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Lets Brawl Toronto Results Thread


Smash Champion
May 21, 2007
Slowly dying in the void
na i wasnt their, im just ally's best friend and i actually love you, rofl, im an online-troll-in-training, your my motivation ;D

ally you suck
You won't surpass Dinser ever, he's too good at that. I was not really affected by his trash talking but I admit he almost made laugh once during one of my matches.

I'm going to make my shoutout later, I need to go eat right now.


Smash Cadet
Nov 23, 2008
I wanna be the very best,
like no one ever was,
To make em lose is my real test,
To enrage them is my cause!!


Smash Rookie
Jul 26, 2008
St. Catharines, ON, CA
“A fool shows his annoyance at once, but a prudent man overlooks an insult"

Oh, and Dinser,

“It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God”

Seriously though, you're acting like a 13 year old.


Smash Ace
Mar 21, 2008
You won't surpass Dinser ever, he's too good at that. I was not really affected by his trash talking but I admit he almost made laugh once during one of my matches.

I'm going to make my shoutout later, I need to go eat right now.



Smash Journeyman
Jun 6, 2008

Stop feeding the troll you idiots.

The more pissed off you get the more he'll do it. Seriously no wonder he keeps going, look at how much you guys react, it's like f*cking fuel for him


Smash Cadet
Nov 23, 2008
I love the quotes like Oh My God.. I'm such a fan. You're truly a motivation I've seen the error in my ways I apologize to all... fvck off loser.


Smash Cadet
Nov 23, 2008
Yeah!!!!! Fatal For The Win!!!!! Beautifull Post Beautifull!!!


Smash Lord
Apr 9, 2008
Montreal, Canada
Great tournament, nice hosts and nice play. It was run really good except for a few small problems. One of them being the lack of set ups. I blame the community for this one. A lack of confidence in the tourney being real or not probably made people skeptical on coming with set ups or not. Next time we will know. And next time the hosts will know how to use pools and seed. Practice is all you need.

Shout outs:

Ally: i love you.

Holy: I love you too

Chesterr01: je t'aime beaucoup, merci pour alle a toronto avec moi. mon francais c'est le meilleuse

Ambrose: great job on getting 2nd. I still haven't had time to friendly you, especially at this tourney.

Anth0ny: Great job in pools man. I <3 you now.

Raidus and TI : great job in pools you both are really great players and i see you guys getting really far next tourney.

BUG: wtf all day? and thx for letting me team with you .....you can have whatever you like =]

SLYVANTES: good job with the tourney and nice samus. you should definately come to oin2.5 next month and play again.

PyreN: gg's in the brackets, i didnt know falco could chain grab gaw so much =[

Lain and NOJ : nice chatting with you guys outside at the end, wish we could of came to niko's to play.

Kingace: good job on taking me out of pools =[, you will do better next time around
watch out for dem hammers......

niko: you'll do much better next time, dont take this tourney too bad

I'm pretty happy with my results this time around.
I placed first in pools and i came in 13th.
yay for me =]


Never Knows Best
Nov 8, 2006
Milpitas, CA
Come on guys, don't let trolls hit you while you're down.


Smash Cadet
Nov 23, 2008
Lol reminds me of one of my favourite sayings like just all go drinking.... Drink up Buttercup.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 16, 2006
right behind you o_o
I sure as hell hope I'm doing my job for that.. Hell in the brawl community I have no problem with being Mr. Troll Douchebag to a bunch of nerd raging punks.
I fear for your safety sir

I can take insults because words don't affect me much. But I can't say the same for most others.


Smash Rookie
Jul 26, 2008
St. Catharines, ON, CA
“Weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning."

“Be strong and of a good courage, fear not, nor be afraid...for the Lord thy God, he it is that doth go with thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee.”

“Give, and it shall be given to you. For whatever measure you deal out to others, it will be dealt to you in return.”

“Destruction cometh; and they shall seek peace, and there shall be none.”

“Work hard and become a leader; be lazy and never succeed.”


