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Mass Madness 22 Results!


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2006
Quincy, MA
Thanks for coming out guys. This was, and is (We're in the midst of a crew battle right now) a fun tournament.

Next tournament in New England coming up!
Hall Of Gaming 2! Wallingford, CT on November 13th! Pre-ROM warm ups!


1: th0rn ($138.24)
2: KoreanDJ ($63.36)
3: Banks ($34.56)
4: Elen ($23.04)
5: Mafia ($11.52)
5: $mike ($11.52)
7: Pine
7: Nuro
9: KevinM
9: Morgue
9: Trees
9: Flowing River
13: AOI
13: Yedi
13: Kyu Puff
17: Spife
17: MattDotZeb
17: JDog
17: Blanky
17: DarkDragoon
17: Andy
17: MOPDotZeb
17: WeaponX

Singles pools
round(w-l) set[w-l]

1. Pine (10-1) [5-0]
2. Yedi (7-5) [4-1]
3. MattDotZeb (7-5) [3-2]
4. Spife (6-6) [2-3]
5. Sora (2-9) [1-4]
6. DCLXVI (2-10) [0-5]

1. Elen (10-1) [5-0]
2. Kyu Puff (8-5) [3-5]
3. Andy (6-6) [3-5]
4. Mourgue (6-7) [2-3]
5. Pimpfish (4-8) [1-4]
6. HaileyM (2-9) [1-4]

1. Banks (10-1) [5-0]
2. AOI (8-4) [4-1]
3. Flowing River [Unknown Force] (7-4) [3-2]
4. DarkDragoon (5-8) [2-3]
5. Flaco (4-8) [1-4]
6. Omni (1-10) [0-5]

1. KoreanDJ (10-0) [5-0]
2. SOLAR (8-3) [4-1]
3. WeaponX (6-5) [3-2]
4. Blanky (3-8) [1-4]
5. James (0-10) [0-5]
6. Kartel (Left thus forfeit. 6-7) [2-3]

1. th0rn (12-1) [6-0]
2. Nuro (10-3) [5-1]
3. Mafia (8-4) [4-2]
4. JDog (6-6) [3-3]
4/5. Hayato (Quit and let JDog go into bracket. 6-6) [3-3]
6. Shadbowball (4-8) [2-4]
7. HotDogTurtle (1-12) [0-6]

1. $mike (10-1) [5-0]
2. Trees (8-2) [4-1]
3. KevinM (7-4) [3-2]
4. MOP (4-6) [2-3]
5. Diesel (2-8) [1-0]
6. Zao (0-10) [0-5]


1: Big Bad Biddeford Bros (Banks and th0rn $48.00)
2: Decapacitate Burdddurrr (Elen and Trees $24.00)
3: Pretty Boy Swag (KevinM and Pine $8.00)
4: Team Wheat Thins: Sponsored by Wheat Thins (Mafia and $Mike)
5: Fat People Are Hard To Kidnap (Morgue and SOLAR)
5: Ninja Turtles (Hayato and Flowing River [Unknown Force])
7: Royalties International (MattDotZeb and HaileyM)
7: Kyu and a Puff (Andy and Kyu Puff)
9: Love us, love our goats (Spife and Dark Dragoon)
9: Contraversey (Kartel + DCLXVI)


Smash Master
Feb 19, 2009
good **** kdj...you're gone for an entire yr and a half and still get top 2


Smash Master
Nov 19, 2007
money ****ing mike.

giving people the ****ing business.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 21, 2010
Lowell, MA
awesome tournament! i met so many awesome people :) i'll edit with shoutouts later. cant wait to play with you guys again!

Crazy Cloud

Smash Journeyman
Jun 15, 2007
MattDotZeb - 17th?? Son I am disappoint

Mafia - Good job :D. Between last weekend and this weekend, you're a rich guy lol.


Smash Ace
Oct 10, 2005
Durham, NC
$mike- You're doing great! Nice to see you repping so well. Great stuff man :). Keeping on getting better and having fun bro.

