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Melee Air dodge VS Brawl Air dodge! Discuss, which one should be in Brawl+?


Smash Ace
Jul 1, 2007
In a dream
I agree, I just want attacks after MAD turned on so the ground game doesn't overwhelm the air game as much. MAD as it is will do that down the road.

Team Giza

Smash Lord
Mar 5, 2006
San Diego, CA
I am against having wavedashing for many of the reasons that Leafgreen and Kupo have pointed out. However, if he do end up having it I think we need to make it so it causes you to enter some animation so that there is some kind of lag from using it.


Smash Hero
Dec 4, 2008
Wilmington, Delaware
I don't use WDing lol XD
I see. I think what your against is what I call NOOB wavedashing. When you just Wavedash and lightning speed. It makes DDD 100x faster and same with the other big guys. It makes characters like Bowser,Ike, and Lucas a lot more difficult to fight unless you know how too Noob wavedash yourself. I think they should take that out though. Characters like Ike weren't meant to move as fast as you can with the Noob wavedash. However it is good to see him compete on even ground with top guys. I saw your other post and I think you have a point. Until they take away the statue like movement in brawl and make their characters stop moving like they have to take a **** and let them dash dance and cancel the game will never be fixed.


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2008
Playing Melee
I see. I think what your against is what I call NOOB wavedashing. When you just Wavedash and lightning speed. It makes DDD 100x faster and same with the other big guys. It makes characters like Bowser,Ike, and Lucas a lot more difficult to fight unless you know how too Noob wavedash yourself. I think they should take that out though. Characters like Ike weren't meant to move as fast as you can with the Noob wavedash. However it is good to see him compete on even ground with top guys. I saw your other post and I think you have a point. Until they take away the statue like movement in brawl and make their characters stop moving like they have to take a **** and let them dash dance and cancel the game will never be fixed.
LOL ^This is too good! :bigthumbu


Smash Lord
Apr 11, 2006
Indianapolis, Indiana
I see. I think what your against is what I call NOOB wavedashing. When you just Wavedash and lightning speed. It makes DDD 100x faster and same with the other big guys. It makes characters like Bowser,Ike, and Lucas a lot more difficult to fight unless you know how too Noob wavedash yourself. I think they should take that out though. Characters like Ike weren't meant to move as fast as you can with the Noob wavedash. However it is good to see him compete on even ground with top guys. I saw your other post and I think you have a point. Until they take away the statue like movement in brawl and make their characters stop moving like they have to take a **** and let them dash dance and cancel the game will never be fixed.
How do you know Ike was never meant to move that fast? His SmashB makes him move pretty fast and a little movement speed isn't gonna break him because as fast as WDing makes Ike everyone else is that much faster.


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2008
Playing Melee
How do you know Ike was never meant to move that fast? His SmashB makes him move pretty fast and a little movement speed isn't gonna break him because as fast as WDing makes Ike everyone else is that much faster.
Are you serious? Do you really think Ike's run speed is suppose to be that fast? You what? I think Sonic was suppose to be slow and Bowser was suppose to be as fast as Fox. Oh and I think Jigs should have a projectile. Its not fair that she doesn't have one..



Kinda Sorta OK at Smash
Mar 7, 2004
Umeå, Sweden
People are making Brawl wavedashing out to be better than Melee wavedashing. It's not.

Brawl wavedashing is just good for getting from A to B for the most part, with little utility beyond that. I had one of my tech heavy Melee friends mess around with it and he made the point that you actually have more downtime on Brawl's wavedash than Melee's, meaning that you don't have the opportunity to perform attacks out of Brawl's wavedash until later. Yeah, I'm sure you can find some great uses for it, but in the end it's not even remotely game breaking like many would like you to believe. Is it necessary for Brawl+? I don't think it is necessary by a long shot, but hey, we'll see later on after more testing.

Endless Nightmares

Smash Master
Sep 23, 2006
Brawl wavedashing is horrid. But how is Brawl wavelanding? my wii is on the fritz so i can't try it out right now, but it seems to have potential :colorful:


Smash Lord
Apr 11, 2006
Indianapolis, Indiana
Are you serious? Do you really think Ike's run speed is suppose to be that fast? You what? I think Sonic was suppose to be slow and Bowser was suppose to be as fast as Fox. Oh and I think Jigs should have a projectile. Its not fair that she doesn't have one..

If they wanted him to be super slow they would have given him a lot of traction and not given him his smashB move that he can attack out of.


