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MetaKnight Infinite Dimensional Cape - hope you enjoy

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Smash Master
Mar 19, 2008
Maxwell, IA
MK vanishes.

Opponent shields.

Shield weakens.

exactly what happens to me if i try to shield the attack vs my friends nowadays, bottom line is, MK just has to react to what you are doing, he just has to wait for ANY opening, and u can't do a thing about it.


Smash Hero
Oct 20, 2006
Tempe, AZ

Bring it up when you think he is going to attack, just like any other god ****ed move in the game. That is, unless, you are all going to start saying the shield is useless altogether.


Sep 1, 2004
Stockholm, Sweden

Bring it up when you think he is going to attack, just like any other god ****ed move in the game. That is, unless, you are all going to start saying the shield is useless altogether.
But this is not countering or combating it! This is... shielding. And rolling. And spotdodging.

It's not like shielding, rolling or spotdodging is going to win you the game. If the Meta is remotely smart, he'll mix it up, he'll use it to approach and then retreat. He'll mix up when and how he releases his cape. He'll fakeout by using it reasonably close and then moving away from you.

You're still playing a guessing game in Meta's favor.


Smash Hero
Oct 20, 2006
Tempe, AZ
This attack is no different in blocking than any other attack except there is only ONE option for metaknight. He cannot grab, he cannot Up B, he cannot f-tilt, etc. the only thing he can do out of this is complete the down B. That's it. That's as far as his options for moves go when it comes to this move.

Now, here's the situation. You are... for the sake of MY argument... Pit. You have been spamming arrows for the past 5 seconds from the start of the match. The MK has been saving this move for such an occasion. To benefit your side of the argument (since I already have my main in this), let's say this is on FD. Ok? Now, MK decides to use this tech to get in close to me without having to deal with anymore **** arrows, ignoring the fact that he could use the tornado, his forward B, or and attack to approach, stop the arrows, and/or deal damage.

So he uses the Cape. Now I cannot do any damage to him. I can tell where he is by how the screen is adjusting to his movement. It's just like the cloaking device in Melee, and almost everyone is use to that thing. So, just as he can tell where MK is, I can too without much training. So, tracking him isn't a problem. (Also, does the name of the person stay above their head while doing this? If so... even better)

As we all know, the second part of the down B, the attack part, only hits directly around where MK is. Not far off to the left, right, up, tilted, etc. It hits on him. Knowing that, I know that he has to get almost on top of me to hit me. So, by watching where he is and judging how far away he is, I know how "safe" I am. When he gets too close, I have to do something, because there is very little to no time to respond to the moment he breaks out.

For the sake of the argument, let's say I don't for now. He pops out and I get hit. I take 14% and am sent a little bit away. In the time it takes me to either take or break from the stun, he is still in cool-down. He's unable to chase after me and combo into something before I can respond. This means all that work was for 14% and to get me at a disadvantage that way, or he can do it again from here.

Now, for my sake, let's say I do do something. Let's say I go to the edge. Alright, it's a safe place. He can't really get me here and it's not too hard to wait out his tactic. However, this requires me to get to the edge, and the closest one may be through him! so, I have to hope I can get there first. When I do get there, he can simply go away and reveal himself safely. This puts me far away with no way to respond and with him, he has plenty of time to drop back into it before I can reach him. This is obviously, just a counter-stalling choice.

I want to try the first idea I had. I want to run to the edge, turn around, and use Pit's down B shield. In my mind, the sword attack would hit the shield instead of Pit, like it does against most moves, and either send Pit off the stage, putting him in a bad place, move him forward on the stage, or still. In this case, he is unharmed, but could be in a bad spot. If he does get hit... well, then he got hit like in the normal situation.

Another idea is to do Pit's Side B attack (The AIYYAYAYAY as some people know it). This creates a constant hitbox that could hit MK on his way out OR clank with the move altogether! If not, then Pit gets hit like I said before. Another choice I could try is the use of baiting. I could run at him, stop out of range, and see if he pops out in response. Technically, if I had kept running, I would have been hit, so it is logical for him to take the bait. However, if he doesn't, I could always retreat from there without risking getting hit. However, he could easily catch on to this if it works a time or two, which may cost me a % or two.

Lastly, for now, the best technique I think is to just simply shield the move. In a normal instance of blocking, you always have to consider that the other person will grab. Grabbing is the anti-shield tech in this game. However, there is a time limit to the use of the shield, so you can't just have it up all the time. So you have to use it sparingly. MK cannot grab out of this move, so you don't have to worry about that. However, he can stay in it for a long time, so if you put it up and wait, you are going to be hurting. So, the best use of this would be to figure when he is in the best position to strike and then put up your shield. If everything goes according to plan, he will pop out, hit your shield (most likely a power shield since the move is so fast) and then you grab him OR use a quick move to knock him away. Whatever you would want to do normally to punish someone for hitting your shield.

