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Ike : A Detailed Matchup Guide; #33 - Ness


Smash Master
Oct 28, 2007
New York
Yes. Bomb Jumping still exist, granted it's not as used, but if you happen to knock Link off the stage while he was holding a bomb, he'll undoubtedbly use a Bomb Jump.
OK. I haven't seen any Brawl matches with it but I've seen plenty of Melee ones.

Link, when sent out of the stage, can pull out a bomb and throw a rang to halt or disrupt off-stage interception. Also, Links can mix up their recovery with up B or tether. Most important, Link's key to recovery is proper DI. Although given a crappy recovery, with excellent DI skills, Link can survive.
Same with Ike, we need good DI or we're screwed.

On another note, Link has projectiles, Ike does not. Due to my playstyle, I would usually force Ike to approach through an obstacle course of projectiles. Once in mid-range, Link's z-air (aerial clawshot) can serve as good spacing along with a bomb in hand for combo purposes. Links generally jab cancels into other attacks or a grab. As long as Link spaces himself correctly, and stays away from Ike's sword range, Link should have the advantage in the match. As for edgeguarding, Ike can be gimped by a zair edge guard for his up B and the boomerang esp. the gale effect can also screw up his side B recovery as well. Another thing to keep in mind is that Link has a good pivot boost and pivot land, which also helps Link in spacing esp. after a retreating zair, and he can follow up with more projectiles. I'm just giving you the advantages Link would have against Ike, so it's not like Link ***** Ike or anything like that. I'm just saying Link should avoid close combat with Ike. Want you Ike mainers want in this matchup is close-range fighting, so you should play a pressure game against Link. Stay on him at all times, like white on rice.
Good info.

Metro Knight

Smash Ace
Mar 27, 2008
Any resourceful Link should do it I think, his recovery is bad enough as is but yeah... good Links would do anything just to not die. Although I have to admit I've never seen it done, they always just toss the bomb towards the stage hoping it hits you, but I always just Powershield them off the stage.
If a Link does this, he is probably going to die sometimes from accidentally forcing himself to fast fall.


Smash Master
Oct 28, 2007
New York
If a Link does this, he is probably going to die sometimes from accidentally forcing himself to fast fall.
Yeah, that's happened to me before when I play Link in friendlies. Would Link fastfall if you put the c-stick to special?
Yes, I know it sounds dumb if somebody actually played Link with c-stick on special but I'm just wondering.

Metro Knight

Smash Ace
Mar 27, 2008
Link, when sent out of the stage, can pull out a bomb and throw a rang to halt or disrupt off-stage interception. Also, Links can mix up their recovery with up B or tether. Most important, Link's key to recovery is proper DI. Although given a crappy recovery, with excellent DI skills, Link can survive.

On another note, Link has projectiles, Ike does not. Due to my playstyle, I would usually force Ike to approach through an obstacle course of projectiles. Once in mid-range, Link's z-air (aerial clawshot) can serve as good spacing along with a bomb in hand for combo purposes. Links generally jab cancels into other attacks or a grab. As long as Link spaces himself correctly, and stays away from Ike's sword range, Link should have the advantage in the match. As for edgeguarding, Ike can be gimped by a zair edge guard for his up B and the boomerang esp. the gale effect can also screw up his side B recovery as well. Another thing to keep in mind is that Link has a good pivot boost and pivot land, which also helps Link in spacing esp. after a retreating zair, and he can follow up with more projectiles. I'm just giving you the advantages Link would have against Ike, so it's not like Link ***** Ike or anything like that. I'm just saying Link should avoid close combat with Ike. Want you Ike mainers want in this matchup is close-range fighting, so you should play a pressure game against Link. Stay on him at all times, like white on rice.

Very good info. My friends does pretty well with Ike versus me though, however he really needs to use his faster moves better. Spacing is crucial for Ike is this match since Link is going to be comboing and using projectiles/zair so much. I think the upsmash/ftilt are going to be your best kill moves for this fight, since both of them are considerable faster than the fsmash. However, if you have a good situation with the fmash, by all means use it. Ike will kill the **** out of Link if he hits him with a smash. I wouldn't use the dsmash really, that move is the worst of your smashes, I tend to use it out of habit with Ike and it gets me in trouble. Spacing your F-air is really important of course, correctly DIing is very important otherwise you will just get gimped. The N-air is really fast, that move and the utilt are good for doing dmg. Just play smart and try spacing your f-airs well so you can own him if he spaces his projectiles poorly. Not a great match for Ike though.


