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Mass Maddness 16 Results/Shoutouts


Smash Lord
Jul 26, 2007
when darc said i was cool

i put my hand over my mouth like

the girl in his avatar


Smash Hero
Jun 2, 2006
shoutouts -

new york - ****

My love milktea - <3333333333333333333333333 when im 18 ill take u out on a date

ill buy u roses and ****

...... andddddddddddd ill shave my facial hair JUST FOR U

<33333333 - darc

ma ***** swiftbass lol

<3 everyone


Smash Rookie
Jun 17, 2009
Hey guys thx for the shout outs!! I'm not really on forums but my boy LLPK sent me the link :laugh:

btw I played Pit and DK for the tourney, and Pikachu for doubles friendly!

All you guys are cool people but honestly I cant remember the names of you guys lol. but most of you guys are respectable. hopefully i get to play more of you guys, i dont play enough 1v1s. but yea im always down to brawl, props to all you guys who didnt use metaknight lol!!
but if you guys like wanna hang out and chill to practice hit me up on aim cuz im never on forums.

AIM: Latinrascal88

Straight up props to omegablackmage, fatal, Peach Kid, Dazwa, Joebot, Riot, Icylight, and Ace.

Shadow Huan

Smash Champion
Oct 31, 2008
Springfield, MA
Me behind! >_>


Shadowball: Good stuff man. And I didn't practice marth to beat you, I actually practiced falcon. I had Jungle Japes as a marth CP and was ready to pull that, but at the last second I decided to go marth. Then I poked you.
If you had picked Falcon I would've picked Mewtwo...

Goodness sakes, 3 pages of non-shoutouts I had to go through... lol

My shoutouts are always of the top quality :laugh:
It must have taken me 45 minutes *kills self*

Mango- Don't be so scared. Next time, I'm playing your fox, but don't worry I won't take any money when I win

KDJ- Didn't play you, but I watched you play (Street Fighter 4) and I am sad that you are leaving.

Darc- Your advice on fox helped me more than any advice for fox I've received and I finally figured out how to attack him LOL. Let's play some Super Starcraft Bros sometime.

SwiftBass- Good games in pools.

Th0rn- I did better this time (I think). Look forward to playing you some more.

Elen- I always feel so relaxed and easygoing when I'm playing you that I have to remind myself I'm in tournament lol. I think I started figuring out the fox matchup halfway through our first game, so next time we play hopefully I'll have had some practice honing my new playstyle.

Zoso- The one or two games I played you were probably the ones I got the most ***** in. You punished me for nearly every mistake I made, and remained fast and unpredictable throughout the whole match. Makes me want to quit Puff lol. You are soooo good. Let's play some SC sometime.

AOI- I think I'm getting closer now haha (huge relief for me). I'm looking forwards to playing you again sometime.

Bank$ (Peach)- We didn't play, good for you, because I don't lose to Peaches. Good seeing you even though we didn't even get to talk that much. NEXT TIME!

Aesir- Good games, I didn't really get to talk to you much, but you seemed pretty upset so I was kinda intimidated. I remember seeing you pretty frequently in the past though, so I'm sure we'll have more chances to play.

Boxman X- You aren't Darc! ~ Good games near the end, and it's good finally getting a chance to meet you.

Matt.Zeb- I need to start winning our money matches. Losing this many times to you in a row is starting to get embarrassing. lol I promise to step it up (my gay that is) for next time. Oh also, DON'T BAN BRINSTAR

KevinM- Playing you and talking about life (smash) was fun as usual. I have a long way to go, and I'm sure we'll talk on hamachi, so I'll leave it here.

Dazwa- I beat the first part of the Dazwa Challenge!! I'm truly the third strongest master of Jigglypuff (this hole). Now you see the true advantage of being third!

Spife- Good finally playing you for a decent chunk of time. Sheik/Fox dittos were fun and exciting. I'll see you next time (depending of course on certain things....)

Roman- Didn't play you or really talk to you much. Good seeing you at least haha

Foy and Friends- The REAL celebrities at this tournament. Really fun hanging out (smashing) with you guys. So much funny stuff. Let's play some Super Smoosh Broads sometime.

Pef7- Haven't seen you in more than a year (it seems). Not sure if you were playing, but I didn't have a chance to play your G&W. We may have many chances to play in the future though... I'll tell you when I start settling down.

SOLAR- So many good and close matches near the end. We hogged that screen like pros (remember my strategy we should do that sometime). Buy a rice cooker so we can talk about how simple and delicious rice is. Really nice playing and talking to you again.

Ken y- Didn't know who you were at the beginning when you jumped in and it gave me a shock lol. Good playing you in doubles, but we should play some singles next time. I'm looking forward to it.

Questor- Nice job helping out at the tournament. I saw you beasting that dancing game and I was so impressed. Probably the first tournament I didn't play you at though. I'm sure we will find some time to play in college lol. Or maybe during the summer.

Irish Mafia- Happy Birthday. Sorry I didn't eat your cake (I am an enemy of cake). Didn't play you either... this is getting more depressing by the sentence. Maybe we'll have a chance to play during the summer...

