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Ike : A Detailed Matchup Guide; #33 - Ness


Smash Master
Sep 1, 2005
Chester, IL
I realize that my advice comes from fighting mediocre/competent Pit users and not excellent Pit users, so take this with a grain of salt. Some can apply to good Pit users, however, so it's not all useless.

Pit is sooooo fun to gimp... Aether helps enormously in this match-up, if you're on the edge and he's coming up with his up+B just reverse Aether to interrupt it. Walk-off DAir/FAir help when you're on the stage and you know he's just going to go for the edge.

Pit's arrows are among the best projectiles in the game; they're fast and can be a deadly gimping tool when used properly (watch Feathers of Fate by Sagemoon to see just how good they can be, not just when you're recovering). They will, undoubtedly, force you to approach; mix up your approach with sidesteps and airdodges. It's possible to powershield or even cancel them out with jabs, but that's difficult and won't help you gain much ground because of their rate of fire.

Fortunately, Pit is one of the lighter characters in the game; save your vertical killing moves like USmash, UAir, and Eruption so that you can get around his annoying recovery. When Pit glides towards you, they will most likely use their Glide Attack since it has moderate KO'ing power; use this to your advantage and either Eruption or run away and reverse USmash them. In the air, be sure to use the initial hitbox for UAir, when it comes out behind his head; this hitbox comes out quicker than his FAir, so use that to your advantage if you have a Pit gliding towards you.

Pit is one of the best in the game at gimping; it's not too difficult for a couple of arrows, FAirs, Mirror Shields, and BAirs to screw you over. DI up the best you can (you should always be DI'ing upwards when fighting, but be especially conscious about it here) so that you can airdodge to avoid the arrow spam, and save your double jump so you can come up to the stage low. To get around the Mirror Shield, try Reverse Aethering so that you can either grab the edge from the back or front if he flips you. However, the key is to mix it up; they'll catch on and start edgehogging you instead of Mirror Shielding, so adjust to their methods accordingly. If they come down and hit you with FAirs and BAirs, if all else fails go for the Aethercide; it's unlikely to work because of his terrific up+B (when no one's there to gimp him), but if you have high damage you may as well try.


I need it....
Aug 2, 2008
Pit is sooooo fun to gimp... Aether helps enormously in this match-up, if you're on the edge and he's coming up with his up+B just reverse Aether to interrupt it. Walk-off DAir/FAir help when you're on the stage and you know he's just going to go for the edge
It should be a very rare occasion that Ike gimps a good Pit with Aether. Pit won't use his up B unless it is his very last option and most of the time Pit is going to use it to go under stages or recovering very high in a Snake like fashion.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 2, 2008
It should be a very rare occasion that Ike gimps a good Pit with Aether. Pit won't use his up B unless it is his very last option and most of the time Pit is going to use it to go under stages or recovering very high in a Snake like fashion.
Agreed. With 3 mid-air jumps and the ability to glide, Pit is one of the hardest characters to gimp. And Wings of Icarus, while gimpable, can move Pit an incredible distance horizontally or vertically- usually out of reach for most characters. Pit, on the other hand, can easily gimp Ike.


Smash Legend
Mar 9, 2008
New Jersey (South T_T)
Well, Pit's arrow are duckable by Ike. Soo a dashing usmash can get a Pit using an arrow at mid range. Otherwise you'll have to mix up Ducking and jumping over the arrows.

I really have no experience against Pit. I went against one in a tourney with Ike but he wasn't that great, he never even tried to mirror shield my aether. Pit's best ground kill move is his forward smash followed by ftilt. He dtilt spikes too so don't hang on a ledge too long. Pit's sweetspoted Bair kills early otherwise Pit will just be gimping you for kills, which isn't that hard against Ike.

I'd say the key point of winning is the same as battling a MK, don't get hit and sent off the stage. Just Pit is more bearable since he doesn't have MK's speed. (he's still fast, just not too fast)


Smash Apprentice
May 20, 2008
Seattle, WA
Sup gaiz, herd u were havin some Pit trouble. Ill just sit over here and Mirror Shiled yer Aether as you try to recover.


Smash Champion
Nov 19, 2007
Pit is light-ish with difficulty killing... Ike is heavy with no trouble killing at all... However, Pit does fairly well at gimping...

Anyway, counterpick Luigi's Mansion for this matchup... Walls and ceiling stop arrows, plus he can't go under the stage here. :p Trust me, that can REALLY hurt a Pit...

For neutrals, Yoshi's Island is probably best.... It's a small stage, so Pit can't arrow spam here that much... And like Luigi's Mansion, he can't go under the stage here...


Smash Rookie
Sep 9, 2008
New York
Pit is light-ish with difficulty killing... Ike is heavy with no trouble killing at all... However, Pit does fairly well at gimping...

