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Milk 1 Results


Smash Master
Sep 15, 2007
But no seriously what happened with irish mafia? Is he actually better or what happened?
I heard he got a bye all the way to winners grand finals but then decided to give that bracket to Tiny Tim. Instead he took the hard route, taking out mango m2k isai ken bob (from survivor who beat out ken so he's better then ken) and jigglyBUFF in winners, then he let darc beat him to take all those players out of losers again. Then let darc beat him again cause he thought there was another losers bracket and he wanted to finish off those players.

unno if it's true though, that's just what I've heard.

also guys check this thread out



Smash Lord
Feb 21, 2008
Seattle, WA
1: G$'s Marshmallow(Darc ($266.00)--Nice hair :p
2: Th0rn ($76.00)
3: PatG(Dazwa) ($38.00)
4: Banks
5: Irish Mafia--Top five :D
5: Zoso--We should play again sometime, I always seem to miss the chance each tournament I see you at.
7: Sol
7: Hayato
9: hero
9: Roman--Had fun in friendlies with you. I'll wreck you next tournament :p
9: SilentSOLAR--Good talking with you, great job in teams. Watch out for Mafia and I when we team next! :D
13: Kyu Puff--We should play sometime. We've never talked ever, but I think I saw you in Starbucks on the corner of Boylston and Tremont once. We stared at each other for like five or ten seconds and then you left, hahah. Awesome.
13: eve--Good matches, I'll stick with Falcon next time. Watch out :D
13: phantom
13: Sky
17: Jinjo
17: Ironchief
17: Proverbs--This man is too good.
17: V--Awesome stuff. Keep beasting my Falcon until I learn the Sheik matchup.
17: Fubudis--
17: Twebb
17: Yeti--Hey man, we should play again sometime.
17: KevinM--Teams was fun, especially the 'double knee', hahah. I'll play better next time I'm not fried from having no sleep and no caffeine.
25: Bino
25: Boxman--Friendlies were fun. I thought I was a lot worse against Jiggs XP
25: improbable--Good matches
25: Mop
25: panzy
25: Spife--Let's play sometime. VM me or something :p We'll see if we can get Francis up here.
25: Hibiki
25: Deez--Our team was so legit :D
33: Icearrow
33: akc12--Keep working on your Falco, you'll get it soon enough.
33: Almo
33: Majority
33: DarkDragoon
33: Shadowball
33: Mei


Smash Master
Jul 9, 2007
On my 5th 4 Loko and still ****** you.


Smash Lord
Nov 24, 2007
Lincoln MA
Spife posted a youtube video that wasn't about dancing and singing on a hill?!?!

Also Yellow is respectable. You can make earthquakes n ****.

wWw Dazwa

Feb 23, 2006
yo irish mafia's claim of "i can beat ken" might no longer be as farfetched, he got better, but he's got a ways to go before he topples dazwa's kirby :D

Prawn - Thanks again for hosting this tournament, I had a blast, and if you want someone to help you set-up/clean-up like last time, you know who to ask.
Darc - thanks for always being there when I needed you, awake and ready to fall asleep LOL
Th0rn - I think I'm getting closer to finally crossing you as a hurdle, but the last time that happened, I was immediately jumped back over. I gotta rethink my hurdle metaphor strategy, and possibly my Sheik v Falco game.
PatG(Dazwa) - PatG, you are no longer PoopG, you are PatJesus. Congratulations on the nickname upgrade, sorry I didn't team with you @ DNA3, I hope my use of your name + a raincheck for teaming makes up for it :D
Banks - We pretty much discussed our shoutouts to each other over AIM. I'll just say my career at NASA is going swimmingly, spacing is too good.
Irish Mafia - It's okay, I have a habit of beating people I shouldn't with Kirby. Brawl, Melee, w/e. Shrug lol. Stop trash talking stupidly, keep it funny, and don't grab hats, dummy.
Zoso - Holy close set Batman, I thought I was done after the way game 1 went, and the way game 2 was going, I feel lucky to have beaten you. Nice seeing you as always.
Hayato - Some day, we must team, and go all Kirby.
hero (AND TEAMMATE WHOSE NAME ELUDES ME) - Holy cow you guys caught me off guard in teams, I was expecting warm-ups, not "randomly get beasted a couple of games." Too good.
Roman - I want to play friendlies with you :O
SilentSOLAR - Glad to see you're still interested in going to Smash tournaments, although I don't know to what extent. The remains of Team Group are dwindling as it is :(
Phish-it - Why didn't you go Ganon against me ;_;. Such a crazy set, and after the way game 2 went, your suicide game 3 gave me a HUGE sigh of relief, lol. oh and THANKS FO YO DOLLA SON
Kyu Puff - I bet if we were to take the results, and compare everyone's first names, "Dylan" would be the first name to come up twice, HIGH FIVE SON
eve - BLAST FROM THE PAST. My set against you at RI many years ago still haunts me to this day, I'm still itching for revenge!
Jinjo - I bet if I payed attention to the tournament thread, I would've expected you. But you realized I wasn't, and therefore, you could catch me in a state of unexpectedness. I'LL EXPECT YOU YET!
Ironchief - Good **** in teams! Sorry to hear about the GPS and window, some people just suck =(
Yeti - I've never played against you, but I want to :(
KevinM - Get 'em next time, tall man.
Spife - I cannot teach you Sheik. I still don't have what it takes. I MUST SHEIK HARDER.
Hibiki - *super taunt*
Almo - Sorry we didn't play friendlies =(
DarkDragoon, Shadowball - MEWTWO VS YOUNG LINK, OR KIRBY, THIS **** IS ON

