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Lets Brawl Toronto Results Thread

Third Time's A Charm?

Smash Cadet
Nov 23, 2008
I am now attending every tournament in skin tight Blue spandex, a yellow scarf, and a red helmet with shades. Can you guess who I am coming as?
Someone I would find at Church Street I suppose? Along with pokemon trainer joe over there... Wouldn't surprise me that you would show up as such anyways.


Smash Lord
Jun 22, 2006
Toronto, Ontario
What tears? I don't take a word you say as offensive as you don't know anything about me.. But look at that... a computer nerd.. I could have guessed that.. Honestly if you would've given me 3 guesses how much you wanna bet that would have been one of em? Also it's not so much a petty insult as a statement on how pathetic you are.. You work a desk job glued to a computer screen... sweet... and just to state you decided to take it to RL first so I decided I'd end it there. Where as I graduated from a school where I recieve a RAP Diploma and I'm and undergrad in criminology going into Law... you're a joke. A good Joke... One that keeps me laughing when I'm bored.
So, I'm successful (and attractive I might add) and yer in criminology? I must say, good luck with that. Seriously, I know decent people who took that career path. It'll be interesting to see how a strapping young lad like yerself survives in a field where you need to keep yer cool and wits about you.

Guess it'll be like watching a hamster trying to drive a car... hmmm... On the plus side, you 'll be able to stuff yer cheeks with lots of yummy sunflower seeds! Oh wait, yer not even a hamster, that was just what I was comparing you to... well... like I said. I seriously wish you luck ^^

Third Time's A Charm?

Smash Cadet
Nov 23, 2008
I'm sure when you tried to reach the peddle and see over the dash at the same time you had just as hard a time as the hamster did. However I'm well versed in legal prose so I shall do fine in such a path, I thank you for your blessings.


Not Asidoh
Jun 23, 2008
Canada >=(

If only Anther hadn't screwed up with his pass somehow, and came to this with Lain and NoJ.

Instead he came to the one I went to...my third tournament, and Anther has won all three.

I would've liked to see Anther vs Ally in the finals though...


Smash Journeyman
Jun 25, 2006
Toronto, Ontario
Thx to LBT for hosting this tourney. Everything was good, except time schedual organization could have been better.


My pool:

NoJ: Very nice gaw. That 9 hammer is still flashing in my mind lol.

Asdf: Since it is your first tournament, take it as experience. Props to you for using bowser. The release grab to jab is useful.

Gemz: You should have counter picked a better stage vs ICs instead of smashville. lol. But still ggs. Its not the end of the world against ICs, especially when you use mk!

OCC: Nice rob. I feel your hate for MK. Congrats on 9th, great job on your first tourney. Thx for traveling out to this tournament.

Khedlar: fox vs ICs is really hard, imo. If you have a secondary, you should use it. Good games none the less, I would have used marth if you asked me to lol.

Guy with green cap: Good games, your toon link is great. I dont see much people use him.

Jack: too bad you had to leave early. I bet you would of made it far in the brackets. Nice job with bowser!

I think there was one more person in my pool, but i cannot remember.

Everyone else:

FatalX: It was quite unlucky that you had to face me then kingace so soon, but **** happens. I was expecting you to use wolf first but i guess you were more confident with snake. None the less, your snake is good. I was suprised you counter picked rainbow cruise with snake. Too bad the level gimped you =/

Cyan: Nice gaw. You should come out to more tournies, You live in gtan but I never saw you around lol.

Mikey: Good games haha, you still finding an answer to ics ic. Good job beating phil. I was suprised when he told me. Heard you camped the crap out of him. Nice job coming 5th.

Ally: Thanks for coming and owning everyone again =( Tbh, Its stressful facing you. The annoying glare on the TV screen made it worse lol. Remember how dark jungle japes was? =/ Nonetheless, You're a smart player, and you capitalize on every mistake i made. Hope to face you again.