The Irish Mafia

Banned via Administration
Nov 19, 2008
cping you to Mute at a MDZ tourney
1: th0rn ($138.24)- one of these days
2: KoreanDJ ($63.36)- we didn't play at all. cool seeing you back in action, your fox is amazing to watch
3: Banks ($34.56)- ONE OF THESE DAYSSSSS
4: Elen ($23.04)- good **** coming out of hiding and placing top 5
5: Mafia ($11.52)- get drillshined more, and give yourself a well-deserved pat on the back BUT PLACE HIGHER
5: $mike ($11.52)- bros4lyfe good ****
7: Pine- remember that one time i dsmashed you
nah you shoulda gone peach, easily my worst MU lol
7: Nuro- you ***** me in pools :( very nice sheik
9: KevinM- fun matches, mm me scrub
9: Morgue-I'll be honest, I underestimated you. very solid falcon, peach is really gay, i know
9: Trees- i was pissing my pants that first match, then i remembered i could grab you a lot. mute city is for huge ******s like me
9: Flowing River- cool seeing you, nice sheik and peach. wish i played you more
13: SOLAR- fun fox dittos
13: AOI- nice seeing you at tournaments again, your fox is still slick
13: Yedi- UNRETIRED ****
nice peach, fun matches, we should chill more
13: Kyu Puff- anyone who plays peach likes dudes, sorry we're all flamers
17: Spife- If a house falls in the middle of the forest and no one hears it, does it make any music? Missed you
17: MattDotZeb- mattdotinconsistent
17: JDog- you pimproved a fukton
17: Blanky- :) good stuff
17: DarkDragoon- we only pretend to pretend to be really gay
17: MOPDotZeb- fun matches, stick with falco
17: WeaponX- we didn't play, but it was cool seeing you

All in all a fun tourney, one of the better MM's i've attended. also it's mm22.
continued shoutouts to Diesel for being the homie, to mutual fund michael for being such a beast, and to Skler for totally not going.
the entire community is totally awesome, i can't wait to play you all again.


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007
1: th0rn ($138.24) - Good ****, as usual.
2: KoreanDJ ($63.36) - Didn't get to play you, but you're pretty amazing.
3: Banks ($34.56) - I love you.
4: Elen ($23.04) - Didn't Play.
5: Mafia ($11.52) - Touch my abs some more next time.
5: $mike ($11.52) - Nice to see new faces.
7: Pine - Didn't play.
7: Nuro - Didn't play.
9: KevinM - I hope you enjoyed your feast at IHOP.
9: Morgue - Holy **** you're amazing when you get going.
9: Trees - Didn't play.
9: Flowing River - Didn't play.
13: SOLAR - Didn't get to play you, but you really held it down in the crew battle.
13: AOI - Thanks to winning that match against you in Pools I got out! Yay! You're good man.
13: Yedi - **** you stop being in all my brackets.
13: Kyu Puff - I wish Sheik didn't have her chain, or that my fingers were on straight. :[
17: Spife - Nice.
17: MattDotZeb - Nice.
17: JDog - Didn't play.
17: Blanky - Didn't play.
17: DarkDragoon - Nice.
17: Andy - Didn't play.
17: MOPDotZeb - Nice.
17: WeaponX - Didn't play.

Joey - <3
Dave - ;_; I'll be good enough for you to want to play friendlies with one day.

Thanks for the ride! Good job beating Kyupuff! You gotta get over here and get in some Sheik practice for next time.

Others: Nice to see you/meet you/play you.


Smash Hero
Feb 17, 2005
Maine (NSG)
really fun tournament, i'm glad i played well when i needed to but i def got ***** at times

especially in some of those teams games and the crew battle i could not stop doing dumb ****. such as trying to 'bait' something that hits me in the face, or spot dodging and di'ing right into knees and usmashes.

also for some reason i couldn't stop my urge to fsmash and dair, but it worked sometimes. other times it made me look mentally disabled on video as i got buttraped.

