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Ike Boards General/Q&A Thread


1/Sympathy = Divide By Zero
Oct 26, 2008
Rochester, NY
Also just saw the last few posts. That's horrible, and I hope the person is okay and that he recovers.

@ Ussi:

Most if the time, you want to be interrupting Marth out of his attacks rather than punishing after a shield, unless you can mess up his spacing by trapping him to the corners or if he does something obvious that you can powershield. It's not really useful to turtle up in shield as often, unless it's the usual dash shield stuff to help get closer.

Spacing aerials, and timing jab1/jab2 timings help interrupt Marth's attempts to attack. Your goal is to push him towards the edge and maintain pressure most of the time. If Marth is offstage, you can safely throw aerials out. I mention jab2, because timing the kick does really well against Marth's low aerial approaches if you play the distance game against him.

There is a specific positioning around 60 degrees below the ledge where aether has a high chance of interrupting Marth's dolphin slash.

Also hi Ryko. You were late on the namesearch


Smash Legend
Mar 18, 2008
Houston, TX
San, since you're here now. I should ask.

How likely is it for Mario to gimp Ike? He obviously has options like cape, FLUDD, and even fireball. I know you've played Boss a few times. How well can we avoid these options?


Smash Lord
Jan 21, 2010
In NY, losing The Game (constantly)


1/Sympathy = Divide By Zero
Oct 26, 2008
Rochester, NY
San, since you're here now. I should ask.

How likely is it for Mario to gimp Ike? He obviously has options like cape, FLUDD, and even fireball. I know you've played Boss a few times. How well can we avoid these options?
They're really easy to avoid. It's hard for Mario to hide whether he will cape or FLUDD. Both options are telegraphed due to their positionings.

Cape only gimps aether if he capes the actual sword while it's initially rising up. Any later, and we can grab the ledge even if we turn around.

FLUDD is weird, I think it's a bit of trouble if they time it right if they get us while we're rising. It's hard for Mario to FLUDD successfully at that right spot on stages like battlefield and SV and other stages where we can aether well into the stage.

I've had many times where the FLUDD pushed me but I still grabbed the ledge, or aether cuts right through FLUDD.

I feel it's easier for Ike to pressure Mario offstage. All we need to do is throw a few fairs (fair is long enough to hit Mario even if there are fireballs out), reverse aether, or simply grab the ledge and punish Mario heavily when he gets back onstage.

+ I don't think Mario has many moves that will knock us off at bad angles offstage.. Maybe backwards uair or something.

When I played Boss and Kirin, it was mostly straight up fighting. Many more gimps happened to Mario than the other way around.


Smash Legend
Jun 12, 2009
Why would we not care? What thought process do you take in order to think that we wouldn't care for someone who committed suicide in front of your eyes? There's two layers. One, if the person being alright, and two you, the person who is part of the Ike community, let alone smashboards.
Well, this is the internet after all. It's a desensitized place. And he didn't attempt suicide in front of me, i found him afterwards.
And its good to know that you guys actually care how i am though all of this. brightens the day a bit. However it's not me who needs to be looked after in this scenario, after all

Congrats, you listed an example about yourself when the majority of cases and research points to more negative behavior. Case and point being how a girl in a group, who often end up sexting, sending nudes, results in the boys of the group, ****** the girl, because they don't feel it's wrong DESPITE her protests.

I don't know if it's your desensitization to the internet, your overall immaturity level, a coping mechanism, or simply the fact you are anonymous on the internet that you can say something so stupid.

You might have used it as a coping mechanism, but I really doubt that. If you wanted to cope, you would have talked to someone about it, and were you to come on here, you would have been more mature about it.
Well, the example you gave is different, It's assuming that the males in that group dont have any sense of morality. I don't intentionally go looking for gore (infact its been a while since i last went onto 4chan) but it was something that i would accidentally stumble across, i would see it, know its wrong and move on.

