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MetaKnight Infinite Dimensional Cape - hope you enjoy

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Smash Hero
Mar 19, 2008
Hey guys, I know we're coming to a halt on all this initial shock coming from this technique. But for those who say it's not that good...

Try doing it in teams...

Get Snake (ally preferably) and you as... oh!...his name's Metaknight.

Get Snake to equip a C4 onto you. And do the Infinite glitch. The Snake should know when to detonate it, and you just chase the opponent.


You're invincible, but the hitbox of the C4 is still active it seems. I was doing this for kicks in training mode and made a startling "discovery." So now...


try it? <_<

*walks away wondering why he just contributed something to his least favorite character*

Sorry if this was mentioned before. I have the need to type something like this. <_<


Smash Rookie
Jul 8, 2008
Oooo I like the C4 idea that sounds interesting. Also I've been having quite a lot of fun just looking at a few of the other characters boards. A couple of them have actually discovered that we've discovered this tech, and are those few have started their own discussions, but still seem to think its a stalling only tech that is laggy and easy to dodge as an attack, instead of the instant hitbox it really has. Its very entertaining to see some of their thoughts.

On another note we should discuss the move itself more instead of whether or not it will be banned we will just see about that when it comes.


Smash Cadet
May 18, 2008
Plano, Texas
I have to agree with coreygames. This technique is broken on paper, but it shouldnt be banned before its been tested in the metagame. Yes i know that it can be used to stall, and i personally think that it will end up being banned, and probly rightfully so, but it should not be banned immediately upon discovery without giving it a chance. The move isn't an auto-win.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 14, 2008
Benton Harbor, MI
i can see it.
I posted that when I first read the technique, then had to edit it after trying it. Now I think I can post intelligently.

After trying the technique, it's far less broken than I originally thought it would be, and it's not worth a ban.


Sep 1, 2004
Stockholm, Sweden
Coreygames, you should know better. We've all (those of us who matter) said that this requires extensive testing before being banned. We're just telling you what we believe and think should be the result of that testing.

so if he leaves for 2 minutes you wont know if he is stalling?
Stop acting like we haven't told you why it's hard to define stalling in this case already.


Smash Journeyman
May 11, 2008
Coreygames, you should know better. We've all (those of us who matter) said that this requires extensive testing before being banned. We're just telling you what we believe and think should be the result of that testing.

Stop acting like we haven't told you why it's hard to define stalling in this case already.
read the post i was replying to.you have already said it why.there is no reason to keep saying the same things over and over again.


Sep 1, 2004
Stockholm, Sweden
read the post i was replying to.you have already said it why.there is no reason to keep saying the same things over and over again.
I did.

Inarby:The problem remains you can't clearly define stalling or not stalling with this tech.
You: so if he leaves for 2 minutes you wont know if he is stalling?

His argument holds more water than yours since, yes, it is hard to clearly define stalling. I use it as an approach but often retreat to make it safer. Stalling? So it's only OK to use an an approach if you end up close to them or use an attack out of it? Or what? Clearly define stalling, please.


Smash Master
Aug 11, 2005
Clarifying your point, not disagreeing.

Ok, what are it's flaws?

I'm listening...
You quoted it yourself. Being able to track a MetaKnight while he's invinsible is... well, counter-efffective? (lacking a better word) What can he do if you stay airborne? What can he do if you shield? How large is counter's hitbox? How effective of an approach is this on non flat stages?

But yeah, playing tag wouldn't be much of an enjoyable experience either.


Smash Hero
Oct 20, 2006
Tempe, AZ
Coreygames, you should know better. We've all (those of us who matter) said that this requires extensive testing before being banned. We're just telling you what we believe and think should be the result of that testing.
Then you should tell all the people who "don't matter" to chill with this mattter-of-fact speaking when it comes to the challenge of keeping this move unbanned. there have already been what, two, tourny organizers in this thread who said they are going to ban it from their own tournaments before any research could be done! That's jumping to conclusions pretty fast.

Like I've been saying, the move is ****ing good, and to be on MK is just not right >_> However, to get rid of it because we don't like it is a bad choice and leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

BTW: Try keeping this scientific. Don't have pre-concieved notions before doing the testing, otherwise you end up like ghost hunter nuts and alien chasing fanatics. Instead of looking at things that will favor you, always, you have to look at the other side too. Not just what you think should be, but what it is.


Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
I have been for the past 20 pages of this pathetic thread. Everytime I do, people say, "It doesn't matter you <insert insult>, he's INVINCIBLE. Yada yada Akuma. Blah Blah unstoppable. Yakkety yakkety it's going to get banned anyway."

I've said like 10 different ways to counter it in the 5 days people have known about it and everyone says that it would just take luck or something like that. You aren't considering human error which ALWAYS can occur. And, before I or anyone else ACTUALLY MOTHER ****ING DEALS WITH THIS **** IN A REAL MATCH INSTEAD OF JUST TALKING ABOUT IT OVER THE INTERNET, we probably shouldn't ban it except for the obvious reason that someone sitting in it for extended periods of time is stalling.
Every suggestion you made was a failure. You suggested rolling which has vulnerability frames to exploit. You suggested ledgegrabbing, which isn't always practical, and being forced onto a ledge is still ban-worthy. You suggested taking a platform which is the same.

Human error? Bah, it has to be balanced at every level of skill, and at max tech skill, the human error is going to be falling into mindgames and such. For this tech, the margin for error is so impressively huge when you're using it that it's just not worth considering. Really, to reliably spot-dodge this thing, you'd need to time it with their invincibility frames.

Again, I'm telling you, once it sees real tournament use, it WILL be banned.

I don't really doubt that someone could stall out the match with this thing, that's not what I'm arguing. I have a friend who plays Luigi in Melee and can go from the bottom of the stage to the top (exaggerated of course) using his down B. If he can do that, I bet people can do this for hours straight.

However, my argument is that people are bombing a country for having WMDs before exactly checking... I mean banning a move before making sure it really is broken. Yes, theoretically, this is an amazing move. It provides an excellent approach, someone can't really stop you from going into it, it can be used on any level, and it covers most any stage well. It's very good. However, it seems that no one is actually attempting to stop this and is just going right out to the ban. Which, I believe, is poor decision making. Am I bitter than MK got this? Yeah, I hate that guy. Why does he deserve this? I don't know >_> However, just to ban it because I don't like it or the character is just wrong.
I think you're misunderstanding Corey...

Nobody hear EVER suggested that it be banned before this is checked. However, we are telling you that it will in fact be banned, we can tell from the move's attributes, that used competently (which given a little while, people will be able to do), it's a basically invincible approach.

But, like any offensive technique, the rule is never ban before it's tested.

Half the peaple in this topic don't main MK and don't frequent this board... >_>
But all of them will if they continue playing Brawl competitively and this tech remains legal.

And a reasonable percentage have already made the jump for as long as it's legal.

You quoted it yourself. Being able to track a MetaKnight while he's invinsible is... well, counter-efffective? (lacking a better word) What can he do if you stay airborne? What can he do if you shield? How large is counter's hitbox? How effective of an approach is this on non flat stages?

But yeah, playing tag wouldn't be much of an enjoyable experience either.
I'm talking about practical flaws, being able to track him doesn't take away from the tech's brokenness. So, you see him? What counter do you have? All he has to do is stay within the tech's range for a while and attack at a random time, and there's nothing you can do.

If you stay airbourne, well if he's already near you, he can attack at your jump, he's got time. Or he can wait for you to come do. Or if you're high enough he can leave the tech and chase you. Being above MK is a very very BAD position btw.

Shield? Wait it out, you have to drop the shield eventually, and then you're back at square one.

Hitbox, pretty large, but it doesn't matter that much since you can, with use of DI, attack right on top of them, even if they aren't on top of you.

Non-flat stages? Haven't made positively sure, but I'm betting it's just more complicated to DI since it can be done from air to ground.

Then you should tell all the people who "don't matter" to chill with this mattter-of-fact speaking when it comes to the challenge of keeping this move unbanned. there have already been what, two, tourny organizers in this thread who said they are going to ban it from their own tournaments before any research could be done! That's jumping to conclusions pretty fast.
The vast majority considered it assumed, and I mentioned this before as well.

BTW: Try keeping this scientific. Don't have pre-concieved notions before doing the testing, otherwise you end up like ghost hunter nuts and alien chasing fanatics. Instead of looking at things that will favor you, always, you have to look at the other side too. Not just what you think should be, but what it is.
I don't think that Yuna has the ability to manipulate tournament results, really that's where it'll be tested.

That the forlorn conclusion will be laid bare, this tech is effectively uncounterable, barring amazing streaks of luck.


Smash Hero
Oct 20, 2006
Tempe, AZ
So I guess it was impossible to avoid Fox from shining you in Melee? It came out in 1 frame of time, so, naturally, it's beyond human capability to block it right? Plus, he could JC it into another one? No one is ever going to block that ****.


Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
So I guess it was impossible to avoid Fox from shining you in Melee? It came out in 1 frame of time, so, naturally, it's beyond human capability to block it right? Plus, he could JC it into another one? No one is ever going to block that ****.
Except fox can't stay in shine range permanently and launch it at a random time without getting ripped apart. Try it, I dare you.

If he had an invincible start up phase that he could stay in infinitely and cancel into shine in one frame, then yes, it would be the same and nobody would ever block it (barring the once in a million case of pure unadulterated luck).

That's really the point here, it not the fact that it's faster then can be reacted to, if it was predictable (or at least predictable that an attack in general was coming) it could be blocked. But it's not, there are no prior indicators, hence no way to know when it's coming, hence effectively unblockable.


Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
I don't remember Fox being able to follow you around within shine's range while also being invincible for long periods of time until he feels like stopping and attacking with it.
Didn't you know, he can now...

It's like the infinite shield glitch that was discovered just to counter this technique.


Smash Hero
Oct 20, 2006
Tempe, AZ
You are impossible to argue with.

You say that it is possible to block a fox shine even though there is no way to know that it is coming when he is right next to you, yet it is not in Brawl when MK is right next to you?



Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
You are impossible to argue with.

You say that it is possible to block a fox shine even though there is no way to know that it is coming when he is right next to you, yet it is not in Brawl when MK is right next to you?

I'm impossible to argue with when I'm right, generally being right makes things a lot easier in debates.

Because you know that SOMETHING is coming, you don't necessarily know what, but the prior indicator that something is coming is that fox moves into melee range.

That is noticeable and blockable.

Or, of course, you can be offensive and just attack before he hits range (or if he does go for the "random time" thing, yeah, attacking is a good counter)

But in general, the indicator is "he's that close, that's very unsafe, so he has to do something".

MK doesn't have that issue with this because IT'S NOT UNSAFE, he can stick around in range forever with no possible repercussions, that and only that is what makes it uncounterable. (ok, well, just being able to do it for a long time would work too)


Smash Master
Dec 13, 2003
Close to Trenton, NJ Posts: 4,071
How do you not grasp this concept? Say you cape in their face for 10 seconds, and randomly attack somewhere within those 10 seconds. You can't say you'll have the same ability to block a shine because you sure as hell can't stand there next to them completely safe for 10 seconds.


Smash Hero
Oct 20, 2006
Tempe, AZ
I'm impossible to argue with when I'm right, generally being right makes things a lot easier in debates.
Then why don't you go masturbate to yourself for being "right" in a debate about THEORIES?

Because you know that SOMETHING is coming, you don't necessarily know what, but the prior indicator that something is coming is that fox moves into melee range.

That is noticeable and blockable.
And I guess MK being in a position where he only has two options of either coming out or staying in is not predictable? why don't you get MORE full of yourself. Fox could have shined, or he could have grabbed. He could just stand there too! MK can only stall more or pop out, that's all. Now, how is that less predictable?

Or, of course, you can be offensive and just attack before he hits range (or if he does go for the "random time" thing, yeah, attacking is a good counter)

But in general, the indicator is "he's that close, that's very unsafe, so he has to do something".
Then, had you played Melee at all, you know, a game with mindgames, you would have had your *** handed to you. Just because someone is there doesn't mean that they will attack. He could run in, stand there, and then wait to see what you do. Then, after you have done something, he'll react with a counter move.

MK doesn't have that issue with this because IT'S NOT UNSAFE, he can stick around in range forever with no possible repercussions, that and only that is what makes it uncounterable. (ok, well, just being able to do it for a long time would work too)
Are you saying that someone doing this can keep up with someone moving around normal speed? Someone who can do moves to move them faster? Someone who can jump around? That's asking a lot from someone slamming up smash while holding down over and over again. Are you assuming the only people that are against this move are complete idiots? People will actually try to avoid this unlike the training mode computers which I'm sure everyone here is practicing on.

As long as you can shield this move, you can counter it. It doesn't take luck either. It takes someone who can do it, and I have no doubt that that can be anyone with almost any character. It just takes pressing SHIELD when you can get hit and moving away if he doesn't hit you. It's not as hard as it sounds. R, did he pop out? No? then **** it, I'm outa here.


