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Is Brawl more balanced than melee? **Take 2**

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Smash Ace
Nov 18, 2007
Portsmouth VA
@DeathCarter: It obviously is true that the tops in Melee can better use advanced techs but the tops are still the ones who get severely punished. I think you're overestimating how badly bottom tiers have it as far as approach and getting in the initial hit on top tiers. Fox can camp Bowser, but camping is definitly different and Fox has better options. You still have to be a noticeably better player to win the matchup as Bowser, but the punishment factor is huge in Melee. Bowser does alot of damage obviously and edgeguards nearly on level with Marth, having the longest ledgeroll, Fortress edgeguarding, the F1re, and so on. I don't know how to play Bowser nearly as well as I'd like but he still does alot and has alot to approach with/prevent stupid approaches. Decent range, priority, a mid air grab and so forth.

Plus, what defines a good Melee character is I think a little more diverse than what makes a Brawl character good. I've said numerous times what quilifies the latter but I wouldn't be so bold as to make such a narrow list for the Melee characters. Falco has lots of things going for him that Marth doesn't but both are perfectly good characters. That fact means that Low tiers don't have to meet narrow criteria to still be usable (maybe not tourney viable but really the best players will beat you no matter who you're using). Timmy and Tommy are both famous for taking low seeded characters and proving they something to offer. They have a uniqueness about them enhanced by the engine like everyone else.

I'll have to come and reread this post later as I'm more than half drunk ATM but I think this more or less makes sense.


Smash Hero
Oct 27, 2008
Haiti Gonna Hait
Get it through you head.
1. You cant read therefore you wont.
2. you are being lazy and you got caught
3. It least you didnt say his post refuted mine we are making progress.
4. Captain falcon does effect the balance more because unlike pichu hes a good character
5. I see you still trying to call me out yet you are too lazy to make criteria.
6. In talking about character matchups we need to bring up the varibles of how the game plays INCLUDING THE ENGINE.
7. Tripping is in no way a critical hit this sound utterly foolish and you lose crediblity for even saying that matter of fact i might quote that for how ridiculous it sounds. F**k tripping.
8.I didnt mention tripping. amazing ampharos did
9. what about my other points in my earlier post address those .
God stop. I've read it 4 ****ing times now.
Tripping is like a critical hit EXCEPT it takes the skill of the other player to punish it effectively. You complain about a lack of a punishing game, but say **** tripping? well **** you dear sir. Give me one reason tripping changes the game in ANY way that a critical hit does? Further more, give me one reason that it in any way makes the game less balanced?
You make NO ****ING POINTS to why the game is more balanced, only your ideas on why it sucks. Stop spamming this thread with your Brawl flaming. And if you read at page 76, which you can't seem to do on a 20 word post, I say that I am currently favoring Brawl. I have in no way made up my mind.
Please, gtfo my internet.

EDIT- Half drunk InArby makes more sense than you.

Though InArby, what are your thoughts on the diverse top tiers of Brawl Characters? Kind Dededee is a large and slow, but has enough options to more than make up for it. Snake has very limited areal movement, and can easily be gimped, but has great zoning options. Falco has a preferla of ATs of extreme use and a lazer that lands with no lag. ROB is the best camper in the game, and Diddy is a beast for caused trips and a master of gimps. Metaknight is a new shiek.


Smash Lord
Jan 9, 2009
Cleveland, Ohio! my homeplace but for now living i
God stop. I've read it 4 ****ing times now.
Tripping is like a critical hit EXCEPT it takes the skill of the other player to punish it effectively. You complain about a lack of a punishing game, but say **** tripping? well **** you dear sir. Give me one reason tripping changes the game in ANY way that a critical hit does? Further more, give me one reason that it in any way makes the game less balanced?
You make NO ****ING POINTS to why the game is more balanced, only your ideas on why it sucks. Stop spamming this thread with your Brawl flaming. And if you read at page 76, which you can't seem to do on a 20 word post, I say that I am currently favoring Brawl. I have in no way made up my mind.
Please, gtfo my internet.

EDIT- Half drunk InArby makes more sense than you.

Look at you....... the anger finally comes out. I knew i had you. I knew you would break.
You still cant read can you. F**k tripping its not a critical hit. You sound utterly ridiculous and I'm sure you didnt even READ you own post before you made it. READ MY POSTS I didnt mention tripping first amazing ampharos did

also lol at you trying to order me around on the internet


Smash Hero
Oct 27, 2008
Haiti Gonna Hait
Look at you....... the anger finally comes out. I knew i had you. I knew you would break.
You still cant read can you. F**k tripping its not a critical hit. You sound utterly ridiculous and I'm sure you didnt even READ you own post before you made it. READ MY POSTS I didnt mention tripping first amazing ampharos did

also lol at you trying to order me around on the internet
GIve me a reason, right now
Give me one reason why I didn't read it? Because I don't agree with you? Because I think you are a dumb ***? No. Stfu
Give me on reason why tripping does not change the game any different than a critical hit? Because both happen at random, without skill, but tripping takes the skill of the other player to properly punish, so they are somehow different because you don't like tripping? No. Stfu.


