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Mass Maddness 16 Results/Shoutouts


Smash Champion
Oct 21, 2007
In a museum
The Irish Mafia Happy Birthday and nice falco combo!

And Bloodcross why did you think I was gay? Just curious.
its probably cause ur just so FABBBBULLLOUSSSSSS!!

You're not gay?

DAMMIT... alone again :(:(:(:(:(:(:(

Dont worry bloodcross. i was only playing straight in matches ;D


Smash Master
Apr 27, 2009
What? So what we had together was nothing?!?!?!? :confused::confused::(:(:(
oh yeah, and dazwa... i love you
The Irish Mafia Happy Birthday and nice falco combo!

And Bloodcross why did you think I was gay? Just curious.
You're not gay?

DAMMIT... alone again :(:(:(:(:(:(:(

its probably cause ur just so FABBBBULLLOUSSSSSS!!

Dont worry bloodcross. i was only playing straight in matches ;D

Only in Massachusetts folks, :laugh:


Smash Ace
May 6, 2007
Boston, Massachusetts
1: Mango - i said hi to you but you kind of just looked at me...
2: Sock Jm0n - yeah jman
3: KDJ - i still can't beat your pichu dude and now i dont think i'll ever get the chance. no matter how good i get at this game i dont think ill ever beat you.
4: HBK -
5: Scarmander - good stuff dude. sexy falcon. you really are a force to be reckoned with now i think you're gonna be amazing at genesis. keep your keys in your pocket, though.
5: G Drag0n -
7: Ren0 -
7: SwiftBass - lol
9: Th0rn - we didn't do that yoshi MM, but whatever i would have lost.
9: Elen - i'm glad i didn't play you because i would have gotten *****.
9: G$ -nice hat
9: Zoso - good **** in pools, man. i managed to do a cool move on you but that's about it. i think you gave it to me
13: AOI -
13: Bank$ (Peach) -
13: Hazzard - BOWSER DITTO. i really almost won that, which would have been awesome.
13: Hayato -
17: Aesir -
17: Sai -
17: Sky - EPIC SET IN POOLS DUDE. i hope i play you again because those were awesome matches. i would have made it out if i had one that last match. money match next time
17: Boxman X - yeah boxman
17: Kyu Puff - good stuff in teams. i wish i had pulled through more
17: Mogwai - MM falcon vs DK?
17: Matt.Zeb - MM?
17: KevinM - ur so cool

Foy - good stuff dude. i didn't get to play you at the tournament at all but you did work at the smashfest. of all of your characters i think i was most impressed by your bowser, not that he was your best one.

hubble (foy and rob's friend, i hope i got your name right) - thanks for the hype. groovy set in pools even though it didn't matter, but i think our set in the teams bracket was even more intense. keep playing, you'll get good fast.

dututsai - we meet at last. i think i had actually played you before at MM11, but that was my first tournament when i was a n00b. MM next time?

spife - good stuff during out MM, i just couldn't play my best. that, or link is just too good :psycho:

flaco - how did i beat you? i felt like i gave up during the second match of our set but i managed to pull through.

the irish mafia - i still haven't played you, and dont think i would recognize you =( i'll be strong though, whatever that means.

random marth that i played while i was supposed to be at a teams match - i dont know who you are, but we had that most fun match that I have played in a while. really really fun i hope i see you again.

anybody that i might have forgot... sorry!

it sucks a$s that i left early and i'm not gonna do that next time. also, next time im /UCKING going to make it out of pools, I WAS ONE GAME AWAY >.<


Smash Lord
Jun 19, 2007
No Longer Bumping With Content, Smörgåsbords
just got home. shouting.