And although I'm not really functioning too great at the moment, I'm fairly sure the rest of that turns into an insult. either way i was making an attempt at making the scenario light hearted while still offloading. If I'm serious it means im offloading onto a different person, and in turn it makes them worry too. i care about everyone i know IRL too much to talk about it with them, and i dont know how it would affect you guys, so i wanted to kinda lighten it a bit :L
Yes, i realise I'm obviously not thinking too straight. I am a fairly shaken by what i saw, and-because i was the first out there and saw him like that-i'm a suspect for attempted murder, although i'll be safe because the manager will just get at the security tapes tomorrow. its still a prospect which doesnt leave me in a comfortable position


Last King of Hollywood
Apr 21, 2009
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
Well, this is the internet after all. It's a desensitized place.
That's a pretty big generalization though. Hardly everyone who uses the internet is desensitized to things like that. It's good to know it hasn't affected you too badly though, and hopefully your being suspect to attempted murder doesn't turn out to be too serious... if they have video evidence to prove otherwise then that's good.



Smash Legend
Jun 12, 2009
yeah, i suppose it is, a mistake on my part
and i hope so too, we should have video evidence, but if we dont and i lack any real way of proving my innocence, then i may well be forced to stay within the country untill its solved
that means no apex. matt best have the tapes tomorrow


Smash Legend
Mar 9, 2008
New Jersey (South T_T)
"this is stupid" kinda makes more sense to me than "how shallow-minded" when looking into context of the dialogue.

The situation isn't shallow... At least it's not stupid like "believe it!"

for the win too, new post bit icons


a little slice of heaven 🍰
May 27, 2009
Switch FC
All? I could have sworn I made my appeal for Modern Warfare 3 at least mildly evident.


Oct 13, 2007
Pittsburgh, PA
I aint even mad tho.

PS Flashlights are getting nerfed in the first patch.

Also I've always been a battlefield guy since battlefield 2. I stopped with COD at Mw2 with their PC shenanigans with that game.


Smash Legend
Mar 18, 2008
Houston, TX
Well, CoD must be doing something right if they are getting people to buy 60 dollar expansion packs.

Oh wait, 95% of the gamers are just stupid.


Smash Hero
Feb 10, 2006
Belleville, Ontario
Its $60 to get a game that was already really fun when considering all of the stupid stuff, but now with all of the stupid stuff removed, over double the amount of multiplayer options between the facts that there are more MP modes, more on disk maps than before and the fact you can play survival mode on every one of them...add in all of the new spec op missions....

Its better than paying $60 for new maps, a crappy new co-op that nobody likes, and blinding flashlights that need to be patched in a game that decided to try to compete with CoD by becoming more like it and failing.


Smash Legend
Jun 12, 2009
I wont be buying mw3, despite the fact i (kinda) have a t-shirt with it on. If my brother decides to buy it though i'll certainly give it a go before putting a fighting game in instead and never touching it again XD

Also, as expected the manager got the security tapes today, im completely cleared of any suspicion which is good and its confirmed as attempted suicide.

Also, we received news that he woke up yesterday evening, He's okay but pretty weak.


Smash Legend
Mar 18, 2008
Houston, TX
Its $60 to get a game that was already really fun when considering all of the stupid stuff, but now with all of the stupid stuff removed, over double the amount of multiplayer options between the facts that there are more MP modes, more on disk maps than before and the fact you can play survival mode on every one of them...add in all of the new spec op missions....
So you just described a 60 dollar expansion pack.

@GP, that's good to hear. Hopefully he'll get some help.


Smash Hero
Feb 10, 2006
Belleville, Ontario
So you just described a 60 dollar expansion pack.
Which is better than the $60 "expansion pack" known as BF3. The only thing actually new for the BF series in that game is the co-op nobody liked and a few minor attachments/EOD bot. Everything else they "added" in since BF:BC2 was in the series at some point before such as jets or prone.

MW3 is much closer to being a "fully new" game than BF3. But quite frankly I don't want it to change much. When FPSs try to change core things up, it goes south often. Just look at Halo Reach and the backlash it got. We play CoD because we like the formula: can't change much outside of the guns, maps, and perks without potentially changing the formula and getting backlash. So if it's an "expansion pack" (which is still a rather silly thing to call it), it means they did a good job.

They did what they should, which is why it broke Black Op's record for entertainment sales.


Smash Legend
Mar 18, 2008
Houston, TX
Which is better than the $60 "expansion pack" known as BF3. The only thing actually new for the BF series in that game is the co-op nobody liked and a few minor attachments/EOD bot. Everything else they "added" in since BF:BC2 was in the series at some point before such as jets or prone.