Shadowball2- Didn't play you, but you seem pretty down. Now that you know where you are, just keep going and you can only get better. Hit me up on AIM cause I have soooo much to say to you and any other quitters out there.

Arcnatural- Our matches were close as usual. Really fun and intense playing you again. That's really cool how you play table tennis.... I would play you just so I can see the skill difference, but I'm not sure there will be a way :(

Cogsmooch- Didn't play you, and only saw you very briefly, but you have a nice beard. (PS: nobody cares about your beard) BEST NAME EVER

DCLXVI- Pokefloats

Jekyl- Really close games. You should be proud doing that well after only 2 tournaments, I don't think I did nearly as well o_o

Sox- Good games. It's good you're not thinking of quitting like a certain someone.... just keep practicing and you'll improve.

BigNTasty- Such a good name, I wonder if you use that permanently haha (if you do, I'll be so impressed). Good games in pools. If we didn't play pools, forgive me, that name just really stuck in my head lol.

Asian Fox Kid From College- Didn't remember your name... but you were surprisingly really freaking good considering I've never seen/heard of you before. Since you live so close, we should play sometime, hit me up on AIM.

Suds (Zen + Cartel)- LINCOLN-SUDBURY. I swear there were 6 people from L-S there haha.

Rock n' Sock Connection (Scar + JMan)- Once again, really sorry you guys had to wait, no excuses, won't happen again, don't hold a grudge please etc. I can't believe Corneria actually (kinda) worked, but that was really fun for us at least :)

Dazwa+Darc (Boxman + Larx)- Good games. Your counterpick made us rethink our whole strategy 0_0

Team Fortress 2 (SwiftBass and Mogwai)- We didn't stand a chance. Good job ****** us in teams.

I'm TheManaLord (Hubble + RTF)- I think we played you. -_- I remember the matches but not the names of the people, but good games.

lol (KevinM + HaileyM)- Nice team name, and I'm glad you guys did a ton better this time, you deserve it.

Gosh I hope I didn't forget anyone, if I did just tell me and I'll give myself a slap on the head.
Life Johns. I'm sorta over it. I've had a bad month so far.

@ Bro: Meh... you were just hoping for some "Knee of Revenge" on my Mewtwo right? :p

Shout-outs soon.


Smash Lord
Jul 26, 2007
this next massmadness is going to be full of hype, for me atleast,

because im holding MM's against every falco player xcept!

thorn <3 neverever
mango if he even goes but jic

that means yes another $20 MM between me and zeb :)

and i left out names like

G$ OMG im callin u guys out!
dazwa<3 $.25 cuz we love eachother
foy- lol

but yeah last massmadness i didnt do enuf considering i didint
wanna give mango aND jman 5 bucks each for singles

im gunna bring hype for myself


Smash Journeyman
Apr 18, 2007
canandaigua NY
Yeah kinda. Getting over it. Going to work today. I'll see if I can last the six hour shift lol...:dizzy:

And you are? Who are you? Wait. Who are you? Come now, I.D. yourself. :laugh:
AND YOU ARE!?!?! xD Shadowball next mm money match. LETS DO THIS!!! $1,000,000 MM GET THIS **** GOINNN!


Smash Apprentice
Mar 2, 2009
In ur base, killin ur d00dz
AND YOU ARE!?!?! xD Shadowball next mm money match. LETS DO THIS!!! $1,000,000 MM GET THIS **** GOINNN!
First your house, then family, now 1 milion... What next?

scrub shoutouts
thanks AOI for helping me learn to play vs spacies even though you ***** my about 10 times in a row...
I never got to play shadowball 1v1... :(
Irish mafia - your falco did suck, anyone who wants free money should mm his falco
4 falcon free for all on pokefloats was amazing
funny bowser ditto mm's
and everyone who stayed in the area by the rear exit was cool, and they were more my skill level

Also I laugh at everyone in my pool who lost to me on pokefloats
If anyone thinks that they are cool enough to ban pokefloats like WeaponX did then I will do unspeakable things to them... and cp yoshi's story instead with my marf


Smash Lord
Jul 26, 2007
**** that sucks I wanted to see jman/ mango vs. kdj
i wish u could here the crowd reactions cuz i was screaming the

whole time and evytime jman or mango took control

all u herd was complete silence and i had my hat over my face


Banned ( ∫x, δx Points)
Jul 19, 2006
Boston, MA
Hey guys, tourney was mad fun.

I don't konw if this was mentioned yet but on Sunday I had a black/red Hellcatz plastic toy on my backpack in one of the pockets. I don't know if someone took it or if anyone found it (I'm assuming I dropped it somewhere in there) but if anyone saw it or found it after please PM or let me know here. Thanks.

Shadow Huan

Smash Champion
Oct 31, 2008
Springfield, MA
shadowball is afraid to MM me peoples

that = scrub
No, that = "man with a low paying job who spent a lot of $ coming to the tourny in the first place and has more important things to use money for."... like food, gas to be able to get home... rent... you know, life in the real world? (As much as that world sucks...)

AND YOU ARE!?!?! xD Shadowball next mm money match. LETS DO THIS!!! $1,000,000 MM GET THIS **** GOINNN!
I may remember you... aren't you the guy who bet his house or something? (Rather loudly too??)