Jun 2, 2008
Las Vegas, NV
Yeah I could see how spacing could prove to be a nuisance for an Ike, however with that same logic if that's ALL Link is going to doing we're going to eventually catch up to the pattern and try and predict when to strike; or if we know one of our attacks won't go through there's always Counter.

The Gale Boomerang really doesn't have the wind effect unless it's coming back on the recoil (although it does push you back a little bit if it comes to the very edge of its "hit" box)

*Sigh* You know, we've been getting this a lot, people think that just because their character has a projectile and Ike doesn't it makes the matchup slightly in the favor of the character; IT DOESN'T! It would make no difference if this were Link Vs. Sonic because again Sonic doesn't have a projectile of his own (not including the spring), yet he can still get upclose and personal with Link just as well as Ike can if not better. But Hell I could be wrong and I could be blindsighted just because this is Ike fanboy rage kicking in. I'm pretty sure if somebody came up with something somewhat logical for me to read I would understand, Link has a lot of spacing tools at his disposal, no doubt.

Link has a lot of combo potential, especially with Ike being the heavier character. I would think the best thing to do here is just avoid getting hit once, because lots of things lead into others...

Link has a hyphen Up-Smash just like Sonic does, so this can prove to be somewhat troublesome. All you can really do here is hope that if he constantly does this try and counter beforehand so you can punish him for repetition, or just shield through all the hits, although I'm not sure how easily the last hit can be punished, this will be left into the hands of soembody else to answer.

Edit: Actually Dsmash can be good for scoring kills on Ike if he's high in the numbers and is a roll spammer (guilty).

Also Xace yeah it's possible to just keep slow falling and grab a bomb out if you have the Cstick set to speacil, however I'm not sure what normal Links would have their controller settings to.


Smash Champion
Aug 9, 2008
New York
Well, I dunno too much about Ike, but I do know his sword is longer than Link's. I know it doesn't have a sweetspot at the tip like Marth's, but hit with the tip anyway. Ike's sheer strength is deadly for Link, Link players will do everything they can to keep that sword away from them. They will blast you with bombs to rack up damage, use the boomerang and zair for spacing, and use AT's whenever you do get close (i.e. bombsmashing, DAC). Also, watch out for Link's spin attack. That can really knock back horizontally (and I know for Ike's, horizontal recovery isn't the greatest). Ike's ftilt and utilt are key moves here. Nair and Fair are too, and bair is a great killing move on Link. Just stay in his face at all times, keep up the pressure, and be very aggressive.


Legacy of the Mario
Aug 3, 2008
San Antonio, Texas
*Sigh* You know, we've been getting this a lot, people think that just because their character has a projectile and Ike doesn't it makes the matchup slightly in the favor of the character; IT DOESN'T! It would make no difference if this were Link Vs. Sonic because again Sonic doesn't have a projectile of his own (not including the spring), yet he can still get upclose and personal with Link just as well as Ike can if not better. But Hell I could be wrong and I could be blindsighted just because this is Ike fanboy rage kicking in. I'm pretty sure if somebody came up with something somewhat logical for me to read I would understand, Link has a lot of spacing tools at his disposal, no doubt.
I understand what you're saying, but for Link, this would be a matchup where projectiles really matter, because he doesn't only have just one, but three projectiles, and he can use all of them to make a wall of projectiles.

The only reason why projectiles wouldn't matter against Sonic because he's so ****ing fast that he can practically run through them, grab Link, and start his combos up. Ike isn't exactly a fast runner (and he's a big target too).

Link is all about mindgames. He has so many options and ATs at his disposal that you don't really know what he could do. He can projectile spam to keep you away, or he could projectile spam and then approach you while you're too busy getting away from all the projectiles. Dodge Roll? You'll just walk into jabs. Shield? You'll just get tether grabbed.

Link is one of the few characters where I'll say that projectiles can truly make or break this match-up for Ike.