Anyway, counterpick Luigi's Mansion for this matchup... Walls and ceiling stop arrows, plus he can't go under the stage here. :p Trust me, that can REALLY hurt a Pit...

For neutrals, Yoshi's Island is probably best.... It's a small stage, so Pit can't arrow spam here that much... And like Luigi's Mansion, he can't go under the stage here...
BF seems to be better then Yoshi's Island if you're going on a small stage, and it helps Ike's recovery. On CPing, Corneria seems to be good and will probably the stage Pits ban against Ike


Smash Champion
Nov 19, 2007
BF seems to be better then Yoshi's Island if you're going on a small stage, and it helps Ike's recovery. On CP Corneria seems to be good and will probably the stage Pits ban against Ike
Uh, no... Yoshi's Island is definately worse for the Pit... lol... D:

Corneria is good too, I guess... Does Pit have an infinite against a wall, though? And I'm wondering, can Pit get out of Ike's infinite by using Up B?


Smash Ace
May 26, 2008
Martinsburg, WV
Yoshi's Island is a better counter pick than Battlefield due to the fact that Pit can go under Battlefield.

And Pit does not have an infinite exactly, but his over B can get you to like 30% against a wall before you can DI out of it.


Smash Champion
Nov 19, 2007
Yoshi's Island is a better counter pick than Battlefield due to the fact that Pit can go under Battlefield.

And Pit does not have an infinite exactly, but his over B can get you to like 30% against a wall before you can DI out of it.
Ah, I was thinking more like his rapid jab combo... *where he twirls the sword around*

Is that an infinite against the wall? o-o And again, can pit get out of Ike's infinite by using Up B?


I need it....
Aug 2, 2008
Uh, no... Yoshi's Island is definately worse for the Pit... lol... D:
Agreed. Yoshi's Island is pretty annoying for Pits in that it limits that under the stage recovery that some of us will like to abuse. Battlefield is actually a pretty bad stage against Pit as it is more or less one of Pits best stages as the ledges set up for Pits aerials and arrows very nicely.

And I'm wondering, can Pit get out of Ike's infinite by using Up B?
Haven't tested it but its pretty unlikely due to the fact that if Pit is hit during his Up B, he isn't going to get too far. If his Up B did allow him out of Ike's wall infinite all an Ike player would have to do is probaly mix in a Jab at the right time to be able to follow up.


Smash Champion
Nov 19, 2007
Haven't tested it but its pretty unlikely due to the fact that if Pit is hit during his Up B, he isn't going to get too far. If his Up B did allow him out of Ike's wall infinite all an Ike player would have to do is probaly mix in a Jab at the right time to be able to follow up.
Yeah, but it has a wind-push effect.... <_< That's what let's Pit get out of a lot of "combo stuff"... (Kind of how like Marth and Sonic can)


Smash Ace
May 26, 2008
Martinsburg, WV
By his rapid jab combo, do you mean his AAA? If so, then no.

As for the Up-B, I have not a clue, and no way to test it at the moment.


Smash Master
Oct 28, 2007
New York
The ZSS pic is gone. :( Now for some angel boy talk.

- Yoshi's I sland is definitely your best option for counterpick. Some other choices I like are Pokemon Stadium 1 and 2 and Luigi's Mansion. Probably because Pit can't fly to the other side from underneath is the reason why I like them.

- Pit's only use Up-B as their last option if all the other recovery methods have been used.

- Pit might be be able to WoP (Wall of Pain if somebody doesn't know) Ike.

- From the Pit's I've played, the f-air, b-air and f-smash are their primary killers. If they get the chance to, they can spike with the d-tilt.

- Mirror Shield can deflect Ike's recovery.

I'll search the Pit boards for more info.


Jun 2, 2008
Las Vegas, NV
Isn't it possible for Pit to D-throw to Nair/Uair at low %age for some damage/combo racking?

Anyway for my opinion on Pit, the guy will most likely start off the fight off with arrow spam, this is simple to get around with Rolldodge/Airdodge, however be careful as Pit can just hold on to the arrows and charge them up for some extra damage and knockback.

Whatever you do, DO NOT GET KNOCKED OFFSTAGE HERE!! Holy crap Pit can become a "Fallen Angel" nightmare if you happened to be out of the stage, that guy has so many ways to ruin you that you will be lucky if you make it back alive. He has arrows in which he can control his trajectory to siphon your second jump if you aren't careful(He's Link but better!). He can wait at the ledge and use Mirror Shield to turn you around and make you SD if you are again careless, and trying to punish him here probably won't do much good since the shield is capable of absorbing atttacks(Again, Better shield than link.)? Finally when he decides he would want to change it up the guy has 3 jumps and a glide, so consider the option that he can just bring the combat to himself if he feels pretty confident in taking you out with his own blades(He has his own swords and a better recovery, need I say it again?).