Mango - you got rocked in rock paper scissors. 5-0'd. never forget! you're a bum for not playing me.
Sock Jm0n - i may have 2-1'd you in RPS. buggin.
KDJ - god stuff. lemme know if you like the CD at all
HBK - huh?
Scar - uuuuunng get crowned. good matches
Ren0 - i think you were in my pools?
random female peach player: my first peach dittos everrrrrrrr. good stuff
Hazzard - idk
Hayato - thpbppbpb
Aesir - more wat
Sai - matches or something
Boxman X - yessssssss. boxmang
Kyu Puff - get beasted. wear more sunglasses kid.
Mogwai - starcrafffft get at me.
Matt.Zeb - music tradin housing gaems, bro. ima see you mad soon anyway, chyesss. you moms cool. coat n fedora are stylin.
KevinM - replaysssss
ken y - yayuz! ima MM that quarter back so hard you don't even know! good times.
watkins - driving high five hell yes! coolest barlw player ever.
teh irish mafia - i mindgaemsed you pants off. happy birthday.
RIT kids: we should play more.
DDR kid with 3 belts, 2 plugs and 1 haircut: fun talking to you.
dave: TvP me or w/e.
paul: HAH
devon: i called that so hard.
ciara or carla or clair whatever your name was: go to school.
sad faced pool kid that got annihilated: get better!
odil: my chupacabre/blaze beasted your face off but you AT'd me, punk.
adhdfoy: stop fighting bears.
hubble!: you're two different people now.
little kid that said 'oh is that mee lee? is that Ike?': reactionface.png
kid that took like TWO WHOLE HOURS to accept my MM and lost $1.25 to me in ganon ditto on flatzone 2-3 ceiling fadeaway KOs only 1.3x dmg mod 1handi vs my 2handi b2o3 and then normal match. yowza get your freaking face melted.
ben and otherkid friendlyteaming vs me n hubble on friday: ggs.
relax / larx - your names both have x in em. i can't remember wtf we did but it was fun.
teusday AM bomberman crew: <3 i was legit pounding you guys.
mario party 7: YOU'RE TRASH DIAF!
everyone i didn't mention: be more memorable/shoutable plz. :|
edit: how could i forget?! DARC! young link dittos on brinstar in our pools! yessssssssssssss.
people getting yelled at: EAT ITTTTTTTTTTTT!


Smash Champion
Oct 21, 2007
In a museum
i need to step my comentating game up. *looks for storage of caffinee pills*


Smash Lord
Jul 26, 2007
xD shouldve went to matts nword. We needed some green and you weren't there. -_-
i only had a little left anyways lollll

im considering quitting the green again tho .... everytime i come to massmadness, God always reels me in ... wtf mind fuuuckkkkk


Smash Lord
Jul 26, 2007
Brawl Singles

Anybody else remind me. I'm firing a blank right now
....... maine and NH always forget about me

edit: i needa learn how to use this
at RTF or Rob - remember when you said you were winning the last match of our MM when you were up by 1%

hahah thats so funnnnyyyyyyyyyy


Smash Hero
Apr 25, 2006
Thunder Whales Picnic
nice tourney

things I learned:

McDonalds is good when I dun have it for long stretches of time
Darc = boxman
Mango expanded his vocabulary
Falco Fsmash hurts
Shield DI is amazing
there are still dreamacst in existence
Triple play baseball is only $2.99
Tony Hawk Pro Skater 4 makes mango =)
Apparently I looked like I preacher to some
Mogwai has the worst GPS device in the world for not finding chipotle
The Iphone has one good use(finding chiptole)
I MUST ask scar about directions to Chipotle because there WAS one near the venue
Chipotle is godly(oops already knew that)
Chun Li is thick as hell (mmmhmmm good)
Darc uses jiggs in friendlies sometimes
I shouldve gone sagat
Audrey vs brain toomer is ****
I cannot escape bad stages vs marf
Turtles are still alive and kickin
my falco blows on YS
Gmoney is still awesome
Reno is still good without his controller
seeing new england again was refreshing
brawl has alot of drama
Jman has a switch like the lakers
Mango will win genesis
KDJ still has it

Sry to those who I didnt have the chance to bless with my presence in game, sometimes I just like to take breaks and watch ppl play thats fun too. Thx Mogwai for the ride as usual thanks Milktea for offering a ride and getting demetri there too. THX MDZ for hosting and running stuff, thx HBK for 3 stocking me game 1.


Smash Lord
Dec 12, 2005
Under Skler's Saddle
New York:
Reno: It was good seeing you again :). Thanks for chatting with me..in Chinese, puahaha, even if it was for a bit haha. Always nice hearing insight from others...eh? Hope to see you again soon =).

