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MD/VA Power Rankings: Updated 8/14/12


Smash Champion
Mar 5, 2008
the laurel boys play tuesday and wed, normally in laurel but occasionally silverspring or umbc

i love omni's list, its pretty much always the same excluding the 5th person

oh yea, and my mk is the best. it took omni 3 years to beat chu with mk while it took me 3 tries :D


Maybe Even...Utopian?
Jun 9, 2007
Bowie, MD
I'm just wondering what the excuse is for all of these people saying "go top tier! Low tiers da wurst!"...but then still are pretty bad in the grand scheme of things.

How about I main who I want, and u guys get better with your higher tier characters.



Smash Champion
Feb 10, 2009
the laurel boys play tuesday and wed, normally in laurel but occasionally silverspring or umbc

i love omni's list, its pretty much always the same excluding the 5th person

oh yea, and my mk is the best. it took omni 3 years to beat chu with mk while it took me 3 tries :D

ur cockiness is just above the roof it's actually amusing.

I love it lmao!!!!


Smash Master
Dec 31, 2008
Teaneck, NJ/Richmond VA
People always root against me when I use Mk. I feel like Md/Va often promotes people to not use Mk in tourneys. Whenever someone like me uses Mk, I instantly get rooted against for unless it's a ditto or someone out of state is versing me. I'm not gonna stop using Mk and only want mine to be/get better.
You guys need to change this XD


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
the laurel boys play tuesday and wed, normally in laurel but occasionally silverspring or umbc

i love omni's list, its pretty much always the same excluding the 5th person

oh yea, and my mk is the best. it took omni 3 years to beat chu with mk while it took me 3 tries :D
why would my list change? it's the exact same cuz i think those people read other players better than anyone else. unless u think u should be on it?

lol @ anything involving your MK :awesome: u already know how i feel about that one

I'm just wondering what the excuse is for all of these people saying "go top tier! Low tiers da wurst!"...but then still are pretty bad in the grand scheme of things.

How about I main who I want, and u guys get better with your higher tier characters.

just tryin to help you out.

i mean in the grand scheme of things it's like

using mario is like entering a fight with a broken leg. why


anyway, Takeover did u find a ride for tomorrow? i bet u didnt even start to look
Slik is coming by. anyone else?


Smash Champion
Mar 5, 2008
coney wasn't on your last list iirc.

and why should i be on the list? i've accepted how i am am viewed by most players in my region

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
@lukky: post that URL to your website here so we can see what is what. also, we gotta get mad sessions in dawg. MD definitely needs our second MK main back (no offense sin/tant/ee, but ya'll weren't always mk mains)

yo another list to spark up activity: top 5 smartest players in md/va (who currently play brawl)

1.) Boss
2.) Chu
3.) Omni
4.) June
5.) Coney

what it do
Until you learn how to fight Toon Link, take yourself off that list!


Smash Master
Aug 1, 2007
Woodbridge, VA
People always root against me when I use Mk. I feel like Md/Va often promotes people to not use Mk in tourneys. Whenever someone like me uses Mk, I instantly get rooted against for unless it's a ditto or someone out of state is versing me. I'm not gonna stop using Mk and only want mine to be/get better.
i don't really think that's mk's fault


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
top 6 smartest in mdva

june chu boss lie logic coney

no order exactly sorry omni but your incredibly wrong lol [:
there's a reason why my '08 constant hiatus taking MK still gets the job done
there was also a reason why i went undefeated against just about all of you for over a year
plus ur just eatin boss' list. don't tell me you forgot what you said to me a few months ago about me being one of the smartest players.

yo slik if enough people aren't coming today then i'll probably cancel. so far it seems to only be you

edit: btw, you guys won't have to worry about bringing $3 anymore. i talked with my Mom yesterday and she finally buckled into letting me just have people come over to play for free. i had to show her the electricity chart **** again and practically repeat what i had been telling her for months

so yeah weekly sessions are now free aka :yeahboi:


GimR, Co-Founder of VGBootCamp
Nov 2, 2006
@omni: cool that's awesome


1. Your playstyle is best when you understand how people play. You have smasfests at least twice a week and you get to play a lot of good people and learn their styles. I'm guessing that's why you usually do bad oos.(you did pretty Damn good at dso though)

2. Your smashfests are awesome and I really appreciate them. But, could you please stop posting things that imply that your smashfests are completely selfless and that your doing them to get other people better? I mean come on, one of the main factors is to get yourself better(and there's nothing wrong with that)

3. Chu is smart but he has that hideous rolling habit and openly admits that he only plays well/smart when on aderall , doesn't that take away from it?