Sep 1, 2004
Stockholm, Sweden
Coreygames... ... so your solution to this approach is to randomly shield and if he doesn't attack while you're shielding, to roll away or something? Meanwhile, I'll just be standing around spamming this as an approach, thank you very much. Good luck hitting me.

Great solution, there. Almost as good as "Run away and grab the ledge".


Smash Ace
Oct 10, 2006
Some people won't accept anything as a counter because they want it banned that badly.

But, you can't use your unwillingness to deal with the problem to help argue your point.

<3 coreygames :D


Smash Master
Dec 19, 2002
somewhere sunny
...Or what you could do is simply just roll repeatedly. I'd love to see the Metaknight player ACTUALLY hit you if you did that, considering how hard it is to aim this attack even when you're not prolonging it's effects.


Sep 1, 2004
Stockholm, Sweden
...Or what you could do is simply just roll repeatedly. I'd love to see the Metaknight player ACTUALLY hit you if you did that, considering how hard it is to aim this attack even when you're not prolonging it's effects.
But that's not countering or combating it, that's running away from it. And if you're behind, that's not a good thing to do!

This is one godly approach because either you play a losing guessing game or you're forced to retreat.

rathy Aro

Smash Lord
Mar 16, 2008
Can MK travel as fast of faster than he normally can with this technique? If not why not just keep running away. Oh and this definately can't work off of the stage so maybe hiding on the ledge could work to combat it.


Smash Ace
Oct 10, 2006
MK's IDC goes FASTER than his running speed BUT, once he starts moving he can't stop so if a MK is stationary then it won't be that hard to evade his down-B (used to retreat). In fact, if he's stationary when he comes out, that basically gives you a free hit. Once he starts moving, though, he can't stop moving so the MK is forced to try and control it by tilting the control stick down and diagonal back and forth to make sure he doesn't run off the ledge with it and die.

Knowing this, retreating to the ledge actually WOULD be a good idea because when MK reappears he's either close to the ledge enough to punish him or he's farther away giving a safe recovery. Also the screen moves as MK moves so it's easy to know when he's near and when he's afar. If he tries to do the down-B attack out of his down-B to try and punish the person on the ledge it will be obvious because the camera will be centered on both players so the person on the ledge can roll/jump/attack depending on the situation or if there's an opportunity to punish.

The best way to actually use the IDC is in short bursts to get around projectiles or to get behind enemies using moves with long durations (wario's bite, ICs blizzard, Kirby/dedede's suck) or to evade an oncoming attack at mid to long range (or another move that is equally obvious). Using it at close-range is actually a bad idea because in the start-up of the down-B you can get hit out of it so if they predict you will use down-B at close range they can punish you.

Using it as an approach is a bit tricky in early-game because if you try it at low percents and get the 14% hit in then you're laggy afterwards and the opponent will most likely not have suffered much hitstun/knockback so he'd probably be able to punish that. And if the MK doesn't do the attack and just reappears and the opponent predicts that, then they can punish when he comes out (although the lag is greatly reduced here so it's harder to punish). If the MK predicts that the opponent predicts him then he'll have to retreat again back to his original spot. The MK at this point could either reappear to try to stay as far away from stalling or he could stay in and try to re-approach again because he can't stop after he started moving. Since the screen moves with MK it's quite noticeable when he starts to approach you so then you roll away, jump->airdodge, jump on a platform, shield spam, or any combination of these. The MK HAS to reappear within a reasonable amount of time or else he's stalling and the opponent can call a judge over.

Although that was a bit more than what you asked, I just felt like saying all that right now.


Sep 1, 2004
Stockholm, Sweden
No. The suggestion to hide on the ledge is very, very bad. People need to stop using that as evidence of this technique not being very good.


Smash Rookie
Jul 16, 2008
The technique is amazing, especially for approaches, but I don't see the point of going on the ledge with it. Is it for the invincibility frames, or for the tactical retreat?


Smash Hero
Mar 19, 2008
MK's IDC goes FASTER than his running speed BUT, once he starts moving he can't stop so if a MK is stationary then it won't be that hard to evade his down-B (used to retreat). In fact, if he's stationary when he comes out, that basically gives you a free hit. Once he starts moving, though, he can't stop moving so the MK is forced to try and control it by tilting the control stick down and diagonal back and forth to make sure he doesn't run off the ledge with it and die.
Huh? You HAVE to keep on moving? Not when I tried it. You can move toward the ledge, stay still there for a while, then move to the other ledge. Do whatever. Unless I've gone mad, I think you're mistaken.