Link has a hyphen Up-Smash just like Sonic does, so this can prove to be somewhat troublesome. All you can really do here is hope that if he constantly does this try and counter beforehand so you can punish him for repetition, or just shield through all the hits, although I'm not sure how easily the last hit can be punished, this will be left into the hands of soembody else to answer.
Link's Hyphen Smash sucks. You're probably thinking about DAC. It really depends on how far Link slides and where Ike's placement is on the stage, but it's not easy to punish a DAC with so much sliding distance. Best you can get in is a jab or grab if he happens to stop in front of you.

Also Xace yeah it's possible to just keep slow falling and grab a bomb out if you have the Cstick set to speacil, however I'm not sure what normal Links would have their controller settings to.
You can grab a bomb without the C-stick, just slightly tilt downward and he'll keep slow-falling. He can also just jump and grab a bomb mid-jump as well.

Also, Links should really use boomerang for anti-edgeguarding. Any Link who doesn't really doesn't know what they're missing. I've saved myself so many times from WoP's and Marth's f-air because I was able to stop it with the boomerang.

Link really shouldn't be throwing bombs at the stage. They would be saving it in their hand in case they got gimped. The bomb blowing up would allow them to back to the stage and regain his Up-B.


Smash Lord
Jun 4, 2008
Okay We all know Link has projectiles and Ike does not. So guess who will be approaching.

Now you get past zair. Very doable but can be a hassle. Just shield it or something.

Now finally you are in Range. Jab Jab Jab.

Ikes metagame is always about jabing. However to make Links recovery bad, you need a move that will send Links trajectory at a more horizontal range. Unfortunaly some of these moves have some sort of lag.

I've played some wicked good Ikes. Infact he is one of my secondaries. Projectiles are powershielded and zairs are avoided.

The problem for ike is that when he is forced to approach, Link tries to use his ranged attacks to create and opening. I believe this leads to Ike being hit more than Link as well as taking more damage but Ike makes up for it in power in the few times he gets Link. Besides if ike tries anything but jab, He may not hit link.

Both Ike and Link can Jab cancel.

Also, Link can edge gaurd Ike better. Ike must recover from under the stage. Ike is one of the few characters where a gale guard can actually work. This is because if Ike tries to recovery via his side special, he is naturally screwed and any good ike player can tell you why. prefect zair edge gaurds make ike a not so happy person.


Start watching that vid at 2:18. You'll see 2 perfect zair edge guards. Scary stuff if you are an ike player.

What Link is doing here is renewing is instantly invincibility frames and regrappling the ledge at virtually the same time giving Link a nearly constant stream of invincibility frames so that Ike not neither knock him off or grab the ledge.

Though i don't want to sound 1 sided. Ikes power makes up for many of his weaknesses.

I think the matchup is a Slight advantage Link. I think it is 50:50 or 45:55........40:60 at worst......sounds acceptable


Jun 2, 2008
Las Vegas, NV
Oh! Hero reminded me that Link has his own jab cancels that lead into bad stuff for Ike. Given we have our own god jabs, not to mention it's one of the few quick attacks we have and in this matchup we WILL have to use jabs to get anywhere up in Link's face.


Smash Legend
Mar 9, 2008
New Jersey (South T_T)
Ike is used to approaching so we don't need to be told we're being forced.

Ike's jab cancels out arrows and boomerang so mindless spamming won't work. Link has that bow cancel to let him fire an arrow with less post lag.

Boomerang messing up QD? I only see it giving us a boost unless it's coming the other direction, but that would take too long to hit us or we'd see it coming before charing QD. Hitting the ledge would send towards us but I don't see Ike in a position where that would be necessary (Ike's dead Zone)

If Link misses a Dair and hits the ground, free fsmash, so Link's aren't gonna be using it too much unless he knows It'll hit. Some Link's like to dair on their way down to counter attack someone juggling them

Link's ftilt can slide.

