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Make Your Move 8: -TOP 50 POSTED-


Smash Champion
Jun 4, 2008
Getting drilled by AWPers
Leon? Seriously, Chris >>>>>>>>>> Leon. ;)

My main project I'm working on is going to be my most ambitious one to date. I'm hoping to take the next step after having worked on Jace and getting good reviews from him. That springboard is going to be one of my favorite characters in the Marvel universe:

Thanos, the Mad Titan. It took me a while to figure out how to implement the Infinity Gems into Smash, but I found a way to do it and it should set Thanos apart as a truly unique character.

Also, for the N64 lovers out there, you might be seeing "Ice Climbers with guns" much later in the future:



Thane of Smashville
Jul 5, 2010
Well, I have a few that I want to do. Their not "plans" per se, Just things I have Ideas for...


this is my current work in progress, hopefully to be released in the first week.


I'm kinda in the proccess of working out the playstyle kinks here

Well, in a sense they would be a more "controlled" team character, as Blooper, Goomba, Koopa, Bullet Bill, and Monty Mole will be involved in this set.


Several Ideas for this one


Im kicking around Ideas for this one, but have absolutly no ****ing clue what direction Im taking him.

Aaand thats it. Anyone wants to team up, let me know. :)

***:Ones That will definetly be made


Smash Champion
Dec 21, 2007
Hippo Island

Good ol' Raichu, evolution of our own Smash Bros veteran Pikachu, and a joint with GoldWyvern and MDA! This was originally supposed to be for our birthday, which all happen on the same day apparently. (shifty). Unfortunately, all the work we have for him is on my backup harddrive at the moment and I'm too lazy to set everything up to get it onto my computer. So my first MYM9 set will mostl likely be...

Zoroark, 5th gen mascot and joint set with DarthMeanie! Not much to say on him yet except that he's started and has some ideas.

Don't expect anything other than these 2 sets from me really, in case you didn't notice there was a 3 month gap in between the sets I had in MYM8 that weren't already 99% done beforehand.


Smash Lord
Oct 10, 2008

. . . and perhaps I'll get around to a few other sets, but those are the ones that I'm really intent on finishing.​


Smash Apprentice
May 16, 2008
I've already mentioned what sets I had planned in my setmaker's notes, but I might as well elaborate on them a bit, and give some hints as to what I'm going to do with them.

Series: Princess Mononoke/Ghibli

To continue on my Ghibli fanboyism, I'm creating a set for San. Why? Probably because she's one of the coolest characters that Ghibli has ever created. Raised by wolves after abandonment by parents, San grew into a guardian of the forests, protecting it from anything and everything which threatened it. With an unmatched rage for those who desecrated her home, along with peak physical strength and agility, San is always willing to fight to defend it.

Andy Larkin
Series: Just!/What's With Andy?

While I've never read the books that he was based from, I have seen the show a couple of times when I was younger, and did enjoy them quite a bit. While Andy might seem like an odd choice for this sort of competition... he is, actually. Despite this, his trademark pranks and opponent humiliation are the name of the game here, as Andy will do just about anything to make a good joke.

Bao Qing Tian
Series: Ancient Chinese History

Bao Qing Tian is an older set that I created around the time I left MYM3, so the set itself is about the same age as Strago. But don't fret! I'm updating him as much as I can for the new standards of MYM9, and I hope I can fully bring out this judge's strong sense of justice and absolutes in this set.

Central Mentality
Series: Suspended

While some may ask just how the Central Mentality would be able to fight while in suspended animation, he does so just as he did when he worked to repair his world. Through a team of several dedicated robots, working in groups. The Central Mentality uses his Cryolinks for his robots to great advantage on the battlefield, and as per the source material, each robot provides their own unique utility.

And two more newly-announced sets...

Professor Owl
Series: Toot, Whistle, Plunk and Boom/Melody Time/Disney

Another choice which seems a little odd, seeing as this a character who appeared in a single animated short from the 1950s and only sporadically afterwards... but really really obscure characters are the type of set I like to do. This one mostly came out of one of my set brainstorming sessions and was one of the few that I've actually ended up starting work on. While this bird takes advantage of conventional things such as instruments and such when fighting, at the centre of this professor's playstyle is a concept which I'll tentatively call "Music Damage." I'll leave it up to you to figure out what it's supposed to be about.

