Brawl- is like REALLY NOOB FRIENDLY. Easy mode combos and abuseable gimmicks and other random **** that is ridiculously easy to get away with for free.
But it's okay. Thank god they finally reduced shieldstun in recent versions. I've been requested to give feedback on the project for the purpose of helping to balance the game.
And lol Vato you don't know anything about BBrawl. Educate yourself at
BBrawl is mad epic and you're a fool if you don't take the time to learn how they eliminate abuses in Brawl.
At any rate I know a lot of tricks for Mario in Brawl-. But I'm not sharing. Unless you ask nicely. =)
I also use Ike, Luigi, G&W, Ganondorf, and Falcon in Brawl-.
On another random note I think Brawl+ died. Not that I care about it.