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Mario Boards: General Discussion


Smash Master
Dec 31, 2008
Teaneck, NJ/Richmond VA
Tire out Squirtle. When I played Atomsk (PT) and Inui (Ike) in low tiers a year ago, Pierce told me to use TONS of Usmash. Seriously hor the move
Gimp Ivy. It's easy
Combo Charizard like a big you would with any big heavyweight.


Smash Legend
Oct 13, 2007
RPV, California
Switch FC
SW 8400 1713 9427
Like everyone else has said, Mario has very good options against the Pokemon Trainer. He's slightly disadvantaged to Squirtle, but he wins against the other two Pokemon quite solidly.

I would probably put the matchup around 55/45 to 6/4 Mario. While Squirtle has the tools onstage to give Mario trouble, stamina issues make it worthwhile for Mario to camp his way to victory, waiting until he can prey on his much easier matchups with Ivysaur and Charizard.

Keep in mind, F-smash kills Ivysaur earlier than it kills Squirtle. It's the reason why pre-Brawl release, the Japanese thought Squirtle was heavier than Ivysaur.


Smash Master
Dec 31, 2008
Teaneck, NJ/Richmond VA
The worst part about PT is that this is a defensive game and they can't play too defensively due to fatigue. From what I heard (who knows how long ago it was) Full fatigue takes 2 minutes - 1 second for each move used (not landed). I don't know if they "heal" over time or not. So camping them is very good.

I love Squirtle. If Squirtle wasn't attached to PT and had no fatigue, he'd be an A tier character and I would main him. He's a pretty aggressive character so let him approach you. As I said before, use lots of Usmash. He's so light that Fsmash is still a solid kill move on him (or you can use Dsmash). It's not hard to edgeguard him. It's evenish. Maybe 45:55

Ivy is by far the easiest of the 3. He's really easy to gimp/edgeguard, his moveset is pretty bad as a whole, and he takes more knockback from Fsmash (get at that type advantage). One thing I wanna say about Ivy is that he has a good wall and anti air game. Other than that Mario's got this. It's either 65:35 or 6:4.

Just juggle Charizard. He's big, heavy and asking for it. He has a VERY large grab range (a tad more than D3) so his grab game is good. You can reflect rock smash. He's definitely the hardest to gimp out of the 3 but it's possible. I'd give this a slight Mario advantage.

Other than that, try some stuff out for yourself and see what works. Originality is a very good thing


sugoi ~ sugoi ~
Dec 8, 2009
Columbus, Ohio
Oh, is she going to SiS3?

Juu, your Mario's going down!

I personally do really bad vs Peach. I need to practice that MU more. All I know about it is that Wolf is the character I fight her best with.
We'll see about that, lol.

She's going to SiiS3, I believe... with the rest of MO. I'll play Mario against her because that's who I use against Peaches. Not Falco or anyone else. I'll admit, I'm much worse at the ditto than I used to be, so you very well may take my money. It won't be easy, though... and I hope you're prepared for janky counterpicks. Because you will eat one.

I got to play against Quivo and Frenchman's Peaches a bunch during the summer, though I haven't seen a Peach the quality of Nicole since KB (who I lost to). That being said, I believe I've taken another full jump. Hopefully I play like I have been the last couple of days.


Henshin a go-go Baby!
Sep 26, 2008
Miamisburg, OH
We'll see about that, lol.

She's going to SiiS3, I believe... with the rest of MO. I'll play Mario against her because that's who I use against Peaches. Not Falco or anyone else. I'll admit, I'm much worse at the ditto than I used to be, so you very well may take my money. It won't be easy, though... and I hope you're prepared for janky counterpicks. Because you will eat one.

I got to play against Quivo and Frenchman's Peaches a bunch during the summer, though I haven't seen a Peach the quality of Nicole since KB (who I lost to). That being said, I believe I've taken another full jump. Hopefully I play like I have been the last couple of days.
To be perfectly fair... I'm not good at the Mario ditto either.

However, when it comes to CPs, watch out... I always practice every stage on the ruleset as well as any I have a chance of seeing locally. I'd say it's safe to say that I know stages better than 70% of our state.


Smash Lord
Mar 8, 2010
To be perfectly fair... I'm not good at the Mario ditto either.

However, when it comes to CPs, watch out... I always practice every stage on the ruleset as well as any I have a chance of seeing locally. I'd say it's safe to say that I know stages better than 70% of our state.
Luigi mansion is too legit for Mario... Mix up d-throw/up-throw/u-tilt/-usmash so they have trouble teching and then jab lock. Or just beat the crap out of them inside the mansion and then use the superior fsmash range to finish up.