Smash Lord
Jan 9, 2009
Cleveland, Ohio! my homeplace but for now living i
GIve me a reason, right now
Give me one reason why I didn't read it? Because I don't agree with you? Because I think you are a dumb ***? No. Stfu
Give me on reason why tripping does not change the game any different than a critical hit? Because both happen at random, without skill, but tripping takes the skill of the other player to properly punish, so they are somehow different because you don't like tripping? No. Stfu.

TRIPPING IS STUPID EVERYONE KNOWS THAT (except you) this isnt pokemon

You didnt address all my points on my post so i know you didnt read it

lol you getting even more angry. over the internet


Smash Hero
Oct 27, 2008
Haiti Gonna Hait

TRIPPING IS STUPID EVERYONE KNOWS THAT (except you) this isnt pokemon

You didnt address all my points on my post so i know you didnt read it

lol you getting even more angry. over the internet
Haha, you still make no points. And I addressed the points I had a problem with. Excuse me for not disagreeing with you on EVERY thing haha.
Tripping is no more stupid than a critical hit is in a fighting game. Just because you melee ***s don't like it does not make it a bad game mechanic, at least, no more than critical hits in frightening games are.

I first I was like


but now I

:laugh: at you


Smash Lord
Jan 9, 2009
Cleveland, Ohio! my homeplace but for now living i
Haha, you still make no points. And I addressed the points I had a problem with. Excuse me for not disagreeing with you on EVERY thing haha.
Tripping is no more stupid than a critical hit is in a fighting game. Just because you melee ***s don't like it does not make it a bad game mechanic, at least, no more than critical hits in frightening games are.

I first I was like


but now I

:laugh: at you

lol a frightening game
god you typed a frightening game
I have heard of typos but thats ridiculous
F**K tripping lmfao
You addressed the points that werent even points thats how i know youre lazy and dont READ
I didnt talk about tripping amazing ampharos did I simply said to that end F**K tripping like I say it now LOUD AND PROUD.


Smash Hero
Oct 27, 2008
Haiti Gonna Hait
Yes, and so I responded to your tripping hate. That's how topics work. You say something, I respond, etc. Now please stop it so that when InArby gets back tomorrow I can have an INTELLIGENT discussion with someone who doesn't ***** about tripping and doesn't ***** about a character he likes not being any good in Brawl. Guess what? I like Jigglypuff, but I don't say, Brawl is less balanced because Jigglypuff sucks.


Smash Lord
Sep 16, 2006
Winter Haven, Florida
Sorry man its pretty much accepted fact that tripping is ****ing stupid

I'm not sure where you get this critical hit thing from either; what are some competitive fighting games that make use of critical hits? Pokemon is competitive but most of Pokemon is luck anyways; if an attack will hit or miss, will hypnosis put them to sleep. For Pokemon its acceptable.

I personally don't know of any other competitive, fair fighting games that employ critical hits. But then, I don't play a lot of other games.


Smash Lord
Jan 9, 2009
Cleveland, Ohio! my homeplace but for now living i
Yes, and so I responded to your tripping hate. That's how topics work. You say something, I respond, etc. Now please stop it so that when InArby gets back tomorrow I can have an INTELLIGENT discussion with someone who doesn't ***** about tripping and doesn't ***** about a character he likes not being any good in Brawl. Guess what? I like Jigglypuff, but I don't say, Brawl is less balanced because Jigglypuff sucks.
You might respond but you dont READ you
F**K Tripping what fighting game has critical hits thats actually good

Now try Actually READING IT THIS TIME and i want you to address all the point or at concede to some and accept you are wrong. Tell me what points you are addressing.

