be pretty gay"
4: Banks - dat was pretty gay. nice job almost getting money
5: Irish Mafia - **** brah good stuff rapin. our matches were interesting, if you avoid fair/bair spamming a bit better i may have gotten yedi'd* **this term is copyrighted
5: Zoso - good close set, altho lol @ falco vs fox second game. last game was seizure inducingly down to the last hitbawkz
7: Sol - another good set, the fox scared me. good to see you after some time, you guys are all still good
7: Hayato - KITS SO GOOT, nice one game =p. good job on teams and singles
9: hero - wow u got better, and your marth is **** now. good thing sheik buttcounters marth =p
9: Roman - <3Teams! well we did as well as we hoped to do, altho not as well as we dreamed! maybe some other time when we calculate some strats
9: SilentSOLAR - yayuhz the SILENT solar! nice traveling with you once again, good times except for the frigid trek home
9: Phi**** - didn't get to play you this time, but i would have been scared to see which of your various characters you would have chosen
13: Kyu Puff - good friendlies, icies **** stuff
13: eve - good to see you at a tournament again, altho we didn't get to play =(
13: phantom - good stuff in teams!
13: Sky - man we didn't play, next time we must!
17: Jinjo - enjoy cancun lol, good stuff at the tournament. next smashfest i'll def text you up broseph
17: Ironchief - nice traveling with you, sucks about the GPS hardcore, but minus that this was a very good time
17: Proverbs - don't think i got to play you
17: V - your sheik is very good, keep it up
17: Fubudis - don't know if i played you
17: Twebb - yay we finally got to play, your fox is nice, hopefully we get a few games in next time
17: Yeti - 4 stocked by mafia? well 4 stock him back to redeem yourself!
17: KevinM - sucks you weren't playing as you'd hoped, but theres always a next time, and you play like 4 chars so u can just switch it up
25: Bino - good games in teams, nice to see someone play samus and not fox/falco/sheik like 90% of this tournament
25: Boxman - puff n stuff! whip out da fox and practice techz
25: improbable - nice playing with you at WPI, you are on your way to getting a lot better, you are pretty solid already
25: Mop - yea u did get a lot better, just work on not suiciding =p
25: panzy - nice to meet you, you are a very solid player for someone who hasn't been to tournaments before. I can see you getting very good if you practice and go to more events
25: Spife - nice playing you, your sheik is def beast you just need to get more efficient at gayness
25: Hibiki - not sure if i played you
25: Deez - nice to see a fellow mainer up at these tournies, even if u do go to school in mass =p. keep that ganon falcon action going
33: Icearrow - i didn't get to play you, but it is nice to see younger people playing melee. NEVER SWITCH TO BRAWL
33: akc12 - didn't get to play you i don't think
33: Almo - nice to see you back at melee even though i know you preferred brawl at one point. your fox is pretty good, you did well in teams, i think if you just get more consistent technical skill etc you will find yourself doing even better
33: Majority - not sure if i played you
33: DarkDragoon - nick thanks for letting us all go to WPI again and helping out with the car situation. even tho we didn't play at this it was nice to see you again
33: Shadowball - good games towards the beginning of the tournament, even tho you probly were warming up. just keep at trying to make one of your characters as good as your mewtwo!
33: Mei - not sure if i played you
cogsmooooch: loving the beard! good games at the beginning, i'm glad to be one of the few who could play you before you vanished in a cloud of smoke after throwing down a ninjabomb
ky: good friendlies, you are still good even after not playing, sucks that you didn't enter singles
haileyM: i herd you became the marth slayer at this

anyone else who didn't enter that i have failed to remember, good games if we played, nice to see you if we didn't


Smash Master
Sep 15, 2007
*sucks on teeth*
all I can say is I'll probably not be traveling much at all till I get a job. At least I didn't go link in brackets/mm's :bee:
What evs, shouties later.
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