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MetaKnight Infinite Dimensional Cape - hope you enjoy

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Smash Master
Dec 5, 2007
Unlimited Blade Works
I might be some freak of nature, but I find this very easy to do. I'm able to cross the entire stage of Eldin Bridge from one KO Zone to another consistently. It is more of a fast flicking then it is mashing your C Stick. If you can keep that concept in your head, you're good.

On another note, this thing is the sexiest, most amazing tactic for getting past long range projectiles. Falco's Lasers? Nope. Waddle Dees? Nope. Mines & Nades? Nope. It's astounding how good this is to close the gap safely.


Smash Rookie
Jul 4, 2008
Couldn't you use the WiiChuck combo and set Up on the D-Pad to Up Smash? I think that might make it easier.


Smash Rookie
Mar 6, 2008
Brentwood, CA
Ok guys so i tested the Training mode
Heres what i found:

The Cape must not be done too fast or it will not work
The Cape cannot be done too slow or it won't work
The Timing itself is fast so messing it up can be pretty easy if you are slow/tired
Oh and Fox Shine=Tether recovery ***** Just saying


Sep 1, 2004
Stockholm, Sweden
The Cape must not be done too fast or it will not work
The Cape cannot be done too slow or it won't work
The Timing itself is fast so messing it up can be pretty easy if you are slow/tired
"In order to perform this AT, you need timing. Also, don't mess up, because that's bad ("don't be slow/tired")."

What did this have to do with anything, anyway?


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
Since when does Fox disappear during Phantasm and since when is he even invincible during most of it, anyway? It's also freakishly slow and laggy.
I was asking because I didn't know if he could be hit between when it starts and when it ends. Also, the lag is not that bad if you short hop it close to the ground. Just to provide a better mental picture, suppose you are Fox and you're fighting Ganondorf on a stage like Final Destination. You go to one side of the stage and spam the crap out of the lazer. Ganondorf approaches by *insert method here*. When he's right next to you, you short hop the Fox Phantasm twice to get to the other side of the stage and repeat the pattern.

Granted, it very unlikely that this would happen in a tournament match. A more realistic scenario would be if the Fox lands a couple of attacks, retreats, waits for the slow character to approach, and then does the aforementioned. Once the slow character's percentage is high enough, he finds an opening and lands an Usmash, sending Bowser/Ike/Ganondorf/etc into the horizen where they drop several thousand feet from the sky to a horribly graphic death. What I'm now asking is if these two cases are similar? Remember, it's just a question so don't get offended if I'm horribly, horribly wrong.

Add in and directed towards Yuna:

I think what Cryostatis is saying is that the move takes a decent amount of skill to pull off sort of like Boost Smashing (jump cancelled usmash or whatever the technical term is) and thus isn't something that someone could actually apply to their game in a couple of days (or minutes when it comes to the Ness infinite :laugh:, I'm such a prick...). I think that's what he's trying to say anyways...


Smash Rookie
Mar 6, 2008
Brentwood, CA
Oh, it was so that people could see that mashing the C-Stick too fast would make you mess up. So that you need to have a certain Timing to keep it going consistently.
There a couple frames in-between too fast and too slow.

Also, you CAN do it with the nunchuck and wiimote with up set to Upsmash
However it makes it the same difficulty, maybe harder because of the rest of the D-Pad getting in the way if you have other moves on it. The other moves force you to attack early.
Also i found myself going too fast on the D-pad occasionally.

i was not holding the nunchuck in my other hand because it allowed me to go faster on the D-pad to time it better. i don't think its very efficient from what i have tested but if someone else could test it out that would be great!


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
I might be some freak of nature, but I find this very easy to do. I'm able to cross the entire stage of Eldin Bridge from one KO Zone to another consistently. It is more of a fast flicking then it is mashing your C Stick. If you can keep that concept in your head, you're good.

