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Milk 1 Results


Smash Lord
Nov 24, 2007
Lincoln MA
edited to remove the most creepy sentence I've ever written
LOL I love MA.

Good **** Maf finally stepping it up. Way to be mature about ur stellar performance too I was expecting Pound 3 style bragging
Look forward to seeing more improvement from all of MA


TB12 TB12 TB12
Jan 30, 2007
Sickboi in the 401
Th0rn, I'm a jealous scrub, and I just want to live with Maine so I act even more jealous in hopes you guys will just feel so bad you'll take me in to live with all of you. ;)

Is that ok?

Falco (MOP)

Smash Journeyman
May 18, 2008
Buckhead, ATL
MOP comin' in with the shout-outs fool's. Get ready, aaaaand... GO!

1: Darc - Daddy Darc! Was good to see you and the crew again. Keep working on that jigglypuff, one day you'll be as good as I am :p:p
2: Th0rn - I got blood on my hands now, boi. I have yet to take more than 2 stocks off of you. My goal is to make this change >:3
3: PatG - Good to see you back in the scene daz, friendly me sometime eh?!
4: Banks - SUP B. 1$ madness OMGGGGG... where'd my money go :(. Good ****, thank's for the mentoring AKA the ***-whooping :D
5: Irish Mafia - Sup IM, your Falco is trash, that is all :3.
5: Zoso - MIND READER! Ugh... good **** man, you rocked me :S
7: Sol - Was nice MMing you, your ganon was fun XD
7: Hayato - GOD... Never have I gotten someone to one stock so many times and just lost every **** one, you sandbagging fool :D. Good games Hayato, that samus is deadly.
9: hero - Didn't get to play you, but I heard good things, maybe next time.
9: Roman - The ride to WPI was one I won't forget, hopefully I'll see you at No Johns this weekend. I had your fox by the nuts with my jiggs for a while... I'll need to remember my spinach next time so I can keep it up :D.
9: SilentSOLAR - ACHHHH 3RD GAME 1 STOCK 98% BAPSODFJIP. Haha, good **** Solar, glad we got to chill :3. That Pe'cha was too good for me :(.
9: Phi**** - ?
13: Kyu Puff - I didn't think I'd do as well as I did against you, IC's are a good match for me. We'll play again Kyu, we had good times :).
13: eve - ?
13: phantom - ?
13: Sky - ?
17: Jinjo - ?
- Just kidding marc, calm down :D. Thanks for coming to Nate's to practice even though MOPB&J got DEAD LAST XD WTF. I thought we did pretty good... oh well lol. Good marth, chill with the fox for a little, don't main him just yet ;P.
17: Ironchief - Sup. Sorry about the car... I saw you had some skittles on the dashboard and couldn't control myself :3. I'm sorry, that's not funny >.<. Good playin', I did much better this time eh? ;). Will see you around homie.
17: Proverbs - Fun teaming against you haha.
17: V - Jeez... Didn't think I'd get KO'd from the losers bracket so easily, you thrashed me dude, good gaming o.O.
17: Fubudis - ?
17: Twebb - T WEBBBBBBB we definitely did not hang out enough! It's because your fox has surpassed my Falco :(. Lol, next time I expect us to chill! That fox is just too good for me now, can't lay a finger on it :(!
17: Yeti - Thanks for the help with the Falco, your advice is extremely helpful!
17: KevinM - Was nice to meet you, we should play sometime eh?
25: Bino - ?
25: Boxman - Sup Dazw... I mean boxman! I enjoyed the like 2 games we played XD, good stuff.
25: improbable - See you at lunch? XD
25: Mop - It's the arm man, just keep telling yourself that :psycho:
25: panzy - Was nice to meet you! Keep up with the tournament scene you hussla', you're a lot better than you might think, and you've got some serious potential.
25: Spife - DUDE. Thanks for the ride back, I love you unconditionally :333 Also, you got 0-2'd as well? I feel less bad now hahahaha.
25: Hibiki - ?
25: Deez - Nuts (sorry...)
33: Icearrow - ?
33: akc12 - ?
33: Almo - Hope you had fun almo ^.^ we should play sometime
33: Majority - The above goes to you Maj.
33: DarkDragoon - **** holmes, good **** :)
33: Shadowball - Didnt play ya' this time 'round, maybe next time
33: Mei - ?

P.S - Good tournament, one of the better venue's I've been to. I can't wait until the next event!!!! BE THERE OR BE SQUAREEEEE.