Also, learn that apple game on green greens, they hurt like hell and are funny as hell. I remember I was luigi and I used an aerial to cancel my momentum, but I tipped the blocks and they exploded and gave me 40%


Smash Legend
Oct 13, 2007
RPV, California
Switch FC
SW 8400 1713 9427
The Mario ditto is dumb as hell. Mario shuts down his own approaches extremely easily and usually for massive reward since once he shuts down an approach, the other Mario user is facing forward without many options to stop a combo attempt. Fireballs and Caping fireballs ***** most of Mario's approaches.

And I wouldn't go to Luigis against ROB, Falco, Olimar, or Sonic personally. And Metaknight is still gay.


Smash Legend
Oct 13, 2007
RPV, California
Switch FC
SW 8400 1713 9427
Luigi's is a perfectly fine stage in Balanced Brawl at least where there are no infinite Jab locks and where it takes longer for the stage to rematerialize after being destroyed. =)


Smash Master
Oct 26, 2007
Montebello, California
I use mario and fox. Those are my only good characters at the moment. I'm trying to pick up Pikachu, ZSS, and diddy kong though. ah i love this game it's so good!


Smash Master
Dec 31, 2008
Teaneck, NJ/Richmond VA
It is amazing. I'm sad I lost my SD card/don't have a wii on me :(. I use Sonic and Luigi in it. Luigi used to be so broken that I'd auto pilot (which would sometimes be the reason I lost XD)


Henshin a go-go Baby!
Sep 26, 2008
Miamisburg, OH
Luigi mansion is too legit for Mario... Mix up d-throw/up-throw/u-tilt/-usmash so they have trouble teching and then jab lock. Or just beat the crap out of them inside the mansion and then use the superior fsmash range to finish up.

Also, learn that apple game on green greens, they hurt like hell and are funny as hell. I remember I was luigi and I used an aerial to cancel my momentum, but I tipped the blocks and they exploded and gave me 40%
LM is no longer legal anywhere, and I personally will never attend a tourny with it legal again if I can help it. Also, DK is also gay as balls on that stage, and Bowser, Zelda and Diddy also **** there.


Smash Legend
Oct 13, 2007
RPV, California
Switch FC
SW 8400 1713 9427
Brawl- is like REALLY NOOB FRIENDLY. Easy mode combos and abuseable gimmicks and other random **** that is ridiculously easy to get away with for free.

But it's okay. Thank god they finally reduced shieldstun in recent versions. I've been requested to give feedback on the project for the purpose of helping to balance the game.

And lol Vato you don't know anything about BBrawl. Educate yourself at www.balancedbrawl.net

BBrawl is mad epic and you're a fool if you don't take the time to learn how they eliminate abuses in Brawl.

At any rate I know a lot of tricks for Mario in Brawl-. But I'm not sharing. Unless you ask nicely. =)

I also use Ike, Luigi, G&W, Ganondorf, and Falcon in Brawl-.

On another random note I think Brawl+ died. Not that I care about it.


Smash Legend
Oct 13, 2007
RPV, California
Switch FC
SW 8400 1713 9427
Brawl+ sucks, is ridiculously noob friendly, drastically changes characters in unnecessary ways, and has zero depth. I think KirinBlaze would probably agree with me when I say that.

Balanced Brawl actually manages to put depth into Brawl merely by removing abuses and tweaking options so that they help characters in stupidly bad matchups.

Brawl isn't necessarily a terrible game but suffers from horrible character balance and abuses. Fix the abuses, and give non-intrusive options that help matchups, you immediately have a much better game. BBrawl also does not freeze stages, but rather tweaks them so that they are the same fundamentally, but non-abusive due to the general removal of infinites.

If you're going to continue playing Brawl (which I know pretty much everyone on this forum does), I highly suggest looking at Balanced Brawl. And PLEASE hype it more. Brawl without ridiculous abuses and more options for stupid matchups is a very good game. Mario is one of the top characters in BBrawl by the way. And there is a very clever solution for planking in BBrawl. I highly suggest you check the Balanced Brawl website if you haven't.

And Project M looks okay, but Mario looks terrible in it.


Smash Master
Dec 31, 2008
Teaneck, NJ/Richmond VA
Brawl- is like REALLY NOOB FRIENDLY. Easy mode combos and abuseable gimmicks and other random **** that is ridiculously easy to get away with for free.

But it's okay. Thank god they finally reduced shieldstun in recent versions. I've been requested to give feedback on the project for the purpose of helping to balance the game.

And lol Vato you don't know anything about BBrawl. Educate yourself at www.balancedbrawl.net

BBrawl is mad epic and you're a fool if you don't take the time to learn how they eliminate abuses in Brawl.