On another note, this thing is the sexiest, most amazing tactic for getting past long range projectiles. Falco's Lasers? Nope. Waddle Dees? Nope. Mines & Nades? Nope. It's astounding how good this is to close the gap safely.
Wow... you are a freak. O_o; No tournaments for you! :laugh: (Depending on how this ends, I might be serious.)


Sep 1, 2004
Stockholm, Sweden
Fox... is... not... invincible. This... is... not... the... same... thing.

I think what Cryostatis is saying is that the move takes a decent amount of skill to pull off sort of like Boost Smashing (jump cancelled usmash or whatever the technical term is) and thus isn't something that someone could actually apply to their game in a couple of days (or minutes when it comes to the Ness infinite :laugh:, I'm such a prick...). I think that's what he's trying to say anyways...
Yes, my translation did state that he basically just said that the technique requires skill. And? It has no bearing on whether or not it'll be banned. Whether it is humanly possible does.


Smash Rookie
Mar 6, 2008
Brentwood, CA
Oh Yuna i wasn't trying to prove anything i was just stating my findings from testing.
umm and for some reason i do an attack out of the Cape when i didn't press anything but the C-Stick
It was weird but it might just be me so i dunno.

Admiral Pit

Smash Hero
Feb 20, 2008
Looks like soon we're going to see more Metas than Snakes in tournaments and he is more likely to get banned than Snakes all because Meta learned a simple "Now you see him, Now you dont" Trick that he learned from a Magician.

Meta might even be more common than Snakes, Ike spammers, and Space Animal spammers (all 3 of em) Combined.

2 weeks later... What? All I see are Metas now. They should change the game name to Super Meta Knight Bros Brawl, and my friends have been playing Dimensional Cape Tag all day, while at the same time, getting their hands bloody red in like 5 minutes.

1 year later...
Does anyone want to join MetaKnight Tournament #9001?
What!? There's that many MetaKnight Tournaments? It's over 9000!

Yea, I could probably see one of those happening... Imagine it.


Smash Cadet
Apr 26, 2008
one thing that is a little cheap about this is that it can be used to retreat as far as you wish and grab the edge, never relinquishing your invinincibility frames. while i will admit i just spent a good 10 minutes getting this down (simply because it looks so amazing) it could cause an outbreak of realllllly campy MK players. this tech really does trump all though thank you for making this thread :chuckle:

Pearl Floatzel

Smash Apprentice
Mar 21, 2008
It's going to be banned. This isn't just some tactic to stall, or run away, or even just show off. It's a prolonged, moving, invisible spot dodge. You can go anywhere without your opponent knowing, and appear at any time and attack or wait and then start another non-dimensional-cape-swipe attack.
Basically, it means that a grounded Metaknight can go anywhere on the stage, and you can't stop him, or even know where he is.
There is no counter.

I deem it Broken.

Nice find though.


Smash Sweetheart
Aug 19, 2007
I'm having a lot of trouble getting this down, I can only do it for about twice as long as the normal down-B. I'm using the PAL version of Brawl so don't know if that matters but if anyone has any tips on how to make it easier, please tell me =). Psy.


Jul 16, 2005
Seems like it'll be banned to me.

I've never seen 1 technique blow up so fast. The boards were going crazy the first 2 hours after he posted this.

Has everyone actually tried this, BTW? I did and it's KILLER on your arm. I couldn't keep it going longer than 5-6 seconds at any point.

Admiral Pit

Smash Hero
Feb 20, 2008
I sometimes Killed myself while practicing. It seems like it's better on wifi... but Idk. I really think it's goin to be banned too, but thankfully Meta Knight isnt my only main, and I wouldnt rely on this much since you yourself can get punished if you dont do it right.


Kinda Sorta OK at Smash
Mar 7, 2004
Umeå, Sweden
I'd just like to point out something. OS discovered that you can dimension cape cancel the ledge. In other words, you have no ending lag now, as you have the option to catch the ledge.

