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MetaKnight Infinite Dimensional Cape - hope you enjoy

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Wise Hermit
Dec 20, 2006
Teaneck, North Bergen County, NJ, USA
However, the tactic shouldn't be banned for stalling purposes, as stalling is usually judged by the overuse of a tactic and not the tactic itself. Rising puff punch, peach's ***, wobbling, etc. were all allowed, but the players using them too much were carefully watched. The reason why the move should be banned is because it allows you to strike without any form of retaliation (as of right now, I assume. As you said, 30 pages of reading is not for me). That would seem extreme in a tournament. It will be interesting to see how organizers, the Backroom, and the community looks at this. Will it be looked at like freeze glitching? An impossible to escape tactic that can stall out matches easily and can be preformed fairly simply? Or will it be looked at more like wobbling, a move that is similar to freeze glitching, just without the game completely breaking? That's the question.

In my opinion, it should be allowed. Since you CAN powershield it, you can shield grab him out of it. The problem is knowing when and where. I think the biggest thing to come out of this though, is the separation of God Tier from the rest by an even further margin.
All aforementioned techniques are circumstantial. Your opponent has to mess up for you to exploit these techniques, or the correct circumstances/terrain has to be available.

This can be done anywhere at anytime, so long as the opponent has ground, and can be canceled into the ledge. Furthermore, how would you perfect shield this? You would not know when to shield, as I can release the attack at any time. If you're holding your shield to shield grab . . . way to go, you just wasted your whole shield while I'm waiting for you to get it small enough to break it.

Furthermore, the players are not invincible during these techniques. I could still theoretically land a K.O. albeit at a somewhat greater risk to myself.

And of course, there is what I said before about using this offensively, and not for stalling.


Smash Hero
May 27, 2006
Wichita, KS
Looks like soon we're going to see more Metas than Snakes in tournaments and he is more likely to get banned than Snakes all because Meta learned a simple "Now you see him, Now you dont" Trick that he learned from a Magician.
They won't ban the character. Only the AT might be banned.


Smash Hero
Oct 20, 2006
Tempe, AZ
I agree with you that I'm uncertain how this is going to turn out. It is very possible that this could be banned. However, I don't think it will. When the moves starts to be applied, we'll see where it leads; I just don't feel it is necessarily ban-worthy.


Wise Hermit
Dec 20, 2006
Teaneck, North Bergen County, NJ, USA
They won't ban the character. Only the AT might be banned.
This is true. I doubt the Smash community at large would ever to decide to ban a character. This game heavily incorporates counter-picking. Snake has a defined advantage against Meta so long as MK remains Sans broken tech, so Meta will probably never be banned in this game, nor any other character.

I agree with you that I'm uncertain how this is going to turn out. It is very possible that this could be banned. However, I don't think it will. When the moves starts to be applied, we'll see where it leads; I just don't feel it is necessarily ban-worthy.
Oh really? What's your strategy for beating this? (I recognize that you are simply posted an opinion, and I'm asking your thought behind it)

Scissors Sir

Smash Ace
Jun 28, 2006
Queens, NYC myspace.com/15453187
Well I just learned of this last night but I'm already able to use it for 2-3 minutes at a time
Doesn't really seem that hard... *shrugs*

Might as well just ban it though

He can move past motion sensor bombs w/o detonating them

He can even hold bombs and do the same thing

I don't know if it does damage to people standing nearby

If it does

You can get snake as a partner have him plant C4 on you

And then pull an invisible man act and walk it towards someone

If it doesn't...

Then that's just wishful thinking

*runs away*

Scissors Sir

Smash Ace
Jun 28, 2006
Queens, NYC myspace.com/15453187
Oh btw I held down on the control stick with my pinky finger and just alternated c-stick presses with both my thumbs

Anyone should be able to go way past 10 seconds with that method... *cough*CaliburChamp*cough*


Smash Master
Dec 13, 2003
Close to Trenton, NJ Posts: 4,071
Oh btw I held down on the control stick with my pinky finger and just alternated c-stick presses with both my thumbs
EXACTLY! That's the same idea I had come up with. I bet everyone claiming it's impossible to use well are simply trying to mash the c-stick, and also probably not letting it reset completely back to neutral everytime.