O WELL, guess it all worked out in the end

1: th0rn ($138.24) - gg's, grats on first. good stuff in teams
2: KoreanDJ ($63.36) - good games, wish all of them were recorded. i definitely spot dodged/teched/rolled like a ****** until i forced myself to stop. i coulda had you at least one game if not for bouncing me under stages with dumb up-b's lmao. oh, you
3: Banks ($34.56) - THIS IS NOT 5TH PLACE
4: Elen ($23.04) - i shouldn't fox ditto you. good set tho, reminded me of the good ol' days
5: Mafia ($11.52) - rofl mute city... you keep getting better and better
5: $mike ($11.52) - i heard you were good, didn't know you were THAT good. pretty intense set, definitely the most nerve wracking of the day for me because of the tech chasing/combos you got off of one grab.
7: Pine - so good to see you my dawg, the mario is as suave as ever but you handle custom melee far better than i do
7: Nuro - long time no see lol, but SHEIK 4 LYFE and good stuff doing so well after barlw hiatus
9: KevinM - yo get ***** by my chain brah. we played like twice, but rapesauce as always
9: Morgue - fun times as always. you were wreckin **** in crews, good stuff
9: Trees - too good, close azz teams sets
9: Unknownforce - nice to see and play you again, still a very smart player. just gotta get used to all the tricks and xtreme agressiveness. sheik dittos were lots of fun, no cg much appreciated
13: SOLAR - good **** in crews, pools and taking out zeb. good times all around, we gotta train up soon
13: AOI - gg's in pools, and good stuff on 2nd seed
13: Yedi - bracket set was rad, the comebacks can't be stopped. u got revenge in the crew battle tho, i guess
13: Kyu Puff - you need a peach counter son! if you stop dropping the cg's you could start rapin fools again
17: Spife - your hair is a lie! gg's here and there, nice to see you as always sheik-bro
17: MattDotZeb - haha money match was good, especially rainbow cruise. you should probably decide whether to concentrate on fox/falco, altho vs your fox i think it was just as tough. fod, fod, rainbow, battlefield, battlefield is definitely a stage order i can get behind though. p.s. *** onett rofl
17: JDog - not sure if we played, but perhaps we did
17: Blanky - see above
17: DarkDragoon - good stuff making it out of pools, can't go wrong with sheik. a bit of a step above M2 on the tier list, i believe
17: Andy - pretty darn solid puff, good stuff in our couple friendlies, you have the bair spacing down on-stage very well
17: MOPDotZeb - nice to see you back, gg'z thruout the day at diff times. you can be MOPtacular at times when you put your mind to it
17: WeaponX - didn't play this time, but good stuff making bracket

omni - gg's in the pool, definitely did a lot better than last time. keep hacking away at it
flaco - lol thanks for just giving me the second game >.> marth vs sheik is really hard tho unless you figure out exactly what you can't do
haileyM - you got a lot better and smarter with the move choices, i saw very good sets in your pool
pimpfish - def a good player, sucks you didn't make bracket but having marth and sheik available covers alot of matchups. gg's
prawn - screw barlw bro, melee jiggly for life
kartel - nice falcon, keep up the falconness
hotdogturtle - become the next skler. skraaaa
zoso - good one game. you are one clever man, man.
darc/dazwa/skler - wuz sad you wuzn't there.

gg's to everyone i played, i definitely didn't get everyone's name.


Smash Lord
Nov 24, 2007
Lincoln MA
Dang, just reading the names that went makes me sad I missed this event. So funny how everyone talks about Elen being rusty, and he comes back and still *****.

6. DCLXVI (2-10) [0-5]

6. DCLXVI (2-10)

Pokefloats too good


Smash Lord
Jan 1, 2006
Somerville/Lowell, Massachusetts USA
Does anyone know if there is a tournament at the souper bowl in lowell next week? I tried looking for details but I couldn't find anything and I need to know asap about it because i might be working so I need to tell my boss in advance.


Smash Ace
Jan 7, 2010
North Carolina
overall this was a really good first tournament here. i think i got to meet/play most of you guys. twas a good time

1: th0rn ($138.24) - GGz dude, all of our games were really good. looking forward to playing you more
2: KoreanDJ ($63.36) - our tournament set was easily my craziest one that day. i hope to see you continue coming out, and are you still in newton? let's play dude
3: Banks ($34.56) - i thought i had that last game, but that was good **** where you kinda ***** one of my stocks and came back. looking forward to playing you again too
4: Elen ($23.04) - good couple of friendlies dude (nice falcon). i really wanted to play you in tournament... but ah, next time
5: Mafia ($11.52) - team wheat thins'll come back one of these days
5: $mike ($11.52) - hi
7: Pine - didnt play/talk to you at all other than teams, but the peach was good. uairs all day
7: Nuro - ggs
9: KevinM - kinda gay how you killed yourself a few times in pools, but ggs anyway and i gotta say the crews talk was funny as ****
9: Morgue - nice falcon and good tourney set. i was impressed with you. keep doing work
9: Trees - really nice falcon to you too. good tourney set as well. i have black falcon next time
9: Flowing River - good teams friendlies at the beginning of the tourney
13: SOLAR - ggs and good **** in ddr, i suck so bad at it now
13: AOI - i think i played friendlies with you for a while before teams. nice fox and pretty good falcon
13: Yedi - didn't even meet you or anything haha
13: Kyu Puff - ggs in that mm
17: Spife - haha good friendlies, you're a funny guy
17: MattDotZeb - ggs in the mm and friendlies. next time before a $20 mm, warm up for a bit, haha. but if you want to mm again in the future we'll do it