Let's say he doesn't pop out. Either he was aware of your scheme or didn't take advantage of the would be situation. Ok, don't panic. You still have options while he doesn't. Try rolling first. Possibly, you can roll away and then continue to run in that direction faster than he can keep up! If that's true, make your speedy escape. You could spot-dodge. Maybe the sight of your shield dropping will bait him to pop out but only to hit nothing or the shield coming back up from going back into from the dodge. Then, proceed to punish. Another possibility is to jump out of your shield. This way, he can't chase you into the air, since he's basically stuck to the ground. From there you can go off in any direction you need to.

Once you do hit him or grab him, what then? I'd say do anything you can to keep him off the ground! Use attacks with an upward DI off of them. If you can keep him off the ground, then you can keep him from doing this. Easier said than done though, right? Yeah, I know. It's not going to be a walk in the park, because the MK match is already hard enough and you don't want him below you anyway. Going crazy and giving up before you start isn't going to do anything. Keep a level head and play on their level or more. You have to.


Smash Champion
Feb 7, 2007
Time Chamber, Texas
It doesn't change the fact that it's still just a guessing game.... The pure fact that people will have to make a whole strategy to fight off this one tech rather than the character as a whole, is stupidly gay.

A whole match could get based off this one tech being abused. I main MK, and I'm against it...
It's ridiculous.


Smash Hero
Oct 20, 2006
Tempe, AZ
Then isn't any competitive game a guessing game? You don't know exactly what anyone is going to do, you are guessing. You are making assumptions. You can't change that face.

A whole match could get based off this one tech being abused. I main Pit, and I'm alowing it...
It's ridiculous.


Smash Champion
Feb 7, 2007
Time Chamber, Texas
Yes but in this case MK is making the calls. He chooses where to appear, when to attack, when to stall. He can make the whole match in his favor by this. The opponent has to play by the MK's rules. Sit back, hope to counterattack. Hope he doesn't get more percent. It's all in MK's favor.

And mockery's childish. Lets grow up a little.


Smash Hero
Oct 20, 2006
Tempe, AZ
Stubbornness is childish, and don't resort to this in an argument. The last thing I want to start is a flame war, but don't think I won't retort with one when provoked. Chill with that nonsense and keep with the discussion.

The other person chooses where to be, what to try, and the judge to call. You can turn the match in your favor if you play it right or by having the other person DQ'ed. The other person can do whatever they want while MK prances around in another dimension, hardly weighted down by everything MK is doing. As long as he's away, neither of them can do a thing. As long as MK isn't gaining percent, neither is the other person. He can't do anything while invisible. It's all a toss up.


Smash Champion
Feb 7, 2007
Time Chamber, Texas
We can keep this civil. It's smashboards... and flame wars are ********.

On topic, the other player can't necessarily do anything... The fact that they do have to sit back and wait is lame. Do you really want to deal with that for entire matches....

Also, if it has to come down to getting the other player DQ'ed for it, it doesn't need to be a part of the gameplay.


Smash Hero
Oct 20, 2006
Tempe, AZ
So, because it has the possibility of being exploited, we should out-right ban it all together? You know, it is possible for the Ice Climbers, Bowser, and certain people VS Ness and Lucas to completely stall the game out. However, do we ban the moves that allow them to do that? No. This move, when used as a stall tactic, should get you banned. This move used as an approach shouldn't. If someone is stalling, it is always apparent. There is a difference between playing defensive, and playing the clock. It is always noticeable. To ban a move just for that is dumb, but I know a lot of people aren't concerned about the stalling, so I don't know why this conversation keep falling back on that.

When MK does this, he can't do anything but come out. The other person can't do anything but prepare for when he does. There really isn't a great disadvantage unless you plan to bore the other person to death and you are hyped up on sugar.


Smash Champion
Feb 7, 2007
Time Chamber, Texas
I lol'd at the sugar part.

I dunno. I do understand where you're coming from. I just dont see this move doing anything other than causing clock problems and making a boring game.


Smash Master
Mar 19, 2008
Maxwell, IA
except the fact that this could be the only move Mk has to even use to win the match, if he feels he can't land the attack, he retreats, resetting the battlefield, and as soon as he feels the least bit threatened he can do it again and again, basically, even if u can defend it, its still a cheap broken AT, even if it does 0 dmg and he doesn't use it as stalling, it still basically stalls the match. not to mention MK doesn't even need this stupid AT, he's already god-tier w/out it. imo there should really be a time limit on how long u can hold the stupid thing, otherwise people will just claim they are "waiting for an opening" and continue to abuse it.


Smash Hero
Feb 18, 2008
New Jersey
I'm gonna buy a melee disk copy again, I'm excited!

Better graphics...

Better play....

Better online play (melee's is better than brawl's)...

Better fun!


Smash Journeyman
May 11, 2008
people really need to try using this before they start winning so they notice this is not as broken as they think.the only real problem is stalling which may be the reason why this is banned.


Smash Hero
Jul 10, 2008
when a move is considered a stall it should be banned and should be like in all competitive play. stalling is not a strategy its an excuse to slow down ur time to think of what to do next while in reality u shouldnt need to stall since ur playing a game where thinking fast wins u the match ^^(unless its chess :\) . i do believe this move should be banned as a stall but not as an approach. if people need this to stall they shouldnt bother playin mk since i think its a prerequisite to think on ur toes ^^ to play him :p. anyway i agree with corey :) let the move stay and see how it plays out. if ppl abuse it, ban it. if they dnt keep it i guess? this isnt yugioh where certain cards are banned cause theyre so overpowerd, if a move is counterable it should be allowed, if a move is uncounterable it should be either limited or banned. nuff said.