The Nostalgia Critic
Series: Channel Awesome

Another set which I originally made some time ago, it was designed to be a 'counter' of sorts to the original set of the Angry Video Game Nerd. As a result, the Nostalgia Critic will live up to his name by expressing some elements of older sets as well, as well as a few cameos from the movies he's seen. Even so, I still plan to try to update my old draft into something a bit more palatable to the modern contest, while maintaining a lot of the things that the Critic is known for.

And I have a crapload of extras(Stages, ATs, possibly a new story mode) planned as well, so stay tuned.


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2009
Raw newbie here. I'm thinking of trying a Dark Samus set when MYM 9 eventually comes out. No guarantees, but it's a possibility...


Smash Rookie
Oct 9, 2010
My plans involve..

Same monster, jus the 2nd pic is better, but i'mma use the weapons in the first pic... Also...

Shall be fun...


Smash Lord
Nov 24, 2008
Leon? Seriously, Chris >>>>>>>>>> Leon. ;)

My main project I'm working on is going to be my most ambitious one to date. I'm hoping to take the next step after having worked on Jace and getting good reviews from him. That springboard is going to be one of my favorite characters in the Marvel universe:

Thanos, the Mad Titan. It took me a while to figure out how to implement the Infinity Gems into Smash, but I found a way to do it and it should set Thanos apart as a truly unique character.
Im very much looking forward to seeing Thanos when he's complete, especially if you're going to make use of his Infinity Gems.


Im kicking around Ideas for this one, but have absolutly no ****ing clue what direction Im taking him.
Hannibal Lecter seems like a very interesting choice of character. He could have a special attack which involves giving his foe a lecture, and if he finishes it the enemy suffers some consequence. His playstyle could involve making the enemy commit suicide by lecturing them when they're trying to recover. Also he eats the enemy's brain. That's just my idea.

As for anything I would want to do, the new 5th Gen Pokemon Ulgamoth is a definite awesome. They're really hard to raise but have huge power.

I might try to do a remake for my first moveset ever, Tsuru Tsurulina III (from Bobobo-bobo-bobo). I had a lot of fun ideas for the original set as I did with my earlier works; it would be nice to flesh some of them out a bit more. Back then I didn't have much of a grip on lag, which made Tsurulina really underpowered.

Also, the OP Rules stated that you could redo a set from MYM5 or below and recreate it as something new, which is different from the 5 Attack Usage remix thingy.



Smash Apprentice
Feb 28, 2010
Coming to terms with having two people in my mind

Gather around, kiddies. This is the story of Raichu, the non-clone joint set.

It all begins way back when in MYM7. I had finished and posted Luffy, and was thinking about what to do for my next set. After seeing the comments for Luffy and looking over him again, I realized that I would need some help if I wanted to improve at all. So, I decided to make a joint set. As for the character? It came pretty quickly to me to make a set for my favorite Pokemon for as long as I can remember: Raichu.

I first asked Kholdstare if he wanted to joint with me. He politely turned me down, saying that his last attempt at a joint didn't go so well. Not one to give up so easily on Raichu, I then went to JOE! He agreed to do, and the Raichu set had begun!

We brainstormed for a bit. I came up with Raichu using Fly (it was a joke), while JOE came up with the (much better) idea of Raichu of building up electrical attacks by charging. How would he do that? By running. We were off to a good start, but then JOE suddenly stopped working on Raichu to focus on other sets. For some reason, I never went to Katapultar to finish the set, and Raichu was brushed away from my mind.

Come MYM8, and I've gone through countless set ideas and given up on just about all of them. My September 28th birthday was quickly approaching, and I knew I had to do SOMETHING. Then I remembered that Hyper_Ridley (and GW) shared my birthday, so I went to HR to propose a joint set. Who were we going to make a set for? You guessed it: Raichu.

Me and HR PM'd each other attack ideas (he had more ideas, but that was natural), talked about Raichu on the chat, etc. But then something happened that made us (okay, me) not work on Raichu. After a while, we both decided to take a break to polish him up for MYM9.

And when Raichu decides to blast his way out of the NU tier and onto MYM 9, the winner of the contest may be decided. Even if he doesn't win, he'll be sure to leave a SHOCKING impression (you know I had to).