Lain: Im glad we made the agreement to not use ICs, cuz it wouldnt of been very fun lol. Hope you didnt regret it. Both your ddd and gaw are very strong. Our matches were really epic. I hope whoever recorded the matches will upload them.

Chaotic: Good job coming 4th in singles and beating holy. I havent faced you in a really long time, hope to get some matches with you next time.

GK: Props for using mid tier characters through all this time. I didnt know you had a DK too lol. I heard you telling some guy to shut up, was that the troll everyone is talkin about?

KingAce: Novice.

Gi: Good job making it to brackets. Did you go all wario?

Pyreknight: Good job coming 7th. I havent faced you in awhile. Hope to get some matches in with you next time.

Toronto Joe: Glad to meet you in person. We should have played some friendlies together. But with the limited amount of tvs it was hard.

One last thx to all those who traveled out.


Smash Lord
Jan 25, 2006
guess I can do my shoutouts now :)

Ally - of course, congrats on the win again! I'm lookin' forward to playing you next... I was so nervous in our pools match, I haven't run out of fuel in a long time lol

Holy - I can't count the number of times I felt like I was playing myself... too much fun man :) I also have
a score to settle with you for ROB supremacy

Destructor - great toon link! You are very soft-spoken, even for a young'un like yourself, but you definitely carry a big sword... which charges to upsmash quite effectively lol... great matches and I hope to see you out at another tourney sometime soon

AvaraceX - if you get a death-pool at the next tournament, I swear the universe is out to get you via. effecting random outcomes just to mess with you lol

Jiggles - great matches, and it was nice to have someone to talk with before the tourney started too... our match was great fun, I learned a lot and I look forward to fighting that manly pink ball of death again

chaotic - great matches, congrats on the placing... next time I won't run into you're #@$^ spheres so often lol... well timed/spaced

lain - thanks for helping get things going... and providing some entertainment on the big(gest) screen during pools... ic's are ****, and thankyou and brose for not IC ditto-ing lol... doubles was fun, that d3 was ****

brose - good **** man... I still don't think I've played you outside of doubles, but I'm ready for ya lol

ace - gordo-gordo-fsmash!!!!!!! next time, when you coach your friend during a match, you may want to speak a little quieter... coaching only helps if it gives him the advantage, not me lol

khan - don't listen to that scrub! look at how poorly he did lol (jokes). Your fox is not as bad as you think it is.

wolfblade - we didn't play again, but next time $5 mm? also, whichever of us ends up punching the troll first the other gives him 10 bucks ok? lol

tourney organizers -- I didn't exactly have the greatest time, but I can totally understand first-time glitches... next time things will definitely go smoother... please spend the time to upload those vids :D (and maybe we can actually have our MM next time sylvantes)

montreal - thanks for the offer of the ride up to the next niagara tourney, but if it's held on the saturday of the 20th I can't make it due to family stuff... i was looking forward to riding up with you guys immensely


Smash Champion
Nov 30, 2007
London, Ontario, Canada
I know I forgot people, if I did, I fail!
Well then you fail, because you forgot me! Seriously, where's the love man?

Shoutouts! ....some of these are kinda long

GI: We actually didn't talk to much and never played so I guess I can forgive not getting a shoutout lol. Don't worry if you don't get on the PR man, I wanted to get on there at this tourney too, but we'll both get up there at the next one.

Buenob: It was cool hanging with you for most of the day. Your ROB is sick and as soon as I took a game off you I was doing way better than I expected, plus you are really chill and you know your Smash so I'm glad there was someone in our pool who would actually understand the technical stuff I was talking about all day (well Ally would but he is too shy :p)... Lol @ you throwing away the chance to cause Ally's only loss of the entire day :p

Ally: Crazy impressive as always. This is the second tournament in a row I got pooled with you but I'm actually really pleased with that. You're one of my favourite opponents (even if you own me) because we both play a lot of mindgames and you're the only person I've faced who can consistently out-mindgame me. At the same time though my tech-skill is slightly lacking and you've got tech-skill in spades man. One of my goals for Niko's tourney (you better be there) is to actually give you a challenge. You'll still win, but I'm going to make sure our matches are within 1 stock at most, and I promise I'll be a challenge :). Seriously though, you are too shy (maybe just because of your english I guess), but it was cool talking to you between matches and throughout the day so you should really open up and talk to people more. Lol @ me asking "Who do you want to win" during Lain vs. HolyNightmare. Grats on another win, and hopefully next time we can actually get that $5 MM (which I will be ready for).