Smash Ace
Jul 14, 2007
Almo: we weren't terrible! lol. your fox was doing pretty rad for all that rust haha. bracket johns?
yeah we did better than i expected. i was really pleased with game 2 vs. banks and roman. and i wouldn't say bracket johns since yeti got 17th and so did V. I would blame it more on warmup johns before singles. Regardless, i just have to step it up. I might make SOTP so i'll try harder there. We should team again and see if it works haha


Smash Master
Jul 9, 2007
On my 5th 4 Loko and still ****** you.
Otg I was winning until I sd'd my last stock because I didn't know I dj'd. Johns and whatnot, but I've improved since rom2 and I really don't think the outcome of that MM is relevant anymore. If Jona would like to MM again, I'd be happy. He's a blast to play.
MAF I was just trolling you, I know you're good. I wouldn't doubt that you beat PC Jona, he's garbage.


Smash Ace
Jul 14, 2007
Ah I meant teams bracket johns. And yeah I'd be down for teaming at sotp.
lol oh yeah major bracket johns. banks and roman 1st round and then the unknown team roc who got 5th.

and cool, we'll wreck next time since i've played within the last month XD

The Bino

Smash Lord
Nov 28, 2005
Poughkeepsie, New York (Upstate)
Dazwa - Ur welcome for that dolla lol, ur sheik was ****** just too hard on us.

Banks - I went all Samus in teams and mixed in Fox and Sheik with her in singles since i kept messing up too much with her.

Jinjo - I think i would've had u had i not sd'ed on my last life. Who lives into the mid 200s with Samus on Brinstar. Good games though, we def gotta play again at another tourney

I just didn't play friendly's with anyone and that was due to me being extremely tired and wanted nothing to do but just sleep after we came back from our lunch, that was from partying the night prior, won't do that again. Next time ill be doing friendlies with plenty of people, but for those that i played GGs

The top things that happened that were hilarious to me and the rest of AE that came :

(All of these are real quotes too)

"It could've been beautiful"
"Look at all that moneys"
"Who does your hair?"
"Whose your breast friends?"
"I wanna get banged by Michael Jackson"
"I don't wanna touch your business"
"I wanna touch Macko's small dane"

all of that was by one person too, he's just too funny

And whomever gave the hairy full moon - for shame!!!!


Smash Master
Apr 27, 2009
oh btw guys im booking a new venue and I'm either gonna run a brawl and melee tournament or just a melee one end of march/beginning of april

you guise are too goot.

wWw Dazwa

Feb 23, 2006
CogSmooch - Seeing you briefly was nice, it's been awhile, but sucks it had to be brief :( Thanks for prophesizing my good-doing!

Shadow Huan

Smash Champion
Oct 31, 2008
Springfield, MA
I'm at work right now, so these will be skimpy

1: Darc - <3
2: Th0rn - good sheeeit
3: Dazwa - super <3
4: Banks - teams
5: Irish Mafia - impressive
5: Zoso - super duper <3
7: Sol - ***** me
7: Hayato - wish we played
9: hero - words cannot describe our love
9: Roman - marth T.T
9: SilentSOLAR - so + lar = pro
9: Phi**** - wish we played
13: Kyu Puff - lol
13: eve - wish we played
13: phantom - hope to see you more!
13: Sky - my baby
17: Jinjo - i swear i didn't recognize you cause you said you were jinjo but we never called you jinjo at pound >.> never again though, i promise!
17: Ironchief - we didn't play =( but i <3 you anyway
17: Proverbs - gotta fix your mentality LOL
17: V - samus in teams? lol i think i powershielded your charge shot in YO FACE!! lol
17: Twebb - close set, we need to play more
17: Yeti - heyyyy
17: KevinM - we didn't get to play but i heard you were super awful anyway lol
25: Boxman - we didn't play T.T i wove you though
25: Mop - <3 <3
25: panzy - should've introduced yourself to meeee, i woulda loved to play friendlies with you and introduce you to the scene
25: Spife - always a super pleasure to see you in general, everytime we play lately you're sheik has been getting leagues better so keep it up!!
33: DarkDragoon - HI NICK!!! lol we didn't get to play but you're the man anyway
33: Shadowball - we didn't play =*(
tall guy in the glasses at wpi - sorry i never got your name =( but you were pretty cool, keep working on that marth with MOP, i see potential in the both of you
prawn - great tourney, stop being selfish with the laptop when you're not even there xDD <3