Smash Champion
May 21, 2007
Slowly dying in the void
Chesterr01: je t'aime beaucoup, merci pour alle a toronto avec moi. mon francais c'est le meilleuse
I just read this and I ****ing cracked up, you're probably one of the only guy that can me laugh so much it hurts after. When you starting shouting at those random people LMAO! We might put the video up if they're funny enough :laugh:


Smash Champion
Aug 6, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Shout outs to mah homies!

Special shout out to Wolfblade: Dude, thanks a lot for the support. Seriously, it was good to have someone actually watch my matches and help me out. I wouldn't have won in our match if I did not remember your advice, I kept my cool throughout. Even with Chaotic, I would have gotten destroyed but that kick of yours made all the difference, I almost had him in that match! (whispers "Niko loves Plank")

Mikey: Same to you man, your support made all the difference, it felt really good to have my skill acknowledged for once, your reactions to our matches really boasted my confidence. Thanks for the coaching. oh yeah, you beat KingAce!!!!! And I watched the epicness!

Toronto Joe: Dude, we play a like with our spacing, you're hard to approach, those games taught me a lesson and maybe next time I'll take the win, you are one of my goals since I wanted to know first-hand why you are on up and coming and I'm not, but now I see you are really good. Hope to play you at Niko's

dudes in my pool: Demo you were playing better and better as matches were going, keep coming to tournies and you'll be good in no time. This piece of advice goes for all of you, you guys really know your stuff, especially the Falco players, really impressive.

Holy: Yo homie, you are really one cool dude! you have a great sense of humour, too funny when you swear at everything. You're ROB is too good, hopefully I'll play you again. I will always get better the more I play you, I think next time I can at least get a game.

NikoK: Dude, stop failing, you are too sexy, people must know. At least you are still top tier in trafficking, LOLOLOL. But please, next time own, I don't want people to think you fail, you are too good, let everyone know. oh yeah, btw, your face when playing melee is PRICELESS, I need to get a camera and get a picture of it!

Rion: Think you're a pimp with that white dress shirt of yours owning people with them dtilts and sexy Zelda combos? LOLOL, congrats on doing MUCH better this time, I knew you were good, OIN2 was just bad luck. Keep showing up man, and come on MSN so we can talk sometime. I hope you play wifi to cause that would be awesome.

Kev: yeah buddy! You own!! 7th!? Nuts! That's the **** that's expected. PR material? I think so!

Nate: **** happens homes, gotta make it out next time, you know you could. Good times in doubles friendlies, sorry for trying too hard with Bowser, but he needs practice.

Dejana: Your dad owns and you fail! But wait, I have to comment on you ZSS matches, holy **** you are a combo master now, those were some crazy ZSS moves, you almost won, oh well, **** happens, but that was good stuff.

Bug: LOLOL, dude, what happened to WT? Fail! Anyways man, good stuff at this tourney, good to see that you ae human, you struggled but you still showed your ownage.

Jason (WTxxx): you own! 9th with jiggs? Too good, good to see you finally showed up man, hope to see you again, get your bro to play again!

Chaotic: Man, you got soooooo good, last time I played you was at the Niagara tourney at Jaimie's house. That Lucario of yours is too crazy! Congrats on 4th

GK: Dude I need to play you man, I wanna see how I can stand up against you in a match. I know one day I'll avenge the beating I got from you at my first tourney. You own, hilarious to hang around with, and I personally think you should host a tourney, you seem fit to ***** around people to get their matches done, LOLOL

KingAce: you are a good champ, #1 for a reason, like I told you on msn, it was good to see that you can handle a defeat very well, you now inspire me even more to control my anger. Let's see how you will do at Niko's. Good luck on the 360, but remember, Ambrose teh sexy asian is gonna be there.

Ambrose: Thanks for the ride sexy, really appreciated. dude man, 2nd!!!! It was too hard to watch your matches, it hurt! Those were so close, good **** man, you did service to Teh Ambrose Fan Club (members: Christian, Michelle, Alex).

Special shoutouts

Pastaboy: You fail! I still love you

KC: you fail! I still love you

JL: You fail!!!!

Percon: you fail!

Nickcam: You fail! I was teh lonely Wario there...

Dud: *glare* FAIL! I hate you, lolol

I know I forgot people, if I did, I fail! I thin I am glad with my results this tourney, I may have gotten owned but I know I proved myself, I had a tough pool and a tough bracket, but I always had close matches. I now see that if I focus I can hold my own against teh pros!