Sep 1, 2004
Stockholm, Sweden
Well I just learned of this last night but I'm already able to use it for 2-3 minutes at a time
Doesn't really seem that hard... *shrugs*
You can do this continously for 2-3 minutes (as in not stopping at anytime during that time)?

This, after less than one day of practice. Oh yeah, this AT just took another step towards getting banned. Take that, The Not Humanly Possible To Maintain For At Most 10-30 Seconds Brigade!


Smash Apprentice
Mar 14, 2008
Chestnut Hill, MA
This may seem like a stupid question, but is it possible that other moves could be used in a similar fashion?

I was thinking in particular of Zelda and Shiek's UpB moves, since they both make the character invisible and travel a short distance etc. They seem to function in a similar manner to the Dimensional Cape. I have a feeling it's not possible, though.

I can't think of any other moves that work this way.


Smash Hero
Oct 20, 2006
Tempe, AZ
Oh really? What's your strategy for beating this? (I recognize that you are simply posted an opinion, and I'm asking your thought behind it)
I play Pit, so there are a couple things I would try. First, would be to sit at the very edge of the stage, face the other, and put up the shield. If anything, try to catch him like that. if that doesn't work, I would try moving to a platform and see if he can hit me from there. I would then shoot arrows from the platform until he showed himself (obviously giving into the stalling thing, but still... it's what I did VS IC's in Melee since you can't grab in a jump). If he could still hit me, then I would try Powershielding him the instant he came out. I know it may sound harder than it seems, but, after getting hit by a it a time or two, you can start telling when someone will do it. This is the fundamental flaw in humans in games... mindgames. When you start reading them, you can start blocking them.

If that didn't work, I don't know from there. I'd have to be in a fight with someone doing it to get in that mentality.


Sep 1, 2004
Stockholm, Sweden
I play Pit, so there are a couple things I would try. First, would be to sit at the very edge of the stage, face the other, and put up the shield. If anything, try to catch him like that. if that doesn't work, I would try moving to a platform and see if he can hit me from there. I would then shoot arrows from the platform until he showed himself (obviously giving into the stalling thing, but still... it's what I did VS IC's in Melee since you can't grab in a jump). If he could still hit me, then I would try Powershielding him the instant he came out. I know it may sound harder than it seems, but, after getting hit by a it a time or two, you can start telling when someone will do it. This is the fundamental flaw in humans in games... mindgames. When you start reading them, you can start blocking them.
What if he's ahead by one stock and using it to stall, only in small increments? You sitting on one side of the stage isn't going to help much, even if you keep racking up damage, if the timer's low.

Also, the solution to fighting this would be to play Pit or Falco ? Yah, banned.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 16, 2007
Nashville, Tennessee
Furthermore, I also voiced ADDITIONAL reasons in a previous post why this technique should be banned. It's the only attack you'd need to win a match once mastered, as you could become invisible and invincible, and reappear anywhere with an instant attack that has enough knockback to prevent punishment. There would be no beating this technique, and it propels Metaknight into God-tier.
I agree, if you read my post you'll see that I said I wanted it banned. I'm just arguing that using stalling as a reason isn't legit.

As for the subjectiveness of TOs to make decisions on whether or not this is stalling? I can see where you're going with that . . . but the Smash community isn't what it used to be. Since Brawl came out, a huge influx of new players have entered the competitive scene and the types of behavior we once could expect at a Melee tournament is no longer the case.
That might be the case that we're getting several different people entering the tournament scene. However,

1) These new people would only, at the very least (if they're logical), will only initially stall because they didn't know the rules. Once their opponent complains to a TO, they won't use the technique to stall anymore. It's not logical for them to put themselves on watch for the tournament if they plan to keep using the move.