and lastly

1: G$'s Marshmallow(Darc ($266.00) MAINE
2: Th0rn ($76.00) MAINE
3: PatG(Dazwa) ($38.00) MAINE
4: Banks MAINE

1: Gmoney's Marshmallows (Darc and Dazwa) ($84.00) MAINE x2
2: Six Dirty ***** ($42.00) MAINE x1
3: Banks and Roman (Banks and Roman) ($14.00) MAINE x1
4: Resin (Ironchief and Hayato) MAINE x1


Smash Master
Jul 9, 2007
On my 5th 4 Loko and still ****** you.
yeah you're right just look at this beastly combo vid of yellow yoshi
Wow, that dude gives a bad/good name to Yoshi's everywhere. Look at how technical he is, you're clearly just jealous spife.

This is what I'm talking about, **** melee: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IIL-Jodl3F8

Spife posted a youtube video that wasn't about dancing and singing on a hill?!?!

Also Yellow is respectable. You can make earthquakes n ****.
We talking Chrono Cross here?


Smash Lord
Nov 24, 2007
Lincoln MA
Wow incredible Ultra Combo Finish Maine!! Also DEMPSEY ROLL

Prawn brackets please so the PR decisions go faster.

OTG: Super Mario World. LOL

Greene Archer

Smash Ace
Sep 16, 2007
Troy, NY
Dazwa knows his kirby.

@Daz: Dunno if you talked to N64 after, but he took 4th in brawl last weekend. It was pretty cool.

I gotta play all you cats again. It's been too long.

wWw Dazwa

Feb 23, 2006
PC Jona beat MAF in some MM's at ROM, best in MA?
using this logic, I could say "Dazwa's Kirby is best in Massachusetts"

and then I could take that claim, and make a .gif of Orange Kirby perpetually doing his downthrow stomps to the entire state of Massachusetts

or I could ask someone to do it for me :bee:


Smash Champion
Mar 25, 2007
Wilbraham, MA (Springfield)
using this logic, I could say "Dazwa's Kirby is best in Massachusetts"

and then I could take that claim, and make a .gif of Orange Kirby perpetually doing his downthrow stomps to the entire state of Massachusetts

or I could ask someone to do it for me :bee:
IIRC, i beat you in our 1 friendly?

although i'm no elephant
I'm trollinnnnnnnn
i know and now you revealed yourself...

sigh >.>


Smash Master
Sep 15, 2007
Maf will probably make us offers we can't refuse...and then put cordless gamecube controllers in our beds...or himself. He'd do that.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 4, 2005
Marlborough, MA
5: Irish Mafia- 5th?! very nice. didnt play gay enough huh? i'll slowly break my previous habits. also thanks for your advice on how to use falco, i'm getting there
9: Phi****- ****, never played a ganon this good. good games.
17: Proverbs- lol, we are both screw ups in tourney matches. if i am real impressive in a match, the exact opposite will happen only a minute later, makin me lose
33: Almo- good games. and marth continues to haunt me
prawn- i have to say that of all the tournaments you hosted so far, this is easily my fave. waitin on your next one

to the many of you whom i friendlied with but either never got your name or plain forgot it:
wow, it sucks that i dont remember your names, but our matches were most certainly fun. i mostly used falco and on occasion link and rarely doc. hopefully we'll meet again soon so i can cement your names.

