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Kirby General Discussion

Pink Reaper

Real Name No Gimmicks
Feb 14, 2007
In the Air, Using Up b as an offensive move
Platform follow ups and rising Uairs while recovering below the ledge are both good. There's that whole Dash off a platform->Uair thing if you think you can make it work. Out of an Utilt and while edge guarding are always good too.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 6, 2008
Mainz - Germany
Dash off a platform -> Uair? Isn´t that too offensive? Thats a very small hitbox...

And whats about the nair? I realized I don´t use it at all,just like the Uair...My airgame is kinda lame xD


Smash Journeyman
Aug 6, 2008
Mainz - Germany
Sorry for the doublepost,but noone is posting,and I have a question ;)

I tried out the dashcancel-grab thing...I figured out there´re two diffrent ways to perform the dash attack from a platform. To perform the dash-grab thing you have to start the dash attack right at the edge of the platform; then you´re falling faster and can grab if timed well. Is that all right or is there a way to do this in another way?

Actual there´re very cool spots where this dashcanceled grab could be useful as a holy-****-edgeguard^^ But thats all for entertainment of course, it´s really not very useful...


The Designated Hype Man!
Jul 3, 2002
Warner Robins, Georgia
Eh, the double post is fine, nobody really does post here often.

As for the grab, that's it. All you're really doing is a dash canceled grab, like every other character in the game can. The only difference is that kirby can be in his dash attack animation while in the air, so according to the game you're still hitting r in the timeframe to cancel your dash-a with a grab.

The only thing i could really imagine using it for is if somebody is standing in front of the platform waiting to punish the dash-a with a block or cc.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 6, 2008
Mainz - Germany
lol look at me, I´m a triple-post xD

What´s up? Noone is posting D: thats sad -.-

I´m playing Kirby everyday and I´m finding out more and more great stuff about the puffball.

For example; to edgeguard an illusion-using fox/falco. kirby is hanging at the edge and does a reverse up-b-good timed you can jump onstage with it and hit your enemy. I think thats could be a very nice gimp- if a falco/fox goes offstage at low % he just wanna come back to the platform very quick, so he won´t go for the sweetspot...

Also a reverse swallow should be a very nice edgeguarding...Especial against Marth it could be very useful...But it has to be perfectly timed and spaced...But I´m practising ;)

Wellwell, in 2 weeks I´ll going to a turney, thats gonna be sweet ^^


Smash Journeyman
Aug 6, 2008
Mainz - Germany
hey guys,

I can´t find some tips about the matchup against sheik here...maybe I´m too dumb for it...could somebody help me? I really need to know how to fight sheik...


The Designated Hype Man!
Jul 3, 2002
Warner Robins, Georgia
Um, I'll edit this post later and give you some advice.

I dont wanna leave you with the impression that you're being left alone or ignored or anything; it's just that there really arent that many people who play kirby at all.


Smash Ace
Jun 11, 2006
Riverside, CA
Shield the dsmashes, duck the grabs. You can pretty much duck everything else. You can avoid most of her aerial approaches by reaction since she has to aim them pretty low to the ground. Just wait for her spacing to mess up and punish it. Bair doesn't beat much but jack up her spacing with your crouch and unless it's a perfect player she's going to mess up. Camp outside of her range until then and don't get hit by any needles. You're going to get a lot of free dtilts because of Shiek's inability to effectively approach Kirby from the air.

After a while it's going to be 50/50. Is she going to dsmash or grab? Gotta guess the right one as much as you can. It's going to be a shield/crouch mixup, so don't guess wrong.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 6, 2008
Mainz - Germany
thx for the advice, tomorow there´s a tourney and I have to know how to fight this ***** ^^ but in germany we have some really bad-*** gamers...but I will have a try.

@dogy: I´m waiting ;) I know there aren´t that much kirby players all over the world; I have to learn most things by myself.But thats ok, maybe I´ll get a unique kirbystyle...But I don´t think so :D


Smash Journeyman
Aug 6, 2008
Mainz - Germany
hey guys :)

I´ve just come back from the tournement. It was better than I´ve thought. I reached the 7. place, I think thats really ok, the guys from positon 6 and better are really really good players. There are no videos uploaded yet, but in fact we haven´t recorded that much...Just to give you an example how good the winner of the tourney is: (kJaB) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fEcbIMmD59M

So you see we´re not that bad; it should be ok to loose with kirby against somebody like him.