Smash Master
Nov 25, 2006
RamenKing! (*´ω`)/ Falls Church, VA
wow, i didn't know my dad love Perfume???!

my bad I'm not white :embarrass:

there's a reason why my '08 constant hiatus taking MK still gets the job done
there was also a reason why i went undefeated against just about all of you for over a year
plus ur just eatin boss' list. don't tell me you forgot what you said to me a few months ago about me being one of the smartest players.
but you quit :cool:


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
my bad I'm not white :embarrass:

but you quit so why dig the old stuff :cool:
i tried. i can't. it's too hard.

@omni: cool that's awesome


1. Your playstyle is best when you understand how people play. You have smasfests at least twice a week and you get to play a lot of good people and learn their styles. I'm guessing that's why you usually do bad oos.(you did pretty Damn good at dso though)

2. Your smashfests are awesome and I really appreciate them. But, could you please stop posting things that imply that your smashfests are completely selfless and that your doing them to get other people better? I mean come on, one of the main factors is to get yourself better(and there's nothing wrong with that)

3. Chu is smart but he has that hideous rolling habit and openly admits that he only plays well/smart when on aderall , doesn't that take away from it?
1.) yup. but it's not even about style play for me anymore. it'd be one thing if i just constantly did well with like MK and that's it, but i feel like i can do really well with other characters. like my fox, falco, and ddd i think are pretty amazing and its not cuz im memorizing styles cuz things change when match-ups change.

and idk why people say i do bad OoS. the only OoS people i've lost to is like Atomsk, Ninjalink, M2K, Chibo (johns), Dekar, and now recently Kingtoon. and that's like since Brawl's release. the amount of OoS'ers that i've beaten significantly outweighs that.

i think people just think i do bad OoS cuz atomsk and NL ***** the **** out of me during the early brawl days.

2.) huh where did i say that my training sessions were selfless? of course im getting training, too, but it's not always against top players. tko and freeze came over the other night and i tried to give them as much exposure to the match-ups they needed. idk if u notice but when i have u guys over i ask frequently, "who do you want me to use?" because i am genuinely more focused at helping our community improve.

like if it was really just me trying to figure u guys out then id just stay mk, record your vids, never release them, and study them. its the opposite tho. ive actually stopped trying to read people as much and it was a habit that Meep broke me out of. instead of trying to play Meep using Omni mindgames i focused on playing IC's using MK's abilities.

3.) eh nah not really. chu is still chu. he's stupid smart. he has like a mutant genetic form of black guy mind games. speaking of which

lie and logic also got black guy mind games by default. by not putting them on my list i wasnt saying they're not smart. im just talking about players i've noticed that have intense heavy reads and easily get in their opponent's head.


Smash Hero
Jan 7, 2007
where ever I please,im a f***in boss!!
even if omni tries to read your style why not switch it up?

lol i guess thats why most of MD sandbags whenever i play them.....im like

really? >_>

i came all this way for u to not ACTUALLY put up a fight and you still try and read my style....i dont keep one specific style im constantly tryna *** with my opponent...you guys should try it sometimes...it will make you LOL...and the results you see your opponent do will also be hilarious...

this is one of the reason's me and chu dnt bother coming to MD anymore....playing GIMR's ness

or logics diddykong...or lies pikachu...im like wtf? why did i come?

prob dnt take the mario brothers serious =[

its funny cause lie was telling me at sassy's...boss is free blah blah blah he's so free.....

come time turney dude begs me to give him the win instead of growin a pair and playing me...(prob woulda beat me who knows)

but me not playing it out jus shows u how much i care....june vs lie was pretty entertaining...u might wanna bring falco back lie...cause your diddy is like a toll road on the freeway (unless you got that easy pass you gotta deal with lies diddy tricks) luckily i have that EZ pass....

