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Milk 1 Results

Shadow Huan

Smash Champion
Oct 31, 2008
Springfield, MA
Shadowball. Just pull a Spife. Start maining Sheik and call him Mewtwo. Best solution ever!
i lost to Desil's Ganon with Sheik. (Tech chases were *******ted up on my part, and i got punished very very hard for it.) i did better in the Ganon ditto next match, and he pulled a win on the last stock @ high (?) percents. it was actually a very enjoyable match even though I lost.

besides I don't main Mewtwo I main Marth, I've only said so like a jillion times. :laugh::chuckle::lick:

i got lucky in this tournament placing 7th. after reviewing the play. it is concluded that half the people that placed below me are way better than i :O makes me want to train harder now..
who were you? did we play?

EDIT: I didn't say so in my shouties, but Prawn did a very good job running this. very pro.

Also I played Phish-it at some point... I have no idea who he was though. >_< lots of people beat the crud outta me here lmao.

If i make it to the next one i'll have practiced so long as I remedy my Z button breakage. (I use it to grab so it's kinda important.)

Shadow Huan

Smash Champion
Oct 31, 2008
Springfield, MA
I know :rotfl: but its less stressful that way. i can play seriously without playing for money. in fact i prefer it that way. i don't understand the mindset behind the "I have to be playing for money to play for reals" thing.

Buuuuutttttt that's just me.


Smash Master
Sep 15, 2007
Assuming you want to get better, the idea is you eventually get good enough where money is on the line in tournament matches. You need to be able to play your best no matter what, when it's required. This is why we MM, to condition our selves to succeed when playing a set that money is to be had for the winner.
Or to get serious matches out of peeps.

Shadow Huan

Smash Champion
Oct 31, 2008
Springfield, MA
Assuming you want to get better, the idea is you eventually get good enough where money is on the line in tournament matches. You need to be able to play your best no matter what, when it's required. This is why we MM, to condition our selves to succeed when playing a set that money is to be had for the winner.
Or to get serious matches out of peeps.
moonspeak to me. :laugh:

naw I gotcha, it's still dumb to me. if they're your peeps why can't they play seriously when its not for money??? but like I said, that's me. :dizzy:

Don't bother trying to explian it any further. I'm a lost cause. *shakes fist @ Maf.* sandbagger <3 Maf. :bee: ;) (LMAO @ dragging Maf's name into it for no reason. GOD I'm tired)

also new avatar; you think ppl will stop telling me to stop maining Mewtwo when I don't? i like it too. (Took a long time to find that pic.)

Shadow Huan

Smash Champion
Oct 31, 2008
Springfield, MA
with the star above his shoulder. :laugh:

actually i don't see it... how does the Sheild Breaker charging pose look like attempted suicide? :ohwell:

you get an epic candy bar... i love snickers. *mmmmmmmmm*


Smash Lord
Jan 16, 2003
Fall River, MA
i was one of the few asian kits there. i played sheik. mostly. i teamed wisu ironchief ;o i also play serious in all my matches :o i never sandbag. not even againts alittle kid. i guess i got that from doing bboy battles where its like do or die situation.

Greene Archer

Smash Ace
Sep 16, 2007
Troy, NY
Lol hayato, you sandbagged vs me in tourney a while back.

Shadowball, level up big time between tourneys, so you surprise people when you play them, and then they'll play seriously. True story.

The Irish Mafia

Banned via Administration
Nov 19, 2008
cping you to Mute at a MDZ tourney
I don't intentionally sandbag friendlys, but i think most smashers know that going all out in every match can be quite taxing mentally. Plus i think chaingrabbing/waveshining/shinespikes/other unbreakable combos are boring and bad sportsmanship. I see no reason to make a friendly boring. If pride/money/tournament placing is on the line, then I will stop at nothing.

wWw Dazwa

Feb 23, 2006
KDJ **** right thur
"I go through life with no apology.
That said, let's have a money match."

it's from his AiB profile :o

If pride/money/tournament placing is on the line, then I will stop at nothing.
It's true, you took a Kirby to Rainbow Cruise and switched to Fox.

You also stopped :laugh:

lol, maybe one day I'll forget about this, but I probably won't.


Smash Master
Sep 15, 2007
this is like a pof post...

also unbreakable combos is like saying moist water
agreed on the first part. If you're not good at chaingrabbing, practicing on people who will DI differently is a good way to learn.