About the only thing that made me hesitant about banning is that there was some lag in reappearing, now that is not the case.

As for the hardness of doing this for a prolonged period of time... well I've said it many times. Have you actually trained your thumb to do this for weeks? It's possible to build up your thumb muscles, and you could gain enough endurance to do these in 30 second increments fairly often. Stalling the entire match is probably impossible, but brief bursts to run down the clock every time you take a stock off is still stalling.

Also, keep in mind that this is something that could possibly make a mid to upper tier character potential top tier material, and it's something that a top tier has! It's not out of the question that this could push Meta into an Akuma-like situation.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 16, 2007
Nashville, Tennessee
Yuna, I'm sorry, but even after reading your post, I couldn't find where you explicitly answered my argumentation. Please go back and post again so I can respond.

Also, please don't chastise others for not thoroughly responding to other arguments. You FREQUENTLY and CONSISTENTLY quote multiple-paragraph responses and answer with one sentence. From arguing against you before, you'll probably say "But my sentence always completely refutes what you say!" No, it never does, it never has, and, for anyone versed in logic, it never will unless you write really long run-on sentences.


To be honest, though, I would rather you just go a different route. It's clear that the move is going to be broken regardless of whether it can be used for stalling. From your responses, it's clear that stalling isn't the only reason why you think it should be banned (you've mentioned invincibility on command, which is a much more viable argument).

It's silly to argue over this anyway since we both have the same goal, so say as you will, I won't hinder you any more because I'd like to see this banned as well.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 16, 2007
Nashville, Tennessee
I'd just like to point out something. OS discovered that you can dimension cape cancel the ledge. In other words, you have no ending lag now, as you have the option to catch the ledge.

About the only thing that made me hesitant about banning is that there was some lag in reappearing, now that is not the case.

As for the hardness of doing this for a prolonged period of time... well I've said it many times. Have you actually trained your thumb to do this for weeks? It's possible to build up your thumb muscles, and you could gain enough endurance to do these in 30 second increments fairly often. Stalling the entire match is probably impossible, but brief bursts to run down the clock every time you take a stock off is still stalling.

Also, keep in mind that this is something that could possibly make a mid to upper tier character potential top tier material, and it's something that a top tier has! It's not out of the question that this could push Meta into an Akuma-like situation.
Sorry for the double-post, but I'd like to add two things:

Yuna has said that difficulty (as in, mental/physical agility) of a move is inconsequential, and I somewhat agree.

Other people have pointed out that this is physical endurance, which would make it impossible. But, you're right Mookie, it's very possible to train your muscles to get stronger just as its possible to train them to get more muscle memory.

Ask, say, a drummer to do this. I know at least three drummers who have random huge muscles on their hands that I didn't know existed. I know for a fact that one of them could do this for at least 30 seconds before their thumb even got tired.

So, yea, most people won't be able to do this for long, but someone will.

Second, Mookie, I don't think that this will create an Akuma-like situation, if you're saying we might need to just ban the character.

Thankfully, MK without the technique isn't broken. The technique is easily identifiable and easily bannable, so it probably won't happen if it's banned.

I haven't tested it enough to be conclusive as of yet, but at least, in theory, I think it should be banned as much as you guys, for different reasons.

I'm just willing to say 'it's too good' instead of pushing into another issue to make use of our precedent with banning things.


Sep 1, 2004
Stockholm, Sweden
Yuna has said that difficulty (as in, mental/physical agility) of a move is inconsequential, and I somewhat agree.
I've found replying to your posts very useless since you ignore anything you cannot refute and go after technicalities and very seldom present actual arguments. And when you do, it's oftentime blatant lies (either told by you or by someone else who've made you think it's the truth), pure opinion or misguided interpretations.

Meanwhile, you very often jump down my throat with personal insults, expletives and accusations of me ignoring you and not having real arguments when it's, in fact, the other way around.