Overall i had a lot of fun at this tourney except for getting pulled over for running a red light. Luckily the cop noticed the tv in my backseat, asked about it and i proceeded to tell him about smash. He was IMMENSELY interested about how we go about things and why we play and so we had an awesome, friendly conversation about it. I think because of my charm, I won him over and therefore only got a warning. <3

When is MILK 2?!?!
lol @ the cop stories, you charmer you. =P

we didn't play cause you had good players to play with. when you have time give me a ring and we can play. I work till 4 all week 'cept wensday, when I work 4:30 A.M. till 1. I wanna spar! =D

shoutout time
33: Shadowball: I love how the two M2 players are both in last. Nice to see you, we'll play sometime.
i played Mewtwo once. i played marth once, ganon once and sheik once. maybe this is why i placed so low, or maybe it's cause i don't play humans much anymore.

33: Shadowball - More like "Shadow Ball 'o' Johns"
didn't I beat your marth with mewtwo? yeah i thought so. :p :psycho:

33: Shadowball - good games towards the beginning of the tournament, even tho you probly were warming up. just keep at trying to make one of your characters as good as your mewtwo!

haileyM: i herd you became the marth slayer at this
we needed to play later on, i was actually winning with my Falcon, which you utterly *****. apparently my warm-up time is something like 4 hours. >_< pathetic isn't it? i like to be able to compete at least a little bit, it frustrates me.

and haileyM didn't play my marth, so she can't claim that title in its entirty. that would be a fun set tho.

DarkDragoon, Shadowball - MEWTWO VS YOUNG LINK, OR KIRBY, THIS **** IS ON
as far as i go; any time. that'd be interesting.

Yes, faces will be wrecked.

I forgot to shoutout Shadowball... ggz.
yes. your shoutout goes here. fun Peach ditto, good win at the end on your part, I got greedy lol. my marth will show his face next time k?

i shoutouted shadowball

get at me
I know! *tears* <3 Roman.

okay my shouties! (These only go to people I played or talked to lol.)

MOP. keep your name.

the new kid. you placed above me WTF? also I'm in awe of your ledgeteching... you keep practicing you'll be the next ken. no kidding.

Banks. yeah the matches were okay. I need to play you after I've warmed up so I can compete a little bit.

Majority. Interesting that you play Luigi; wasn't enough to beat me more than once, but interesting. spar with you bro and keep going to tournies. <3

improbable. you placed above me too. *shakes fist*

icearrow. lazer more and learn some shine combos, you have much potential.

Maf: good ****, even if I didn't praise you enough in person; don't want you to get a swelled head. it's unhealthy. we need to play.

Spife: awesome friendlies as usual. that marth of yours will fall to mine if we ever play for real. even if it's not the first time, it will happen! also LOL @ the transform magnifier thing. so strange.

Phantom. next time i'm going all Marth. you may not get so lucky. you're crazy good but didn't seem to know the match-up very well.

Desil. the sheik match was terrible playing on my part, but the Ganon ditto was the most fun i have had in tourny in a long time. good job pulling the win that match, it could've gone either way. we should play again.

Almo: our friendlies were full of so many strange things i can't recall any of them. i'm gonna beat you you know. ;)

DD. i warned you that i'm REALLY bad @ M2 dittos. as I said in person, your Mewtwo is really good, and drastically different from mine. also you will wanna go Sheik in tourny if we ever play, because my Marth is a Mewtwo bane (Something I also warned you. rotfl) we should play sometime. gotta learn M2 on M2.

Prawn. NO YOU. :laugh:

that's all I've got time for. Roman and Cog got their shouties in the earlier quotes. i know I missed people but will edit them in soon.

#HBC | Mac

Nobody loves me
Dec 5, 2005
You realize that Ice Arrow and Majority tied with you and aren't placed above you right? And for some reason, I doubt you are better than improbable. I hope you realize posting that kind of crap is really dumb.


Smash Champion
Jul 7, 2003
bolded are the people that i'm better than that are ranked higher than me in here. icearrow can't even fricken wavedash or dashdance. (He's just a begginer tho. a good beginnner. =D ) there was also that kid in the orange jacket (Sky maybe? i don't remember his name) that out of the like 35 matches we played it was 30-5 shadowball.
What were you trying to accomplish by posting this?

Also, I can guarantee that you didn't beat Sky in 30/35 games.