2) Realize how limited this situation is. The only people who this risks are the newcomers that don't really know the customs of a tournament. They only really need to be told once that they're violating the rules; they either stop (which all but one or two would do) or keep going and get kicked out. If they attend more tourneys in the future, they won't break the rules, so basically this is only limited to people going to tourneys for their first time.

3) I don't see evidence of the new community's defiant attitude you're mentioning. If it exists, they haven't been stalling using other methods (Sonic's b-stall, etc), so I don't see why they'd want to flirt with the rules on this one.

Furthermore, since Metaknight is so good, so frequently used, and has such a low learning curve (and just a badass who was popular in the first place), many of these new players with their new attitudes toward gaming will not be so afraid of getting DQed in such a fashion. Many will be tempted to try this out in a tourney anyway.
This technique has a pretty high learning curve, though, so the people who picked up MK for being easy probably either don't go to tournaments much or won't be using this technique.

But that said, why would the frequency of use make people dumber? I agree that some people might try it out at first until a TO comes over, but then they'll stop. No one is going to try to jeopardize their chances in a tournament by stalling with the move after a warning; it's risking the money they invested to participate.

Plus, picture the entire situation of someone who discovered this technique OUTSIDE of this thread. They will be eager to use it at their next tourney. Someone who read this thread will then call them on excessive stalling. The player who used this technique NEVER even considered the stalling potential of the move, because stalling is not in their nature (I didn't even think about using it for stalling until it was mentioned
The chance that someone found this out without reading about it here is extremely small. The majority (I'm assuming) of people who attend tournaments and are good enough to win a lot of games are going to post on Smashboards. It took months of hundreds of thousands of MK players for SWF to find this out.

Even if someone who's never heard of Smashboards discovered this, it's unlikely that they'll be attending tournaments. Even so, in that one incredibly rare case, we're only talking about one person across the entire US.

But even so, that one person could use it to stall and then a TO would be called over. He will stop stalling with it because of the threat of a DQ. Basically, it's so small of an infraction that we shouldn't be worrying about it.

If they're called out on stalling, then it's up to a TO to decide whether it's true or not, not the person's intentions with using the move.

). Now we have a problem. Problems like this are better off avoided by banning the technique, because it has a large potential for stalling, and is overly difficult to monitor. If I wanted, I could get away with doing this at a tourney and stalling with it if is not banned. Also, had I no honor, I could also get away with saying that a Metaknight used it to stall when he did no such thing, even if I knew he did no such thing. It's better off that we don't see this at all, because it's far too controversial
The thing is, it's not difficult to monitor. It's as difficult to monitor as any other stalling move; the TO's subjective jurisdiction is all we can go by.

Someone says JP was rising pound stalling back in Melee, a TO gets called over and watches the match. JP stops stalling or, if he's an idiot, keeps stalling and DQs. It's the subjective call of the TO.

Someone says MK was stalling using this, a TO gets called over and watches the match. It's his call whether MK stalls again, just like he has his own subjective guidelines for how many wall-bombs it takes for Peach to be stalling, but in the end he's the one making the calls. And, in the end, people will stop doing it if they could be kicked out.

My only point was that monitoring this is not different from monitoring other stalling techniques. It might be a time limit, yes, but ultimately the TO makes a subjective call on the situation.

I do, however, agree that, with testing, it should be banned for other reasons as it stands now.


Wise Hermit
Dec 20, 2006
Teaneck, North Bergen County, NJ, USA
Except it's kinda hard when you're not just reading your opponent. You essentially have to BAIT them into dropping their invincibility and invisibility. Standing on the edge of the stage and shielding is cool . . . until I just wait for your shield to run out.

Hiding on a high platform does work. So now you have to ban FD. Oh well, there goes banning a stage that Metaknight is actually good at. That's an advantage of it's own.

