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Marth Q&A-Ask your questions here!!

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Smash Master
Jan 30, 2007
Rochester, NY
I think when new players ask how to double fair, the main reason why they can't do it is because they don't get the first fair out fast enough. What ends up happening is they only end up fairing once, and they wind up thinking that they are doing something wrong for the 2nd fair. This is a common misconception. Another thing, they have probably heard and are confused about different ways, like with the C stick and analog stick, and someone may have told them about retreat double fair, which involves DI. If you think about it, it can actually be pretty confusing to someone new to the game.


Smash Lord
Nov 15, 2006
London, England
What stages are good counterpicks against Ice Climbers using standard stage rules?
Any moving stages will hurt nana. A stage with low platforms will allow you to escape their throw combos. Rainbow ride and Pokefloats would be their biggest counters.

Is it just me or have we got alot of beginners in the marth boards lately?

god help us.
Don't scare away the nubs unless they are at the "i cn pwn (insert pro here)" level.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 13, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Hey, I was just wondering what is the correct way to wavedash out of the shield, I can't do it properly, but I heard it had to do something with jump cancel, can someone explain to me on how to do it?


Smash Ace
Jul 6, 2007
St. Louis, Missouri
Well, I'd like to ask 2 questions and hopefully they aren't too hard to answer. First, my friend is a ridiculously good shield grabber and no matter what I can not seem to find a way around this, I still beat him in matches like 90% of the time, but I have way more skill then him except in that one area. I thought mabye the best way to beat a chain grab spammer would be to dodge roll around and do the same back to him, but I'm not a good shield grabber so any tips on that would be nice. I also have a really big problem with fighting other Marth's. I suck so bad at Marth dittos and I'm at a complete loss as to why. Any tips on that at all would be amazing. Thanks everyone.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 22, 2005
About getting shield grabbed, it's all about spacing your attacks (hit with tip) or if you can't; try to be behind them after an attack so they can't grab you. I think using dtilt after an aerial is good too.

Deciding abilities in Marth Dittos, I think, is DI and spacing. One wrong DI and it could potentially lead to death.and as for spacing you have to keep in mind that unlike other characters the other marth can reach you if you only space yourself for your attacks. You kinda have to double space yourself. can't really go into much detail on this aspect. I still have trouble with spacing in general.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 13, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
One question about getting safely back onto the stage. I see in videos like Ken or Azen when they up B back sweetspotted onto the edge but gets smashed attacked, they don't seem to fly away even at high percents. They seem to turn around fall slowly and can try to recover again.

How can I do this, and is there a specific timing? Whats this called. Please help, thanks :D.


Smash Ace
Jul 6, 2007
St. Louis, Missouri
thanks for the help purekorea.

Saph66 I think what your refering to is ledge teching. I'm not very good at it myself and I'm probably equally bad at explaining it, so if someone wants to correct me on something or include something else please feel free. Basically, what is happening there is that just as the attack connects they are pushing the L or R button so that they wall tech off the side of the ledge. It's pretty difficult to time. Here's a better definition that i found on another page. Thanks to AlphaZealot for this. Ledge Teching: Ledge teching is a somewhat odd technique in that it should be used whenever the situation arises, but how common you are caught in a situation requiring a ledge tech is dependant on your character. The gist is rather simple, when you are off the ledge but still next to it and are hit by an opponents attack, press the L/R button. This will allow your character to tech the side (ledge) of the stage similar to how a character can tech the ground after an attack. Pressing away from the stage allows your character to tech and wall jump at the same time. The only difficult part of this technique is learning the timing, for the easiest practice have a friend edge guard your character using Marth’s Forward Smash.

Hope that helps


Smash Master
Jul 19, 2007
Austin, Tx
whats the best way to play against Ice Climbers cuz i have a really hard time against them they are so hard when they are both alive but i play with a really good if not great Ice Climber player that is really good at keeping both nana and popo alive so how should i fight them


Smash Ace
Jul 6, 2007
St. Louis, Missouri
Miztik I don't know you friends play style, so this may or may not help, but my friend also plays Ice Climbers and I find that short hopping fairs and the occassional nair seem to be effective. For me the key is to hit with as close to the tip of the sword as possible so that i keep my distance because otherwise i get shield grabbed. A thing to keep in mind is that the Ice Climber's hammers give them a longer range than most other characters. This decreases the range advantage that Marth usually has.