MW3 is much closer to being a "fully new" game than BF3. But quite frankly I don't want it to change much. When FPSs try to change core things up, it goes south often. Just look at Halo Reach and the backlash it got. We play CoD because we like the formula: can't change much outside of the guns, maps, and perks without potentially changing the formula and getting backlash. So if it's an "expansion pack" (which is still a rather silly thing to call it), it means they did a good job.

They did what they should, which is why it broke Black Op's record for entertainment sales.
I don't understand why you keep bringing BF3 up. At what point did I say "BF3 is worth the money over MW3?" All I've said is that MW3 is a 60 dollar expansion pack. If anything, it should have been priced like Ultimate Marvel, at 40 dollars to make it more justifiable. You list all the good things MW3 has done, but did you know how lazy they actually were? They even took buildings from previous CoD games and copy and pasted them into the stages for MW3. I'm not talking about buildings you can look at from far. I'm talking about buildings you walk into, where you run into enemies and fight. How lazy can you get? Oh wait, that kind of laziness comes when you know fans will run up and buy your product no matter what.

It's not a matter of MW3 being "closer to a new game." The fact you don't want it to change that much also shows you don't want progress. Are you telling me that you will continue to spend 60 dollars every year for minute changes? What's the point then? Don't you bash games like Madden for the same thing? At least Madden has a justifiable reason to it. They are copying a REAL LIFE SPORT. There is only so much change they can bring, until the sport changes itself. What is CoD copying? Real life military warfare? Yeah right. It's an arcady shooter, which opens it to several more changes than simply fixing bugs and adding new perks.

The game does not need a massive overhaul, but the lack of innovation or new additions is getting stale. You THINK they can't do much, but that's what they want you to think. You are satisfied with the current product that has been around for years and years, because they know you will run up and spend your money on it.

I'm not against games improving on the old formula, but when you've been doing it for what...10 years now? It gets old.


Smash Hero
Feb 10, 2006
Belleville, Ontario
I don't understand why you keep bringing BF3 up. At what point did I say "BF3 is worth the money over MW3?" All I've said is that MW3 is a 60 dollar expansion pack. If anything, it should have been priced like Ultimate Marvel, at 40 dollars to make it more justifiable. You list all the good things MW3 has done, but did you know how lazy they actually were? They even took buildings from previous CoD games and copy and pasted them into the stages for MW3. I'm not talking about buildings you can look at from far. I'm talking about buildings you walk into, where you run into enemies and fight. How lazy can you get? Oh wait, that kind of laziness comes when you know fans will run up and buy your product no matter what.
I bring up BF3 because that is A) By far the most common game brought up against MW2 and B) I rarely if ever see anyone complain about it being an "expansion pack" when it calls in the same category.

I haven't seen every map in the game yet, but I have not seen copy + paste buildings. You're gonna have to show me a video and point out which buildings.

It's not a matter of MW3 being "closer to a new game." The fact you don't want it to change that much also shows you don't want progress. Are you telling me that you will continue to spend 60 dollars every year for minute changes? What's the point then? Don't you bash games like Madden for the same thing? At least Madden has a justifiable reason to it. They are copying a REAL LIFE SPORT. There is only so much change they can bring, until the sport changes itself. What is CoD copying? Real life military warfare? Yeah right. It's an arcady shooter, which opens it to several more changes than simply fixing bugs and adding new perks.
I don't care about Madden at all, but they are without a doubt changing even less. It's just player rosters, tweaking the engine slightly, and adding in a new mechanic every now and then.

CoD does change things, just very slowly as it should. CoD1-3 was basically no changes at all except for regenerating HP being introduced in CoD2. CoD4 introduced game type, perks, and killstreaks. WaW introduce/reintroduced tanks (which were quickly discarded because the majority hated it), more gore (which was again removed), War game type (the one thing that should have stayed for the MP), and Zombies (which people went crazy over). MW2 introduced Pro Perks, killstreak options, more variety in secondary weapons, more attachments/equipment, titles/emblems, final kill cam, and Spec Op missions (which was overall treated positively).

Black Ops introduced the CoD Point system (which most people were neutral about at best), dolphin diving (neutral at best), wager matches (which people did enjoy but it was tied to the meh point system), custom emblems (AKA ****s everywhere, thank goodness it's gone) and two new attachments/even more equipment. MW3 introduced various branches of killstreaks (which people so far like), Survival Mode (which people love), Weapon Specific EXP (which is being received better than CoD Points), and yet even more attachments/equipment.