I think you are a hypocrite prove me other wise

LETS do this again READ THIS TIME

then why are you here. you said on magical page 76 that you are currently favoring brawl.Try as you might i see your argument has devolved into calling the melee side brawl bashers. You still cant refute anything ive said or anything else our side has stated. You havent even stated a decent criteria for comparing the balance. If our side has been bashing then why hasnt it been stated pages before now Why cant you define the bashing? Why cant we bring the engine into account. You are comparing games to find balance. You dont throw in details to anything you say. Its not so much me misreading you as its you having a poor idea conveying of what you want to discuss. you yourself have brought up no points at all. I'm just going to assume your just a hypocrite as you brought up kirby being affected by melees engine I said captain falcon was hampered by brawls engine and you HAVENT ADMITTED IT. In this comparison of melee and brawls balance, qualities of each game are going to be brought out into the light to show how they affect the characters and the game itself. What is the criteria.....you and everyone else on the brawl side (the brawl side made this topic) have been too lazy to make any. Is the criteria defining rulesets, stages, characters, tournaments, ALL OF THESE ARE DERIVATIVES of the game itself which it self runs on that particular engine or format which establishes the way ALL of these derivatives work. so in more fleshed out arguments this is going to be eventually brought up. You know why i repeated the bit about the criteria. cause I know how you are when it comes to reading comprehension and this aint hooked on phonics.

You know why i say page 76 is magical. Cause its the page where you suddenly decided to skip my post and blindly defend amazing ampharos WITHOUT READING MINES IN FULL CONTEXT: IM going to prove that right now and unlike you i'm going to put in a conscious effort to explain how I KNOW you didnt read it.

I will disseminate his post first: YES i am qualified to do this as I was replying to it and just like this topic we are comparing and contrasting two post MINE AND HIS. Ill post paragraph by paragraph in the green text showing how relevant it is to mine and ill even include direct quotes from mine.

Originally Posted by Amazing Ampharos View Post
If you have more time to punish, that means that aspect is slower. It's a simple thing. Several random things in brawl are faster than they are in melee. For instance, no one in melee covers ground like Sonic does. I thinks rolls in general are a bit faster in brawl, but I'm not completely sure. They're certainly way more useful if nothing else... The point is that it's not totally black and white even in terms of speed. Yeah, melee is overall faster, but it's not strictly faster.

Please tell me how ANYTHING in this post refutes any of my arguments random things that are faster sonics speed really doesnt matter. The roll still doesnt refute my point of being predictable and appearently thats all he could come up with for being fast for ALL of the characters. as for punishment its almost like he was advertising that brawl was better for not having time to punish and this is false (ill reiterate that towards the bottom) i see nothing else that was implied except that theres less punish which doesnt make brawl faster in any legit aspect.

L-canceling is one of the most ridiculous things that gets complained about. Aerials in brawl have less landing lag in general in general than the non-L-canceled versions did in melee. Do you notice how almost every up aerial has ridiculously little landing lag in brawl? Someone is going to say "look at Captain Falcon..." I'm sure despite him being a completely unfair example because Captain Falcon and Ganon just got screwed in brawl and are like basing everything about melee's speed on Bowser or Mewtwo, but if you actually look at the cast as a whole, landing lag is generally lower than the non-L-canceled melee landing lag. It's not quite as low as the L-canceled stuff, but it's seriously not that long. It's also true that you actually feel it with laggy moves like Link's down aerial; in the end, landing lag variation between moves is a bigger deal in brawl. However, is that a bad thing?

This is ridiculous I said lag is lag and lcanceling helps character of all tiers and its fast then the auto cancel. He said himself that the lcanceling is faster then the auto canceling. Dont worry I even highlighted it for you. Remember we are comparing BOTH GAMES not just brawl itself. You cant seem to understand it lcanceling IN MELEE helps to make the matchups better.

The L-canceling system also completely arbitrarily screwed over Mr. Game & Watch, and if that level of landing lag was good, why did you have to press a button to begin with? It's hard to deny that melee would have been strictly superior if it were the same game with landing lag always being the level of L-canceling even if you don't press L (or R or Z for those who want to be pedantic).

I"m just gonna say this is useless. I HAVE THE GAME. L canceling might not have helped game and watch but it didnt screw him over and his aerials still cancel.

I'm frankly unconvinced that top vs bottom is any more extreme in brawl than it is in melee. Seriously, explain to me how melee Ness beats melee Sheik. Or try melee Bowser vs melee Sheik. The stock pretty much ends when Sheik lands a grab, and she's better than them in almost every way anyway so it's not like that's hard for her. Are you going to try to assert that the bad sides of those matchups can win unless the player is a lot better? At least brawl Captain Falcon can play with release grabs and runs fast and even has some pretty dangerous moves if he can get them in. He gets to play for real the entire time even; he has a very hard time because his moves are generally pretty poor and tricky to land, but he certainly gets lots of chances to try and even win if the player is better. The best versus the worst is pretty sucky in both games, but if I had to take the losing side in either game, I'd take it in brawl.