Banned ( ∫x, δx Points)
Jul 19, 2006
Boston, MA
basic strategy against ice climbers is spaced single fairs to dtilt. Since ice climbers are more of a ground style character, as long as you space correctly this can stop many approaches. Don't be afraid to grab and do quick throws. And if you have a chance to gimp nana (i.e. she is off the stage and about to do her 2nd jump to recover) dtilt or ftilt her. Fsmashing can usually get you punished easier.


Smash Master
Jul 19, 2007
Austin, Tx
thanks guys ima try to do this and the guy i play you may have heard of him his name is Choknater and is a mini Chu basically


Smash Master
Jan 30, 2007
Rochester, NY
Ya dude, Forward Air to Down Tilt works well. They have no other real way to approach besides WD. I mean, what are they gonna do short hop towards you? LOL. Anyways, definitely try to kill Nana as fast as possible. That is your main goal. Also keep in mind, your enemies' objective is harder than urs. Trying to keep Nana alive is harder than trying to kill her.

Smash G 0 D

Leave Luck to Heaven
Oct 5, 2005
Charlottesville, VA
Hmm.. IMO your main goal really shouldn't be to kill Nana. It should be to win.. Won't the IC player expect you to go for Nana? Spacing is your real weapon vs. the IC. As long as you don't get grabbed you should be okay. I remember a match very vividly from a while ago vs. a decent IC player. It was at Yoshi's Story. Fairs, Dtilts, and Fsmashes were my key to victory. Getting them off the edge and keeping them off, though that basically works for everyone. On my last life I killed IC with purely Fsmashes.. mindgames! Ended 3 stocks to 0.

Unexpected throws are welcome (Fthrow is pretty good to compliment your spacing)

Fairs + Dtilt = awesome

Fsmash to finish combos. Try not to miss


Smash Lord
Nov 15, 2006
London, England
1) Stay in the air so you don't get grabbed. Single rising fair, double jump to another aerial or just retreat to a platform or to the ground.

2) Counter pick with a moving stage or one with low platforms

3, 4, 5 and 6) Use peach.


Smash Master
Jul 19, 2007
Austin, Tx
i would never use peach cuz peach=cheap, gay, and just basically ******** and ganon is not my style im more of a Marth, Ness, Jigglypuff, player FTW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

UMBC Super Smasher

Smash Lord
Oct 12, 2006
University of Maryland Baltimore County
Hmm.. IMO your main goal really shouldn't be to kill Nana. It should be to win.. Won't the IC player expect you to go for Nana? Spacing is your real weapon vs. the IC. As long as you don't get grabbed you should be okay. I remember a match very vividly from a while ago vs. a decent IC player. It was at Yoshi's Story. Fairs, Dtilts, and Fsmashes were my key to victory. Getting them off the edge and keeping them off, though that basically works for everyone. On my last life I killed IC with purely Fsmashes.. mindgames! Ended 3 stocks to 0.

Unexpected throws are welcome (Fthrow is pretty good to compliment your spacing)

Fairs + Dtilt = awesome

Fsmash to finish combos. Try not to miss
ummm... against a good ice climber player, if you fsmash at all you're dead. The match up is simple: fair to dtilt while keeping good spacing. Don't fair if the spacing isn't right. Once they're in the air, keep comboing them till death or restart with fair to dtilt. If you're grabbed, take out your anger on your controller. Replace controller if necessary. End of story.


Smash Ace
Aug 16, 2004
Yep, dtilt works extremely well. You can just spam dtilt all day, pretty much, not much they can do about it. Then just play smart. Fsmash when they are in the air, fsmash works extremely well, as long as you don't miss. you can kill nana really early with the fsmash.


Smash Ace
Aug 9, 2004
Ann Arbor, Michigan
same here. i just feel really bad when i combo a bowser, no matter how good he is. because even if i'm playing against the bowser, i can't help but root for him a little bit.


Smash Rookie
Jul 1, 2007
I have a question.

How do I pwn another Marth user who shield grab spam and counter more than he should? I can very well predict he will do either one of those, but still have problems.

He usually camps for me to attack him and when I get close, I see his shield so he can shield grab me. I try to fool him with approach and jump back, fair but it doesn't always work. It really annoys me because the battle is not only annoying but also boring since he's basically doing something a bit way too much.

Since he's camping for me, he has more time to think out his moves (shield grab, down B). If I space my fairs, he'll still shield and try to grab me/A attack or counter. He often fails his counters.

He just started using this againts me and he doesn't really play with style, being more of a camper even more now. I can combo him better when I start it up, but it would often stop with him using counter.


