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Mangos Falco Advice


Colonel RTSD
Aug 14, 2005
Corneria, Lylat System
Never get grabbed. Only go in when you have the pressure advantage. Adjust your spacing with lasers when he runs in to account for him powershielding it. Tech his shines so he doesn't get any lame follow-ups like thunders combos. If he comes in high, you can shield and angle it up REALLY high and JC shine out to start comboing before he can do anything (I think, I'm not completely positive on this as I have not looked at the frame data to back this up). SDI his drills to not get grabbed.

When pillaring mix it up like Mango does, and use his nair trap to bait grabs into f smash. Also, if he is coming in high, you can WD back f smash Marth style to tie/beat his aerials.

I tend to ban FD as your combos aren't as long, and a single grab from Fox leads to death.
Thanks man. I think the nair thing would be a good tactic to try out. I've seen everyone use it nowadays.

LMAO sometimes the most nubbish combos work on the best players haha. not too sure if i understand it :p

pretty excited for the tourney on saturday.

i know wobbles is gonna be there.... i wouldn't say that i have TROUBLE with ice climbers, but it's wobbles and he's like... really good lol. so is there anything in particular that i should be doing against IC's with falco?
PewPewPewPewPewPew. Play keep away and dair when you can. Don't run into their shield. The hitlag from both puts you at huge risk. Try to limit your approaches from above; their utilt/uair is stupid beats most of what you have (from beneath you). Stay under platforms and shoot. If they come from above, utilt.

the reason dthrow is optimal in the matchup is because it creates a hitbox around you which will knock the 2nd climber off your nuts.
I like the way you worded it. lol


Smash Hero
Apr 25, 2007
lawrenceville, GA
not entirely but f smash does make it annoying ..but remember icys know that falco wants to f smash so dont be dumb about it..bait there bait

dont try to jump out there when they are recovering..just bair and fa smash..plus d tilt is a kill move ..it ***** them after 97 i believe.

up tilt is really good too vs icys and if your going to grab even though u shoudnt shine grab after the dair and down throw tech chase dair up tilt..laser correctly too..ice blocks will force u to double jump so beware of that..besides that i would say watch out for blizzard out of shield because its a bait


Smash Lord
Sep 9, 2008
yeah if youre gonna pew pew at climbers, you gotta move around so they dont mess you up with the ice cubes. daring and landing behind them works well because most ICs players try to mess up your shield pressure by light shielding one and having the other full shield.. or something like that. i have a friend with a really good climber game, and it looks like thats what he does sometimes. mogwai, please correct me if im wrong haha. dont wanna mess people up


Colonel RTSD
Aug 14, 2005
Corneria, Lylat System
pew pew pew is only sorta effective vs. ICs, once they're close enough to ice block, the fact that there are ****ing two of them allows them to shoot through it, which forces you out of position to keep pewing.
What do suggest Falcos do vs. ICs at mid-range?

Fortress | Sveet

Dec 21, 2005
Northern IL
DI behind and away. they probably have the most chance to mess up a usmash with that DI. if they go for regrab just keep doing it til 60% or w/e and then don't DI and jump out.


Smash Hero
Apr 25, 2007
lawrenceville, GA
i can just nana pult if u keep trying to laser..which is throwing nana at u and make her blizzard which has a long range and can do it out of ice blocks

try baiting them into a up tilt once u ge that dair spam ***** them..i was teaching chops the match up last night

camping icys dont really effect them when your falco because nana takes most of the damage

i told chops to make it seem like he is going to approach and do a retreating short hop dair

i know the falco match up like the back of my hand and know what falco can do and what icys can do

and its a 50/50 match up for all of u wondering..just find when the best time is to f smash and tech chase dair.... ****


Smash Lord
Sep 26, 2006
(KoJapes) Rochester, NY
Ic's are solved by getting in and grabbing to a down throw, keeping Nana behind Popo, camping platforms to try and force them onto them (where their game sucks), NEVER messing up edge guards, and baiting lag for f smash. Never let them grab you, any competent player will take a stock easy if they do. The l-cancel timing is really weird because of the double shields, but if you get used to it you can do some conventional shield pressure on them to mix it up.


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
against doc, you get aggressive with dair vs. his shield when you can, but until you force him into shield, it's all bair/utilt spacing.

uair's a perfectly fine follow up to shine, but if you're talking about aerial shine -> immediate uair, that doesn't work vs. any competent DI, so you shouldn't do it.

Tee ay eye

Smash Hero
Jun 1, 2008
LMAO sometimes the most nubbish combos work on the best players haha. not too sure if i understand it :p

pretty excited for the tourney on saturday.

i know wobbles is gonna be there.... i wouldn't say that i have TROUBLE with ice climbers, but it's wobbles and he's like... really good lol. so is there anything in particular that i should be doing against IC's with falco?

Why are you excited for the tourney on SATURDAY? Noob

You should be excited for the tourney on SUNDAY

Fortress | Sveet

Dec 21, 2005
Northern IL
nair through pills and then combo doc. Doc has a lot of weight so be careful about trying for too much, you can always get another hit later. Dthrow->knee works afaik.


Smash Legend
Nov 18, 2007
Spiral Mountain
Dair Shine Knee Dash Attack Shine Knee to where you at?

Falco could Wombo Combo by himself rofl

I mean, he already can do most of it


Smash Hero
Jun 25, 2008
Having trouble Doubleshining on shield.

I can slide from b to y to b to y no problem if there is no shield, but on a shield it just doesnt work. I shine and sit in shine.

And I can't actually press b press y press b press y fast enough for both to be on shield consistently.

I though about completely moving my first and second fingers to those buttons, but that seems absurd.

Is there an easy way to do this that I just didn't get?


Smash Master
Apr 26, 2008
1st or 2nd best in the game?

LOL. he's already arguably better than Fox. if Falco had the knee (along with his shine and jumping ability) he would be dirtily, intensely, sexily broken. lol, Dawn was that sarcasm?

Fortress | Sveet

Dec 21, 2005
Northern IL
Peef: practice more. if you still can't get it, stop trying it (its not that useful anyways...)
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