Sep 1, 2004
Stockholm, Sweden
Then isn't any competitive game a guessing game? You don't know exactly what anyone is going to do, you are guessing. You are making assumptions. You can't change that face.
Yes, but Meta-Knight is invincible. Stop forgetting that fact.

You have to guess when Meta's going to attack. If you guess wrong, you get hit. If you guess right, you might hit Meta-Knight. During the guessing game, Meta's invicible. It's not like a High-Mid-Low or Smash-Grab guessing game where they're still vulnerable and can be attacked if guessed right.

In this, you have to guess right and have Meta guess wrong. Also, hard to police.


Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
So it is better to do nothing and get hit, right?
The problem is, it will get you hit.

And I guess MK being in a position where he only has two options of either coming out or staying in is not predictable? why don't you get MORE full of yourself. Fox could have shined, or he could have grabbed. He could just stand there too! MK can only stall more or pop out, that's all. Now, how is that less predictable?
Simple, it's not WHAT he'll do that's unpredictable, it's WHEN, and there's nothing you can possibly do to change that.

Then, had you played Melee at all, you know, a game with mindgames, you would have had your *** handed to you. Just because someone is there doesn't mean that they will attack. He could run in, stand there, and then wait to see what you do. Then, after you have done something, he'll react with a counter move.
poor assumption, that I was making was, given the position, both players have options, by going in to shine, fox is in a vulnerable postion, which is where all that other stuff games in.

Are you saying that someone doing this can keep up with someone moving around normal speed? Someone who can do moves to move them faster? Someone who can jump around? That's asking a lot from someone slamming up smash while holding down over and over again. Are you assuming the only people that are against this move are complete idiots? People will actually try to avoid this unlike the training mode computers which I'm sure everyone here is practicing on.
Because the move is versitile enough to do all of the above, it's that simple. It's got a large AOE (in other words, by DIing properly, from any given position he can attack a large area) and is an instant hitbox.

No, I'm not assuming people playing against this tech are idiots, but I am assuming the user is compitent in the tech, which is fundamental to any debates of this type.

As long as you can shield this move, you can counter it. It doesn't take luck either. It takes someone who can do it, and I have no doubt that that can be anyone with almost any character. It just takes pressing SHIELD when you can get hit and moving away if he doesn't hit you. It's not as hard as it sounds. R, did he pop out? No? then **** it, I'm outa here.
Ok, you have, how many seconds of shield? And MK has the entire game to attack. The move is both fast and precise enough to keep you in range of it's hitbox.

MK's IDC goes FASTER than his running speed BUT, once he starts moving he can't stop so if a MK is stationary then it won't be that hard to evade his down-B (used to retreat). In fact, if he's stationary when he comes out, that basically gives you a free hit. Once he starts moving, though, he can't stop moving so the MK is forced to try and control it by tilting the control stick down and diagonal back and forth to make sure he doesn't run off the ledge with it and die.

He can stop moving around whenever he wants and maintain the invincability, all he needs to do is stop tilting the control sticks.

And, you can cancel the pop-out strike, unless you are in range to attack with a very quick attack, you'll never get an attack off while he's vulnerable if you're on the ledge.

Bring it up when you think he is going to attack, just like any other god ****ed move in the game. That is, unless, you are all going to start saying the shield is useless altogether.

In case you haven't noticed, he has forever to attack, and you have very limited shield, it's a guessing game with odds so heavily stacked that it's impractical to think that it can be won any more then 1 out of 100 times, at best.

Then isn't any competitive game a guessing game? You don't know exactly what anyone is going to do, you are guessing. You are making assumptions. You can't change that face.

A whole match could get based off this one tech being abused. I main Pit, and I'm alowing it...
It's ridiculous.
And if this guessing game weren't ridiculously biased in MK's favor, we wouldn't care. Not all guessing games are equal.


Smash Ace
Oct 10, 2006
About MK not being able to stop once he's started moving:

Upon further testing, I've found that we're both correct.

If the distance is long enough MK will lose the momentum that you first put in when you tilt the control stick in a direction but, if the distance is short then he won't have enough ground to stall on so the player would have to gain control by tilting the control stick back and forth.


Smash Apprentice
May 29, 2008
so i'm assuming the name I came up with "ghosting" is the techniques name


Smash Apprentice
May 29, 2008
how about naming it ghosting? whatcha gonna do, attack me with umbreon, i'll just send out foretress :p


Smash Apprentice
May 29, 2008
:o h4x, but if we're going that way, *uses AR to get 999 speed deoxys speed form that knows sheer cold, horn drill, fissure, and perish song that also has no gaurd as ability* what now?


Smash Apprentice
May 29, 2008
ghosting is in general a better name, an A.C.R.O.N.Y.M is not fitting for this
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