My choice for the inevitable (and awesome) 5th Gen movement is Denchura, the furry electrical spider. I've been hyping this set a lot on the chat recently, so I won't give too much more away. Just be sure that this will be my first MYM9 set. Probably.

Since generation 5 is so awesome, a lot of the sets I make next contest are going to be Pokesets. And since I'm such an Electrobro, my favorite Isshu Pokemon is probably Shibirudon. GRAB-BASED PLAYSTYLE IS GO!


Perpetual Lazy Bum
Jul 30, 2005
Stamping your library books.
Hey guys, I just wanted to say that I really enjoyed MYM8. There were quite a few movesets that really got my creative urge pumping again. Who knows, maybe I'll make some sets for MYM9.


Smash Master
Sep 11, 2007
North Carolina
Hey guys, I just wanted to say that I really enjoyed MYM8. There were quite a few movesets that really got my creative urge pumping again. Who knows, maybe I'll make some sets for MYM9.
Good to hear; hope to see something from you in the future!

Also, everyone's plans sound great! MYM9 sounds like it'll be an interesting one
if everyone actually follows through
. I feel like I should claim a Gen V Pokemon before they're all gone. :glare:

EDIT: SD, one of your plans is invisible!


Smash Apprentice
Feb 28, 2010
Coming to terms with having two people in my mind
So I heard you like Electric-types MDA.

But I've noticed something. Say you're making up an Electric-type Elite Four member. You don't really have a ton of choices for a team without going into legendaries. Raichu, Shibirudon, Denchura, Zeburaika, Electivire, Luxray, Magnezone, and Ampharos. Am I missing anyone?


Smash Apprentice
Feb 28, 2010
Coming to terms with having two people in my mind
Yay, more plans!

Okay, you knew this guy was coming the second I started listing plans. Or at least, you should have.

But this isn't about how I'm going to be making Luffy for MYM9. It's the opposite, in fact. As I've said many times on the chat, "One Piece" just went through a two-year timeskip where the Straw-Hats trained themselves to get stronger. I could go deeper into it, but as with anything recently in "One Piece," it's a very long story.

Bottom line, Luffy and the others have new and improved abilities, and could probably kick most of the characters in this MYM's *****. I have a few ideas for New Luffy, but I'll need to see him fight more before making a set (seeing as the only real fight he's been in was this). And even with that, I've realized Luffy can be a very hard person to make sets for, as he mostly fights freestyle.

I'm not saying I've given up on Luffy. I'm just not sure whether I'm ready for him yet.

I freaking love this thing. It's a samurai apprentice otter! Which evolves into a fully-fledged samurai otter! And then... IT EVOLVES INTO A NARWHAL-SHOGUN-SEA-LION-OTTER!!! I DON'T GIVE A CRAP WHETHER IT DOESN'T FIT! HOW CAN THAT NOT AWESOME?!!

darth meanie

Smash Journeyman
Jun 6, 2008
Lanturn, Jolteon, Electrode, Manectric, Derpfish, potentially Rotom. That's excluding Plusle, Minun, Emonga, Pachirisu, and legendaries.

I can appreciate the Electric-type love. Zapdos was always my favorite legendary Pokemon.


Smash Cadet
Apr 1, 2010
I was gonna quote ya, MT, but it seems that those shadows are just the perfect shade to be invisible when quoted. Who knew?

I got all these except for Guts Man in the middle. Seriously, who the hell is that? Also, I see/have heard that you're really enjoying JJBA....seeing how much of a manga freak I am I should probably give it a read.

And no, I'm not posting anything set-ad-related here. Seems the moment I officially commit to something I forget it exists. Given me some relationship troubles in the past.

But I will say that I do plan to get at least two sets in during MYM9. Whether they'll be tolerable or complete tripe..well that's up in the air right now.

And yeah, my troubles with SWF are over and I reset my password, so I can actually log in now.

/obligatory once a month post

Deleted member

MT's are probably the hardest plans to figure out. Still have no idea who the big guy is...


Thane of Smashville
Jul 5, 2010
Heres my guesses for MT's big guy(im probably way off):
Optimus Prime
Megaman boss(idk who)
Cyborg(Teen Titans)

Thats it

Oh and is that Viewtiful Joe? nice

Deleted member

Wait, which ones are Cyborg, Optimus Prime and Colossus? They aren't all big enough. :lol:
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