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Mass Madness 22 Results!


Smash Journeyman
Apr 21, 2010
Lowell, MA
this thread needs moar prawn shoutouts

for real tho ill start enterin soon i just need to learn all the matchups and stop doin dumb stuff
haha i remember you! Sora and i (Y.Link player) had fun playing your jiggs dude.


Smash Lord
Feb 16, 2005
Maine (NSG)
ya, me and a few others tried to record semi finals and other "important" matches because we saw they were not being recorded.... So we decided to press the "record" button. thats pretty ******** that you werent there to label them or tell us how to use your own equipment.

but at least our ****ty team sets got recorded !!!!! lol

o wellz =/


Smash Master
Feb 15, 2007
7. HotDogTurtle (1-12) [0-6]
That's like a ~7% win rate. At least I beat all the people who went 0-X in pools :laugh:

This was a fun tourney, although I did end up leaving early because I was really ****ing tired. I would have liked to play more friendlies after the bracket, but I guess that's what future tournaments are for.

GGs to everyone I played, and that includes all the people who 4 stocked me repeatedly. If the world didn't have pros, then noobs might actually think that they were good.


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007
I only saw DJ playing Marth.

That's like a ~7% win rate. At least I beat all the people who went 0-X in pools :laugh:

This was a fun tourney, although I did end up leaving early because I was really ****ing tired. I would have liked to play more friendlies after the bracket, but I guess that's what future tournaments are for.

GGs to everyone I played, and that includes all the people who 4 stocked me repeatedly. If the world didn't have pros, then noobs might actually think that they were good.
>_> Yeah, I wanted to play you.


Smash Cadet
May 10, 2010
Falmouth, ME
1: th0rn ($138.24) - Good **** like always showing people that Falco
2: KoreanDJ ($63.36) - Was not expecting to see you come back into the smash scene that strong well done
3: Banks ($34.56) - Yes everything of you recorded does not show your true colors of what you are capable of but, you did get top 3 son w00t!
4: Elen ($23.04) - Good seeing you man always good talking to you and seeing that Fox **** me hardcore
5: Mafia ($11.52) - Solid set except for that you chain grabing me to win part, that I did not enjoy.
5: $mike ($11.52) - Man your falcon impressed me so ****ing much! Your spacing game with him is something else. Next time we need to do alot of Falcon dittos since its the only way to play this game.
7: Pine - Way to go to rep NH by playing the way you did. Happy to settle things and give non homo hugs MAD RESPECT!
7: Nuro - Didn't play you but, got to talk to you a little bit good seeing you after a long Effing time
9: KevinM - funny and jolly like always, you and Pine wrecking Solar and I on game 3 like no other
9: Morgue - Way to suck in teams and pool then redeem yourself in the bracket >_>
9: Trees - Real nice Falcon man every time you grabbed me you read me like a book on Pandas...
9: Flowing River - Rivers flow GTFO!
13: SOLAR - We sucked at teams but, we shall show people next time what we are truly made of and good **** in crews
13: AOI - best set of the tourny man suxs you don't have alot of time to play this game you Fox is mad smart.
13: Yedi - Did not play you or talk to you but, saw you **** Banks in crews since he suxs and all.
13: Kyu Puff - Good set man sorry about taking you to Poke Floats with the 2 falcon punches on the side
17: Spife - Hi Morgan
17: MattDotZeb - Good set, suxs to see what you ranked at this event, we all have are off days, next time around I expect nothing else but first out of you.
17: JDog - Nice Apex Badge
17: Blanky - Great Mario always nice seeing new faces at the MM's
17: DarkDragoon - cant recall who you are sorry man.
17: Andy - Sorry I got pissed at the end man I felt dumb doing a mad laggy move to give you the rest but you won fair and square with my respect.
17: MOPDotZeb - Always good seeing you next time around we shall do more friendlies for sure, Rom 3?
17: WeaponX - Did not play you.

Pimpfish - I still can't believe how good your Kirby was it was an interesting set but work on your foot work man you like to just crouch cancel a little to much

Hailey - Sorry about the falcon punch in are pools match I can't help myself, I can tell though Kevin has taught you well, I've seen mad progression keep it up.

DantheMan - Your are the funniest mother ****er, if your back in town for Columbus break give me a call man it be nice to chill.

If I forgot anyone my B. Hope to see all of you rep NE at Rom3 start practicing guys!


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2006
Quincy, MA
ya, me and a few others tried to record semi finals and other "important" matches because we saw they were not being recorded.... So we decided to press the "record" button. thats pretty ******** that you werent there to label them or tell us how to use your own equipment.

but at least our ****ty team sets got recorded !!!!! lol

o wellz =/
It was my first time with the software too you know..
It wont happen again, don't worry.