Smash Hero
Feb 17, 2005
Maine (NSG)
you actually tied with icearrow , the order in which tied placers (5th onward up to 33rd in this case) placers are listed is irrelevant

Kyu Puff

Smash Champion
Feb 22, 2007
bolded are the people that i'm better than that are ranked higher than me in here. icearrow can't even fricken wavedash or dashdance. (He's just a begginer tho. a good beginnner. =D ) there was also that kid in the orange jacket (Sky maybe? i don't remember his name) that out of the like 35 matches we played it was 30-5 shadowball. WTF? / johning. i'll have nice things to say in my shouties. :bee:
I guess I'll point out that every 33rd placed the same, the order doesn't mean anything. And Sky is good, you're probably thinking of someone else.

edit -- okay banks

edit -- okay yedi and zoso

Shadow Huan

Smash Champion
Oct 31, 2008
Springfield, MA
What were you trying to accomplish by posting this?

Also, I can guarantee that you didn't beat Sky in 30/35 games.
LOL @ the quad post. okay okay i'll edit that out whatever. no worries.

I said it was "MAYBE" Sky i don't remember the kids name. Come to think of it...is sky is the dude who plays the green Marth/Fox?

EDIT: yes Yedi i'm better than improbable. ask him he'll tell you. maybe MOP will back me up here... probably not. oh well last place get at me I'm pro. :colorful:


Smash Lord
Nov 24, 2007
Lincoln MA
Could you keep your posts less quote-heavy please? Takes up two or three screens just to scroll thru each time you post. Also agree with the others.

Hero 13

Smash Apprentice
Jan 29, 2007
Lawrence, MA
sky only plays fox.. and he wasnt wearing an orange jacket..he has sexi long hair..idt you got the right guy shadowball


Smash Lord
Nov 24, 2007
Lincoln MA
EDIT: yes Yedi i'm better than improbable. ask him he'll tell you.
That's improbable.

LOL it had to be done.
Also I agreed with the quadruple post. Nothing against your personal character (heck I barely know you outside of forums), but you post some really stupid things sometimes, and while your intentions are good, I think it would benefit you to look over what you type before sending it, because people often get the wrong messages.

Shadow Huan

Smash Champion
Oct 31, 2008
Springfield, MA
@ Maf i played Majority. lots of potential.

@ everyone else: whatever, at least I'm not saying I'm better than Darc or something. whatever okay? I'm dropping it.

EDIT: LOL @ Dudutsai's pun. LOL!

double EDIT double post GAK! sorry.

Shadow Huan

Smash Champion
Oct 31, 2008
Springfield, MA
Darc we didn't play! someone else had to **** my characters! I felt empty. <3

you won (again) TOO PRO! teach me the ways of the puff sometime. I'd play you constantly if we didn't live like 300 miles apart.

*goes back to watching Freakazoid*


Smash Hero
Feb 17, 2005
Maine (NSG)
i don't think so, he beats me more times than not, and it was very close

and dazwa is really **** good still, altho i didn't get to watch their set


Smash Hero
Jun 4, 2006
Upstate NY
did anyone else know that i four stocked th0rn's yoshi? just wanted to let everyone else know


darc- gj
thorn- you will beat him
banks- whats your record v your brother in tournament?
roman- yooo nice dude. got out of that ticket. i just got one for not wearing a seatbelt =(


Smash Hero
Feb 17, 2005
Maine (NSG)
sometimes i take off games, but i have never beaten him in a set*, so zero tournament win ratio. but except for smaller tournaments brothers (darc/dazwa ; me/th0rn) are seperated enough that we don't have to play each other too much

*i did actually win a set in a low tier tournament, pikachu vs yoshi. in 2007 i believe

this probably counts for a lot

Falco (MOP)

Smash Journeyman
May 18, 2008
Buckhead, ATL
LOL @ the quad post. okay okay i'll edit that out whatever. no worries.

I said it was "MAYBE" Sky i don't remember the kids name. Come to think of it...is sky is the dude who plays the green Marth/Fox?

EDIT: yes Yedi i'm better than improbable. ask him he'll tell you. maybe MOP will back me up here... probably not. oh well last place get at me I'm pro. :colorful:
What? Let's not get into a pissing contest here, but Nate's marth could surely trump yours SB... And your mewtwo, sorry :\, I mean he's not great, but he's been playing competitively for like 3 months and he's already starting to do well in tournaments. If Nate told you you were better than him he might have just been being polite, idk, but I can't back you up on that claim, im sorry.


Edit: I posted this immediately, not reading the other anti SB posts... sorry to beat a dead horse guys o.O
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