Perfect shielding? Is there enough time to react to the reappearing slice? Before this attack was easy to shield, because we saw MK disappear. Now?


Smash Hero
Oct 20, 2006
Tempe, AZ
I meant Pit's Down B, I wouldn't have mentioned I played him otherwise. Anyone can put up their shield, but he has that awkward one.

If hiding on a platform works, then what about grabbing the edge? does it hit below or what? If it does, people can just grab and re-grab the edge until he breaks out.

I can consistently power shield Falco's lazers in Melee, it may not convert over to this situation, but I think people can adapt to it and learn when to put up their shields.

Like I said though, I don't know. Pestering me about possible techniques against it while I haven't even had it used against me doesn't change that I think it isn't completely broken. Will it help power him even more? Yes, definitely. But will it be the hands-down reason why he wins? Possibly, I don't know. is it unstoppably? I'm trying to figure that out.


Sep 1, 2004
Stockholm, Sweden
1) These new people would only, at the very least (if they're logical), will only initially stall because they didn't know the rules. Once their opponent complains to a TO, they won't use the technique to stall anymore. It's not logical for them to put themselves on watch for the tournament if they plan to keep using the move.
O RLY? How many tournaments have you been to? How much Competitive gaming have you been involved in/seen/read about?

People will exploit it. It's happened before, it's happening now and it will happen in the future.

Stop ignoring our arguments. People will abuse it. If you limit it to an arbitrary time limit, people will try to abuse that time limit or they'll just teeter on abusing it and we'll need TOs present at many Meta matches.

3) I don't see evidence of the new community's defiant attitude you're mentioning. If it exists, they haven't been stalling using other methods (Sonic's b-stall, etc), so I don't see why they'd want to flirt with the rules on this one.
Because Sonic's stall isn't a real stall and is easily counteracted. See, this is where learning more about the game before arguing about is would've helped you.

This technique has a pretty high learning curve, though, so the people who picked up MK for being easy probably either don't go to tournaments much or won't be using this technique.
O RLY? Because someone has already been able to consistently do it for 2-3 minutes straight. This after less than a day of the details of the AT being released to the general public (and this guy did not know about the technique before yesterday).

Yes, very high learning curve.

Stop saying the same things over and over, ignoring all arguments refuting your arguments. You know those (very not conflicting, despite you blindly chanting otherwise) numerous reasons we gave for why techniques are banned a while back? They apply here.


Smash Rookie
Mar 6, 2008
Brentwood, CA
Comon Yuna even you kno that you can't believe everything you hear.
He said he did it for 2-3 mins, which he might have, but wait till he puts up some proof before using his statement as a counter-arguement.

Ok guys well ima got to bed, its been fun.
Ima be done wit this thread so good luck on the ban/not ban thing

Heck, if it ends up getting banned thats one less MK tech i gotta worry about.

Good luck fellas and goodnight, err morning =D

and yes Sean you do own!


Smash Journeyman
Dec 16, 2007
Nashville, Tennessee
O RLY? How many tournaments have you been to? How much Competitive gaming have you been involved in/seen/read about?

People will exploit it. It's happened before, it's happening now and it will happen in the future.

Stop ignoring our arguments. People will abuse it. If you limit it to an arbitrary time limit, people will try to abuse that time limit or they'll just teeter on abusing it and we'll need TOs present at many Meta matches.

Because Sonic's stall isn't a real stall and is easily counteracted. See, this is where learning more about the game before arguing about is would've helped you.

O RLY? Because someone has already been able to consistently do it for 2-3 minutes straight. This after less than a day of the details of the AT being released to the general public (and this guy did not know about the technique before yesterday).

Yes, very high learning curve.

Stop saying the same things over and over, ignoring all arguments refuting your arguments. You know those (very not conflicting, despite you blindly chanting otherwise) numerous reasons we gave for why techniques are banned a while back? They apply here.
Are you going to respond to the three times I posted before, or are you going to continue to ignore the posts?