I went to GU today (but could only stay for about 20 minutes...)
Started compressing the crew battle, so I should have that along with $mike vs th0rn and me vs banks on my computer by tomorrow night.
Teams will have to wait for a week or so.. They're much larger (19gb for one of them!) and will take more time to compress and I'm not able to go to GU until at -least- Friday night (except for tomorrow night but I'll only really have enough time to compress and e-mail the other matches I mentioned above)

Working till 8 every day sucks.

If anyone is willing to stop by GU during this week let me know and I'll tell you how to compress the videos and what to do with them after that. You'd be a HUGE help.


Smash Hero
Feb 17, 2005
Maine (NSG)
i don't even want that footage of me in the crew battle up. label me as Taint-Spanker (Sheik)

definitely wanna see our mm tho zeb


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007
Label me as "That guy who sandbagged against Yedi because he thought Zao could take a stock off to win the crew battle."


Smash Hero
Feb 17, 2005
Maine (NSG)
I really want to see the part where Da M0rG tears **** up though

too bad there wasn't crowd reaction recorded


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2006
Quincy, MA
I really want to see the part where Da M0rG tears **** up though

too bad there wasn't crowd reaction recorded
If there was crowd reaction or player reaction footage I'd have loved to see my match vs SOLAR... KevinM had me laughing my *** off.

I'm really hyped to see my matches vs you banks, and the crew battle match I had vs Kyu Puff. I felt like i played well in both of those.


Smash Cadet
May 10, 2010
Falmouth, ME
If there was crowd reaction or player reaction footage I'd have loved to see my match vs SOLAR... KevinM had me laughing my *** off.

I'm really hyped to see my matches vs you banks, and the crew battle match I had vs Kyu Puff. I felt like i played well in both of those.
somebody loves talking about them self =P


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2006
Quincy, MA
somebody loves talking about them self =P
**** Morgue.
Your falcon is something else.
I mean, the way you played against $mike was awesome. Falcon Dittos are always extremely fun to watch and I'm sure you had fun with it.
I kept noticing how you'd be watching the matches all day at TV1 and geez. I bet you learned a ton! I'll expect you to get in the money at the next MM.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 2, 2009
In ur base, killin ur d00dz
A ton of fun like every Mass Madness.
-blanky and sora - It was great meeting you, maybe I'll drive more than 5 minutes to a tourney and go to Lowell. I should've beaten you in that last game sora, but you just spammed too many projectiles. It is refreshing to play against different characters though.
-Yeti - I'll remember that game on pokefloats for a long time. coming back from 4-1 stocks...
-matt.zeb - Gotta love the stage list. I know I only checked to make sure pokefloats was on, but seeing your game vs spife on great bay was quite amusing. And I don't know what you are talking about, I look nothing like hotdogturtle.
-prawn - I didn't see you, but we should play some afternoon this week
-banks - thanks for taking some time to help me get better. I always learn something new at each tourney, this time it was you who taught me something
-weaponX - play more SC. I forgot to give you the cd drive

I need a new/shorter tag that is easier to say/remember...


Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2009
Greensboro, NC
wouldn't people just call you 666 or something?

assuming D is 500. which i think it is.

and ppl who don't know roman numerals could just call u DC or DCL i guess.


Smash Cadet
May 10, 2010
Falmouth, ME
**** Morgue.
Your falcon is something else.
I mean, the way you played against $mike was awesome. Falcon Dittos are always extremely fun to watch and I'm sure you had fun with it.
I kept noticing how you'd be watching the matches all day at TV1 and geez. I bet you learned a ton! I'll expect you to get in the money at the next MM.
I was just yanking your chain bud RELAX.


Smash Master
Jan 2, 2005
LA, CA near Santa Monica
So KDJ comes back after years and doesn't get recorded.

I don't want to **** on the guys responsible for it or whatever, but thats a pretty big **** up :/

Oh well, maybe next time....


Smash Journeyman
Jan 25, 2009
Bad-Haircut Town
DantheMan - Your are the funniest mother ****er, if your back in town for Columbus break give me a call man it be nice to chill.
Yo, I appreciate that, Morgue. And yeah, I just might be in town for columbus weekend. I gotta come home to take care of some shizzy. Take note, Banks, let's try to smash columbus weekend!


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2006
Quincy, MA
So KDJ comes back after years and doesn't get recorded.

I don't want to **** on the guys responsible for it or whatever, but thats a pretty big **** up :/

Oh well, maybe next time....
Hardly. Considering it was the first time I've tried using recording software at a tournament I've run and it was an honest mistake which caused them to be recorded over.

