Hello Smashboards, This is my take on the Diddy MU for what i have learned through experience.
There is one major factor in this MU that heavily sways the results of the round even more so then it does in several other MU's. This factor is Momentum. Both Mk and DDK can put momentum to great and devestating effect. controlling and maintaining the pace of your offensive and defensive choices during either to maximize the use of your momentum, or minimize the effect of the DDK's momentum, will decide the match.
Metaknight Tools and Tips.
Do not be fooled the ground does not belong to only Diddy, Metaknight has impressive ground speed and various options to avoid being pressured without a safe escape route.
- Learn the spacing of How far diddy can throw a banana forward with and without glidetossing. (this will make alot of things easier in the mu >_>)
-Do not try to Aggresively pressure Diddy with Nado when he is on the floor, even without a banana his fast ground speed can make most of mk's landing choices unsafe. However, If you get Diddy into the air you can read his ground recovery with nado and basically any of his airs to try to continue the juggle.
-If you Use a WELL spaced ftilit once to check diddy you can avoid any punish that diddy trys to comeback with. given the slight hitlag on the his shield and the time it takes to throw the banana oos you will have enough time to raise shield, and better yet roll back. (provided he doesnt Pshield the first ftilit slash youre fine)
-IMO Dont try to Control diddy's bananas, Rather try to Keep them out of play entirly. If you Grab a banana throw it upwards or onto platforms or near ledges. Yes Diddy can Easily recover bananas from platforms or sitting on ledges, But to do so he will have to go exactly where you want him, now you have baited him into a situation. All you need to do is find the right way to follow him and start your momentum. Now if he opts not to chase the bananas or waits for one or both to expire you still have the advantage in that now his best wepon is just out of reach, atleast in terms of safe reach.
-When Gimping if DDK is directly below the ledge dont try falling nair. Even M2K overshoots this lolol? diddy's often charge their up b to try and find an oppourtune time to release. Fall down off the ledge and hover just below and off the ledge so that the Diddy up b will come between you and the ledge to try and recover. Wait for him to fly up and Dair him (out of Reaction of his up b reelease, dont sit there dairing or ull miss) and for most stages this will put diddy in a pretty much unsurvivable position.
-When Diddy is Recoverying horizontally hover between the stage and him and ABOVE his Side b or second jump spacing.
-Remember that When diddy holds a banana and shields he can no longer shield grab. Glide toss is slower then a basic shield drop to toss and both of those options are even Slower then a Shield grab. If you see the oppourtunity take advantage of this and Grab diddy !!!! people are always so afraid of being close to diddy but you can still control tight spacing as long as you dont panic and get stupid.
-Be patient on finding kill moves, if you become impatient when ddk is at high percent your lead will diminish quickly. This is what i meant about maintaining the pace between offense and defense. you cannot always be one or the other!
Sorry if anyone Disagrees with any of this, These are all based on personal experience.