Link's attacks aren't amazing, their speed and power are both little below average. But that low power gives him combos, but his speed makes them harder to do. Seriously, if you can avoid Link's kill moves, you'll easily survive to 200% (That is if you don't get Gimped...Which Link can do good at)

Ike will have to aether onto the stage to avoid being gimped by Link then. If Link is waiting on the ledge, I believe the boomerang can't be angled to hit Ike (Can a Link testify whether or not he can, from hanging on the ledge, throw a boomerang so it is angled to hit upward diagonal) if Link can't do that then a QD Would work to counter a Link just hanging on the ledge. (But if Link could do that, wouldn't Ike be screwed anyways if he wasn't QDing anyways...)

But I'll say this, Both Ike and Link have to work hard to win, those combos and projectile walls aren't easy to keep doing consistently with Link's speed and Link mains get my kudos for using a character thats even more underrated than Ike.


Smash Champion
Aug 9, 2008
New York
If Link misses a Dair and hits the ground, free fsmash, so Link's aren't gonna be using it too much unless he knows It'll hit. Some Link's like to dair on their way down to counter attack someone juggling them
Any good Link knows how to either:

-time the dair so that it auto cancels in time

-use it only at appropriate times, which like you said, means they know it'll hit

And usually, Link players nair on their way, it's a lot safer than using dair.

Link's ftilt can slide.
Not standing by itself, unless you're talking about pivot boosting -> ftilt.

Link's attacks aren't amazing, their speed and power are both little below average. But that low power gives him combos, but his speed makes them harder to do.
Against Ike, I can see where you're coming from when you say little power. I mean, against a light character, there's tons of power. And like Ike, Link can only be slow if you want him to be. ^_^

Link is the fastest faller in the game. This speeds up his shorthop aerial game by a signficant margin. Plus, Link has a good pivot boost that can match his dash speed. Now, some of his attacks have huge KO ability. The big ones are the dair, fsmash, utilt, spin attack, dsmash, ftilt, and fair.

Since Ike is heavy, he can probably survive against the utilt and dsmash. The spin attack, believe it or not, has huge horizontal knockback at high percents. The fair...that's kinda hard to land against an Ike who knows how to space his nairs. Fsmash is kind of predictable, but ftilt can KO at the same percents as the fsmash. Also, it's usually the least used tilt by Link users. So it probably hasn't been decayed that much. A pivot boost -> ftilt is something to watch out for.

Seriously, if you can avoid Link's kill moves, you'll easily survive to 200% (That is if you don't get Gimped...Which Link can do good at)
Link's not the best at gimping, but he's an effective edgehog. While hanging on the ledge, he can use what's called the zair edgeguard. The zair is the clawshot in the air, and it tethers to the stage. As you know, when someone grabs the stage, invincibility frames appear. So by tilting back and grappling again, Link can reattain his invincibility frames. He can do this up to 3 times. The video that Swordplay posted shows how deadly that can be for Ike.

As for the kill moves, you are correct in lasting up to 200% if you avoid them. But look what I wrote above. Link has plenty of kill moves most people don't think of.

Ike will have to aether onto the stage to avoid being gimped by Link then. If Link is waiting on the ledge, I believe the boomerang can't be angled to hit Ike (Can a Link testify whether or not he can, from hanging on the ledge, throw a boomerang so it is angled to hit upward diagonal) if Link can't do that then a QD Would work to counter a Link just hanging on the ledge. (But if Link could do that, wouldn't Ike be screwed anyways if he wasn't QDing anyways...)
Again, going back to the zair edgeguard, just because Link is hanging does not mean Ike can't be gimped by using aether.

But I'll say this, Both Ike and Link have to work hard to win, those combos and projectile walls aren't easy to keep doing consistently with Link's speed
Well, like I said, he's the fastest faller, and Link players don't usually stand in one place for long. They move a lot (if you play one that doesn't, chances are he's not a good Link). Aiming the projects is easy, and again, like Ike, Link is only be slow if you want him to be.

Link mains get my kudos for using a character thats even more underrated than Ike.
Kudos to you Ike mainers as well, I know he's not an easy character to play and win with.

Now......it seems a lot of you are forgetting about Link's AT's. He has the most in the game, expect them to be used.

