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Mario Boards: General Discussion


Smash Champion
Jun 12, 2006
Orange County, CA
Mario looks fine in Project M already. Only thing that SOMEWHAT bothers me, is the fludd is in. Down-b recovery would of been nice to help out Mario's already bad recovery... but fludd could give some gimicky stuff which would be fun, especially since to no auto sweetspot(I'm assuming).

I have a question though, would there be auto L-canceling? I hated that in Brawl+

And Shell, you have to realize something bout A2Z, he thinks Mario is Jesus Christ, and doesn't understand how to play any games in competitive/tournament level, just leave him be :]


sugoi ~ sugoi ~
Dec 8, 2009
Columbus, Ohio
There is no auto L-cancelling, I've been following the project for a while. Though Shell is obviously the better authority on it than me. They're trying to work some Down-B cool stuff in for him. Last I heard it was Fluddnado, but I'm not entirely sure.
Jun 4, 2007
Savannah, Georgia
Mario looks fine in Project M already. Only thing that SOMEWHAT bothers me, is the fludd is in. Down-b recovery would of been nice to help out Mario's already bad recovery... but fludd could give some gimicky stuff which would be fun, especially since to no auto sweetspot(I'm assuming).

I have a question though, would there be auto L-canceling? I hated that in Brawl+

And Shell, you have to realize something bout A2Z, he thinks Mario is Jesus Christ, and doesn't understand how to play any games in competitive/tournament level, just leave him be :]
Luigi robbed Mario's down-b recovery after the events of Melee and have it in Brawl.


Smash Lord
Jan 11, 2009
Columbus Ohio
Is Project M like some sorta remake of Brawl?

I now that you can Hack the game and change stage designs but I didn't now you can edit characters attacks.....?

Boosting Priorityand Knockback and stuff


sugoi ~ sugoi ~
Dec 8, 2009
Columbus, Ohio
No Mars. It's a hybrid of Brawl and Melee using a predominately Melee engine. Thus "Project M". You can edit characters attacks, that's exactly how Brawl Plus, Minus and Balanced (and some other, less important hacks) came about.

Edit: Infern stalking me to my own board. Crazy stuff.


Smash Lord
Jan 11, 2009
Columbus Ohio
If I was able to Balance Brawl, it be really Balanced

Like tis_


Faster falling speed

Not so Many good recoverys

No Jab Lock

No sliding item throwing what ever its called

No chaingrabbing

Mario recovery would slighty be increased in Height and Distances

Mario would have his Tornado back, Unlike Luigi's it do one hit, Luigi's do Multiple hits, Basicly it be like Mario and Luigi swapped Tornado before going into Brawl

Mario's Tornado would aid his recovery, Gaining height and distance. Lower height then Luigi's but more distance.

Mario will have a more chance of sweetspotting with Fair

Mario will no longer be able to Cape Glide

Mario's Dtilt will not be changed and still be very unusfull, just to keep it going lol

Mario will still have a very short grab range

Luigi's Dair will Spike again

He's traction Problem will be decreased although he'd still be the most slippery character

Luigi will slightly be lowered in aerial Priority

His F smash will be lowered in Knockback but boosted in range

He will no longer have a long dacus do to lowered traction problem, it still be decent though

Luigi's Aerials will slightly be decreased in priority

Peach will be........ I really no nothing about her I guess since I got ride of that slide throwing stuff that makes her a fair enemy

Less chance of stitch face and Bomb omb

Bowser will have longer fire breath

His Suicide will not go to sudden death

Bwser will be able to jump higher

Bowser's Recovery will be the same

Donkey Kong will be lowered in speed overall but slightly boosted in power

Diddy Kong will... sigh he can't slide throw banana's haha

His Up smash will gain some knockback

His Utilt will be lowered in Knockback, though making it a better juggle move

His Kart will will have slightly more knockback but be slightly lagy making it not so easy to lead into other attack
Yoshi...ooo Yoshi well this is what I gotta say

Wario Uair will be lowered in speed

Wario will have a laggy Uair if lands on ground

Wario's Motcycle will be replaced with his shoulder charge from Wario world game
Link........ ......... Slightly Boosted in speed
Zelda will be able to DI better

She will not have crazy kill power but still keep her very damaging attacks

Zelda's Dtilt will send enemy away, god her Dtilt is annoying I swear
Ganandorf will be boosted in power and his Giga punch whatever will instantly kill

Ganon will be boosted in priority

Ganon will still hae that Utilt

Ganon still have speed problems but not much
Toon link will be lowered in speed
Samus will have slower fireing speed and charged blast will have extremely low knockback and only will be used for putting in damage

Samus F smash will be boosted in knockback
ZSS Forward b will be lowered in speed and power

ZSS will not bring enemy back down to her so she can do that stupid infinite D smash Upb stuff....

