Ugh, horrible reaction.
I mean, I don't know whether you're town or mafia for sure, but as either alignment obliquely attacking another player while you're the focus of a wagon is a very bad move.
I guess I don't really get this. I could understand if I was OMGUSing Xiivi or if I were trying to desperately bully him off my wagon or something, but I'm not. I'm just pointing out something about the way he's playing that's frustrating me. Do you disagree with the idea that he's focusing on nothing outside of my wagon? If you do, what else has he done? If you don't, then do you disagree that that's a problem? Not necessarily a scumtell, but at least inefficient town play? Because that was all I was getting at.
Sounds like frustrated scum to me.
Yes. A word you could use to describe how I'm feeling would definitely be frustrated. And here's why.
From what I can tell, the wagon that started on me several days ago was meant to be a sort of bend-until-they-break kind of deal. Not a Circus-did-something-scummy-so-lynch-him kind of deal. Under that assumption, I had no problem with taking the wagon, assuming people would realize I'm not worth anyone's time and move on to other people to see if
they slip. Or at least multitask (my problem with Xiivi). That hasn't happened. My wagon has gotten bigger, which is not a problem on it's own, but we're starting to get to a point where I'm looking like the only lynch option. Xiivi is content to ride my wagon and nothing else. Medi is content to coast all game and post when it's safe like he always does. No one seems to be interested in the fact that Chaco and Frozen still haven't posted **** and Cello just made his second mildly useful post of the entire game (though I do appreciate his ability to not jump on the easy suspect). And here you are, pushing for my lynch more than a week before the deadline. It's become increasingly more apparent what's going to happen. We're going to dance like this for the next few days because no one wants to scumhunt. The deadline will nearly be upon us and it'll be too late to try and wagon anyone else. In order to avoid a No Lynch, I'll be lynched over basically nothing. I'll flip town and you guys will learn nothing, so you'll essentially start D1 over again on D2, but this time possibly with 3 or 4 ticking time bombs on people.
Yes. It is
frustrating to know this. This is pretty much my first time ever seriously being considered for lynch, so it's my first time coming face-to-face with the fact that arguing from this side of the vote feels like talking to someone underwater. Nothing I say helps my case at all. I try to get coasters to talk and that's scummy. I try to point out non-town behavior and that's scummy. I try to defend myself on false accusations and that's scummy. I show some emotion because I'm not a robot and I feel like I'm going to be wrongly lynched and that's scummy. Why am I even bothering?
It really seems like you were breadcrumbing. I mean seriously, the starts of your paragraphs that kinda seemed randomly broken up, have these random words at the start that just happen to spell hits? Too many coincidences.
"Too many coincidences?" How many coincidences is too many, one? It is
one coincidence that the first letter of a few paragraphs in one of my posts happen to spell out the word "HIT." Those paragraphs aren't broken up any more randomly than any of my other paragraphs are, nor any of yours for that matter.
It would be one thing if I had managed to spell "INCAP" or something. Mentos might actually have something truly compelling if that were the case. But no. It's just "HIT." It's only three letters long and it's totally ambiguous to this game. It's nothing. It "really seems like [I'm] breadcrumbing" to you because you
want me to be breadcrumbing. Because you
want me to be scum. Or maybe because you are scum and I'm the easy way out.
Yes I want to end the day early. At the very least, it gives scum less time to coordinate, which only gives us a bigger advantage day 2.
This is just getting stupidly one-tracked. You neglect to mention that, while this does
technically give scum less time to coordinate (how much coordinating do you really expect them to be able to do?), it also gives town a lot less discussion time. You are insisting that we shortchange the town by throwing away valuable time so that we can hurry up to D2 with no information and the scum lose what is equatable to nothing.
*sigh* I'm actually out of breath after typing all of that. That's embarrassing.