G$: Wowww, the last time I saw you was eons ago, and it was my first time hearing of you! And now you're soooo good and teaming with Mango and beating everyone XD. Ai yaaa! Too goooooood G$.

Jman: I'm sorry for underestimating you =P! You should JV 5stock me next time we see each other hahaha, to show me. You're too goot now Jman, was nice seeing you =). Hope to see you again at the next tournament, hmmm! New York is fun ^_^.

Hazz: WAKE UP!!! XD.

Foy: Did you go outside naked today? LMAOO.

Foy's friend (Hubble?): I'm glad that we agree certain Smashers are hot <3.

Rhode Island:
Zoso: 'Twas good seeing ya mangz!!! And I've got an awesome picture of you and Joey hahaha.

Joey: HI LOUIS! XD. It was nice finally talking to you, we've known of each other for a while but we've never actually gotten to speak one on one ^^;. I enjoyed chatting, you are amusing, and **** you for saying my Chinese has an American accent =(! LOL. SHANGHAINESE *****HH. Aiyaaa, go back to playing RO :p.

KevinM: KEVIN! We hardly got to talk, but it was always nice seeing you nonetheless. You and Hailey are too cute (irl and as a team hahaha)! She's gorgeous :O!

Hayato/Rawsex: Nice seeing you two! It's been eons XO!

Aiser: SUP. LOL? Birthday...you know. XD. Hahaha. Too good dude.

Swift: WE WILL FIND CHIPOTLE NEXT TIME, better luck hahahaha.

Maine <3 <3 <3 <3:
Banks: I LARV YOU BUT YOU'RE FAT NOW <3. Jk, but you're not as hard as you used to be :(. Teehee. That would be an awful quote to get out of context, huh? Oh well! I enjoyed talking to you and camwhoring ;D. Let's do it again soon =D LMFAOO @ like failed pictures LOOOOL.

Dustin: SAWP GDRAGON <3. Was good hanging out with you again, it's been a while (Anime Boston doesn't count) XD. Thanks for chatting with me, hope I wasn't boring you with my endless blabbering about school =P.

Dazwa: ****!....****!........................****!

Boxman: BOXMANNNNN, you're so ****ing good now UGH!!! I will catch up =(. It was good seeing you again ahhaha, we shall meet again soon. Distance cannot keep me from my Maine XP. Seeing as we're all rooming together for CTCon haha...

MattDotZeb: PARTY, let's do it :D. I wonder if I could assist in any way? ^__________^? KAMINA!!

Spictom: TEACH ME GEARS OF WAR XD. Hahaha, I suck :(. No rly :(.

CogSmooch: It's always good seeing you, but it's sad that you must depart so early every time :(. We never actually really get to talk too, shame, because I know you're not an idiot XD and I bet some interesting conversations could come forth!

KenY: Lol @ your shoutout to me.

KDJ/Danny: Danny, have fun in Korea, and good luck with life and everything. Even though you said this is your last tournament, I hope you at least come back from time to time to visit, or even to just beat people in Street Fighter or other side games. We'll miss you! DO IT DO IT DO IT.

California (LOL):
Mango: It was nice seeing you and ACTUALLY meeting you and hanging out! I'm jealous that your legs are nicer than mine T___T;. Come visit again? It was too fun =)..

PS, my lip gloss is named Mango Madness. Sorry, I just found that extremely amusing XP.

Pictures later ^_______~

edit//if i forgot anyone, im sorry! wrote these when a thunderstorm killed all my power =)


Smash Hero
Feb 17, 2005
Maine (NSG)
Jk, but you're not as hard as you used to be :(.
I beg to differ, i'll have to do sit ups EVERYDAY. jk i don't work out i just wait for the muscle to come back.

and yea swift i usually just ban FD vs falco as a rule...lol @ onett


Smash Rookie
Jun 14, 2009
ok im lazy soooo

banks - great matches in sf4 dude. no i wasn't sandbagging despite contrary belief. =)

Darc - great talking to you man. still fun watching your puff. we'll get those sf4 cheaters!!

Dazwa = YOOOOOOOUUUUUUUU loook like you were just chillin most of the time. wouldn't have thought you were in the tourney at all, haha.