HE doesnt know the matchup of sheik vs ness in melee at all. its plain as day. I WILL SAY THIS AGAIN SINCE HE SPECIFIED EXTREMES. SHEIK VS BOWSER IS NOT AS BAD AS D3 VS DK.
The release grabs are a aspect of brawls engine. if he can mention engine aspect WHY CANT I

About tech chases, you also have Mr. Game & Watch's down throw and Diddy Kong's bananas that set up for it all the time. Tripping in general can lead to it even, and on stages like Luigi's Mansion it comes up pretty consistently. Tech chasing is a big deal in brawl for sure.


Mashing airdodge is a good way to lose in brawl by the way. You just get hit as the airdodge ends. Yeah, I can't deny that the defender has more options, but it's not like you go "oh well, I got hit". Getting hit is still what leads to you losing, and it still puts you in bad positions. Melee has a more offensive focus than brawl for sure, but the basic concepts between the two games are really not that different. You still do get punished in brawl. How do you think people lose in brawl? It's still about who leaves the opponent more opportunities and who capitalizes on the opportunities he gets better versus who mitigates the dangers of his mistakes the best. Just look at fighting Snake; I screw up at low percentage, get hit by his grenade, and then he catches me with jab1 -> ftilt1 -> ftilt2 as I try to recover from the positional consequences of being hit by the grenade. That's a lot of damage!

again the punishment isnt as good as it needs to be for some characters

Also, here's a random fault in melee that brawl doesn't have to worry about. In melee, Donkey Kong and Mr. Game & Watch have horrible shields that barely protect them even when they are full and make it really easy to shieldstab them. In brawl, no one has shields that disproportionate to their body sizes. Why do people never bring stuff like that up when comparing the games? This isn't that big of a deal, but the point is that melee has random little irritating things in it too that were fixed in brawl.

THE things that brawl fixed dont equal the amount of things that are broken and they had to ban and the thing that are conveniently left out. HE advertising how good brawl is

I will post my comment next: THAT WAS IN RESPONSE TO HIS.

I'm sorry but you dont get to turn around a fundamental aspect that was overlooked in brawl and say that that makes melee slower. ESPECIALLY one thats SUPPOSED to be in fighting games. ITS CALLED A FOLLOW UP TO A COMBO. I dont mean to sound this straightfoward but hes sonic. Of course his gonna be fast but that speed is hampered by small stages and the fact that with out JC grabs, dash dancing and a extended stop animation makes his tech chasing average at best. Then again this really has nothing to do with balance. Rolls are really useful because its all about being defensive, there less lag coming out of them (lucarios roll is stupid good) Annnnd you dont really have much other options for better ground manuvering. what im trying to say is that most of these points that "make brawl fast" are irrelevant outliers. explain the floatness of all characters. explain the lack of useful strafes for offensive and defensive gameplay.

L canceling deserves to be complained about. Lag is lag and l canceling helped to lessen that. Well brawls over all floatness comes into play and not that it matters much with oh wait another detrimental aspect of brawls engine, low hitstun. Oh side note complaining about captain falcon and ganondorf in brawl is not like complaining about mewtwo and bowser in melee at all. Captain falcon and ganondorf are screwed because they dont belong with that games engine. Mewtwo and bowser are generally just bad characters a title that befalls some characters in EVERY FIGHTING GAME.

SOOOOO you would rather fight d3 as dk then take on sheik as bowser lol. Also please...melee matchups are better. you know more stun, more strafes, this sort of thing.

lol l canceling is like learning how to do ivys calamity synphony or learning JF uppercuts with the mishimas. Its extra in the game but it helps in the long run if you learn to do it. its called learning to play on a advanced level/ wanting to be better.

Yes getting hit is bad but there should be a tide of push and pull/offense/defense situations that evolves from getting hit. Not just of i can do anything i want now. not being at a neutral postion the best display of defense/ offence at brawl only happens at the mid percents. Lower percents means you get hit and its like oh nothing happens and at higher you get to far knocked back fo them to do much of anything and you are still neutral. With lack of edgeguarding you wait for them to be back on the stage(airdodging) then you are neutral.
Unless you are meta knight edge guarding for this game is sub par at best.

Again these are random outliers for two characters. l2 power shield. Plus I think this is a little exagerated.