Sep 1, 2004
Stockholm, Sweden
Why should I? You brought up absolutely nothing new (and if you did, it might've just been one or two lines buried underneath 30+ lines of nothing new). Everything you said had already been brought up and discussed and oftentimes refuted before.

Go read back 5 or so pages and you'll get your answers.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 12, 2006
San Leandro, CA
Comon Yuna even you kno that you can't believe everything you hear.
He said he did it for 2-3 mins, which he might have, but wait till he puts up some proof before using his statement as a counter-arguement.

Ok guys well ima got to bed, its been fun.
Ima be done wit this thread so good luck on the ban/not ban thing

Heck, if it ends up getting banned thats one less MK tech i gotta worry about.

Good luck fellas and goodnight, err morning =D

and yes Sean you do own!
Lol thanks sean!


Smash Champion
Dec 26, 2006
Duryea, PA
ooooo, i'm going to get this banned at a local tournament today lol

stalling is gay, but it's fun moving across the stage with it :)

edit: i posted this before I tried the tech, there's no way i'm going to be able to do it for a whole match without my thumb breaking off :(... but i can at least sneak across the stage with it, so i can have some fun...

lol thanks for posting this tech


Smash Hero
Oct 20, 2006
Tempe, AZ
I just tried doing this...

IT'S HARD AS HELL! How did that guy do it for so long? I mashed the **** out of my C-stick and I only extended it a little bit, just enough to understand that it is possible, but wtf? How do you do it consistently? Is it just mashing, or is there timing to it?


Sep 1, 2004
Stockholm, Sweden
I just tried doing this...

IT'S HARD AS HELL! How did that guy do it for so long? I mashed the **** out of my C-stick and I only extended it a little bit, just enough to understand that it is possible, but wtf? How do you do it consistently? Is it just mashing, or is there timing to it?
Yes, there's a timing to it.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 16, 2007
Nashville, Tennessee
Edit: You know what, despite the fact that this took a while to type up, arguments between Yuna and I always devolve into some circular garbage.

Is it illegitimate for the SBR to suggest a ban for a move being 'too good?'


Smash Journeyman
Jun 13, 2007
South Bend, IN
Wow.... I've been trying this for sooooooooo long, and still the longest I've gotten is 16 seconds, and I've only done it one time XD...

I can only do it consistantly for about 2-5 seconds, but not for long.... This #### hurts....


Smash Journeyman
May 11, 2008
its not like this move makes you win instantly without the opponent to do anything.i think it should be tested in a few tournaments to see the results.


Sep 1, 2004
Stockholm, Sweden
Before you respond to this, Yuna, go back and respond to my first posts.
Too lazy, compile a new post with these supposed new arguments and I will give them my undivided attention. Note that the second I touch upon something either I or someone else have already responded to in the last 5 or so pages, I will stop responding so that post (and post what I've typed in up 'til that point).

The only time stalling was brought up at a tournament I attended, a TO watched the remainder of the match and the player did not stall anymore.
Who said only stalling gets abused. Anything that can be abused will be abused (at least by some). This is why we need rules instead of relying on merely the honour system. And if we set an arbitrary time limit, someone will abuse it.

In fact, since this thing is so good, many will abuse it. And this is much harder to police than the other stalls that are limited by amounts of repeats and not the amount of time used.

I was not competitive while playing Melee. I am sure that, in some rare instances, there were disputes over stalling. I have not seen stalling being utilized or complained about in any of the threads I've seen, videos I've watched, or people I've talked to.
That's because they were banned. This isn't banned yet, which is why we need to ban it. Also, they were easily monitored and policed. And did you know, I've already addressed this?!

See above.

But that's not even the point: the community is still largely dependent on the subjectivity of TO's as the solution to this problem.
Umm... no they're not.

Tournaments where the TO can just subjectively go "You've stalled too much, you lose!" are bad tournaments and most SWF:ers who've played the game Competitively for at least a while ridicule tournaments and TOs like that.