But I'll address this point because you're, once again, suffering from a severe case of selective reading as I'm pretty sure you've seen me type out this very same sentence at least 6 times by now:
Difficulty of performance is inconsequential as long as it's humanly possible.

Do not leave that 2nd part out. How hard it is to perform is inconsequential as long as it's humanly possible because then, somewhere, sometime, somehow, someone will master it.

Also, when MookieRah mentioned Akuma, he meant that this would push Meta-Knight into an Akuma-tier, unbeatable. He'd win every single tournament in existence (with a few exceptions) and the tournament scene would devolve into Akuma vs. Akuma. Banning the technique will prevent this, however.


Smash Master
Oct 13, 2003
Fort Lauderdale, FL
Amazing! This has to be one of the most amazing brawl techs since dash canceled upsmash, no... this is the most amazing brawl tech ever! This would be perfect to get you out of hard to avoid situations. Against a spammer this would counter them so badly! This would work so perfectly against spamming ROB's and Wolf's. This is so great, I feel like crying now.


Smash Hero
May 22, 2006
Why are people so concerned with the stalling aspect of this? The stalling is inconsequential and humanly impossible for extended periods of time. I find the integration into actual gameplay and real situations much more important than that. MK now has a way to approach while invincible. He chooses when to reappear, too. MK is without a doubt the best character in the game right now, and if this can be utilized well, then its just nudging him closer to the dreaded "broken" category.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 16, 2007
Nashville, Tennessee
Why are people so concerned with the stalling aspect of this? The stalling is inconsequential and humanly impossible for extended periods of time. I find the integration into actual gameplay and real situations much more important than that. MK now has a way to approach while invincible. He chooses when to reappear, too. MK is without a doubt the best character in the game right now, and if this can be utilized well, then its just nudging him closer to the dreaded "broken" category.
I agree. My theory is that people want a cop-out to instantly ban it by saying it's stalling and then using our precedent on that issue. I haven't tested it enough to know full well (nor could I know without seeing it affect tournament and competitive play), but I think the move is broken enough that, at this point, the technique should be flat-out banned at some point in the near future.

Not to mention, the stalling aspect is able to be monitored for reasons I gave before. We constantly rely on a TO's subjective moderation on issues of stalling in the past, and it has practically prevented stalling up till this point. I went into more detail before, but I don't feel like copy and pasting.

I've found replying to your posts very useless since you ignore anything you cannot refute and go after technicalities and very seldom present actual arguments. And when you do, it's oftentime blatant lies (either told by you or by someone else who've made you think it's the truth), pure opinion or misguided interpretations.

Meanwhile, you very often jump down my throat with personal insults, expletives and accusations of me ignoring you and not having real arguments when it's, in fact, the other way around.

But I'll address this point because you're, once again, suffering from a severe case of selective reading as I'm pretty sure you've seen me type out this very same sentence at least 6 times by now:
Difficulty of performance is inconsequential as long as it's humanly possible.

Do not leave that 2nd part out. How hard it is to perform is inconsequential as long as it's humanly possible because then, somewhere, sometime, somehow, someone will master it.

Also, when MookieRah mentioned Akuma, he meant that this would push Meta-Knight into an Akuma-tier, unbeatable. He'd win every single tournament in existence (with a few exceptions) and the tournament scene would devolve into Akuma vs. Akuma. Banning the technique will prevent this, however.
I don't know if you realized this or not, but you spent an entire post trying to refute me when I was agreeing with you. About everything.

I said that someone IS going to master being able to stall for 30+ seconds with this technique. You claimed I had 'selective reading' and responded by saying that you added 'humanly possible.' I was agreeing with you, yet you decided that I wasn't and tried to refute me anyway. Alright, I'm sorry I left out the humanly possible part, in the end I was agreeing with you and you blow up on me.

I know what Mookie was saying, I read what Sirlin had to say about Akuma. I responded the exact same way you did: banning the technique will prevent that situation.