zoso - goood games dude. looking forward to playing you again


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2006
Quincy, MA
th0rn - Really fun playing you as always. Looking forward to next time.

KoreanDJ - Really glad you came and showed everyone that Korea doesn't steal your skill 100% <3 Can't wait to see how you start doing in the future and beasting everyone again

Banks - That mm was too close haha Luckily it was recorded and it'll be put up. I really enjoyed our matches. I'd like to stick with fox or falco but I just have on/off days with each of them depending on the tournament which is why at some you'll see me go fox and some you'll see me go falco. lol

Elen - I wish I got to play you. I'll keep you up to date on tournaments in the area definitely

Mafia - Awesome job man.

$mike - Fun matches. I'm strivin to beat you in a revenge MM next time :)

Pine - Mario vs Doc. GGs. Thanks for coming :D

Nuro - Why are you always so good regardless of how much you play? See you at Souper Bowl!

KevinM - You're too ****ing funny. I was dying in the crew battle because of you hahah

Morgue - Your falcon is really solid. Let's play a lot more next time I see you.

Trees - I didn't play you D<

Flowing River - KYLE! So glad you came to this <3

SOLAR - GGs. Really fun friendlys after we both got eliminated

AOI - Team with meeeeeeeee

Yedi - Lets play more. Smashfests at WPI?

Kyu Puff - Your chaingrabs are terrifying...

Spife - <3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333

JDog - Hope to see you at a lot of future tournaments

Blanky - Definitely keep coming to tournament and keep improving :D

DarkDragoon - NICE

Andy - I hear your Puff *****. Nice

MOPDotZeb - Nice tag. Totally didn't expect to see you <3

WeaponX - Glad you came. I'll try to set something up with you so we can play in the future when you're free

HaileyM - You're beast in teams. Really fun matches. I wouldn't mind teaming with you again next time Kevin doesn't.

Zoso - I wish I actually, you know, played you.. D:

Pimpfish - You're such a nice guy. Thanks for the ride home man, hope you got back safe and find a venue for your next tournament



Smash Journeyman
Apr 21, 2010
Lowell, MA

1: th0rn ($138.24) didnt get to play you or meet you, but i watched you play and i peed.
2: KoreanDJ ($63.36) nice seeing you again!!! hope we get to play at another tournament or corey's house again
3: Banks ($34.56) didnt meet and didnt play, but good ****!
4: Elen ($23.04) same^
5: Mafia ($11.52) good job bro! sorry for disappointing you haha i'll do better next time!!
5: $mike ($11.52) didnt get to play you, but you seem like a cool dude
7: Pine- didnt play
7: Nuro - finally got to play you 1v1. you ***** me :( but it woulda been way more awesome if i didnt SD after that combo i did. ****.
9: KevinM-didnt play or meet
9: Morgue-close games!!! i almost had you that 2nd game haha but good stuff dude keep it up
9: Trees-didnt meet
9: Flowing River-didnt meet
13: SOLAR-first off, Trees, Flowing River, and Solar? i see a theme. anywho, good peach and fox! you ***** me and pool ahah but you're a wicked nice dude.
13: AOI - didnt meet
13: Yedi - think i met you? but didnt play
13: Kyu Puff - didnt get to play you but you seem pretty chill
17: Spife - you played my bestfriend Sora, Y.Link vs Link haha. it was a cool match.
17: MattDotZeb - you're a cool dude. i felt bad about someone not recording my pools right so i tried to help out the best i could
17: JDog - didnt meet
17: Blanky - bad mario is bad.
17: DarkDragoon - didnt meet
17: Andy - did doubles friendlies with you before me and Sora had to leave, fun stuff!
17: MOPDotZeb - didnt meet
17: WeaponX - you're a cool *** dude. F**K at me screwing up my comeback haha it made me sad. but it was nice talking to you, i hope to see you around more.