Niko: This makes 4 tourneys that we've both been to and have yet to play a single game. The first thing that happens at OiN 2.5 better be us playing some friendlies ><. Troll dude was pretty lame but we all know you still **** and you'll do way better at your tourney. Thanks for mentioning the idea that I should go to MI tourneys by the way, that's a really good idea.

Wolfblade: Friendlies were fun and that Sonic was really impressive. Sonic vs Ness is supposed to be way more in Ness' favour than that. Sorry I still haven't busted out the Dedede in friendlies but I'm just finding him so boring to play lately. What'd you think about my buddy's Pika? I know he's not the best but he hasn't even played since SSB64 and rarely gets to play Brawl (doesn't own a Wii).


troll guy: I'm not gonna get mixed up in your s*** but just know that you are banned from any event I host, and I wouldn't be surprised if other hosts follow suit. In fact if any hosts ask during an event we're both at I'll be glad to throw you out myself (I saw you there and I am twice your size so don't go spouting off the tough-guy act again). Keep up the great attitude though, it'll get you a cozy life career flipping burgers.

KingAce: wtf 9th? You need to step it up man! jk this tourney was crazy hard for everyone (even Ally was telling me he was worried about a bunch of opponents :)). You left before I could talk to you at the end but we never had a chance to get friendlies in so we really need to have some at OiN2.5.

Ambrose: Grats on 2nd. I didn't really talk to you but I want to play friendlies against you sometime as well, possibly at Niko's tourney?

HolyNightmare: I didn't talk to you at all but I wanted to give you a shoutout because your ROB is nuts and the sibling rivalry match on the projector was the most entertaining Brawl match I've ever watched.

JTP: Didn't talk to you but I haven't played against you since GOML1 so I was really hoping to play some games against you, too bad setups were so limited.

All the guys in my pool who were new to tournaments: I'm going to admit right away that I didn't have nearly enough respect for you guys at the beginning. When we saw our pool Buenob and myself immediately predicted our pool results would be 1. Ally 2. Buenob, 3. AvariceX, 4-9. randoms, and well yeah, that definitely didn't happen. To those of you who didn't do so well don't sweat it and remember what I said; I got roflstomped at my first tourney, and even with tourney experience I came in dead last at my most recent tourney, sometimes it doesn't go well but the more tourneys you go to you get way better. Also, I promise what I said will hold true: "When you go home after your first tourney you will be leagues better than you were before, even if all you did was get owned." Even if you did get owned, keep in mind that we had one of the toughest pools in the tournament.

TL in my pool (Alex?): Your TL is way too good, especially for someone without tourney experience. You almost took a game off of Ally and that is something to be incredibly proud about. I was expecting to see JTP all over again (3rd place finish at a first-time tournament). How did you do in brackets anyway? I didn't get to see any of your matches after pools. Also I have a lot of respect for you because you kept your cool when I cp'ed MK and started to Plank (although I guess you didn't know what Planking was) so I immediately stopped Planking because I wouldn't have any respect for myself if I happened to win like that. Anyway, great job 2-0'ing everyone in pools (except Ally of course).

ZSS in my pool: You have untapped potential. Your combos are really good, and once you learn all the little technical tricks you will be a quality tournament player. Make sure you look up a tech called 'glide-tossing', it will help you a lot. When you side-b'ed me at like 150% and were shocked at me surviving I was about to yell "DI son!" but I didn't want to come off as so arrogant especially to tourney newcomers.

person who cp'ed Pokemon Trainer + Castle siege against me (might be the ZSS main?): Don't cp Castle Siege as Ness, it's a really bad idea (although I'm sure you realized that after the 0% fthrow kill on your Ivysaur).