If anyone has selective reading, then, it's you. I agreed with you, and you tried to argue against me. Your response is proof that you really don't know what you're talking about.

Here is what you do, Yuna:

You skim things, assume what someone is saying, and then post a one-line blanket response that barely covers what was said and ignores a lot of analysis.

I will fully admit that I've done that in the past, and I probably will do it in the future. You do it in every. single. response.

If you want real life credentials so you know what I'm talking about, just ask. I'm not a genius by any stretch, but I know a logical charlatan when I see one.


Wise Hermit
Dec 20, 2006
Teaneck, North Bergen County, NJ, USA
"In order to perform this AT, you need timing. Also, don't mess up, because that's bad ("don't be slow/tired")."

What did this have to do with anything, anyway?
I've agreed with pretty much everything you've said Yuna (I've read the entire thread, half last night until I stopped posting and then played Brawl and then went to sleep) and the rest just now.

I quoted the above post to basically answer the included question. This thread is not solely about whether or not the technique is to be banned, but about the discovery of the technique, and the technique in general. Just because he wasn't replying to your posts, doesn't mean that the post has no relevance.

In fact, it's pretty important to note that this technique doesn't require spamming, it requires timing and rhythm. You want to push UpC at the RIGHT time.

Now that I've gone over that, I'd like to aid Yuna in his argument.

Many of you are complaining that this technique is difficult to perform, but I did it for over a minute last night EASILY.

"Oh, great master? How did you perform such a feat?" Simple. I already knew that I couldn't change my controller settings to use any other button for smash on the GAMECUBE CONTROLLER, so I simply switched to a WIIMOTE and NUNCHUK and proceeded to invisibly lap around FD. It's pretty easy to rapidly spam Dpad up.

Furthermore, once I get the timing down, I'm sure I can do it longer. After all, I practiced for less than a half hour.

Outside of the stalling potential, this technique should be banned anyway. It's the ONLY technique I'll need to kill you. I'm sure even staled it'll kill somewhere around 250. I'll initiate it at the beginning of the match. The only way to avoid me is to recycle the ledge, or stand on a very high platform (one of the two lower platforms on battlefield are not high enough, because I can still warp up that high). If you recycle the ledge, I can hog you with good timing, and Metaknight's edgeguarding is the best in the game anyway. If you're anyone that doesn't have a retardedly good recovery, you're now screwed.

When I hit you, it'll provide enough knockback for me to do it again. You can't shield it, because if you are shielding, I'll just wait for your shield to run out, and then attack. I can be right next to you the WHOLE TIME, but you'll never know when I'm going to strike, and you can't possibly dodge or block it reliably. It's not like I'm just going invisible, and invincible. I also have a relatively decent attack on reappearance. Rinse and repeat till victory by stock or time.

And for those of you who are worshiping this as a technique to bypass spammers, I've BEEN doing that without the glitch. SHDC gets behind Falco and Wolf from moderate distances if they're shooting grounded lazers, and if Falco is double lazering, then you should be able to get to him anyway. You'd have to be retardedly far from your opponent for this to need to be applicable, which you never should be because you have no long range, and you're rapely fast. You just neglected a good move and an awesome mindgame and wrote it off as bad because the "metagame masters" say that lag is bad. Yeah, it is, but every move has lag. Risk vs reward, DC has good rewards all by itself, when used properly.

I agree. My theory is that people want a cop-out to instantly ban it by saying it's stalling and then using our precedent on that issue. I haven't tested it enough to know full well (nor could I know without seeing it affect tournament and competitive play), but I think the move is broken enough that, at this point, the technique should be flat-out banned at some point in the near future.

Not to mention, the stalling aspect is able to be monitored for reasons I gave before. We constantly rely on a TO's subjective moderation on issues of stalling in the past, and it has practically prevented stalling up till this point. I went into more detail before, but I don't feel like copy and pasting.

I don't know if you realized this or not, but you spent an entire post trying to refute me when I was agreeing with you. About everything.