man, this being my first tourney ever since the very first cataclysm, and with not much practice and experience coming in, i'm surprised i eventually played as well as i did at times. trying to play a gay falco mafia suggested to me was hard at times due to my falco habits before. also waited until my opponents approached, that i can thank brawl for. i noticed that there were moments i should have dropped back and lasered more, instead of staying close. incorporating the shine to jc grab was unnatural to me at first, either not doing it or forcing it, but eventually i started to get the hang of it.

after the tourney i started to think whether i should drop brawl but something makes me want to go stay with brawl, maybe i just want to do well in brawl and i haven't done that yet. well who knows now. all i know is that there should be another melee tournament that i can go to soon.


Smash Ace
Jul 14, 2007

people i played: GG's
people i didn't play: we should play next time!
people that placed high: good **** man
people that placed not so high: you'll do better next time.
melee community: love you guys and it was a lot of fun seeing you again.

(real shoutouts maybe tomorrow when im not tired)

The Irish Mafia

Banned via Administration
Nov 19, 2008
cping you to Mute at a MDZ tourney
I got a first round bye, and then beat boxman, beat yedi, and lost to Dazwa. Played the winner of Kyu Puff and Hero (hero) and then played Sol. Lost to banks. That's the complete journey.

I don't think I was one of the top 5 players in that room but I don't think i suck. If I continue to improve, then I hope to see my name on that top 10 list a tad more often. All I can do is practice and hope.

Otg I was winning until I sd'd my last stock because I didn't know I dj'd. Johns and whatnot, but I've improved since rom2 and I really don't think the outcome of that MM is relevant anymore. If Jona would like to MM again, I'd be happy. He's a blast to play.

Zombie Lucille Ball

Smash Master
Sep 22, 2006
stop hitting me, Ricky
Quite the insane amount of setups at this.... good stuff. Looking forward to the next one. Sorry I had to leave ninja vanish so suddenly, but it was great to see everybody.
Joey: I'm sorry we didn't have time to talk. Feel free to email me.
HaileyM: Your peach is pretty **** keep it up. Really fun friendlies.
KevinM: <3 always great to see you... now to just play you more...
Almo: we weren't terrible! lol. your fox was doing pretty rad for all that rust haha. bracket johns?
Banks: I gotta figure out some way to crack that sheik. good games dude. also good stuff in teams.
Roman: ggz in teams. always a pleasure.
spife: we didn't play. :(
team we lost to: hero + NY guy?? good freaking games... thought we had you but you guys are clutch.
darc: good job winning big surprise lawlzosaurus. I hope it's not so long until I see you again <3
dazwa: I told you that you'd do well in singles! good frucking shet. come to more melee tournies so I can hug you.
mafia: you actually placed top 5 rofl. um your trash talk during teams was um inspiring? um yeah. lol
team cabot(?) majority and iceara: dunno if you guys are on smashboards but I hope you had fun at your first tourney. good games and keep it up!

I'm at work right now, so these will be skimpy

1: Darc - <3
2: Th0rn - good sheeeit
3: Dazwa - super <3
4: Banks - teams
5: Irish Mafia - impressive
5: Zoso - super duper <3
7: Sol - ***** me
7: Hayato - wish we played
9: hero - words cannot describe our love
9: Roman - marth T.T
9: SilentSOLAR - so + lar = pro
9: Phi**** - wish we played
13: Kyu Puff - lol
13: eve - wish we played
13: phantom - hope to see you more!
13: Sky - my baby
17: Jinjo - i swear i didn't recognize you cause you said you were jinjo but we never called you jinjo at pound >.> never again though, i promise!
17: Ironchief - we didn't play =( but i <3 you anyway
17: Proverbs - gotta fix your mentality LOL
17: V - samus in teams? lol i think i powershielded your charge shot in YO FACE!! lol
17: Twebb - close set, we need to play more
17: Yeti - heyyyy
17: KevinM - we didn't get to play but i heard you were super awful anyway lol
25: Boxman - we didn't play T.T i wove you though
25: Mop - <3 <3
25: panzy - should've introduced yourself to meeee, i woulda loved to play friendlies with you and introduce you to the scene
25: Spife - always a super pleasure to see you in general, everytime we play lately you're sheik has been getting leagues better so keep it up!!
33: DarkDragoon - HI NICK!!! lol we didn't get to play but you're the man anyway
33: Shadowball - we didn't play =*(
tall guy in the glasses at wpi - sorry i never got your name =( but you were pretty cool, keep working on that marth with MOP, i see potential in the both of you
prawn - great tourney, stop being selfish with the laptop when you're not even there xDD <3