Whether or not someone is excessively stalling and should lose a match by forfeit should never be subjective. There needs to be clear rules which will easily let one see when someone's excessively stalling. 1-2-3-4-5 Rising Pounds, you're out!

Save someone not seeinga Rising Pound, there's no way to miss someone stalling with it. Now with the Meta-Knight stall, you have to have a stopwatch to accurately gauge the time. And you have to do it over and over and over again. And you have to have the reaction time to immediately start the stopwatch whenever the Meta does Down B.

It's not like with Rising Pound where you can miss it starting, see it has started and count it then.

There has never been a set number of moves (which I argued before DIRECTLY against a point you made, so much for me ignoring you) that constitutes a stall. We rely on a TO's judgment on the topic, and the same thing can apply to this move for stalling.
Actually, there have. They just aren't consistent with all tournaments. At most, it's just "Any kind of stalling, at all, is banned". You can only use a move to recover, you can wallbomb as Peach, but if you, at any time, drop down while doing it and you keep on doing it, you've forfeited the match. Or if you wallbomb when there's no way of recovery (like on the middle of Pokémon Stadium), that's also an obvious stall.

Or any kind of Rising Pound when not trying to recover.

However, how are you going to police this one? "Oh, I was trying to gain momentum.", "Oh, I was trying to approach safely.", "Oh, I was trying to get out of pressure.". I just kept doing it again and again and again.

Heck, I did it only once but at that time, there remained only 10 seconds on the clock. I did it for 5 seconds, grabbed the edge and then jumped off into 4 jumps into Up B and the game ended and I won. We can't have TO's subjectively deciding when something's a stall or when something isn't.

My first two posts directly dealt with what you and Mookierah were saying, and you ignored both of them. The only person to respond since your post has been Pierce, who I responded to thoroughly. You didn't respond to anything topical I said until this post.
Because I saw two paragraphs of BS that had already been responded to, so I ignored the rest.

Next, you can say the same thing about stalling. SOME people will abuse it, I'm sure. Some people will do 4 rising pounds instead of 5.
Yeah, only with Rising Pounds, it's obvious when someone does the 5th Rising Pound. With this, what are you going to do, use a stopwatch every time Meta-Knight down Bs? If it was easily monitored, it wouldn't have to be banned.

But it's not. Also, already dealt with.

You get the same problem there, yet we still rely on the same method for solving the issue: a subjective TO decision. And who's to say that it has to be a time limit? The TO could say no stalling and completely judge for himself whether you do it in the future. The fact is, some people may abuse it, but it can be monitored the same exact way we've done it in the past.
So the solution is to have TOs subjectively watch all Meta matches and go "You've used the Prolonged Down B too much! You lost!"? Gee, great solution.

I understand that you can move to the edge or jump to counteract the 'stall.' This point doesn't refute what you quoted... just replace it with another stalling technique. Stop using cop-outs.
Ummm... what?

I'm not saying the same things over and over, I'm not IGNORING anything. Every single post directed towards me has been answered. I read the thread fully before posting in response to you and Mookie. Stop using cop outs.
Then why did I just have to respond to three paragraphs of "This is just like any Rising Pound-like stall!" when I'd already posted about why it's not.

I told you to go back and read a few pages of what's been posted so far. You obviously didn't. You just waltzed in here as if what you're saying is totally new and has never been uttered in this thread so far, forcing us to repeat an endless cycle.

This is why I told you to go back and read five pages past when you first entered the thread.

* Must constitute a win in a such a way it's virtually impossible to win against it once it has begun.

This one? You can only make this point by saying it can stall, which is what I've been arguing against.
We banned it for stalling. Then comes the problem of when it constitutes a stall. In this case, it will obviously be a time limit and not a limit of repeated uses of the same move. But then comes the problem of what the time limit will be. Followed by the problem that it's so **** hard to keep check of that the Metas aren't breaching said time limits.

This is a TO's nightmares and takes too much time and manpower. Also, I've said all of this three times already.