Lucas in my pool: Your Lucas had me worried the entire day because I usually do bad against Lucas even though it's supposed to be in Ness' favor. Our matches would have been much closer, especially the second one, but 0% Ness dair spike is too good, so don't feel bad.

IC's in my pool: Your IC's have potential and will be way better once you perfect the execution of the CG's (just look at Lain lol). Lol @ me planting mines in a fight instead of Snakedashing. It's ok though, I didn't do any of my signature Ness PKT SD's all day so I was bound to mess up eventually :).

To everyone in the tourney who is disappointed with their results and thinks they got it bad: I drowned in pools due to tie-breakers. Yep, not even kidding. I also know I should have been able to make it out of that pool, and I know I lost to someone who I am better than, but I'm not going to john and I'm not even going to mention any names (besides, everyone who knows what I'm talking about has already stated they agree with me on this).

Anyway, this tourney was really fun, lack of setups was the only big problem, and single elimination pools would have been really gay but luckily we all dodged that bullet. Sadly I didn't make top 16 like I promised myself, but I've now revamped my goals to top 10 at OiN2.5 as well as providing a challenge against Ally.

Third Time's A Charm?

Smash Cadet
Nov 23, 2008
Lol at little punk *** BluenoB talking about punching the troll obvious you're too much of a ***** so you might as well have 10$ ready to help pokemon trainer joe pay his hospital bill if he works up the balls to.


Smash Champion
May 8, 2008
Canada, ON, St. catharines
lol this is gunna make everyone lol real hard!

so at LBT kevin and I decide to start the day right by smoking a bowl in my bong with no food in our stomaches. When we finally get in and pools are announced I see this one guy who looks EXACTLY like ambrose, and I was talking to him for like an hour thinking and calling him ambrose lol, but he never corrected me. I was so high until I got some quiznos later in the day.

now time for 10 pages of loling at how high Ayaz was hahahaha

Third Time's A Charm?

Smash Cadet
Nov 23, 2008
AvariceX don't worry next time I come to a tourney I'll bring a friend so I can take on more than three of you ruffians at once. I have no idea what you look like but I'm glad I was able to have such an effect on your day. Puts a smile on my face... and if you are twice my size... try eating less brah cause you must be a fatty... at least the only people I saw bigger than me in size had fat on em not muscle mass so Good luck pal. Maybe a bring you a few Big Macs the next tourney I go to... how would you like that skipper? Oh... sorry... you probably haven't been able to get yourself more than an inch off the floor in a while now have you?


Smash Champion
Nov 30, 2007
London, Ontario, Canada
AvariceX don't worry next time I come to a tourney I'll bring a friend so I can take on more than three of you ruffians at once. I have no idea what you look like but I'm glad I was able to have such an effect on your day. Puts a smile on my face... and if you are twice my size... try eating less brah cause you must be a fatty... at least the only people I saw bigger than me in size had fat on em not muscle mass so Good luck pal. Maybe a bring you a few Big Macs the next tourney I go to... how would you like that skipper? Oh... sorry... you probably haven't been able to get yourself more than an inch off the floor in a while now have you?
Effect on my day? There must have been a misunderstanding here or something because I couldn't really care less, but I'm not about to allow someone who just goes to events to start s*** into my own events. Your loss, not mine.

Free big macs sound mighty tempting though...

Third Time's A Charm?