Smash Cadet
Jun 3, 2007
I am trying to space more efficently without getting grabbed as much and I've been using forward b to help with spacing to catch the oppoentent off guard but I'm curious as to what I should use after the 2nd one I usually get smashed out of the oppoenents sheild OR I get grabbed I noticed Ken would do a downward 3rd b that hits their shield and it looks like it knocks them to far away so that they cannot grab I'm not sure, it may just be Ken's great spacing. BUT could yall try it out and PM me for yalls results and tell me if it works? plz and thanks! Also I've been wondering about what percent does Marth need to stop Crouch canceling attacks? I've been CC my opponents attacks to get in grabs like Azen lately. Also could some one tell me the frame rate on the response after being attacked for the grab. I am getting the CC right but sometimes I completely miss the grab I'm not sure if I'm doing it to slow or to fast.
Any way thanks again!



Smash Ace
May 21, 2007
I have a question.

How do I pwn another Marth user who shield grab spam and counter more than he should? I can very well predict he will do either one of those, but still have problems.

He usually camps for me to attack him and when I get close, I see his shield so he can shield grab me. I try to fool him with approach and jump back, fair but it doesn't always work. It really annoys me because the battle is not only annoying but also boring since he's basically doing something a bit way too much.

Since he's camping for me, he has more time to think out his moves (shield grab, down B). If I space my fairs, he'll still shield and try to grab me/A attack or counter. He often fails his counters.

He just started using this againts me and he doesn't really play with style, being more of a camper even more now. I can combo him better when I start it up, but it would often stop with him using counter.
what you need to do is dash dance near him, but not close enough to grab you, if he counters, charge up a Fsmash. You can also wavedash backwards when near him if he shields and you see a grab coming, it works well for me. as for countering during combos, when hes in the air dash dance around to get him nervous and do a couple empty short hops before attacking again, also you can switch it up and wait till the last minute hes in the air to attack. To fight the guy youre describing, it seems that you need to rely on mindgames


Smash Rookie
Jul 1, 2007
Would it be okay to cancel my dash dance with a crouch to risk failing the pivot and dash attacking him while he's still in counter stance? Or would that take a bit too longer? (I'm also usually on the left side, it seems, and my to the left wavedash isn't as great as my to the right wavedash. I sometimes air dodge.)

I'll try the backwards wavedash punish, thanks.

I was going to try dash dancing at first but I haven't mastered it yet to make it completely useful. I sometimes get a really wimpy-looking jump from trying it by accidentally pressing up.

Thanks for the advices.


Banned ( ∫x, δx Points)
Jul 19, 2006
Boston, MA
Ok I have a question. If you ledgehop a nair and it is definitely going to hit the opponent (shielding or not shielding) will the nair autocancel regardless of when you fastfall it? I think if you don't hit anything if you fastfall ASAP you have to l-cancel the nair, but I'm curious to whether you don't have to worry about that if you hit someone.


Smash Champion
Oct 20, 2005
so my first question in a long time... may have to test it myself if no one else knows or is in the mood..but against sheik...at what percentages will dthrow to ftilt DIed away link to a dash attack from sheik.

i'm wondering what to do..sometimes i attempt to fair when it's the wrong percentage and get hit because dash attack can go through the bottom of marth's fair...

can i fastfall while being comboed at all? or do i have to wait till i'm out of stun or do i need to wiggle out first? anywyas fastfall to shield might work in those situations where i'm missing with the fair..or maybe CC the dash attack..i'm not sure what percentages i can CC a dash attack at though...something i should learn...meh been so long since i've played...school is fun though..and my roommate at least is getting better. i want to hold a private ranking match tourney among my crew of friends to detrmine teams when we go out...but i realize that my marth, which needs practice vs sheik...and my fox which just needs practice against everyone but marth and sheik...are not really going to do well if i try them in those matches..thereby ruining my placing at my own little tourney...

what's worse is that my falco is still pretty good though i've decided to quit playing him and so i know that there are a lot of matches where i will have better odds playing falco..

grr hard choices

Emblem Lord

The Legendary Lord
Aug 11, 2005
Scotch Plains, NJ
Switch FC
You are over thinking this. Simply because when Shiek is comboing Marth there really isn't much you can do at all. DI away and try to wiggle out. That's pretty much it. I wouldn't recommend trying to jump because she will probably slap you with a fair as soon as you jump so you will wnd up wasting it.

Also if she is going for a dash attack after an f-tilt, I will say that usually you should be able to jump out. That's just a matter of watching your opponent and getting a feel for what they like to do in certain situations.

I notice this about you knightpreator. You often ask for specific this or exact percentage that. Just feel it.

That's all. You will come up with your own solutions and answers with time and experimentation.
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