Fortunately Pit doesn't have to many kill options, and it doesn't help that our main man is quite the heavy person, so if Pit doesn't kill you by gimps it'll probably be a good while before he does it the good ol' fashioned way. Oh, that reminds me, Pit is rather light even with all the gear he has (Again, he's a Link but he doesn't fall like a rock), meaning Ike can kill Pit faster than he could kill him.

Pit has a pretty decent Side-B move which doesn't seems to prove much of a threat but if you get caught in it you will get up in the numbers. This also isn' too easy to punish if you're in front of him due to lots of things, for one it has some decent range, it can clank with a lot of attacks, and if you try to perform an attack he can just let the move die down for a small gust effect to push you away.

And then there is the Wings of Icarus, probably the downgraded version of R.O.B.'s over-B. It can cover a lot of vertical/horizontal distance for whatever the situation calls, however Pit will only use this move as a last resort recovery. If he tries to hover over you with this answer with Aether, he can't airdodge when he has this move triggered. Do be warned that he can use this to fake you out if you are waiting to find a gimp against him, with stages like Final Destination he can just fly to the other side of the stage and grab the ledge there, or he can confused you and MAKE it look like he's going over there but shortly after he will go for the ledge you were formally at. Now with that in mind also consider Pit can glide, if he can still do this he probably will.

Oh and just for kicks Pit also has similiar smashes like Link, except his side and up smash come out faster, and there might be a difference with his down smash but I can't find one

Among the neutral stages your best bet would have to be Yoshi's Island (Brawl), the stage is rather small so that doesn't give Pit much room on the ground to work with, he can't WoI or Glide under the stage because there's a wall there, so he has no choice but to grab the ledge/hover to the other side over your head but again he probably doesn't want to do this with Ike.

As for counterpick Stages there appears to be a lot of options, Luigi's Crib Mansion has a similiar setup to Yoshi' Private Island, also if the Mansion is up you know if he tries to arrow spam they're only going to go one way: straight.

Corneria again is on your side here. Even though it has an underbelly, the gap is too big for any Pit user to do anything very risky to try and make it to the other side of the map without gliding, and the ledges are very close to the blastzones which means if Pit hasn't already killed you you will most likely safely make it back. Speaking of blastzones Corneria has very close Blastzones, so that means you will be able to kill Pit even faster, just be careful he can use the same tactic to score kills on you (but remember he has a harder time with this than you).


Jun 2, 2008
Las Vegas, NV
It's called mindgames son. XD

But really I would like to see why Kenji doesn't approve, other than little up-down movement in the hallways (which can be destroyed), I see no downside to Luigi's place.


Smash Master
Oct 28, 2007
New York
It's called mindgames son. XD

But really I would like to see why Kenji doesn't approve, other than little up-down movement in the hallways (which can be destroyed), I see no downside to Luigi's place.
Well the only thing I can think of is that once the manison is destroyed, Pit has more room to Arrow Loop but that doesn't really screw over Ike.

Maybe Kenji just does bad on that stage against Pit. *shrugs*


Smash Champion
Feb 2, 2008
We will after we get all the characters done.... We did have them for about a day, but everyone was arguing over them too much.... xD
This is the reason, more or less. It's perfectly fine to argue, but if we do it now, it'll take the spotlight off the current character.


Smash Champion
Nov 19, 2007
is it like omg projectiles better hide behind a pillar now.
Eh.... You shouldn't really purposely trying to hide behind them... xD They just really help...

I think the fact that Pit can't go under the stage here is what makes it worse for him... =P


Smash Champion
Nov 19, 2007
1. It's a camp-happy stage (unless you're Sonic)
2. It ***** your approach
3. When you break it, it becomes FD with a higher ceiling.
4. It buffs arrows and side-B (aka camping)
5. Dtilt -> dtilt -> dtilt -> dtilt/sideb
Yeah, fine... Just CP Corneria then... -_-;; Sorry...


Smash Journeyman
Aug 31, 2008
ok this guide is looking good so far and thanx for the quick answer.


Smash Champion
Feb 2, 2008
As I play a fairly good Pit on a few occasions, I think I'd like to say that I'm fond of Onett as a counterpick. Ike can get vertical KOs well enough, he can CG on the wall then hold as a car comes by. Pit can't do much arrow-wise to you. I always seem to win on that stage, but that may just be because the person I play is poor on it. Any opinions?


Smash Legend
Mar 9, 2008
New Jersey (South T_T)
Yoshi's Island for life. Get mirrored onto a ghost (rofl)

I seriously need to find a pit... (No Pit's in NJ... at least i never ran into any...)


Smash Champion
Feb 2, 2008
It matters little where he got that picture from, all that matters is that it is a fantastic G&W picture. Super Spoiler:
Game and Watch is now number 13.
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