Overall i had a lot of fun at this tourney except for getting pulled over for running a red light. Luckily the cop noticed the tv in my backseat, asked about it and i proceeded to tell him about smash. He was IMMENSELY interested about how we go about things and why we play and so we had an awesome, friendly conversation about it. I think because of my charm, I won him over and therefore only got a warning. <3

When is MILK 2?!?!
thanks for the shoutout bro

yo irish mafia's claim of "i can beat ken" might no longer be as farfetched, he got better, but he's got a ways to go before he topples dazwa's kirby :D

Prawn - Thanks again for hosting this tournament, I had a blast, and if you want someone to help you set-up/clean-up like last time, you know who to ask.
Darc - thanks for always being there when I needed you, awake and ready to fall asleep LOL
Th0rn - I think I'm getting closer to finally crossing you as a hurdle, but the last time that happened, I was immediately jumped back over. I gotta rethink my hurdle metaphor strategy, and possibly my Sheik v Falco game.
PatG(Dazwa) - PatG, you are no longer PoopG, you are PatJesus. Congratulations on the nickname upgrade, sorry I didn't team with you @ DNA3, I hope my use of your name + a raincheck for teaming makes up for it :D
Banks - We pretty much discussed our shoutouts to each other over AIM. I'll just say my career at NASA is going swimmingly, spacing is too good.
Irish Mafia - It's okay, I have a habit of beating people I shouldn't with Kirby. Brawl, Melee, w/e. Shrug lol. Stop trash talking stupidly, keep it funny, and don't grab hats, dummy.
Zoso - Holy close set Batman, I thought I was done after the way game 1 went, and the way game 2 was going, I feel lucky to have beaten you. Nice seeing you as always.
Hayato - Some day, we must team, and go all Kirby.
hero (AND TEAMMATE WHOSE NAME ELUDES ME) - Holy cow you guys caught me off guard in teams, I was expecting warm-ups, not "randomly get beasted a couple of games." Too good.
Roman - I want to play friendlies with you :O
SilentSOLAR - Glad to see you're still interested in going to Smash tournaments, although I don't know to what extent. The remains of Team Group are dwindling as it is :(
Phish-it - Why didn't you go Ganon against me ;_;. Such a crazy set, and after the way game 2 went, your suicide game 3 gave me a HUGE sigh of relief, lol. oh and THANKS FO YO DOLLA SON
Kyu Puff - I bet if we were to take the results, and compare everyone's first names, "Dylan" would be the first name to come up twice, HIGH FIVE SON
eve - BLAST FROM THE PAST. My set against you at RI many years ago still haunts me to this day, I'm still itching for revenge!
Jinjo - I bet if I payed attention to the tournament thread, I would've expected you. But you realized I wasn't, and therefore, you could catch me in a state of unexpectedness. I'LL EXPECT YOU YET!
Ironchief - Good **** in teams! Sorry to hear about the GPS and window, some people just suck =(
Yeti - I've never played against you, but I want to :(
KevinM - Get 'em next time, tall man.
Spife - I cannot teach you Sheik. I still don't have what it takes. I MUST SHEIK HARDER.
Hibiki - *super taunt*
Almo - Sorry we didn't play friendlies =(
DarkDragoon, Shadowball - MEWTWO VS YOUNG LINK, OR KIRBY, THIS **** IS ON

and lastly

You shouted-out the entire galaxy... except for me.

In conclusion, you and Roman can go be best friends and co-leaders/founders of the I don't shoutout CogSmooch because he didn't enter singles and had to unexpectedly leave early club.
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