-bombsliding forward (pretty much a glide toss with a different control input)
-reversed bombsliding (same thing but Link retreats with it)
-bombsliding with upthrows (glide toss, sorta, while Link throws the bomb up)
-zair with bomb in hand (aerial clawshot with a bomb in hand)
-arrow canceling (gets rid of the startup lag of shooting an arrow, can be done from a bair, with a bomb in hand, after a boomerang is thrown, etc.)
-bombsmashing (using an fsmash with a bomb in hand)
-Gale guarding (throwing the boomerang at the stage while the opponent is recovering in order to push them away from the stage)
-zair edgeguard....i've explained this already
-craq walk/pivot boost (Link has a quick pivot boost that can match his dash)
-ZAC (z drop, a attack, catch - Link has a bomb, than when he's in the air, performs an aerial with it in hand by dropping it and quickly doing an aerial, and catching it in the midst of the aerial)
-jab canceling (Ike mainers know all about this, I'm sure)
-jab lock (Link has a jab lock in which he'll jab the opponent when they're down, walk a bit, and repeat)

Other things include bomb dropping by simply letting go of the bomb in a jump (which most players don't see coming), bomb shielding (similar to Snake's technique, you shield til the bomb explodes), bomb placing, in which Link can place bombs on ledges and platforms, attacking out of shield, usually the upsmash (a damage racker)....and that's all I can think of. Hope this helps.


Legacy of the Mario
Aug 3, 2008
San Antonio, Texas
Sasook makes a good list of AT that Link has, but I also want to add on the Double Draw and Triple Draw, where Link can fire 2-3 arrows in one full jump (arrow canceling included), which adds onto the point of my wall of projectiles.

Also, Link has a bomb ---> Footstool setup that can lead into a jab lock ,but this has yet to be perfected by any Link main yet, so don't think too much on it. However, I have on serveral occasions use the setup to go into a D-air instead. Easy KOs at high %.

I think the matchup is a Slight advantage Link. I think it is 45:55........40:60 at worst......sounds acceptable
Agreed. Compared to other matchups Ike has, Link is probably one of the few that a good Ike can bash to death if the Link player doesn't know what he's doing. Although the same goes vise versa. The only thing that doesn't make this a neutral match-up is Link's superb use of projectiles.


Smash Champion
Feb 2, 2008
I'd like to note that I'd say Link probably does better than TL does in the Ike match-up, or so I've noticed. 45-55 Link's favor or something, we can decide that later.

In any case, I'm just going to let the Link discussion go on for a while, so as to not rush through.


Smash Master
Oct 28, 2007
New York
I'd like to note that I'd say Link probably does better than TL does in the Ike match-up, or so I've noticed. 45-55 Link's favor or something, we can decide that later.
Really? I think it's the opposite but that's just me.

Also, Link has that many ATs or even the most ATs? I didn't even know that. I knew of some but not them all. I thought Lucas or Pit had the most.


Smash Legend
Mar 9, 2008
New Jersey (South T_T)
Any good Link knows how to either:

-time the dair so that it auto cancels in time

-use it only at appropriate times, which like you said, means they know it'll hit

And usually, Link players nair on their way, it's a lot safer than using dair.

;o I saw just now in Deva's vid against DSF

Not standing by itself, unless you're talking about pivot boosting -> ftilt.

I meant that >_>

Against Ike, I can see where you're coming from when you say little power. I mean, against a light character, there's tons of power. And like Ike, Link can only be slow if you want him to be. ^_^

True true

Link is the fastest faller in the game. This speeds up his shorthop aerial game by a signficant margin. Plus, Link has a good pivot boost that can match his dash speed. Now, some of his attacks have huge KO ability. The big ones are the dair, fsmash, utilt, spin attack, dsmash, ftilt, and fair.

Since Ike is heavy, he can probably survive against the utilt and dsmash. The spin attack, believe it or not, has huge horizontal knockback at high percents. The fair...that's kinda hard to land against an Ike who knows how to space his nairs. Fsmash is kind of predictable, but ftilt can KO at the same percents as the fsmash. Also, it's usually the least used tilt by Link users. So it probably hasn't been decayed that much. A pivot boost -> ftilt is something to watch out for.