I said that someone IS going to master being able to stall for 30+ seconds with this technique. You claimed I had 'selective reading' and responded by saying that you added 'humanly possible.' I was agreeing with you, yet you decided that I wasn't and tried to refute me anyway.

I know what Mookie was saying, I read what Sirlin had to say about Akuma. I responded the exact same way you did: banning the technique will prevent that situation.

If anyone has selective reading, then, it's you. I agreed with you, and you tried to argue against me. Your response is proof that you really don't know what you're talking about.

Here is what you do, Yuna:

You skim things, assume what someone is saying, and then post a one-line blanket response that barely covers what was said and ignores a lot of analysis.

I will fully admit that I've done that in the past, and I probably will do it in the future. You do it in every. single. response.

If you want real life credentials so you know what I'm talking about, just ask. I'm not a genius by any stretch, but I know a logical charlatan when I see one.
Actually, Yuna only does this after he's ALREADY made his point over and over again. He just doesn't feel like repeating himself IN DETAIL, but continues to reply to everything in a simpler way, since people haven't actually come up with reasonable responses to counter what he's said (things like: if this weren't banned than how would we monitor this). Yuna generally starts multiquoting AFTER his main posts which state his argument, and the first few posts after that which actually usually do throughly refute other arguments. If said counter-arguments aren't believed to be thoroughly refuted, then he usually goes into more detail, but like I said, doesn't like repeating himself over and over in detail.

The Dinkoman

Smash Lord
Apr 13, 2008
Very cool, but I hope this technique will only be used as a last resort rather than being a complete nub and using it all the time.

I also wonder can this be used in Boss Battles and SSE?


Wise Hermit
Dec 20, 2006
Teaneck, North Bergen County, NJ, USA
its funny how many people are freaking out about this when there are far more broken techniques then this.
Such as? Is there some more broken technique I don't know about? I'd love to learn it. Please indulge me.

Very cool, but I hope this technique will only be used as a last resort rather than being a complete nub and using it all the time.

I also wonder can this be used in Boss Battles and SSE?
Yes. If you can master it.

EDIT: Note: my previous post has been lengthened.


Smash Cadet
Jul 6, 2008
pacific coast
its funny how many people are freaking out about this when there are far more broken techniques then this.
i have to dissagree with you because this is a freaking broken technique but i dont think it should be banned just stalling should be banned. but nobody can deny that an invincible approach is consitered broken


Smash Journeyman
Dec 16, 2007
Nashville, Tennessee
Actually, Yuna only does this after he's ALREADY made his point over and over again. He just doesn't feel like repeating himself IN DETAIL, but continues to reply to everything in a simpler way, since people haven't actually come up with reasonable responses to counter what he's said (things like: if this weren't banned than how would we monitor this). Yuna generally starts multiquoting AFTER his main posts which state his argument, and the first few posts after that which actually usually do throughly refute other arguments. If said counter-arguments aren't believed to be thoroughly refuted, then he usually goes into more detail, but like I said, doesn't like repeating himself over and over in detail.
Alright, I'll concede that point, he does make a main point from time to time.

However, as in this example with me, he oftentimes misreads or skips over what people say when their analysis differs from other people, and saying 'I responded to this' when he really didn't at all.

For example: read my post responding to Mookie, then his response. Do you really not see that either he's ******** (which he isn't, he's just really stubborn and hardheaded) or he didn't read my post at all? I agreed with him, then he tries to refute me. He continually misreads what people say, probably (or at least I'm hoping) because he goes through it way too quickly for his own good.


That said, it still stands that we have always relied, as a community, on the subjective judgments of TOs to make decisions. Sure, some people have come up with specific guidelines (you can only rising pound 3 times, etc), but a) no specific amount has been generally accepted and b) almost all tournaments just say 'no excessive stalling.' On that note, then, TOs can do the same exact thing here with time limits, and it will remain just as subjective. We rely on the TO. The bonus is, as I said before, almost all people will avoid stalling because of the rule, as vague as it is, being in place to avoid risk.