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2008
Playing Melee
If they wanted him to be super slow they would have given him a lot of traction and not given him his smashB move that he can attack out of.
No there is a difference between ikes side b and his WD. Ike is faster with the side b but it has lot of limitations whereas the WD makes him faster with all his options in tact all the time. Yes he is intended to be a little faster because of that move but its made in a way that he is limited with how fast he can be.


Smash Ace
Aug 1, 2008
Im for it. As I keep playing I keep seeing uses for it. Its not terrible its just different and you have to use it differently from melee.


Smash Lord
Apr 11, 2006
Indianapolis, Indiana
No there is a difference between ikes side b and his WD. Ike is faster with the side b but it has lot of limitations whereas the WD makes him faster with all his options in tact all the time. Yes he is intended to be a little faster because of that move but its made in a way that he is limited with how fast he can be.
His actual limit is his attack speed. He was made to slide that far. We did nothing more than give him the ability to do it at will. No matter how you try to spin it his sliding is still part of his mobility along with run speed and air speed. Even with all this he's not a speed demon by any stretch of the imagination.


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2008
Playing Melee
His actual limit is his attack speed. He was made to slide that far. We did nothing more than give him the ability to do it at will. No matter how you try to spin it his sliding is still part of his mobility along with run speed and air speed. Even with all this he's not a speed demon by any stretch of the imagination.
Spin it however you want to zxeon, but Ike is much faster then he ought to be given his strength and his ground mobilty combined with that power makes him unbalanced. He is a speed demon with WDing...your just too afraid to admit that.

I may try that new code only when its fixed and after the core game mechanics are in place. And don't even think about convincing me that the code is a core game mechanic..


Dirty camper
Mar 20, 2006
Playing melee and smash ultimate
zxeon, you do realize just how powerful of an approach option WD -> jab is with ike, right? Not only is his movement fast, but his attack speed is also very fast. Ike's jab is a very safe attack. And remember we still don't have shieldstun yet, which will make shielding it less effective. It is possible to win whole matches using nothing but jab to build up damage, kill moves, and recovery moves. WD -> ftilt and bair (from a WD or not) are both very good and fast killing options (ftilt's startup can be bypassed by starting it earlier in the WD). The problem with WDing is that it not only improves his movement considerably, but as with the ftilt, it can be used to moderate his attack speed, as well.


Smash Lord
Apr 11, 2006
Indianapolis, Indiana
zxeon, you do realize just how powerful of an approach option WD -> jab is with ike, right? Not only is his movement fast, but his attack speed is also very fast. Ike's jab is a very safe attack. And remember we still don't have shieldstun yet, which will make shielding it less effective. It is possible to win whole matches using nothing but jab to build up damage, kill moves, and recovery moves. WD -> ftilt and bair (from a WD or not) are both very good and fast killing options (ftilt's startup can be bypassed by starting it earlier in the WD). The problem with WDing is that it not only improves his movement considerably, but as with the ftilt, it can be used to moderate his attack speed, as well.
If you know all this stuff then you should have no trouble against Ike. He's got some new options but none of them make him invincible. A good player that knows his character and his opponent will never fall to such predictable tactics. You give Ike too much credit. Did you know that you drop from the ledge and do your upB and be nearly invincible?ROFL


Smash Hero
Aug 29, 2006
Neptune, NJ
Unless brawl + can end up looking/playing just like melee, its going to suck and your all wasting your time. I've played it with very recent codes recently with friends and one of my crewmates even did a 0-death, but it was still brawl. We still got bored very fast and haven't played it since. it doesn't have that x factor that melee has that makes it so exciting and fun.


Smash Ace
Aug 1, 2008
Guys its not that serious imo, Ike is fast as hell now but noooooooo where near as fast as zss, fox, falco ect. Ike needs some other form of mobility aswell as other heavies it would only cause unbalance to me if he could not wd...A pro ganon/ike vs a pro marth/Meta/toonL+hitsun=****, idk if the dash dancing codes can help this alone but who knows...but as of now Im still for wd.


Smash Lord
Apr 11, 2006
Indianapolis, Indiana
Guys its not that serious imo, Ike is fast as hell now but noooooooo where near as fast as zss, fox, falco ect. Ike needs some other form of mobility aswell as other heavies it would only cause unbalance to me if he could not wd...A pro ganon/ike vs a pro marth/Meta/toonL+hitsun=****, idk if the dash dancing codes can help this alone but who knows...but as of now Im still for wd.
This is what I've been trying to tell them. A person who has played with WDing would never call Ike a speed demon after playing the characters that are truly fast.


Dirty camper
Mar 20, 2006
Playing melee and smash ultimate
Alright. Sure. Why not? You've convinced me to at least give the MAD a second chance. After I play more with it I'll give a more informed opinion. Winter break starts this weekend, so hopefully I'll be able to have a lot of smash time in there. When I was testing the MAD, I also had s-canceling on, so that may have influenced how I perceived the MAD, as well.