so yea lie jus go back to falco and shoot shoot side B.....i learned that MU a while ago...

and im not a smart player really i jus like to have fun and walk around and scare people xD


GimR, Co-Founder of VGBootCamp
Nov 2, 2006
even if omni tries to read your style why not switch it up?

this is one of the reason's me and chu dnt bother coming to MD anymore....playing GIMR's ness
whaa? Dude, I haven't played Ness for like 4 months accept for a few friendlies. Trust me, I'm just trying to figure out how to beat you since I lose to you in tournament EVERY time. I'm not trying to sand bag. I played you with Marth to see if I cold beat you with him. Also, teams don't count

Also, I think everyone ins MD/VA has adapted your mind games into their game some how. At SIIS4 me and Coney were talking about MD/VA mind games which consist of not punishing your opponent but instead doing nothing and hoping for an even greater punish because of it, AKA Boss Mindgames :cool:


Smash Champion
Feb 10, 2009
stop making list, we all need to step it up regardless.

Me personally feel like I'm on of the smartest in md/va but that's just my personal opinion. :)

We have so many people in this region that is smart.

Omni, June, Candy, Ps, Boss, Lie, Neo, Coney, Slik, Korn, Gimr, Chudat, Speed, and couple others in no particular order. This region has no consistent threat so we can't really make a top list.

Like Ny/NJ, they have a definite list.
they have a top list of ADHD, Anti, Atomsk, and a couple others


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
boss with the callout. lie on blast

i don't mind when people use other characters on me. but i do know what u mean

like gimr when we were at sassies warming up for the tourny and u picked Marth against my MK. and you were clearly just wasting time and sandbagging. i was like huh. but generally for the most part you dont sandbag

when i play PS he doesnt sandbag either. playing oli at a high level consistently is pretty draining i would think

lie only uses diddy/falco against me when we train so idk bout dat pika

i mean idk boss. im not sure where the sandbag problem is in md. i havent really experienced it that much


Smash Champion
Feb 10, 2009
Omni I got a ride to come to your house.
But I need to find somebody that can take me back.

You said slik is coming right?
who else is coming?


GimR, Co-Founder of VGBootCamp
Nov 2, 2006
boss with the callout. lie on blast

i don't mind when people use other characters on me. but i do know what u mean

like gimr when we were at sassies warming up for the tourny and u picked Marth against my MK. and you were clearly just wasting time and sandbagging. i was like huh. but generally for the most part you dont sandbag

when i play PS he doesnt sandbag either. playing oli at a high level consistently is pretty draining i would think

lie only uses diddy/falco against me when we train so idk bout dat pika

i mean idk boss. im not sure where the sandbag problem is in md. i havent really experienced it that much
Actually, you wrecked me, and I wanted you to think I was sand bagging



You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
i mean yea but like

well hm

like no one really sandbags my falco, fox, or DDD either but in the long scheme of things those characters are still good

well if it means anything i dont sandbag against you when we play <3


GimR, Co-Founder of VGBootCamp
Nov 2, 2006
Also, just to let you guys know, sometimes when I play friendlies, I play to read and not to be safe like I would in tourney. The reason is, I'm trying to guess correctly every time we come at each other instead of going for frame traps and guaranteed stuff. It might seem like sand bagging, but I'm not, I'm, just trying to get better.

Also, I like to condition people and do the samething over and over again, so I can trick them when it actually counts.

For example,

at SIIS last weekend I played Ally's MK in a MM. On game 3 I kept going towards the middle of the stage after a Dthrow and he kept rolling towards the ledge. I was doing this on purpose so when he was in kill range I could just usmash him when he rolled towards the ledge. But then Coney had to say something like, "come one GIMR, he keeps rolling towards the ledge" Ally heard it, and started mixing it up

@Omni are you doing something tonight? If so I might be able to come over around 10pm, I have work :/


Smash Champion
Feb 10, 2009
what time can you have people over?

Can you also somehow extend the time to like 11 or 12 PM?

if it's not cool that's okay, I just wanna a little bit more practice for Ktar.

mad salty at gimr and apostle.
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