Pit will have slower firespeed with arrows and will be harder to con.. actually no easier to control

Pits recovery will have slower start up speed

Lower Priority
Ice Climbers can't infinite so... what so good about them now

Slightly Lowered in kill power
Rob's recovery will not last so long

Average kill power
Kirby will be Kirby
Meta knight, evvery thing you can think of
King Deedee will be heavier then Snake

Bair will have Lower Priority

Utilt will be slower
Olimar will have lower kill power
Fox will slightly be lowered in kill power
Falco will have slower firespeed with projectile and not as much range

His spike will come out slower

No chaingrab for this bird
Wolf, Already Balanced to me
Captain Falcon is already balanced

Faster Falcon Punch how about that
Pikachu will be lowerd in kill power

Down smash will only do one hit instead of multiple hits

What.... he still has thunder....
Pokemon trainer....
Lucario seems already fair enough..

Slightly lowered range and priority
Jiggz will be faster and slightly stronger

she will still be lightest character

7 hops :}
Marth Fair will be slightly slower

Marth will have a harder time sweet spotting

No Fast walking stuff

Less laggy down smash

You will not Pick on Ness and Lucas with your stupid Chain grab
Ike already seems balanced

Slightly increased speed
Ness will be boosted in dash speed

Lower knockback throws

Lower grab relaese frames
Lucas will have lower grab release frames

Lower knockback throws
Mr Game and watch will have laggier attack

Lower priority

Lower Upsmash knockback

Slow F smash
Snake F tilt will only Nee not Nee/clob, doing knockback

Snakes Utiltt will not Kill almost eery character at 110

Snakes Dash will not be as fast

Can;t help recovery with Bombs
Sonic to me is already a balnced character

Lower recovery?
Looking at this tells me I now nothing about balancing anything.....

I just felt like making it before I went to bed *Yawn*


Smash Legend
Oct 13, 2007
RPV, California
Switch FC
SW 8400 1713 9427
Mario looks fine in Project M already. Only thing that SOMEWHAT bothers me, is the fludd is in. Down-b recovery would of been nice to help out Mario's already bad recovery... but fludd could give some gimicky stuff which would be fun, especially since to no auto sweetspot(I'm assuming).

I have a question though, would there be auto L-canceling? I hated that in Brawl+

And Shell, you have to realize something bout A2Z, he thinks Mario is Jesus Christ, and doesn't understand how to play any games in competitive/tournament level, just leave him be :]
Kanzaki, I'm going to have to report you if you keep doing that.

You're saying things that are both confrontational and untrue. And I will not tolerate that kind of behavior.

And seriously I also hate people who say tl;dr to walls of text. I actually care to read every post in this board. No matter how long or stupid. I do not tolerate such petty disrespect.


Smash Hero
Nov 17, 2005
Mario looks fine in Project M already. Only thing that SOMEWHAT bothers me, is the fludd is in. Down-b recovery would of been nice to help out Mario's already bad recovery... but fludd could give some gimicky stuff which would be fun, especially since to no auto sweetspot(I'm assuming).

I have a question though, would there be auto L-canceling? I hated that in Brawl+

And Shell, you have to realize something bout A2Z, he thinks Mario is Jesus Christ, and doesn't understand how to play any games in competitive/tournament level, just leave him be :]
we are working on a new downB for mario that assists in recovery (similar to tornado), but its still in testing


Smash Lord
May 24, 2009
heey mario boards how is it going?^^
its sooo great to see how the mario boards improved since i left, to see old faces and new ones *__*
lil'G has over 1000 posts already,A2 Became a smash researcher,fire is even more active thatn before.<3
i love you guys^^
but what happened straked/:mad:, kirin,matt07,box7, hero, skyler and the others?


sugoi ~ sugoi ~
Dec 8, 2009
Columbus, Ohio
heey mario boards how is it going?^^
its sooo great to see how the mario boards improved since i left, to see old faces and new ones *__*
lil'G has over 1000 posts already,A2 Became a smash researcher,fire is even more active thatn before.<3
i love you guys^^
but what happened straked/:mad:, kirin,matt07,box7, hero, skyler and the others?
in response to the what happened part:
Dunno, still appears occasionally, goes to MLG (and does well), appears occasionally, is a rob main, appears occasionally, dunno, dunno.

By the way, nice to meet you. I'm a recently (within the year) appearing Mario main from the Midwest.


Smash Champion
Aug 3, 2010
Chicago, IL
heey mario boards how is it going?^^
its sooo great to see how the mario boards improved since i left, to see old faces and new ones *__*
lil'G has over 1000 posts already,A2 Became a smash researcher,fire is even more active thatn before.<3
i love you guys^^
but what happened straked/:mad:, kirin,matt07,box7, hero, skyler and the others?
Nice to meet you to judge. :cool:
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