First your house, then family, now 1 milion... What next?
craaaaaaaap I was right! O.o

scrub shoutouts
thanks AOI for helping me learn to play vs spacies even though you ***** my about 10 times in a row...
I never got to play shadowball 1v1... :(
Irish mafia - your falco did suck, anyone who wants free money should mm his falco

4 falcon free for all on pokefloats was amazing
funny bowser ditto mm's
and everyone who stayed in the area by the rear exit was cool, and they were more my skill level

Also I laugh at everyone in my pool who lost to me on pokefloats
If anyone thinks that they are cool enough to ban pokefloats like WeaponX did then I will do unspeakable things to them... and cp yoshi's story instead with my marf

The way I was playing on Sunday, you would've won lol. Gotta improve more.

the only problem with Maf's Flaco is that he doesn't lazer constantly like all the other ******** birds out there.

Is that even a problem actually? o.o


TB12 TB12 TB12
Jan 30, 2007
Sickboi in the 401
1: Mango: A hurr hurr hurr fun pools set, we really should have played more to bad we were both busy the entire time.

2: Sock Jm0n: We didn't play or talk at all really :(.

3: KDJ: Still got it mang.

4: HBK: Another tournament we didn't play at, lets go for the record.

5: Scarmander: More like Scar har har.

5: G Drag0n: Dude thanks for entering singles, we like barely hung out at all.

7: Ren0: Fun teams set, always a pleasure to see you.

7: SwiftBass: Most people call me KevinM, but you can call me tonight ;).

9: Th0rn: We were almost going to play, then brackets started, it's just not in the cards.

9: Elen: No yellow shirt makes me uncomfortable, but I still love you

9: G$: Always a pleasure, close set, lots of fun =).

9: Zoso: Hey you didn't look upset this tournament, congrats :)

13: AOI: We saw each other for like three seconds

13: Bank$ (Peach): Thanks for the help seeding pools with me. Also always a pleasure you're still hilarious.

13: Hazzard: Fun teams set, we need to play singles together more.

13: Hayato: Pleasure to see you! We didn't play much but your doc is still too goot.

17: Aesir: Yo

17: Sai: Fun quarters MM, you'll be happy to know I'm feeding my wife and kids right now with all that money.

17: Sky: Fun friendlies, your Fox has a lot of potential, just try and mix things up.

17: Boxman X: Yeah he's still got the magic touch

17: Kyu Puff: I don't think I even SAW you at this tournament.

17: Mogwai: For shizzle my nizzle we actually played smashizzle. Pleasure to see you again, fun matches and thanks for playing Hailey and trying to teach her the game while I was doing brackets. Class man.

17: Matt.Zeb: You're lucky I told you to enter.

17: KevinM: God if your fox was failing any harder you could have called him Failox HAHAHAH. Choke artist :mad:

Spife: Fun teams set, you're getting there just work on your high tiers more, honestly don't be afraid to get ***** with them.

Arc: We need to play still lets smash sometime soon.

Joey: I love you dearly.

Lillian: Heyyyy girl heyyyy, nice to see you again thanks for the compliment, we should have played some friendlies or maybe you could have found a partner and taken on the next PC and Milktea :p.

Roman: Still looking sexy.

Solar: we didn't play at all :(

Foy: I AM THE KING OF ROY NOW, I will let gamefaqs know of this.

Sox: More low tier MMs! Those were fun.

Shadowball: Lulz mewtwo <3

Fun tournament, whoever did up pools and stuff was so sexy..



Smash Lord
Mar 29, 2006
Hey guys, tourney was mad fun.

I don't konw if this was mentioned yet but on Sunday I had a black/red Hellcatz plastic toy on my backpack in one of the pockets. I don't know if someone took it or if anyone found it (I'm assuming I dropped it somewhere in there) but if anyone saw it or found it after please PM or let me know here. Thanks.
dude ur awesome for putting me on your list, but not awesome b/c im under G$


Smash Lord
Jul 26, 2007
No, that = "man with a low paying job who spent a lot of $ coming to the tourny in the first place and has more important things to use money for."... like food, gas to be able to get home... rent... you know, life in the real world? (As much as that world sucks...)

cmon man im in ur shoes too ... if u wanted to i wouldve done quarter MM's .... i did it with RTF and that was my favorite set in the whole tournament !!!! LOL

also im a trashtalker and i do it out of love

the people in community know this but since im so sexy i get away with it

also for everyone that plays melee im thinking of running a tournament very sooon ..

i found a nice venue with central air and it has much more space then gameuniverse

i jus need someone 2 help me out a lil with a laptop and brackets ... kevinM or MDZ?


Smash Apprentice
Mar 2, 2009
In ur base, killin ur d00dz
the only problem with Maf's Flaco is that he doesn't lazer constantly like all the other ******** birds out there.

Is that even a problem actually? o.o
He tried to lazer spam against my marth on Yoshi's... I responded with much Fsmash and trashtalk
And I've found I'm much better in doubles because it is harder for people to combo and gimp me, while I still have a big sword to swing with wild abandon :)
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