Sora - you're Y.Link is too beast! good thing you live 1 minute away from me. we'll practice to do better next time.

DCLXVI - it was fun playing you haha. you're a chill dude. lmao at pokefloats though hahaha that's awesome

Flaco - cool marth! almost beat you with my Falco though, that's not good! but you were nice. and it was very easy to hear you. very
JAMES! - he was the one that got last in my pools. such a nice dude, it was his first tournament! you're a cool dude james, come to more tourneys! it was easy to tell that you didnt play a lot of people back-home, but that actually kinda helped you out because i couldnt predict alotta stuff you were doing haha.

Kartel - WICKED good games dude, my closest! it's too bad you had to leave, wanted to play you more. you're a chill guy, we'll play more next time!

ggs everyone, hope to play doubles next time.


Smash Hero
Feb 17, 2005
Maine (NSG)

and in a surprise twist of fate, payouts went down to 5th for the first time

Falco (MOP)

Smash Journeyman
May 18, 2008
Buckhead, ATL
1: th0rn - Good **** vs. DJ. I saw you bring that **** home man, good stuff.

2: KoreanDJ - Didn't get to meet you, but you ****, a big fan you have here

3: Banks - BIG B WHAT HAPPENED. We didn't MM you biatch. I blame you. Either way it was good to see you bugger boo, thank's for the games.

4: Elen - YO. Sorry for giving you a hard time lol, good on ya' with those friendlies though, was good talking to you.

5: Mafia - You're rubbish.

5: $mike - DUDE. You ****. I gave you a hard time too lol, but don't take it personally. Keep up that good stuff!! Expecting to see you at another MM.

7: Pine - Hey man, was nice to meet you! Good **** with peach :O Glad I didn't have to face you in singles lol.

9: KevinM - Way to put it in my butt during pools man, I couldn't touch you. Good stuff as always mai fraiend.

9: Morgue - Good to see you again! Glad to see I can still hold my own against you :). Good ****ing mid fire-bird falcon punch by the way, was that recorded? I know it was on that TV

9: Trees - Good **** in Pools man, you ****.

13: SOLAR - I liek drugs.

13: AOI - Hey man, sorry I was freaking out towards the end, I was pretty blasted lmao. Was fun to see you again and play you! :D

13: Yedi - I really have never played that well against you before, so good stuff. Way to get to the 3rd game with me you scrub-a-dub-dub.

13: Kyu Puff - Was a *really* bad idea to go falco against you... You totally ****ed my **** up. Like actually, good **** man.

17: Spife - You breakfast son. I don't have to say ****, I talk to yo *** all the time.

17: MattDotZeb - AHHHHH good to see you again matty fatty bo batty. Glad I could help ya' out :)

17: DarkDragoon - Good stuff matey, glad to see you made it out of your pool!


Good tourney all, was glad I could take time and money out of my way to come and see y'all, looking forward to the next big excursion!!

Much love all,



Smash Master
Apr 27, 2009
this thread needs moar prawn shoutouts

for real tho ill start enterin soon i just need to learn all the matchups and stop doin dumb stuff


Smash Ace
Jan 7, 2010
North Carolina
how long till vids
and how many vids are there?

idk, matt told me the only vids left were me vs thorn and the crew battle (but it looked like they were all still there on the comp...???) ... i wanted me vs kdj :'[

also nc stacking it up in this thread ****


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2006
Quincy, MA
how long till vids
I'm going to Framingham today to upload them.
Should be up by tonight.

and how many vids are there?

idk, matt told me the only vids left were me vs thorn and the crew battle (but it looked like they were all still there on the comp...???) ... i wanted me vs kdj :'[

also nc stacking it up in this thread ****
I know losers finals, winners finals, and grand finals for teams all got recorded.
No singles bracket matches were recorded because whoever kept pausing/rec the matches never changed the title of the file they were being saved to so it was constantly being overwritten.

$mike vs th0rn MM
mdz vs banks MM
draft crew battle

are the only 1 vs 1 matches recorded individually if I remember correctly.
This will not happen at the next tournament as I will be watching vigilantly that the matches are all recorded correctly.
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