I wrote more about it in my first two posts.


Wise Hermit
Dec 20, 2006
Teaneck, North Bergen County, NJ, USA
Alright, I'll concede that point, he does make a main point from time to time.

However, as in this example with me, he oftentimes misreads or skips over what people say when their analysis differs from other people, and saying 'I responded to this' when he really didn't at all.

For example: read my post responding to Mookie, then his response. Do you really not see that either he's ******** (which he isn't, he's just really stubborn and hardheaded) or he didn't read my post at all? I agreed with him, then he tries to refute me. He continually misreads what people say, probably (or at least I'm hoping) because he goes through it way too quickly for his own good.


That said, it still stands that we have always relied, as a community, on the subjective judgments of TOs to make decisions. Sure, some people have come up with specific guidelines (you can only rising pound 3 times, etc), but a) no specific amount has been generally accepted and b) almost all tournaments just say 'no excessive stalling.' On that note, then, TOs can do the same exact thing here with time limits, and it will remain just as subjective. We rely on the TO. The bonus is, as I said before, almost all people will avoid stalling because of the rule, as vague as it is, being in place to avoid risk.

I wrote more about it in my first two posts.
I will agree with you that YES, Yuna is very hotheaded, lol. Furthermore, I don't agree entirely with the way he's dealt with your posts on this issue, specifically looking at this:

as a reply to your previous post. I don't think that was the best way to approach the point he was trying to make in that post, and I can see where you are coming from.

As for the subjectiveness of TOs to make decisions on whether or not this is stalling? I can see where you're going with that . . . but the Smash community isn't what it used to be. Since Brawl came out, a huge influx of new players have entered the competitive scene and the types of behavior we once could expect at a Melee tournament is no longer the case. Furthermore, since Metaknight is so good, so frequently used, and has such a low learning curve (and just a badass who was popular in the first place), many of these new players with their new attitudes toward gaming will not be so afraid of getting DQed in such a fashion. Many will be tempted to try this out in a tourney anyway. Plus, picture the entire situation of someone who discovered this technique OUTSIDE of this thread. They will be eager to use it at their next tourney. Someone who read this thread will then call them on excessive stalling. The player who used this technique NEVER even considered the stalling potential of the move, because stalling is not in their nature (I didn't even think about using it for stalling until it was mentioned). Now we have a problem. Problems like this are better off avoided by banning the technique, because it has a large potential for stalling, and is overly difficult to monitor. If I wanted, I could get away with doing this at a tourney and stalling with it if is not banned. Also, had I no honor, I could also get away with saying that a Metaknight used it to stall when he did no such thing, even if I knew he did no such thing. It's better off that we don't see this at all, because it's far too controversial.

Off topic, but for the record, I think the standing infinite on Ness should be banned, and most tourneys that I go to ban all standing infinites.

Furthermore, I also voiced ADDITIONAL reasons in a previous post why this technique should be banned. It's the only attack you'd need to win a match once mastered, as you could become invisible and invincible, and reappear anywhere with an instant attack that has enough knockback to prevent punishment. There would be no beating this technique, and it propels Metaknight into God-tier.


Smash Hero
Oct 20, 2006
Tempe, AZ
This tech is obliviously going to be used, its going to be used as a stall, its going to get banned, all that. But only if people don't do it, to stall that is, but just to maybe show off, or maybe in a match, just to get out of a 'sticky situation.' You have the power now, use it wisely.
It won't be banned. If it is a tactic that can be used aside from stalling, then you don't have to worry. If someone does this and waits there doing nothing while the other person can't do anything, then it is stalling and THEY will be kicked from the tournament. Stalling can be done with Peach in Melee by picking FoD and slamming against the wall forever. However, that move and that tactic weren't banned, but if you used it to stall then YOU were kicked.