Knowing this, retreating to the ledge actually WOULD be a good idea because when MK reappears he's either close to the ledge enough to punish him or he's farther away giving a safe recovery.
So he either forces you into a bad situation (honestly, being near the ledge against MetaKnight isn't smart), or he's using it as a runaway move.

What I can assume from this is: You either let MK have you in a positional advantage, or let him turn the situation into a neutral situation. Doesn't that mean he can easily get you into a disadvantageous situation on-demand, as well as reset any control you have in the match by doing this assuming he has the time (which considering playing aggro against MK isn't smart to begin with, should be somewhat easy for him)?

Also the screen moves as MK moves so it's easy to know when he's near and when he's afar. If he tries to do the down-B attack out of his down-B to try and punish the person on the ledge it will be obvious because the camera will be centered on both players so the person on the ledge can roll/jump/attack depending on the situation or if there's an opportunity to punish.
Yes, you know that he's close, and when he's far away. Yay?

I thought the camera is centered anyway so as long as both players are in relative proximity to each other. Whether or not he does the attack should be irrelevant, no?

Also, you don't know WHEN he will attack. I don't have the Sharingan or whatever, I don't know when you WILL attack. If I roll, he can time it to attack me out of my invincibility frames, if I jump, he can attack me on the way down or end the cape with little lag and try to hit me with other conventional moves. As for attacking, that's only if I blocked/dodged his attack, which I cannot foresee.

The best way to actually use the IDC is in short bursts to get around projectiles or to get behind enemies using moves with long durations (wario's bite, ICs blizzard, Kirby/dedede's suck) or to evade an oncoming attack at mid to long range (or another move that is equally obvious). Using it at close-range is actually a bad idea because in the start-up of the down-B you can get hit out of it so if they predict you will use down-B at close range they can punish you.
Of course, isn't that why most people won't be using it in that close-range fashion anyway?

The MK at this point could either reappear to try to stay as far away from stalling or he could stay in and try to re-approach again because he can't stop after he started moving.
Again, I believe you are misinformed. Try it (the move) again.

Since the screen moves with MK it's quite noticeable when he starts to approach you so then you roll away, jump->airdodge, jump on a platform, shield spam, or any combination of these.
Just because I can see him near me does not help that he can attack at any time, at his demand, not mine, and that any chances of me avoiding it are from my predictions being correct.

Also, the highest platform (top of Battlefield), can be attacked by this technique. Simply DI up and let the slash go and you can attack. Plus, being on top of Metaknight isn't smart either. To "avoid" the technique, you must put yourself in a bad position against MK? Surely sir, don't you see the madness of that notion?!

Jump and airdodge leaves you open at the ending frames, as you cannot chain airdodges together instantaneously. A smart MK will wait until the invincibility frames wear off or wait until you reach the ground.

As for shield spam, I thought we don't have infinite shields. He can just wait until we wear off our shield (with spam or just holding it) and then attack, either breaking our shield for a larger world of hurt, or to stab through it with the attack anyway. A smart MK won't just randomly do attacks until he sees an opening with this anyway.

The MK HAS to reappear within a reasonable amount of time or else he's stalling and the opponent can call a judge over.
That's subjective on what is "reasonable" and what is not.

Simply put: You can't time when to avoid this; the attack comes out instantaneously and the only lag is that of if it's blocked. Considering you can't block what you cannot foresee, that's an issue. Running away from it is nigh-impossible realistically speaking. You either put yourself in a disadvantageous position, or you have to play the guessing game of when to do "defensive tactic X."

EDIT: I'll see this in action today I suppose. It's not at FAST, but it's a non-srcub tournament, so it'll be there very likely.


Smash Champion
Feb 7, 2007
Time Chamber, Texas
This technique is hardly defensive in any way that I see it...

Just an insane approach and a gay stalling tactic...

The one way I, personally, would consider this a very good approach is once a person masters this continually use this technique, and this technique alone, to throw out the attack, disappear again, and repeat.

This is so overly broken once mastered...


Smash Master
Mar 19, 2008
Maxwell, IA
the only thing i could really see to do, is hopefully ur a character with a fast spotdodge and spam that until he reapears, otherwise its impossible to really tell when he's going to attack with it. anyways, it should be banned, but that won't stop my friends from being gay and doin it in friendlies.


Smash Hero
Oct 20, 2006
Tempe, AZ
Because no one can shield anymore I guess? Well, since shielding was banned, I suppose it is only logical that this tech should.
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