Also since I figure you probably skipped this. A reason why higher hit stun and more movement options lead to melee having better matchups:

More options doesnt directly equate to better balance but the do assist in eliminating becoming predictable. this opens up more strafes so that the low tier characters who already have a disadvantage against someone higher can at least be on a even footing when it comes to advanced manuvering. Theres too many character specific traits in brawl for instance what does metaknight have on DK. five jumps 4 viable b specials that can recover, a glide, all his moves auto cancel better, IDC and so on. Not all the advanced techniques would be needed in brawl but DD, lcancel and JC grabs would make things much smoother. The lack of alternate strafes alone does not make the argument that brawl is less balanced. Its when you couple it with a lack of hit stun and floatness that it shows a higher meaning. lol with no hitstun characters have to exchange hits. Some characters in brawl are already at a disadvantage of even getting the hits in with out being predictable and having their attempts nulified. then when they finally do get the hit theres no follow up just back to square one with their predictable moves and more frustration to get in another hit with very little reward and a high chance you wont win the exchange. Plus if a character can camp you it gets worse. MUCH WORSE Then it would be if you could have new ways/strafes to get that hit in and follow up on that deserved confirmed hit for a better reward. THIS is why proportionally/ or directly parallel the brawl matchups compared with the melee ones are MUCH, MUCH worse overall.


Smash Cadet
May 3, 2008
Athens, WV
Give me on reason why tripping does not change the game any different than a critical hit?
They are quite different, actually. A critical hit only applies if you are hit with an attack. That is, you made a mistake/the opposing player guessed right and were punished for it, the critical hit aspect simply modifies the amount of punishment (damage) you take.

Tripping is something that occurs whether you make a mistake or not. It occurs simply by dashing and allows the opponent to punish you where he otherwise wouldnt have been able. The opponent did not guess correctly, and you did not make a mistake (unless of course you define dashing as a mistake, which is kind of silly), however it gives your opponent an advantage.

To summarize, in the case of a critical hit randomness affects the magnitude of punishment. In the case of tripping, randomness enables punishment where there would have otherwise not been the opportunity.

Edit: To clarify, I am not saying one is better than the other, or either is necessarily a good or bad concept. I'm just pointing out that they are conceptually and functionally quite a bit different so saying they affect the game in the same way is an incorrect statement.


Smash Champion
Jul 6, 2005
Raleigh, NC
Critical hits in Pokemon are acceptable because the player can mix up EVs, hold items, and abilities to increase or decrease critical hit %. If a player could go with a strategy that sacrificed some good things like damage delt or knockback delt in order to have his opponent trip more, that would be fine and arguably a good addition to the game, but unfortunately tripping is truly random and does nothing to decrease the size of the skill gap.


Smash Legend
Feb 16, 2006
Critical hits are beneficial. They don't help all that much; you can't rely on them to beat another Pokemon.

Tripping is is indirectly harmful. It can (very rarely) lead to one losing a match.

I don't see why the comparison was even made.


Smash Lord
Jan 9, 2009
Cleveland, Ohio! my homeplace but for now living i
See I think Crashic has a problem
He targets me and doesnt specify anything
I send him a post asking him to specify and I clarify things said earlier
He doesnt READ
Then when i say F**K tripping he gets all mad at me.
( trys to make orders over the internet)
Then i tell him hes getting angry for nothing
He trys to laugh but i know hes still pissed off lol


Smash Champion
Jul 6, 2005
Raleigh, NC
annoying, do you play competitive pokemon? CH's aren't quite seen in that light.

Masmasher@, stfu. You're not being any more civilized than he is.


Smash Lord
Jan 9, 2009
Cleveland, Ohio! my homeplace but for now living i
I know but its annoying when someone attacks you. you try to show their wrong in their attacks. I'm trying to act civilized. I posted evidence as to why he was blind in his attacks and he wont F**King read it. I think its not ignorance its a personal vendetta he has against me. Thats why he wont read them. As for the critical hit why are you guys even talking about it lol. All i said was this aint pokemon and suddenly you guys try to clarify. by the way this is the first time i'm thinking this but this thread has derailed


Smash Champion
Jul 6, 2005
Raleigh, NC
Pretend you're writing an assignment for English II when you write on smashboards. No sentence fragments allowed. It's really irritating trying to parse what you're saying.


Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
As much as I agree with you in some respects, the Sonic mains need to stop using this argument. What the individual player can do with a character concerning "mindgame potential", whatever that is, has no bearing on that character's tier position.

That's like saying (example) M2K can do amazing mindgames with Bowser, so because of that Bowser should be higher on the tier list. It's inane logic and has nothing to do with the actual character.

If it can't be "put on paper", then how the hell should it affect that character at all? The whole point of the tier list is to, speaking metaphorically, put their stats on paper.


When you talk about "mindgames potential" you're not talking about execution at all. It's the OPTIONS that a character has, and how easy or difficult it is in a given situation to "predict accurately" what will counter your opponent's actions.

This has nothing to do with how a player thinks, and everything to do with move safety, how the moves cancel, range, priority, how damaging a "correct" is, how small of a mistake removes advantageous spacing, etc. In other words, the measurable factors in the game.