At any rate I know a lot of tricks for Mario in Brawl-. But I'm not sharing. Unless you ask nicely. =)

I also use Ike, Luigi, G&W, Ganondorf, and Falcon in Brawl-.

On another random note I think Brawl+ died. Not that I care about it.
I wouldn't consider Brawl- to be noob friendly if you're playing good people. I kinda get why you say that though. The point of it is to make every character broken and therefore some things are easier to do. You just gotta learn to DI out of combos. Shield stun did need to be reduced from v1.0. There was no point of shielding. As Luigi with dumb aerial mobility and Sonic with dumb ground speed I just move around it XD. They got rid of my amazing Luigi dash dance (do a dash dance and hurt people with the trip hitbox he has)

I'm not gonna say BBrawl is bad, but there's nothing really appealing to it. In Brawl- I can spam TAUNTS with Sonic. Project M looks appealing also.

lol but hardly anyone plays bbrawl

and brawl+

at least in NY *shrug*

brawl minus and project m is where its at =D
This guy knows.


Flute-Fox Only
Feb 7, 2007
And Project M looks okay, but Mario looks terrible in it.
Anyone that's actually played it will tell you that Mario is incredible in Project M. I am a Melee Mario main and the co-leader of the project, so you can count on him being legit. Of course, everyone will be legit eventually.

Ask Boss or Mango.



Smash Champion
Aug 3, 2010
Chicago, IL
Anyone that's actually played it will tell you that Mario is incredible in Project M. I am a Melee Mario main and the co-leader of the project, so you can count on him being legit. Of course, everyone will be legit eventually.

Ask Boss or Mango.

Hey shell, were can i download this "Project M" i wanna see how good mario really
is. is it like brawl minus? *ponders*


Smash Champion
Jun 12, 2006
Orange County, CA
Anyone that's actually played it will tell you that Mario is incredible in Project M. I am a Melee Mario main and the co-leader of the project, so you can count on him being legit. Of course, everyone will be legit eventually.

Ask Boss or Mango.

Mario looks freaken sexy in Project M, A2Z's just a troll, don't worry bout him <3


Smash Legend
Oct 13, 2007
RPV, California
Switch FC
SW 8400 1713 9427
Well either Boss was playing terrible or something, but I'm not really thrilled with Mario in Project M after watching him. He has a very noticeable range problem and still depends a lot on bad DI for many of his combos to work. And then there is the problem of comboing into a finisher, which is all really situational for Mario from what I can tell. And his recovery is really bad.

This is just from observation of Boss's playstyle.

Few things they did buff:
Doc F-air on the sourspot hit, still situational
Jab seems to properly link into D-smash on all characters and no longer has sweetspot issues. I could be mistaken though.
some extra KO power on Smashes iirc
D-air I guess for breaking juggles, not that it will do anything to guys like ICs or Marth.

Besides that I don't think Mario looks very good in Project M. But since it's not the final version, I guess I can only wait.


Smash Master
Dec 31, 2008
Teaneck, NJ/Richmond VA
Well either Boss was playing terrible or something, but I'm not really thrilled with Mario in Project M after watching him. He has a very noticeable range problem and still depends a lot on bad DI for many of his combos to work. And then there is the problem of comboing into a finisher, which is all really situational for Mario from what I can tell. And his recovery is really bad.

This is just from observation of Boss's playstyle.

Few things they did buff:
Doc F-air on the sourspot hit, still situational
Jab seems to properly link into D-smash on all characters and no longer has sweetspot issues. I could be mistaken though.
some extra KO power on Smashes iirc
D-air I guess for breaking juggles, not that it will do anything to guys like ICs or Marth.

Besides that I don't think Mario looks very good in Project M. But since it's not the final version, I guess I can only wait.
Boss is good at melee and he wasn't playing bad. I think the reason you think that was because he was playing Chu. They basically used their melee mains and since Chu is a better melee player, he won. Chu is top 2 melee ICs in the US iirc (not sure if Wobbles is better).


Smash Legend
Oct 13, 2007
RPV, California
Switch FC
SW 8400 1713 9427
He does also have one match against a Falco who clearly isn't as good as him.


Flute-Fox Only
Feb 7, 2007
I would go into all of the things we've done to buff Mario but this is already skirting the bounds of Brawl Mario General discussion, and I think you guys should probably return to Bawrl discussion. In a nutshell, we've combined Doc and Mario, mixing the higher kill and gimp potential of Doc with the combo potential of Mario.

Yes, he still has weaknesses. No we didn't give him a sword, but once he does get in he has the potential to combo into kills, or at least **** edgeguarding/gimps.

We should be doing a full dojo post on Mario soon which will detail most of the changes we've done to him.
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