KDJ - always a pleasure hanging out with you. always fun watching you play too... you still got it.

**** tom - loved the back and forth trash talking man, always fun. ill have to practice against el fuerte more. grrrr

boxman - you are a weird guy, lol. but i can tell you are an awesome guy to hang around with, very funny.

milktea - nice seeing you again too. we didnt get to talk much because im shy *blushes* lol.

kevinm - glad to see RI has some players left. along with your girlfriend (sorry don't know her name, lol)

that falco i was playing friendlies with - good games man, i havent played in so long.

thorn - great effin balrog dude, i need to practice against him more.

john, and dan - thanks for being great hosts. my nephew loved the fact that you guys have DDR lol.

If i missed anyone, it means i dont care about you. or maybe that i loved you so much i overlooked you lol.

hayato - my brother from another mother. we will get em next time dude. WE SAHK!!!


Smash Rookie
May 3, 2009
MA, Umass Amherst
Hey everyone. Anyone that i met, you would know me by bro. I had a great time and I'm looking forward to more tournaments in the future. Have to step up my game somehow...

I played alot of friendlies and got my *** handed to me most of the time (hah), but good games everyone. Still had alot of fun!

To the people in my pool.. you're all teaching me over and over to not tech stupidly... haha. Nice games.

Mafia: I don't even remember if I got any 1v1's with you, but i'm sure we'll play again in the future.
Shadowball: I know i didn't get any in with you against your mewtwo. I was looking forward to that too...
Spife: I want to see some vids! Had fun with those matches.. i need to practice my link matchup though (which means playing more with you guys..)
Flaco: lol, nice meeting you dude. Fun MM, even if i lost .75
To Scar, Mango and everyone else that I played falcon dittoes with: we know falcon is really the best character in this game. Falcon for top tier imo.


Smash Lord
Mar 29, 2006
LOL =DD I broke up w/ da boo today =(

but i mean yah it got real stale.


Smash Master
Dec 10, 2006
Cts inconsistant antagonist
LOL =DD I broke up w/ da boo today =(

but i mean yah it got real stale.
Man that sucks i"m sorry to hear about that; Back to the street where we began, feeling is good as lovers can you know, yeah we're feeling so good. picking up things we shouldn't read, looks like the end of history as you know. It's just the end of the world.


Smash Lord
Mar 29, 2006
Man that sucks i"m sorry to hear about that; Back to the street where we began, feeling is good as lovers can you know, yeah we're feeling so good. picking up things we shouldn't read, looks like the end of history as you know. It's just the end of the world.
holla @ my dood at 9in the afternoon =D


Smash Cadet
Jun 28, 2008
Franklin, MA.
Totally fine, we ain't gonna shove it down your throat haha.

But yeah, catch me on aim "SicTransitPaul"

I'm having a singles only brawl tourny here next week on friday, you should come out
I'll definitely get you on AIM haha. If I don't have work on Friday I'll try my best to get there.

Zombie Lucille Ball

Smash Master
Sep 22, 2006
stop hitting me, Ricky

CogSmooch: It's always good seeing you, but it's sad that you must depart so early every time :(. We never actually really get to talk too, shame, because I know you're not an idiot XD and I bet some interesting conversations could come forth!
I promise I'll stay later next time, especially if they STOP HAVING MELEE ON SUNDAYS
Yes I'm like Yoda I can give you sage life advice etc



Smash Lord
Jul 26, 2007
New York:

New hampshire:

KenY: Lol @ your shoutout to me.

California (LOL):
Mango: It was nice seeing you and ACTUALLY meeting you and hanging out! I'm jealous that your legs are nicer than mine T___T;. Come visit again? It was too fun =)..

PS, my lip gloss is named Mango Madness. Sorry, I just found that extremely amusing XP.

Pictures later ^_______~

edit//if i forgot anyone, im sorry! wrote these when a thunderstorm killed all my power =)
fix'd for you

see mango i told you she liked you ;)


Heir to the Monado
Sep 20, 2005
Amherst, MA
Cog: SORRY I FORGOT BECAUSE YOU LEFT EARLY D: It's always nice seeing you :3 I'll see you at Ctcon?

Ken Y: Wow man it's been awhile. You're still cool as always.
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