We can't measure mindgames themselves, but we can measure how easily a move you choose will counter a move your opponent uses if randomly chosen with weighting.

We can measure how large or small the spacing that needs to be maintained for it to remain advantagious (and therefore, how small a mistake is needed to lose it).

We can measure how much punishment occurs if a mistake is made.

For a simplistic example of one of those factors, assume that a character has 4 safe on block options against an opponent and they're too fast to spotdodge on reaction. Now assume that the opponent has 4 options to counter, each beats out 1 of the initial character's options and altogether they beat out all 4 options collectively. None can be done on reaction, they're all too slow, so what are the odds, purely randomly, that the opponent will pick the right choice (assuming his timing is perfect)? 1/4.

Now, if the spread is 1/3, isn't that better for the opponent. Or how about one option that beats all of the initial character's options.

Then of course, we get issues of timing, baiting, ect, but a character's options are measurable in a giving situation in all respects. That's what "mindgames potential" is. Options when understood as a matter of raw chance, and risk/reward. If your character has better "mindgames potential" it's easier to mindgame the opponent inherently with that character.

Does that mean you can't mindgame people when using a character with lower mindgames potential? No, it's just harder/less effective.

I guess as another example, Snake vs. MK.

MK safely outranges every safe move Snake has on the ground with dtilt. However, the margin of error for his spacing is very small, otherwise he's in range to get hit by a dropped grenade's explosion. Also, Snake requires a lot less damage to kill MK straight out, so punishment is more effective for Snake. Tiny mistake, significant punishment (in other words being in an unsafe range).

The match-up still isn't even IMO, but anyone who doesn't say that the fact that the margin of error is small and failure is very significant does not factor into the match-up is crazy.


Smash Lord
Jan 9, 2009
Cleveland, Ohio! my homeplace but for now living i
Okay look at posts 1252 and 1227 i posted something that could end the whole family feud between me and crashic.
He wont READ it so this silly crap continues.
When I try to explain it to him cause he wont READ it he wont listen and says" you contribute nothing." I just want him to stop being silly and READ the *** post, address me back with DETAILS on what I posted and this **** can end.



Smash Hero
Oct 27, 2008
Haiti Gonna Hait
I've already addressed every problem I've had with the post.
Stop posting it already.
I'm not going to reread it again.
Stop spamming this thread
Let people who can talk intelligently like InArby and Yuna fight your side.
Because you are not helping.
I'm trying to make a decision here. You are not helping.

@DeathCarter: It obviously is true that the tops in Melee can better use advanced techs but the tops are still the ones who get severely punished. I think you're overestimating how badly bottom tiers have it as far as approach and getting in the initial hit on top tiers. Fox can camp Bowser, but camping is definitly different and Fox has better options. You still have to be a noticeably better player to win the matchup as Bowser, but the punishment factor is huge in Melee. Bowser does alot of damage obviously and edgeguards nearly on level with Marth, having the longest ledgeroll, Fortress edgeguarding, the F1re, and so on. I don't know how to play Bowser nearly as well as I'd like but he still does alot and has alot to approach with/prevent stupid approaches. Decent range, priority, a mid air grab and so forth.

Plus, what defines a good Melee character is I think a little more diverse than what makes a Brawl character good. I've said numerous times what quilifies the latter but I wouldn't be so bold as to make such a narrow list for the Melee characters. Falco has lots of things going for him that Marth doesn't but both are perfectly good characters. That fact means that Low tiers don't have to meet narrow criteria to still be usable (maybe not tourney viable but really the best players will beat you no matter who you're using). Timmy and Tommy are both famous for taking low seeded characters and proving they something to offer. They have a uniqueness about them enhanced by the engine like everyone else.

I'll have to come and reread this post later as I'm more than half drunk ATM but I think this more or less makes sense.
Though InArby, what are your thoughts on the diverse top tiers of Brawl Characters? Kind Dededee is a large and slow, but has enough options to more than make up for it. Snake has very limited areal movement, and can easily be gimped, but has great zoning options. Falco has a preferla of ATs of extreme use and a lazer that lands with no lag. ROB is the best camper in the game, and Diddy is a beast for caused trips and a master of gimps. Metaknight is a new Sheik.


Smash Champion
Aug 31, 2007
turn around....
[Not a Serious Post]
Brawl is totally not more balanced than Melee.
One of my biggest issues is the weight issues.
A Human being with firearms (Snake) Should now be heavier than A Giant Ape (obvious) and A Turtle Dragon (Bowser), but he is.
Snake, from what I've researched is the second heaviest character in the game, after Dedede.
On top of that, Fox is as light as Kirby, who is sightly lighter than Meta Knight.

