I figure we could start some DDD discussion in terms of how he plays in The Cape's new set, which has a lot of what can be expected in the next nightly.
The physics changes are huge for DDD's game. Nothing specific has been done to DDD, but he really needs nothing at this point.
If you haven't played the set, 4 big changes affect DDD's game more then the others.
First off, and most importantly is the reduction of hitstun. This only helps DDD. His combo game is fully intact, and even better but I'll get into that later. Less hitstun doesn't hurt his game, while making him that small bit harder to combo. Those combo heavy characters don't have their way as much with DDD when they get inside, and that is a major plus. To me it felt like playing a character that hated RC1 physics; everything was cookie cutter, a lot was guaranteed, and the combos lasted longer and for more damage.
Second change I like is less shieldstun. Now, don't get TOO excited about that because it isn't the lolvBrawl shieldstun. It was done to lessen how many moves are very safe on shield. Weaker attacks basically have the same shieldstun but stronger attacks now have less. The big thing for DDD is that his grab game is that much better when the shield pressure game is that much worse. You can't live in your shield like you could in vBrawl but I'm definitely landing grabs I wouldn't be getting in RC1.
Third is NADT. Stands for no airdodge during tumble. Basically if you want to airdodge as soon as the hitstun is over you first have to wiggle your way out of tumble. Along with lower hitstun, NADT makes the combo game more dynamic. Technically it's the string game, but whatever. Wiggling literally takes a split second to slam your joystick and right your character, and then you are free to airdodge. For some characters this is their only option. Others like Wolf and Luigi don't need to worry about it because they have sick combo breakers, and to a degree DDD doesn't need to wiggle free. At least not always. DDD can almost always afford to use a jump to get out of combos unlike characters who lack multiple jumps. Jumping and using Nair, or jumping into an airdodge seems like a very effective way to get out of a string.
What I see DDD gaining from NADT in terms of his combo game is that certain things that wouldn't work can find themselves connecting if the opponent doesn't wiggle out of tumble quick enough. Again, it just makes everything not so "cookie cutter" and the same thing each time.
Last change I like is the return of stale moves. Yeah, stale moves. It isn't nearly as potent as vBrawl. IIRC a fully staled move now functions at 75% power. This has downsides and upsides. Downside being that a lot of moves DDD uses very often are also good kill moves. Moves like Bair and Fair that are used commonly will be killing a little bit later, but not terribly later like in vBrawl. The big upside though is what it adds to his combo game. For example I had Nair staled down and saw it comboing into Fair or Bair later then it would have ever done in RC1. The other great thing about stale moves is that it can allow you to WoP with a staled Bair or Fair at higher %'s. So while moves like Bair and Fair kill later because of how often they are used, they also continue to WoP at higher %'s.
I'm really enjoying DDD in the improved physics. A lot of those changes out helped him out a lot. Moveset wise he already had everything he could ever need to be a big threat, he just needed to get out of RC1 physics to truly shine.