I mentioned dair, fsmash, dsmash, ftilt, spin attack and fair preivously. Utilt killing would be pretty late% you should mention ftilt kills at the same of 1st slash fsmash

Link's not the best at gimping, but he's an effective edgehog. While hanging on the ledge, he can use what's called the zair edgeguard. The zair is the clawshot in the air, and it tethers to the stage. As you know, when someone grabs the stage, invincibility frames appear. So by tilting back and grappling again, Link can reattain his invincibility frames. He can do this up to 3 times. The video that Swordplay posted shows how deadly that can be for Ike.

[COLOR="Cyan] I should have worded myself better and said Link does a good job gimping Ike with zair. I have done research on Link.[/COLOR]

As for the kill moves, you are correct in lasting up to 200% if you avoid them. But look what I wrote above. Link has plenty of kill moves most people don't think of.

[COLOR="Cyan"]Well, the Link I fought kept only hitting me with nair, zair, and projectiles[/COLOR]

Again, going back to the zair edgeguard, just because Link is hanging does not mean Ike can't be gimped by using aether.

I said onto the stage meaning he doesn't use the ledge...

Well, like I said, he's the fastest faller, and Link players don't usually stand in one place for long. They move a lot (if you play one that doesn't, chances are he's not a good Link). Aiming the projects is easy, and again, like Ike, Link is only be slow if you want him to be.

>_> I meant compared to other characters Link is harder to use...

Kudos to you Ike mainers as well, I know he's not an easy character to play and win with.

mutual respect

Now......it seems a lot of you are forgetting about Link's AT's. He has the most in the game, expect them to be used.

-DAC >_> I keep thinking its common knowledge
-bombsliding forward (pretty much a glide toss with a different control input) I read about item boosting ;o
-reversed bombsliding (same thing but Link retreats with it)
-bombsliding with upthrows (glide toss, sorta, while Link throws the bomb up)
-zair with bomb in hand (aerial clawshot with a bomb in hand)
-arrow canceling (gets rid of the startup lag of shooting an arrow, can be done from a bair, with a bomb in hand, after a boomerang is thrown, etc.)I mentioned bow canceling >_>
-bombsmashing (using an fsmash with a bomb in hand)
-Gale guarding (throwing the boomerang at the stage while the opponent is recovering in order to push them away from the stage)
-zair edgeguard....i've explained this already
-craq walk/pivot boost (Link has a quick pivot boost that can match his dash)
-ZAC (z drop, a attack, catch - Link has a bomb, than when he's in the air, performs an aerial with it in hand by dropping it and quickly doing an aerial, and catching it in the midst of the aerial)
-jab canceling (Ike mainers know all about this, I'm sure)It's part of Ike's bread and butter
-jab lock (Link has a jab lock in which he'll jab the opponent when they're down, walk a bit, and repeat)I think I misworded myself saying jab cancel instead of this. This leads to an Up B or such

Other things include bomb dropping by simply letting go of the bomb in a jump (which most players don't see coming), bomb shielding (similar to Snake's technique, you shield til the bomb explodes), bomb placing, in which Link can place bombs on ledges and platforms, attacking out of shield, usually the upsmash (a damage racker)....and that's all I can think of. Hope this helps.

Also, Ike's usmash should make Ike duck under zair. So if Link likes to spam zair, dash usmash.


Smash Lord
Jun 28, 2008
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
I dunno about Link being better than TL in this match up because TL is a lot quicker and has a much better wall of projectiles, but he is a lot lighter and Link has more options to kill.

in response to some random posts i saw:

Bomb jumping in Melee was possible if you could time it really well and you could use it as long as you had the skill to do it. You could also wait for it to explode if you've held it long enough (from a few seconds before you get hit off the stage). In Brawl, your only option is to wait. It won't always work, since Link only has like 4 seconds off the stage before you falls quickly to his death, and a bomb takes like 7-10 seconds to explode. It's not as useful as it was in Melee. If you're lucky, you'll pull out a bomb while you're recovering, and they'll hit you again and it'll add some time if you weren't killed.

His f-tilt does not slide. You pivot slide, and pretty much any move can do it (f-smash, f-tilt, d-smash, jab).

Link's hyphen smash doesn't slide so much like Sonic's lol. You're probably thinking about his DAC.