Smash Cadet
Nov 23, 2008
I thought I'd get you with the McDonalds.. I'd gladly grab you one but I haven't been in the place in near a year... Can't stand the food anymore... But I don't go to tournaments to start ****... you could possibly say I go to tourney's to test the supposed great ones... to break them down and see if they can step up to the plate. You can even ask the 6 year old Andy.. I gave him props after beating my friend for dealing with the heat and making my friend look stupid lol. It was mad funny for me and him. That's why you will notice mixed feelings about me. Players who didn't choose to blame their loss on me got to go ahead and laugh at it, as none of what I said to instigate people was any actual **** talking... at the event.. Once people started talking **** well... pfft I'm there for that ****...
Not the troll :)


Smash Lord
Jan 25, 2006
for the record, what you just said can be counted as a threat legally, and to bring a friend for the sole purpose of aiding in a fight would mean pre-meditated aggression which would completely justify any actions taken

for the record, it's just disrespectful to talk loudly behind someone, regardless of topic... if someone asks you to stop, you should... your 'benevolent' end doesn't quite add up to the means, and I think you're just trying to save what little face you think you have left...

bento has the right idea though... we need to see some hilites... or HIGH-lites if niko or ayaz are involved lol

Third Time's A Charm?

Smash Cadet
Nov 23, 2008
BuenoB any action taken would not be justified without provocation and under the circumstances unless we met up in person and I in any manner said "hit me" or hit you first... you cannot argue either provocation or self defence without losing the case ridiculously... at least against me for that matter :) And I wasn't trying to justify anything It was meant to be written in a mocking tone.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 10, 2008
Rion: Think you're a pimp with that white dress shirt of yours owning people with them dtilts and sexy Zelda combos? LOLOL, congrats on doing MUCH better this time, I knew you were good, OIN2 was just bad luck. Keep showing up man, and come on MSN so we can talk sometime. I hope you play wifi to cause that would be awesome.
This made me laugh :laugh: 'Cause I'm definitely no pimp~ but I hope I've been a worthy opponent! I feel a lot more satisfied with my ranking at this tournament than at OiN2 definitely because I was a lot more focused and less nervous. Can't wait for OiN2.5~

I'll also keep on tryin' to make a good Zelda reputation and maybe a bit more recognition for myself rather than "that Zelda guy".

I'll make some shout outs later when I'm not too lazy and tired. Generally though, thank you to everyone who made this a fun time.


Smash Master
Oct 1, 2006
Ann Arbor, MI

Cyan: Dude nice G&W I saw some of your matches. Keep up with that bair gayness man, you're good. : ]

Ambrose: Looking back on it, I actually shouldn't have done that lol. Tornado spam ***** DDD, but good ****, that's how you beat DDD against MK lol. Next time it's gonna be IC's, and I ain't holdin back ;D

KingAce: Dude, playing you after losing to Holy was the most nerve-racking thing ever lol. I knew you were best in Ontario, and you told me "Dude, loser here gets like 19th". I'm like oh my ****ing god how ridiculous lolll. Then you 2 stocked my IC's and I was like **** now what. THEN you told me that Seibrik beat you in a mm and you beat him in tourney lol. So I was super scared. Good **** though man. you certainly play2win lollll

Ayaz: Repping low tier like a g. it's all good you bailed man. next time i'll have to play these epic low tiers =)

HolyNightmare: Good **** man on beating me. First time we played when my controller didn't work was wack, I felt really bad that we had to restart. I was SOOOO NERVOUS during our match! People were screaming and going crazy, and you ROB was insane. Good stuff man, I'll get you next time ;D

Ally: OMG WE DIDN"T PLAY EACH OTHER. how silly lol. but man, next time, we'll have the set of the century. and I'll be the first to give you your set loss. XD

Chaotic: Omg dude, how ridiculous. You lost first round and then ***** 6 matches in a row lol. Gratz on beating Holy!!!

Lain: Good **** for running the tournament. Your IC's are gay as hell.

NikoK: peach is some crazy **** *****. i already pm'ed you

I loved Canada. And 3rd out of 70 people or whatever is cool. I beat so many good ppl, and was so nervous and shaking the entire time. x_x I like it though. Makes me feel pro LOL.

We'll try and come to OIN2.5 to **** again.


