Smash Ace
I am for 5 or 3 neutrals and stage striking. No one in melb really abuses any stages so I don't see any reason to add or remove any stages.
Also the only double MK team we see is Earl and Nicks and Nicks goes wario most of the time now. So meh. Don't see MK/Snake and Snake/Snake (do we even have 2 snakes in melb lol).
Edit: Earls MK is slightly gay Splice just FYI, Dair camping may seem better than planking but that is how Dojo timed out against Sethlon(?).
Also the only double MK team we see is Earl and Nicks and Nicks goes wario most of the time now. So meh. Don't see MK/Snake and Snake/Snake (do we even have 2 snakes in melb lol).
Edit: Earls MK is slightly gay Splice just FYI, Dair camping may seem better than planking but that is how Dojo timed out against Sethlon(?).