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2008
Playing Melee
Unless brawl + can end up looking/playing just like melee, its going to suck and your all wasting your time. I've played it with very recent codes recently with friends and one of my crewmates even did a 0-death, but it was still brawl. We still got bored very fast and haven't played it since. it doesn't have that x factor that melee has that makes it so exciting and fun.
I hope you didnt play with Melee air dodging, gravity and manual l canceling/s canceling. I love melee and it is an excellent game but i don't think brawl+ is a waste of time. I think it has the potential to be really good. You just have to play with the right codes, not every code anyone decides to have made...


Smash Lord
Apr 11, 2006
Indianapolis, Indiana
I hope you didnt play with Melee air dodging, gravity and manual l canceling/s canceling. I love melee and it is an excellent game but i don't think brawl+ is a waste of time. I think it has the potential to be really good. You just have to play with the right codes, not every code anyone decides to have made...
Fact: Brawl airdodging is boring.


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2008
Playing Melee
Fact: Brawl airdodging is boring.
Fact: MAD with MK's tornado is ********.
Fact: Being helpless in a floaty game like brawl is boring and the "combos" that are really easy because of this gimp mode is stupid

Brawl air dodging is not boring. It fits the game well.


Smash Lord
Apr 11, 2006
Indianapolis, Indiana
Fact: MAD with MK's tornado is ********.
Fact: Being helpless in a floaty game like brawl is boring and the "combos" that are really easy because of this gimp mode is stupid

Brawl air dodging is not boring. It fits the game well.
Fact: it was a joke.

Hypothesis: Kupo has no heart or sense of humor.


Smash Ace
Aug 1, 2008
Leaf what chars did you play with when you experimented with WD? Did you utilize wavelanding? I felt the same what you did until I experimented on it but thats me you may play 50+ matches with it and still not like it idk then...We just need the other codes to see how mad/bad reacts with them.

Oh and um the helpless state is not a big deal imo, mainly because there prob will be a fix for the floatyness and sometimes MAD gets you out of **** combos better than BAD...sometimes if you time your Mad right you can dodge a attact then just fast fall, you still can get ***** but this situational.


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2008
Playing Melee
Fact: it was a joke.

Hypothesis: Kupo has no heart or sense of humor.
Fact: Jokes don't work on the internet unless you say so esp during debates :p

We should have no air dodging lol Going back to 64 haha

We seriously should not be having this discussion until the rest of the codes out. And it seems like PW will have our backs really soon.


Smash Lord
Apr 11, 2006
Indianapolis, Indiana
Fact: Jokes don't work on the internet unless you say so :p

We should have no air dodging lol Going back to 64 haha
No airdodge would solve everything Shìt why didn't we think of this sooner? Fück airdodging. I'd rather run my balls through a jumbo jet engine than ever press shield in midair again.

Master Knight DH

Smash Journeyman
Apr 1, 2008
Brawl Airdodge. Melee Airdodge not only is terrible for multiple midair jumpers like Kirby, but also gives another recovery option for character like Ness.

Team Giza

Smash Lord
Mar 5, 2006
San Diego, CA
LOL you made me spew out my drink in laughter! Now I got pomegranate juice all over my shirt! :laugh:
**** that sucks. Pomegranate stains horrifically. Luckily for you I am used to dealing with this little problem (although if not treated properly it can be a serious problem!!!!).

If you don't deal with it quick then it could become permanent! An enzyme cleaner, I suggest Oxyclean, will take out the juice stains better than anything. Make sure to follow the instructions on the cleaner you are using carefully so you don’t do even more damage to the stained clothing.

If its a white shirt and you cant get the stain out... DONT PANIC. You can always get some more pomegranate juice and just dye the whole shirt to be the color of the stain. Its easy to do! Especially if you pour the pomegranate juice all over metaknight and just let him waveland tornado into the shirt. Then the shirt will definitely be top tier and it'll be ready for pretty much any tournament or party.


Smash Lord
Apr 11, 2006
Indianapolis, Indiana
lol :laugh:

Don't let him dimention cape it he claims he can clean stuff with it but he just takes advantage of your trust and infinite dimention capes out the door with your stuff. He did it to my Melee disc and now I can't find it.


Smash Lord
Apr 8, 2008
BC, Canada
I only say to use Brawl Airdodge just to the shear fact Melee Airdodging completely Cripples Yoshi's Recovery, and Limit's Ness's already limited Recovery even more. Unnecessary gimps from an Unnecessary addition
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