Melee was waaaay more in depth, the weight chart was more balanced as well as the strength factor.
When someone (smart) spoke of low tiers in Melee, it was more of a "this character isn't as good as *insert higher tier character here*' rather than brawl when it was a "this character is just bad"
My main point here is that a low tier character could still manage (in the hands of a great player) in a "pro environment" while in Brawl, the gap is sometimes so huge that you can't even fathom making ends meet with Jigglypuff againt Ally.
On top of that, all characters had at least one good match up, even Pichu had one.....I think(Kirby?).
There wasn't no single best character in Melee there were actually 2 only divided by the alphabetical order of their names (Fox and Marth), having two characters who are equally the best makes for more balance in contrast to just one uber Zeus Tier guy.
What I'm saying is since Roy can take on Fox and win, but JigglyPuff can't stand two bits of a chance vs Meta Knight, is reason enough that Brawl is waaaaaaaaaaay for unbalanced.[/Not a Serious Post]


Sep 1, 2004
Stockholm, Sweden
[Not a Serious Post]
Brawl is totally not more balanced than Melee.
One of my biggest issues is the weight issues.
A Human being with firearms (Snake) Should now be heavier than A Giant Ape (obvious) and A Turtle Dragon (Bowser), but he is.
Snake, from what I've researched is the second heaviest character in the game, after Dedede.
On top of that, Fox is as light as Kirby, who is sightly lighter than Meta Knight.
You seem to not understand what the term "game balance" means.

Melee was waaaay more in depth, the weight chart was more balanced as well as the strength factor.
O RLY? Peach is the 9th or so heaviest character in the game, Fox is still one of the lightest and Yoshi, Kirby and Samus are, like, among the heaviest characters in the game IIRC. This, of course, still doesn't change the fact that whether or not characters have unrealistic issues with weight means jack squat when it comes to game balance (relatively speaking).


Smash Hero
Jan 3, 2006


When you talk about "mindgames potential" you're not talking about execution at all. It's the OPTIONS that a character has, and how easy or difficult it is in a given situation to "predict accurately" what will counter your opponent's actions.

This has nothing to do with how a player thinks, and everything to do with move safety, how the moves cancel, range, priority, how damaging a "correct" is, how small of a mistake removes advantageous spacing, etc. In other words, the measurable factors in the game.
--which was exactly my point. If you hadn't skipped over my last post, you'd realize that we're arguing two sides of the same coin.

The Sonic mains need to come up with a better method of arguing their point if they expect the point to stay valid. I.E., they have a valid point, but their way of saying it is ridiculous.

da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
not true, we already have random cats coming out of the woodwork, laying pipe into peoples bungholes.

Even if some super skilled top pro took up sonic and did something with him, (anther) it would probably make him look worse because everyone would continue to write off sonic as just another bad character with a good player behind him. But I like it much more the way we have it now because none of the current top level sonic mains are incredibly well known, which means that not only are we winning because we are good players, but that we are winning because we are good players playing a good character.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 4, 2009
Nothing is more balanced, all fighting games are broken, end of discussion. j/K


Smash Apprentice
Jan 23, 2009
My Mother's Basement
If I can beat anybody with anybody, the game is balanced. This applies, so I believe Brawl is very balanced. Each character has their own strengths and weaknesses, and I can't think of one character that I can never win with.

To boost my point, Melee had Pichu. Nuff Said.


Smash Lord
Dec 6, 2008
Long Island, NY.
If I can beat anybody with anybody, the game is balanced. This applies, so I believe Brawl is very balanced. Each character has their own strengths and weaknesses, and I can't think of one character that I can never win with.

To boost my point, Melee had Pichu. Nuff Said.
The same applies for Melee.

And you can win as Pichu, it's just careful, tedious work to do so.

Feb 20, 2008
Haha, you still make no points. And I addressed the points I had a problem with. Excuse me for not disagreeing with you on EVERY thing haha.
Tripping is no more stupid than a critical hit is in a fighting game. Just because you melee ***s don't like it does not make it a bad game mechanic, at least, no more than critical hits in frightening games are.

I first I was like


but now I

:laugh: at you
lol a frightening game
god you typed a frightening game
I have heard of typos but thats ridiculous
F**K tripping lmfao
You addressed the points that werent even points thats how i know youre lazy and dont READ
I didnt talk about tripping amazing ampharos did I simply said to that end F**K tripping like I say it now LOUD AND PROUD.
the only thing better than two people arguing is... two idiots arguing! YAY!