Stop responding and just skip every post he makes. It was fun to read the comebacks back and forth in the beginning, but now they're just repetitive, and this goes for both sides. I'll sum up all the posts for you.
Attention attention attention false smack talk i act like i'm the best thing since the big bang attention attention
Everyone else:
Douche douche douche beat you up don't come around here douche douche douche


DuD: Where were you, huh? Naw naw naw, I won't stand for it anymore, don't bother coming to another tournament unless you wanna get your a$$ whooped, dweeb.

Gi: Wow, it's great talking to you. You're such a cool guy, it's incredible. I wish more guys could be like you. And so ATTRACTIVE too. You're just super duper. Oh boy, you are one in a billion. You even rock at Brawl! You're my idol. Plus, you're a complete noob. And you know what else Gi? Everything I typed about you before this except for one thing is a lie. Guess which one. Yeah, that's right noob. Nah, I'm kidding lol, it was really fun talking to you. Next time Michelle doesn't wanna come, whip out that fog horn biznatch.

Ayaz: Hey, we didn't talk much but it was nice seeing you there. I'll try and make it out to the smash fests you hold at your house lol. LOL and nice going with talking to that guy for a half hour and calling him Ambrose lolol

Bug: Ewww, you didn't even get top 3 Adam! Why do you even come to these things? lol $100 money match scrub!


Ambrose: OH, Ambrooooose, yeah yeah, I remember who he is.. amazing player + guy, and a lot of fun to talk to and to watch play. One of the nicest guys I know. So hey, now that I've told them what you wanted me to say, where can I pick up the 5 bucks you promised me? Kidding lol <3

Ace: I know we tease you a lot about your nado, but you're actually a really good player and just know how to use it properly. It's cheap, but I haven't run into a fighting game that had cheap moves that weren't used in professional play, so don't let it get to you. SPAM THAT NADO ACE, SPAM IT GOOD

Lain: NICE ice climbers, lotsa fun to watch. Hope to seeya again at upcoming tourneys.

Ally: You play like ****. lol nice job, way to go, you deserve it. Your brother's really great too.

Wolfblade: 4 inches... AROUND lol

Rion: I'm just judging from your posts on the forums, but wow, you seem like a really nice guy.

Niko: I noticed you weren't wearing a peach shirt this time. Traitor.

Fatal: Nub :)

Melee Guys: Wow, it's been months, I'm glad I got to see you guys again. Too bad Charles didn't come, I'll try to come out to the next melee tournament to see all of you. They've really gotta start making combined tournaments, I don't like the separation.

Percon/JL/pastaboy/KC: you fail, suckas!

Nate: Drinking competition? I'll own you, I drink that **** like water lol

Zaf: Love our burn fests lol

Chet: When am I gonna see you guys again? Where was Kage? Where was Fizzi? You're gonna pay Chester! kanterstrajk@hotmail.com Talk to ya on msn!

ZSS Kid: I dunno WHAT I was doing wrong, but I was playing so sloppy. I know I managed to three stock you that one time, but you ***** me after that. We never got to get our match in. Next time, deal?

5ive: Nice Pika! (I'm the girl who played ZSS) Our friendly was so close, I can't believe I got that last side B in. You owned me in FFA though lol. You weren't going easy on me were you? Everyone here is saying how your Pika was amazing, and it is, but now I feel like you weren't trying and let me win lol.

MDK: Guilty gear? Get outta here scrub!

Jake: Get more free time you giant, we need to hang out a lot more. I've got a feeling you won't be able to make it down soon, so send me some info on the next practice you're going to so I can come, okay?

GK: Gotta love our little talks, always so funny lol. But uh... what was with those sneakers huh.. I didn't see any brand names on there.. get that **** outta here. Sneakers aren't sneakers unless they're over 200 bucks. Might as well have been held together by dirt. Thought I wouldn't notice, huh. My momma di'int raise no foo.

Chaotic: Who?


Thanks a lot to the hosts and their friends for this, as well as all of the players who helped out. I've got a feeling I missed someone important, so lemme know if I missed ya.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 25, 2006
Toronto, Ontario
Ambrose: Who? No, I've never heard of the guy who doesn't mention me in his shout outs, what's he look like?
LOL, I didnt know you had an account on smashboards.
Heres your shoutout.