Although... I'm not sure how people will respond to a technique that makes you untouchable even if you are still on the stage and you can't do anything to them until you break out.


Smash Master
Oct 13, 2003
Fort Lauderdale, FL
It would be interesting to see people using this technique for more than 10 seconds. Its possible. But anybody that claims to say they can do it for more than a minute, they are just saying that so they would get people to think its ban worthy. I don't think it should be banned. But there should be a 10 second rule to using it.

I also find it funny how people used to say that Meta Knight's Down+B was his worst move. Now its his best move. You ate your words guys. lol. :laugh:

Also, if you think this move is cheap you can counterstage it by choosing rainbow cruise, rumble falls, and probably some other stages I cant think of right now since I don't know much about the properties of this move yet. Maybe stages with platforms and tight spaces?


Wise Hermit
Dec 20, 2006
Teaneck, North Bergen County, NJ, USA
It won't be banned. If it is a tactic that can be used aside from stalling, then you don't have to worry. If someone does this and waits there doing nothing while the other person can't do anything, then it is stalling and THEY will be kicked from the tournament. Stalling can be done with Peach in Melee by picking FoD and slamming against the wall forever. However, that move and that tactic weren't banned, but if you used it to stall then YOU were kicked.

Although... I'm not sure how people will respond to a technique that makes you untouchable even if you are still on the stage and you can't do anything to them until you break out.
By the nature of your post, it looks like to haven't read the entire thread (don't blame you. 30 pages in less than a day)

That being said, no previous stalling technique was of this caliber. I think it to be very likely that it'll be banned.

It would be interesting to see people using this technique for more than 10 seconds. Its possible. But anybody that claims to say they can do it for more than a minute, they are just saying that so they would get people to think its ban worthy. I don't think it should be banned. But there should be a 10 second rule to using it.

I also find it funny how people used to say that Meta Knight's Down+B was his worst move. Now its his best move. You ate your words guys. lol. :laugh:

Also, if you think this move is cheap you can counterstage it by choosing rainbow cruise, rumble falls, and probably some other stages I cant think of right now since I don't know much about the properties of this move yet. Maybe stages with platforms and tight spaces?
I'm slightly insulted that you'd accuse me of lying, and I cannot do it indefinitely, but I can do it for an extended period of time. Try the tech I posted a while back, and I bet you can too.

Rumble Falls is typically banned. Rainbow Cruise is already **** for Metaknight, and you probably won't win here regardless. It's a stage he has a natural advantage on.

There is Jungle Gapes though! So let me counter pick this stage every single time I have to fight Metaknight, just to stop him from using one technique. He's decent on this stage anyway, and me? Maybe, maybe not? Oh, even I win, now it's his stage pick, and then after he wins, thanks to Dave's Modified Stupid Rule, I can't pick Jungle Japes again!

Clearly a technique that forces you to counter-pick a stage over that one tech should be banned, especially since it's a ground-based tech on an air based character.


Smash Hero
Oct 20, 2006
Tempe, AZ
However, the tactic shouldn't be banned for stalling purposes, as stalling is usually judged by the overuse of a tactic and not the tactic itself. Rising puff punch, peach's ***, wobbling, etc. were all allowed, but the players using them too much were carefully watched. The reason why the move should be banned is because it allows you to strike without any form of retaliation (as of right now, I assume. As you said, 30 pages of reading is not for me). That would seem extreme in a tournament. It will be interesting to see how organizers, the Backroom, and the community looks at this. Will it be looked at like freeze glitching? An impossible to escape tactic that can stall out matches easily and can be preformed fairly simply? Or will it be looked at more like wobbling, a move that is similar to freeze glitching, just without the game completely breaking? That's the question.

In my opinion, it should be allowed. Since you CAN powershield it, you can shield grab him out of it. The problem is knowing when and where. I think the biggest thing to come out of this though, is the separation of God Tier from the rest by an even further margin.
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