Smash Ace
Nov 18, 2007
Portsmouth VA
Firstly, now that I'm sober, Sonic does not have mindgame potential nor does any Brawl character on par with Falcon or most of the cast simply because of the freedom of the engines movement game. Movement over moves is the name of the game in Melee. Brawl is Moves over movement since priority, range, the ability to get hits in without being hit back, are some defining characteristics of good Brawl characters. So even Sonic's mindgame potential (Foxtrotting in Brawl is definely not as groundbreaking as Melee DD) is somewhat high, it won't make him a great character since his moves aren't great and the ones that are pretty good aren't readily accessible unless I'm forgetting something.

@da K.I.D.: As I was part of that debate I really have to say that Yuna did not get ***** at all. In fact, I'm pretty sure that we proved the point that tournament results aren't a realiable indicator of the tier list. Page 60 Umbreon's post conversation with M2K talking about how tiers show character potential and he M2K says tournaments are really based more on to many other factors other than that like whos still playing, whose not, player skill, blah blah blah. I'm not sure Umbreon even posted that if he was planning to use that on his side to prove that tournaments=tiers. M2K as good as said they didn't in no uncertain terms within the first half of the conversation.

Diverse Top Tiers:
-D3 has range and priority on his grab and his Bair predominatly. I think most of his aerials work like a Sex Kick too but regardless he still recovers really well and doesn't get easily edgeguarded. I don't think I said anything about speed being a plus or minus. Also, D3 can camp and isn't really camped much.
-Snake obviously has the range/priority on his Astandard combo and his Ftilt combo. His recovery isn't bad it just doesn't autosweetspot so he can get gimped if he starts his recovery near the stage at stage height. Hard to approach and he can camp obviously so he also meets the criteria.
-Falco has good priority/range on his aerials which give him a good approach without being easy to approach. He probably has the best projectile in the game so he doesn't get camped while being able to camp. He gimps well obviously with the Dair. Like the others here, he can camp or approach and has the ability to push someone offstage (with the CG).
-MK is just obvious and all of the above pretty much applies except for the ability to camp part but he doesn't need it as he has the best approach options in the game.
-Marth is similar as far as range and priority on his disjointed hitbox. He's lower since he doesn't recover as well but he's offset by space between his attacks, no good AAA, and his high priority stuff isnt as useful or accessible.


Smash Lord
Dec 9, 2001
Queens/Stony Brook, NY
There wasn't no single best character in Melee there were actually 2 only divided by the alphabetical order of their names (Fox and Marth), having two characters who are equally the best makes for more balance in contrast to just one uber Zeus Tier guy.
I know it wasn't a serious post, but it was bothering me anyway. Fox is above Marth in the Melee tier list by a fraction of a point (like 0.02 or something, I forget how many), not alphabetically. The only two characters who were not separated by a fraction and share the same spot are Falcon and Jiggster.


Smash Ace
Nov 18, 2007
Portsmouth VA
In my own opinion, the top/high tier characters in Melee all do well vs each other. The advantages one character may have over another rarely put the matchup worse than 60/40, and ALL of the top/high tier characters randomly have bad/weird matchups vs lower tier characters
I had to drudge up another part of this post for another thread so I'd thought I'd add it to illustrate that the tops in Melee aren't oh so dominant over the lower tiers. The same is still debatable in Brawl since we haven't figured out all the matchups yet but, I think we've established that they do actually beat most of the bottoms.

da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
@da K.I.D.: As I was part of that debate I really have to say that Yuna did not get ***** at all. In fact, I'm pretty sure that we proved the point that tournament results aren't a realiable indicator of the tier list. Page 60 Umbreon's post conversation with M2K talking about how tiers show character potential and he M2K says tournaments are really based more on to many other factors other than that like whos still playing, whose not, player skill, blah blah blah. I'm not sure Umbreon even posted that if he was planning to use that on his side to prove that tournaments=tiers. M2K as good as said they didn't in no uncertain terms within the first half of the conversation.
id expect a polejocking yuna fanboy to say something like this...:laugh::laugh::laugh:

also, people should stop arguing brawl vs. melee, they are both different games, and they are both good games, one doesnt have to be better than the other, they are just different.


Sep 1, 2004
Stockholm, Sweden
I just noticed da K.I.D.'s sig. Yeah, I totally got ***** in that debate! Also, I totally see how what you quoted me saying is totally ludicrous! Tournament results are the end-all and be-all of tournament viability!

If everyone good took up Meta Knight tomorrow and tournaments started having only MKs place, obviously, the metagame would magically change and Meta Knight would the only viable character!

You're not just trying to (and failing) make me look bad by using faulty logic, you're doing it using someone else's faulty logic.
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