Dejana: You should have entered singles, cause your zss has gotten so much better after I faced you at OiN2. And yes, you need to speak louderrr. Where is my shoutout u noob, lol.


Smash Ace
May 26, 2008
Good games to everyone i played. You placed amazing mikey/ambrose, god stuff.

MDK/JL/Nickcam; too bad you guys couldnt make it out.


Smash Rookie
Nov 17, 2008
Toronto, Canada
I'll definatly go to the next one ^^ I've never actually BEEN to an actuall tourny before...except the one at Anime North but that's about it ^^; (BTW if anyone went to anime north, I was the player named uguu~) well seeya there next time ^^


Smash Rookie
Aug 15, 2005
great games top 10 with jiggz.....eh i guess thats an accomplishment, im more used to being top 3 tho :p
gratz to everyone who beat me. i shoulda done more friendlys but i was pritty anoyed when they changed doubles semi finals to 2 stock games i thot that was abit rediculous but oh well. looking 4ward to next one!


Smash Rookie
Nov 24, 2008
I must say this thread is quite entertaining, so don't let it die!

I love all the tough guys talking **** in here who didn't have the balls to say a word in person. Only guy who actually talked back was Niko after 5mins of getting trash talk abused and started seriously sucking in game and it was weak. He said he was going to slap 'the troll' as soon as his game was over, but of course he didn't back it up and just walked away like a little *****.

The only other time was when the hosts asked him to keep it down when they saw that Ally was getting upset, and he did.

Other than that, the entire day everyone was cracking up at him and even the yellow dot dudes were laughing along. Sounds to me like he seriously got under your skin and you just can't take it. People usually resort to real life threats when that's the case. It's ok, nothing to be ashamed of, at least you guys rock at wii brawl! :p gg


Smash Master
Oct 22, 2007
Oshawa 905
You just don't understand what my day was like. Being up for 36 hours and keeping yourself awake with a ridiculous amount of Bawls and weed isn't the best way to enter the tournament. That being said, that isn't the reason I played poorly. The main reason is because when you are lacking this amount of sleep, every little thing is agitating, annoying, and overall you are just mentally weaker. Hence why you got to me so well. Not to mention I have ADD which I don't medicate myself for xD. I don't want any of this bull**** to continue, the tournament was still fun and I still got to place well in doubles, and play with lain and Noj, competing with them quite well. Beat Lain in a $5mm too.

I don't know why you were out to target people. including me. It really seems like you were trying to put down a majority of the pros to make them play badly, when you got to me it clearly worked. Now you can say I suck and that I'm not a good peach player throughout other tournaments and on the boards, you've already tried to do so in the peach boards already.


Don't bother showing up to OiN2.5. Unless you want to waste a lot of money. And anger a lot of people, including Muai Thai genius Wolfblade.

That's all I have to say. You're not welcome in our community. Akariss can still come though <3


Smash Champion
May 8, 2008
Canada, ON, St. catharines
Ally: we didn't get that ditto , but the tournament was really disorganized so I don't blame you lol. Maybe at OiN3?

WolfBlade: We didn't have a taunt off but but the IRL taunts between us were already a win :p

Mikey7: holy **** man you too good, GG's man hopefully next time my Falcon can take you out :p

Raidos: good **** knocking Niko out of losers (i think) I seen the match, you weren't effected by that one *** who kept on screaming random bull. moar practace for moar results

Pyren: what the fcu k man, you were doing ridiculous.

T.O Joe (BTW thats you new name): nice dittos with falcon, I can clearly see some improvement from the Tap. Your fox is still ridonkulous

Chester: samus,samus,samus,samus..........................

Hype: GG's I can tell you didn't know Falcon or Sonic, maybe you should **** training against MK's and start training against the low tiers :p

Ace: no MK yay our matches were pretty close, almost took that round with G&W but that Down smash is just way too broken.