Yea, my point was that you can ban the stall and not the technique, so it wouldn't become an instant-win. Kind of like how we'd ban wobbling past %300 but not the technique in general. If it's the stall that gives the win, then we ban stalling with it, but that's not a reason to ban the technique.
No one Wobbles past 150% because you die before that, anyway. No one's gonna risk you breaking out of Wobbling by prolonging it past what's needed. If someone does take it to 300%, you can just look at the percentages and go "You took it past 300%". With this, you need a stopwatch to measure the millisecond.

Also, I've already brought this up.

The tech is broken, YES, it should be banned, YES, but (and my ONLY point has been) that we can limit the stalling the same way we've done with other moves, so it shouldn't be used as an excuse for banning.
Must I repeat everything I just said or will you be satisfied with me not replying to this paragraph?

Edit: You know what, despite the fact that this took a while to type up, arguments between Yuna and I always devolve into some circular garbage.
Because you're not good at debating. You ignore anything you can't refute and repeat old used and already refuted arguments, even those originally brought up by yourself and already refuted by whoever you're debating against. It's quite telling when almost no one who isn't random agrees with you in debates.

Sometimes, they agree with your standpoint, but not the way you motivate it because your debating skills are quite lacking. Mine are basic, I do not use any fancy-schmancy stuff. But at least I use actual facts to back myself up.

Is it illegitimate for the SBR to suggest a ban for a move being 'too good?'
Did you just ask if it's against SBR rules for itself to suggest a ban on a move for being "too good"? Or did you mean "Is it legitimate"? In which case the answer is, obviously, yes.

If something is just "too good" and lets someone win every single tournament without ever standing a realistic chance of losing, then it will be banned. If it's the character in itself, then we'll ban it. If it's a special technique that's not a natural part of their moveset (like they can't accidentally do a Fair, even though it's so good it has to be banned), then we'll just ban the technique.


Smash Hero
Oct 20, 2006
Tempe, AZ
It doesn't need to be banned until it is proven that it needs to. If a MK wins because of this, then I guess go ahead and ban it, but I don't see that happening.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
Fox... is... not... invincible. This... is... not... the... same... thing.
That's what I was asking! Jesus Christ, do you have a little recording in your head that repeats "I'm better than you" whenever you type? Don't try to one up me when I was merely asking a question. Honestly, you're the only person here I've met who even argues with people that AGREE with you because it's not exactly your point of view. Lordy...

Anyways, has anyone tried this on stages with irregularly shaped platforms like Pirate Ship and Lylat Cruise yet? I've only been up for the past hour and tested it on Final Destination and Battlefield last night.


Smash Hero
Oct 20, 2006
Tempe, AZ
I have a recording in my head telling me I'm better than everyone else. It says, "You play Melee... You play Melee... You play Melee..."


Sep 1, 2004
Stockholm, Sweden
It doesn't need to be banned until it is proven that it needs to. If a MK wins because of this, then I guess go ahead and ban it, but I don't see that happening.
"Don't ban it 'til it wins tournaments, even if extensive testing has been done on it"?

Then what, pray tell, would be the threshhold for banning it? 1 tournament win? 10 tournament wins? 100 tournaments wins? 2 years? After all, we could find a way to counteract how it's used (if a way can be devised for it to almost guarantee or actually guarantee a win) after 2 years.

Also, this will boost Meta-Knights tier placement. He'll probably go into a tier of his own. If he goes so far up he'll win against everyone hands down in such a way the tournament scene will devolve into Meta vs. Meta, the move doesn't have to be used for stalling. If he becomes so good it'll be Meta vs. Meta, we'll have to either ban Meta or just ban the technique (obviously, we'll ban the technique).

Of course, the problem of it boosting Meta to God Tier wouldn't exist if thsi technique had been discovered for, say, Ganondorf. But Because Meta is already one of the best characters in the game, this could very well make him God Tier way above everyone else, which would be bad.
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