They do change things, but if you look above, a very large portion of the stuff they change the fanbase rejects. Particularly if it's added in by Treyarch and isn't called "Zombies".

The game does not need a massive overhaul, but the lack of innovation or new additions is getting stale. You THINK they can't do much, but that's what they want you to think. You are satisfied with the current product that has been around for years and years, because they know you will run up and spend your money on it.

I'm not against games improving on the old formula, but when you've been doing it for what...10 years now? It gets old.
It has nothing to do with what I "think", the fanbase it self has decided that there isn't much they can change without backlashing them. This goes across all FPSs. Halo 2 was loved because it added Live, but only changed the maps and a few weapons. Halo 3 was less loved because of the equipment. Halo Reach is considered the lowest point of the series because they added bloom and armour abilities. A good number of people don't like BF3 now because of the lots of very small changes they added. For the upcoming Homefront 2 game, its fanbase doesn't want much more than minor tweaks. MoH died away quickly because they changed too much.

People want the same formula. It's not just FPSs that are like this. People don't want drastically new racers, they want what they know. Zelda games don't change much most of the time for a good reason: versions like Phantom Hourglass weren't received as well. Sonic is forever trying to find a new formula that the majority of their fanbase likes but will never find it because they had to change from 2D to keep up with the times. The changes from MegaMan Battle Network to MegaMan Starforce put an already fairly polarizing version of MegaMan into the trash heap for most MegaMan fans. Heck, even the changes from Melee to Brawl are seen as problematic to some.

The majority of buyers simply want what they know, with minor updates for a new game. That's it. Give us a new storyline, tighten up a few weak areas, take one or two small risk with new ideas to see if they fly as a new mainstay for the series, but don't do anything else. That's what CoD has been doing, and frankly has been doing the best, which is why it sells so well. If people want to play something any more different then that, they will go to a different series, not the one they are currently playing. That is what makes a new game now, and if you really think about it, almost always has made a new game with a series.


Smash Lord
Apr 11, 2010
Paris, France
good to hear, coupled to the fact that not going to apex would've sucked for you.
Also, I need your (still GP, obviously :3) personal advice the upcoming London Gaming Con... A friend of mine is going and is trying to convince me to go. I've found some really interesting plane tickets (as in "cheap"), but the fact that there's a tourney in paris at the same date is holding me back...

SO. How good is this gonna be?


Smash Legend
Jun 12, 2009
good to hear, coupled to the fact that not going to apex would've sucked for you.
Also, I need your (still GP, obviously :3) personal advice the upcoming London Gaming Con... A friend of mine is going and is trying to convince me to go. I've found some really interesting plane tickets (as in "cheap"), but the fact that there's a tourney in paris at the same date is holding me back...

SO. How good is this gonna be?
The London gaming con? My man its going to be HUGE
we already have Ramin, calzorz, Anaky and a few other large names going to it. its actually a fully blown games convention. You got tournaments for SF4, UMVC3 and loads others, its a two day event you so will want to try and get somewhere to stay (i would try and help you out, but I'm already staying with a friend who's house will be STACKED)
It will be bigger and better than anything else going on that weekend, not to mention that i will be there too :3
TL;DR: its going to be epic. Do it

Oh and in case youre struggling for one, im yet to get hold of a team partner XD

Oh and as for the guy. he's probably going to go back to poland, He's now homeless, Jobless and without any family here (girlfriend left him when he lost his house, what a *****) and his real family lives in poland. so i guess i wont be seeing him again :L


Smash Lord
Apr 11, 2010
Paris, France
GP said:
TL;DR: its going to be epic. Do it
[quote="KillerJawz]Just popping my head in to say that everything GP says is true.[/quote]

...fine, I'm going. Just bought my tickets and all. hype+can't wait and all kind of things!

However I won't be able to team with you, said friend forcingly made me his team-mate.

Now, let's start looking for housing/youth hostels...


Smash Legend
Jun 12, 2009
haha, its cool. i usually team with miller anyways, just in case you were struggling for a partner i figured id be nice and offer you a free ****ty partner :B

also i love the fact that you took my sig to heart, KJ will find that very touching XD
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