Unbreakable combos =/= moist water, water can't be moist :embarrass
also this isn't a normal 2d fighter, you can get out of a lot more combos. Unbeatable bnb's on the other hand...


Smash Lord
Nov 24, 2007
Lincoln MA
I consider it a challenge, and a favor when people go all out against me in friendlies. What's the point of playing friendlies to improve if you only get better against people who don't try their hardest to win?
You're just going to get ended up getting destroyed in tournament when it matters, and people camp hard.


Apr 23, 2005
Roman I'm referring to unbearably gay combos.

Also camping. I don't like camping in friendlys and I hate being camped. if all you're going to do is run away and shoot lazers then I might as well not play.
So you'd rather no one improve while you play? By not playing "gay" you're not giving people the experience they need to learn how to beat the strategy's. You're also not practicing them yourself and thus stunting your own growth as you can learn new ways to do things and different strings. Essentially you're wasting everyone's time.

It's like playing Isai in first round pools except in your case you wouldn't advance. >.>

#HBC | Mac

Nobody loves me
Dec 5, 2005
owm has the best sig ive ever seen on smashboards

i think this is like my 4th time saying this

PK Webb

Smash Champion
Dec 24, 2007
the lab
But ur a peach right irish???? Fox has got to lazer to win cuz if we miss a l cancel and shine (but the shine never comes) we eat 40% dirty skirt dsmash...friendlies are practices for the real thing so u gotta practice being gay somewhere

Greene Archer

Smash Ace
Sep 16, 2007
Troy, NY
You can also practice doing things that aren't necessarily safe, which would be not-camping. Playing differently in friendlies to practice things you won't get a chance to practice in a tournament setting without getting your butt handed to you is important also.

And no one likes to play against camping. Why ruin it for the other person when nothing is on the line? I've had a lot of experience with this lately, and seriously, people who camp hard in friendlies just make you want to quit.

True story: My roommate plays the campiest peach I've ever seen. Matches take upwards of 5 minutes for a single 4-stock match. He'll punish almost every approach, and never approach himself. I'll play 3 matches before getting so bored I ragequit and go do something else. Friendlies should never be like this. EVER.


Smash Lord
Nov 24, 2007
Lincoln MA
My god questor.... people JUST answered this question already! When people play to improve, it's beneficial if your opponent goes all out.

Even if you're just ******* around, and have no intention of learning new things when you play, as long as your opponent is playing to win, it's respectful to go all out against them as well, instead of getting upset about it.

Greene Archer

Smash Ace
Sep 16, 2007
Troy, NY
lol sai, chill out.

I play to win and try to learn as I play. I can beat my roommate 9 times out of 10 if I outcamp him. However, I'm trying to learn to play aggressively for those matchups where I need to force an opening, namely getting a fair -> grab to set up for combos, and that's near impossible when the other person camps so **** much. He also doesn't know how to do anything BUT camp, so I get no variety in my play, and improving is so slow it's not worth it. All I've learned from playing him is that to beat someone who's camping, camp harder. And I knew that already.

I play friendlies to get some variety in a game I've been playing for 3+ years now on top of the other mentioned reasons. If I played tournaments more, where people camp a lot, I'd want my friendlies to be relatively camp-free so I could actually have some fun messing around. In my current situation, I play mostly campers, so I'd like my friendlies to be camp-free.

tl;dr: Sai, you're a silly guy <3


Smash Champion
Mar 25, 2007
Wilbraham, MA (Springfield)
@questor - you don't have to approach to make the peach stop camping, that's actually one of the worst things to do against a campy peach imo

now i'm not saying start running away as well but pretty much just getting in their zone will do the trick... marth is faster and has a great dashdance to control the area around peach

also it sounds like you get upset because you get romped by a campy peach... maybe instead of taking it out on camping in general you need to be blaming yourself for not figuring out ways around this

also i'm sorry but marth pretty much relies on camping to be successful, he shouldn't be making the first move like ever unless your spacing it

Greene Archer

Smash Ace
Sep 16, 2007
Troy, NY
Heh, I don't like to camp. I've been working on ways to play an aggressive marth to throw people off and getting a "unique" style. I've played textbook marth poorly for way too long, so I gotta experiment with other stuff.

And I know how to beat peach, it's just not "fun." I like to have "fun" when I play friendlies, not camp my *** off just to win. I'll leave the camping for tournaments.
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