Chaotic Yoshi

Smash Lord
Nov 20, 2001

GK - Sh*t happens. But this still remains true, "Form is temporary, Class is permanent".

Gemz - Glad you came, I know you had a good time hustling people, QUOTAS!

Ambrose - yeahhh 2nd baby. Holding it down for GTAN. Good doubles matches too, you and kingace whispering sweet nothings into each others ears.

Kingace - metaknight is mortal, people john too much. First time ever that I didn't have to go against you in singles, thank god

Lain - lame, very fitting description. My pools match with you was just overkill, but our losers semi match was excellent, 2-1 but I struggle too much against dedede + you being too good yourself = ****, nice meeting you again

HolyNightmare - I was worried about fighting you lol, I heard you were as campy as overswarm, but that's not true at all, you did some crazy sh*t, great matches

Pyrenight - I keep fighting you every tournament too. That falco is getting tight, laser stun to upsmash kills, and im like ****.. grats on placing too

BuenoB - sick rob, so many robs at the tournament, good close matches and good stuff in teams

Cyan - You had me worried, you took the first match rather swiftly and im like ****, should i switch chars, all 3 matches were great! ggs

Niko - *gay high five*, also in regards to the tourny, read the quote in GK's shoutout

Bug - CoS bodyguard yeahh, I saw brackets where you had to go against your own clanmate and I was like wtf. Good matches also, thanks for tims, did you end up selling those cards?

Carter - Samus is awesome to watch, we had you and a zero suit in our pool, it was entertaining to watch that match up, drag rae down next time

Wolfblade - couldn't resist the urge to fox ditto huh, this aint melee! We'll have to postpone trainer battles

Delorted - Twin tower, good to see you come out

Kheldar - Nice fox dude, that 3rd match of the set was bad luck, but I know you secretly enjoyed my CP ;)

GI - great performance, you've come a long way. I was talking with wolf and he mentioned how a half loaded fart can kill me at like 70%. Scary stuff

Sylvantes - I saw your samus here and there, great stuff, also saw you play against ally, that didn't go too well lol, excellent tournament dude, thanks for all your efforts!

Tournament Feedback

Excellent venue (don't know how much of the pot was taken but regardless)
The hosts took a hit financial so that we can enjoy ourselves, show some respect
Yes there were hesitant to ask for help, but in the end they listened to our advice (lain etc)
The host's friends took time out of their own lives to come and help out when they don't play this game
Even though they had to make it 15$ entry, they still came through with the projector
They had food provided, for people who can't journey to outside places to eat
They had good crowd control (microphone for announcements, assigning tv's etc), the fault was the player for not reporting their matches, it's not babysitting

A little too secretive in terms of how things will be run
Inability to eat inside the venue (but that is most likely the schools rules and not theirs)
Doubles was horribly rushed and gimped. 2 stocks... All the **** teams on the same side of the bracket


Smash Lord
May 31, 2008
^ Good stuff man, beating both me and Holy in a row. I underestimated you. :O

Hope to see you in future tourneys.


Smash Champion
Oct 21, 2007
st catharines, ontario
we did not have a pc, or your number so we were un able to tell you that we would be staying in toronto. It was like 10 mins from the venue and made it much easier for us.
itts aight man, niko ended up tellin me lol. i was mad dispointed cuz i was looking forward to chillin and **** :(

Toronto Joe

Smash Master
May 13, 2008
dude please make your brawl tag Troll or D-Bag from now on, i think you've pissed off every smasher in the area XD

Toronto Joe

Smash Master
May 13, 2008
hahaha! GI Joe XD........im down to do that, but i still must live up to my promise of teaming with you pasta:chuckle:


Smash Lord
Jul 21, 2007
360 Degrees
"Oh please, don't you worry Super, given the chance, I'll be there"

Given the chance? so your not coming I guess. I wanted to be entertained.

Mr. Troll Douchebag

Smash Rookie
Nov 23, 2008
Don't worry, Nokok won't invite me to his tourney... though without me he has no excuse for how bad he plays... But I'll be there at the next open tourney can't wait guys ^^.
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