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When i play co18.... its feels like 65-35
let me explain how my mind works.
When It is even in percent and stock, i believe it is a 60/40 matchup
When ddd is winning, it becomes a 55/45 matchup, mk still having far superior mixup he needs in approaching that he WILL come back if the mk is as smart as the ddd, and as good at the matchup.
When mk is winning, it becomes like 70/30, and instantly 75/25 if he's winning and edgeguarding, where as if he's losing and edgeguarding its only 60/40, since u have to actually consider inhale, and not do as risky stuff.
once on the ledge itself, mk should be able to get on for free nearly every time with a simple mixup, if u watch my vids vs co, u'll hopefully notice what it is, im not spelling everything out.
In any case, if u look at the numbers enough, and i don't say average, but roughly estimate, i'd say if u heard that a mk was currently playing a ddd, u could guess its a 65/35 situation going on, at any one time, without looking at the screen.
^^^^^My two and a half cents.