First everybody was like wtf, kirby?? lol,thats funny...But I´ve started with a 4 stock :D More and more the guys became scared of me xD There were just 5 who ***** me beacuse of their stile.

So I think thats a very good start in my Kirby career ^^ I´ve discovered new edgeuardings and other cool stuff and learned very very much. Sadly nearly everybody came to me just before I left the location: hey, you´re not gonna upload our recored matches ok? :D So unfortunatly there won´t be that many vids of mine, maybe nothing T_T

Tomato Kirby

Smash Ace
Nov 4, 2007
hey guys :)

I´ve just come back from the tournement. It was better than I´ve thought. I reached the 7. place, I think thats really ok, the guys from positon 6 and better are really really good players.

First everybody was like wtf, kirby?? lol,thats funny...But I´ve started with a 4 stock :D More and more the guys became scared of me xD There were just 5 who ***** me beacuse of their stile.

So I think thats a very good start in my Kirby career ^^ I´ve discovered new edgeuardings and other cool stuff and learned very very much. Sadly nearly everybody came to me just before I left the location: hey, you´re not gonna upload our recored matches ok? :D So unfortunatly there won´t be that many vids of mine, maybe nothing T_T
Ah, the things in life that make me not lose complete hope in Kirby. I need to get back to my roots one day and actually play Kirby (or Smash in general).

Good work on climbing through the tournament and making others fear the power of Kirby! We need more Kirby mainers like you.



Smash Journeyman
Aug 6, 2008
Mainz - Germany
thanks man! :) I won´t give up with the small puffball,it´s really hard to fight with him these days because the noobs aren´t that bad anymore xD

Blue Yoshi

Smash Master
Mar 3, 2008
Jake is definitely dropping Yoshi
Kirby's one of my tourney mains, along with Yoshi and GaW. I main bottom tier (though I also use Puff as well, but want to use only bottom + GaW). Kirby's my Sheik counter, since she destroys GaW and Yoshi.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 6, 2008
Mainz - Germany
well,actual matchup vs. shiek isn´t that bad...but i don´t think it´s as good as in the matchup chart, 4-6...like every high tier, shiek just has to play gay against kirby and he´s done...she can edgeguard you very easy with her large and fast bair, and her ****ing up-b is nearly unpunishable...screw this...


The Designated Hype Man!
Jul 3, 2002
Warner Robins, Georgia
If "all sheik has to do is play gay" and it destroys kirby, then the matchup isnt 4-6.

However, I really dont think it's that cut-and-dry, considering half of sheik's gay doesnt work so well on kirby (i.e. grabs, and the full range of f.tilt)


Smash Journeyman
Aug 6, 2008
Mainz - Germany
Well I really don´t know what to do against a f-tilt,d-smash,dashattack spamming sheik...Like I said, a big + of Kirby is his variable edgeguarding; but against Sheik it´s not effektive. I think I´m gonna record some matches against Sheik tog et some tipps...

Tomato Kirby

Smash Ace
Nov 4, 2007
Wow, what a complete lack of activity.

It has been about 2.5 weeks. We need to get some activity in here. SOMETHING!

Tomato Kirby

Smash Ace
Nov 4, 2007
^Hooray for Swallowcide-canceling! Thanks for posting that; a wonderful video segment. Now if we could just swallowcide-cancel against 0-frame characters like Pichu...

Maybe we could get a moderator to move that picture to this thread since the OP there probably does not frequent this section too much?


Smash Legend
Nov 18, 2007
Spiral Mountain
However, I really dont think it's that cut-and-dry, considering half of sheik's gay doesnt work so well on kirby (i.e. grabs, and the full range of f.tilt)
You're like missing well over half of her gay though D:

Kirby isn't the worst you could do against Sheik though. Ness, Pichu, and (IMO) Bowser are all worse off than he is against Sheik. They have most of or all of Kirby's weaknesses against Sheik, only they can also be chain grabbed!