5ive: Nice Pika, I like your QAC's alot, they were pretty sick but I didn't get mindgamed by them..............prolly cause I was baked. Seriously I can't get mindgamed in brawl when high, but I can get mindgamed easily by trying to figure out if a tomato is a vegitable of fruit LOL.

Lain/Host: I love you, im sorry I bailed on you for hotboxing that car. Without you this tournament would have been fail.

Banana: GG's told you I was better in person, and way better when baked. go take that to the boards

Lbot: WTF happened bro??

Brose: nice talking to you for like five seconds lol, I thought some other guy was you when I was baked lol

Koka?koko?? w/e: nice meeting you, sorry I didn't talk to much..................my condition was bad lol

OCC: man your ROB is soooo good, an honorable defeat for me

Joel: thanks for letting Kevin and I hotbox your car, that was sweet, sorry I didn't sesh with you though :(

To everyone else: thanks for showing up, without the players this tournament probably wouldn't be worth it, so thanks for showing up and having fun

Show me ya shoutouts!


Smash Journeyman
Jun 6, 2008
Congrats you guys, he is no longer just a regular troll but a fucking Super Troll now. Give me a troll picture so I can copypasta Goku's fucking Super Saiyan hair cause that's what he is now


EDIT: Also, to Ambrose: Awesome ICs man and real good on you for makin 2nd place, only lost to the Supercomputer Ally, so I'm actually proud I got to face you lol. I know I should have used Wolf but I thought you were gonna use DDD, and we know how hard DDD ***** Wolf. Chose Rainbow so you couldn't CG but of course the stage ended up fu
cking me over. But seriously though proper rematch sometime soon, good stuff man.


Smash Champion
Mar 13, 2008
5ive: Nice Pika! (I'm the girl who played ZSS) Our friendly was so close, I can't believe I got that last side B in. You owned me in FFA though lol. You weren't going easy on me were you? Everyone here is saying how your Pika was amazing, and it is, but now I feel like you weren't trying and let me win lol.
Hi Koka :D.
Uhm, I don't remember if I was sandbagging, but goodgames.
You ***** my friend Alex (He was the Donkey Kong) :p


Smash Lord
May 31, 2008
Cyan: Dude nice G&W I saw some of your matches. Keep up with that bair gayness man, you're good. : ]
:) Yay.

Hope to see you MI guys at Niko's, and NOJ...$5 GW ditto MM at OiN2.5. We never did have a chance to do it, after about 4 tries. :ohwell:


Smash Ace
Mar 24, 2008
I had fun. If only the chairs weren't so crappy. Maybe I'll do some shoutouts in a little bit.


Smash Ace
Oct 16, 2008
Toronto, Canada
Congrats you guys, he is no longer just a regular troll but a fucking Super Troll now. Give me a troll picture so I can copypasta Goku's fucking Super Saiyan hair cause that's what he is now


EDIT: Also, to Ambrose: Awesome ICs man and real good on you for makin 2nd place, only lost to the Supercomputer Ally, so I'm actually proud I got to face you lol. I know I should have used Wolf but I thought you were gonna use DDD, and we know how hard DDD ***** Wolf. Chose Rainbow so you couldn't CG but of course the stage ended up fu
cking me over. But seriously though proper rematch sometime soon, good stuff man.
In case you guys didn't realize Ezze is not the Troll that has made 3 accounts so far, in fact he was the older person who drove us to the tournament and just specatated all the matches, he was older than most people there. He is making a point and is NOT the same person as the "troll", we all came together and no one forced one or other to come so don't start telling me "don't bring the troll next time" because yes he is my friend but I don't control his actions.

The tournament was successful and I loved playing many people there, in fact Fatal, playing your Wolf during pools was greatly satisfying, because Wolf is my worst match-up with my Dedede and Peach :). (My personal worst-match up, I just suck when I play Wolfs :))

In case no one knows who I am, I was the ONLY guy at the tournament playing with a Classic Controller and had the tag "MIKE" during games. I was in Pool 2.
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