People gotta relax, it's not like KDJ is going anywhere :p


Smash Rookie
Jul 22, 2010
Sudbury, MA
Awesome tourney. I had to go to foxwoods that night so i couldnt stay for brackets. Hell of a time tho. KDJ is crazy good still

Shadow Huan

Smash Champion
Oct 31, 2008
Springfield, MA
leave it to me to have to work @ 4:30 in the morning and not be able to stay and at least watch the crew battle >_<;

I got pools ****ed mostly and really lost my focus after I played got ***** by Th0rn, so I only have a few shouties.

Hotdogturtle: you really surprised the crap out of me with that ganon first round (you JV 2 stocked me iirc) Ganon vs sheik is really dumb, good games. you should probably learn sheik vs jiggs tho.

Th0rn: good **** on winning the tourny, and thanks for telling me "LOL no" when I asked if you would play Fox against me instead of falco. not like i am capable of beating you anyways atm...

Mafia: lol at the first game, the second game was probably the most fun i had in pools. I 0-deathed you first stock and without missing a beat you respawned and returned the favor. no sandbagging from either of us, very competitve and very fun, loving the peach. I'm gonna try and get my marth to settle down. i gotta focus on two or three charcters instead of trying to play 10.

Jdog: i'm very sorry for loosing it in game two, it was very childish. though i really REALLY do hate falco. nothing against you as a person, nice tech skill. and no you're not a scrub.

Hayato: one day you'll pay lol. it only occured to me after that going falcon against that spamus might've been a good idea. >_<

Nuro: I understand that you were playing to win, and in fact i'm pretty sure that i started the chainthrowing, but our set might've been a lot more fun if we had agreed on no chainthrowing. just saying. :ohwell:

banks: what did we play like once? oh well. good attempt against KJD, going battlefield again might not have been smart i dk tho that marth is monsterous.

Spife : I still think that you, me and Maf would be awesome commentatiors.

DarkDragoon: fun games, and a few people tell me you are saying your mewtwo is better than mine. to tell the truth, whether or not it is no longer concerns me in the slightest. i like your sheik though, gay without being ugly chainthrowing lol. also we'll play Fox vs M2 again we didn't even make it a stock into the match. ;)

Kartel: we must play more falcon dittoes soooooooooo fun. =D

Emmy: very nice seeing you again, fun games and intersting conversations and just some nice chill time in general. we should try entering teams sometime, i noticed our styles seem to compliment eachother. If you enter singles might i reccomend going zelda? lol

Yedi: well you got that MM lol. Def the best ness I've ever played, very defense and smart. We'll have many rematches okay? :) the friendlies after were mad silly too.

Flaco: thanks for nagging me all day. I want a divorce.

Omni: sorry for almost taking out your eye. M2 vs Fox for us is 1-1 for the entire day. rematches plz?

Solar: Link isn't the best character sorry :p

KDJ: sorry if i was rude while i was kicking you off my setup, had to open @ work in 5 hours and the time had gotten away from me.

MOP: sad to see that you aren't playing a character that requires mindgames yet. though i thought i saw you playing marth?

Zao: get new earphones, for realz while we were playing the team friendlies i wasn't yelling and you could hear me. learn to enjoy friendlies son, yelling "Hit him with a move" in a friendly isn't costing you any money if you loose because of it lol.

Jimboslice/james?: glad you made it, hit me up to play some meree

I'm done lol


Smash Hero
Feb 17, 2005
Maine (NSG)
Yo, I appreciate that, Morgue. And yeah, I just might be in town for columbus weekend. I gotta come home to take care of some shizzy. Take note, Banks, let's try to smash columbus weekend!
definitely, i'll try to plan something for then

also in shoutouts i forgot we played those TWO games at the beginning of the day. as for you not ****** the tourney, store it up then mega-**** the next one.


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2008
Playing Melee
Ummmmmmm lol don't think you understood. I didn't go to the tourney so Idk who that falcon is that your talking about. Just wondering if there is another person out there with my name lol


Smash Journeyman
Apr 21, 2010
Lowell, MA
do any of you guys live near lowell by the way? sora and i need more people to play. we only play with omegablackmage but he's busy most of the time and sometimes we take a trip to irish mafia's house but it burns a hole in my pocket.

Shadow Huan

Smash Champion
Oct 31, 2008
Springfield, MA
Ummmmmmm lol don't think you understood. I didn't go to the tourney so Idk who that falcon is that your talking about. Just wondering if there is another person out there with my name lol
super fixed edit in my post. I dk where my mind is i think i'm still recovering from 3 hours of sleep from the night before last. I recognize your name now lmao. :laugh:

Too bad you didn't make it I wanted a rematch. ;)
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