Blistering Speed

Smash Champion
Mar 18, 2008
Dot Dot Dash Dot
I'll never understand why people play Kirby at all. I acknowledge the idea that some lower tier characters are fun e.g. Link, they can actually do...stuff, but how can you enjoy maining a character that can literally do nothing? This isn't even some flamebait, I played Kirby against a Marth (strict funzies) and, it's just not enjoyable being so heavily outclassed that you can do jack ****.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 6, 2003
New York
I'll never understand why people play Kirby at all. I acknowledge the idea that some lower tier characters are fun e.g. Link, they can actually do...stuff, but how can you enjoy maining a character that can literally do nothing? This isn't even some flamebait, I played Kirby against a Marth (strict funzies) and, it's just not enjoyable being so heavily outclassed that you can do jack ****.
Some people like a challenge. It takes a certain amount of skill to play a top tier character well, but it takes more to play a lower tier character even better.

Other people just like the character enough not to ditch him.

Also, you wouldn't believe how many shocked faces I get when I actually beat people with my Kirby. I may not be the best player, but you sure as heck don't know how to fight him :laugh:.

Pink Reaper

Real Name No Gimmicks
Feb 14, 2007
In the Air, Using Up b as an offensive move
It really doesn't take alot of skill to play Kirby. Playing a Bottom Tier is all about perfecting the basics, cus that's all they really have. Dodging, baiting, spacing etc etc, there's nothing special about Kirby other than the fact that if you **** up(and even when you don't) you can expect to get ****ed up. Higher Tiers not only have to perfect the basics but you also gotta learn all the **** that makes them high tier.

Also, Nash, make Festizzio willing to play my Kirby, he refuses :(

Tomato Kirby

Smash Ace
Nov 4, 2007
I leave for a little over a week and the most recent development is a revived & locked thread. :(

Well, at least there was activity...


Smash Ace
Feb 27, 2007
Canton, OH
It really doesn't take alot of skill to play Kirby. Playing a Bottom Tier is all about perfecting the basics, cus that's all they really have. Dodging, baiting, spacing etc etc, there's nothing special about Kirby other than the fact that if you **** up(and even when you don't) you can expect to get ****ed up. Higher Tiers not only have to perfect the basics but you also gotta learn all the **** that makes them high tier.

Playing low tiers isn't really about the same ideals it takes to play high tier characters.

That's part of the reason that I (and a lot of others) have a lot of fun playing low-tiers like Kirby in a competitive scene. The high tiers have their technical aspects that put them at the level they're at, and the fun part about low tiers is using pretty much nothing but the basics of the game (dodging, spacing, finding openings, etc) to overcome all of the advanced **** that the high tiers have.

Granted, some low tiers have funky ATs to work with, like Yoshi and Ness DJCing, Yoshi's parrying and egg toss ledgehogging, stuff like that. Kirby has... swallowcide, that's about it as far as "advanced" Kirby goes. The mainstay of playing Kirby is "wait for the moment, then take it and make the most of it. try not to die in the process, too."

I started this game maining Sheik, but I've broadened my character base to a bunch of low tiers that I can play fluently. Kirby has been one of my most challenging and fun characters to take on. I've been playing him for close to a year and I still today have trouble against Marth and other.. better characters. So much of the game falls in the player's hands when using low tiers. The challenge feels a lot more like "I beat you at Melee" than "My character used ****bang and pwned your character in Melee so how's it taste"

I respect the players who use high tiers and do well, and as of now I still main Sheik in tournaments, mostly because I don't feel completely confident in my ability to play Kirby competitively. That doesn't stop me from playing him a lot in friendlies, and getting experience with good players when I can. I've actually given consideration to CPing Kirby for some characters. It's just a process.

If I could help give some life to these boards, for as long as I've enjoyed playing a semi-competitive Kirby, I'll do so. =O

Tomato Kirby

Smash Ace
Nov 4, 2007
^Some life would be nice.

I used to be fluent with several characters myself. I never had much time recently due to me concentrating on other games.

Now on the few times I play SSBM, I concentrate on Marth. So much more grace and power.


Smash Ace
Feb 27, 2007
Canton, OH

**** Marth.

The only high tier match-up that I basically throw my hands up in disgust when using Kirby is him. Part of the reason why I main Sheik, too.

I haven't played against Peach yet, now that I think about it. That one probably wouldn't end up too well. <_<;
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