Link's first hit f-smash is a lot better than his second one in this game imo. It hits you more horizontally and seems stronger to me.. The second one hits more vertically, but the knockback seems less. It's useful though, since it adds on to your range. F-smash very close to the edge can kill most characters at 70-80% if charged a little, which is a perfect follow up to a jab lock.

From what I can tell, Ike's n-air is really fast and useful, his f-air has massive range, his b-air is insanely quick and powerful, his u-air ***** airdodges, and his jab is amazing. I think his jab is a lot better than Link's, and for that reason, Link cannot afford to be close to Ike at all.

50:50 is good

ehh, dash > u-smash when Link is spamming z-airs? We can z-air like 3 times while you're doing your u-smash, and our spacing isn't THAT bad.. lol you forget that link's sh is super low, he falls fast, and his z-air goes down with him


Smash Champion
Aug 9, 2008
New York
Well.....from your post, it seemed like you wanted to view it but couldn't. I was just trying to help, sorry if I offended you. :(

P.S. - I don't worship Izaw. I worship Legan :chuckle:


Smash Ace
Mar 12, 2008
Chicago, Illinois
Ike is a tall character, so you have to watch out of Link's Zair. Zair will hit twice almost all the time and dish out 10%. O_o Ike needs to space appropriately and watch out for projectiles as well. Ike dominates Link in the air and on the ground, but Ike is laggy and Link will punish his lag. Link is also easily gimpable, so keep that in mind.


Smash Master
Oct 28, 2007
New York
Kirk, I've seen videos of your Ike and your good. This just surprises me that you of all people would diss your own main.
Dissing your own character shows that you can accept your own characters faults. I don't hear Falcon mains thinking that he's the best in the game.


Smash Lord
Jun 4, 2008
I don't worship izaw....

I worship Dolphinz22

and yes.....any 50:50-45:55. either of those is good. They both suck



Smash Legend
Mar 9, 2008
New Jersey (South T_T)
How low can Link's zair go? Plus the dash usmash basically makes Ike's height go down by half so it's more of a surprise counter measure when Link is aiming for Ike's head. Its mind games on predicting when Link will zair.

Usmash has made alot of moves go over my head ;o I love it

I like Kirk's theory.


Smash Master
Oct 28, 2007
New York
How low can Link's zair go? Plus the dash usmash basically makes Ike's height go down by half so it's more of a surprise counter measure when Link is aiming for Ike's head. Its mind games on predicting when Link will zair.

Usmash has made alot of moves go over my head ;o I love it

I like Kirk's theory.
I think the lowest it goes is the second Link touches the ground, it goes back.

Also, that's my theory but let's give Kirk credit for everything for he is Kirk.


Smash Ace
May 23, 2008
50:50 MAAAAAYBE 45-40:55-60 Link, but probably no more.

Overly defensive Link players might be able to control the match-up to the 40:60 adv Link range. Just as long as the Ike isn't overly hesitant (I haven't really found one who was), and knows how to manipulate the lag on Link's projectile spam, it should never really go below 45:55, Ike:Link.

Ike and Link are two characters who are very limited, and yet have very rabid fanbases. Their stubbornness to accept that their character is bad takes them to new levels of gameplay.That is why people like Izaw, Deva, Silven, Kirk, and Rykoshet (<3 the Ryko) exist. They're just there to rip some kids.

They are both characters limited only by the person who plays them. If the person who plays them is godly, they will be gods. If the person who plays them is not a god, then they quit that character and pick Meta Knight.


Smash Ace
Aug 1, 2008
Be very careful when using certain moves. Believe it or not Link can get in some nice combos (brawl combos not melee) at early percents, and since Ike has laggy moves he can be punished if one does not connect, Even If Link shields it and gets pushed back he can shield grab you, so beware with the fair. Most of the time your opponent prob cant shield grab because of how far back they got pushed.

Nair is very reliable from my ike experience it kick starts the jab cancel process which is the ownage equivalent to 30 fat chicks fighting over a twinky (think of the power levels..........think). Another thing is to not take his proj for granted, they can help him chain together some nasty attacks and kills (jab lock). Oh and his zair can lead to grabs and smashes and his nair is not as sexy or powerful as in melee but it still can gimp. Jab cancel to smashes and grabs so, make sure your ding skillz are top notch.
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