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Q&A How to Wreck *****es with Ganon?- Linguini Q&A Thread

Pawls to the Wall

Smash Journeyman
May 2, 2010
____Houston, Texas____ Posts: 1,071 +
I got first seed in R1 pools. I had Doll, Reneblade, Sunshine, and Tubes. R2 I lost to a falcon player called "Emma Watson's Boyfriend." NoobKing's brother f***ed me up hard. His falco is tooo beast. He got first seed in R2.

VirusBlueMage trolled me so bad, haha, he even gave me his business card after winning. It was 2-1 and I got laser camped on Stadium. He wouldn't approach at all most of the time. I've gotta touch up my powershielding cuz I was flawless earlier in the day, but I couldn't seem to get a single one against VBM. I think his laser timing was different.


Smash Hero
Sep 8, 2005
Colver, PA
we were playing 4 ganon - free for alls.

I down b spiked all three of them at the same time, I stood up and screamed SUCK MY BALLLLS!

Pawls to the Wall

Smash Journeyman
May 2, 2010
____Houston, Texas____ Posts: 1,071 +
you lost to EWBF paul?

guess he does have ganon training...me and him play about once a week.
Yeah I did. I was wreckin falcons round 1. I don't really remember the matches against EWBF at all. In any case, I got a lot better at this tournament, discovered strengths and weaknesses, and I'm really looking forward to training for my next one.

Pawls to the Wall

Smash Journeyman
May 2, 2010
____Houston, Texas____ Posts: 1,071 +
Second round pools I was beyond tired and felt very sick so I ended up forfeiting because if I didn't have my A game I wasn't getting out of a pool with ChuDat, Mewtwoking, Mojo, GunBlade, and Zorro in it.. xD A lot of the reason I didn't keep playing was from pool 1 to pool 2 there was a like 3 hour duration where no one did anything soo we were just kind of free floating and I ended up getting out of the mood.
That's my boy, he's got plenty of Ganon exp. Did he go fox or falcon? His Falcon is much more deadly in my opinion. How'd the set go?


Smash Champion
Oct 25, 2007
Miami, FL (Ives Dairy)
We need to discuss every viable option against Sheik. This ***** is mad annoying. lmao I'd hate to say it, but I don't think having a strong ground game really does much against her. She just can space everything you do in retaliation, and her priority just overrides anything Ganon can do. I want to make this matchup at least 60-40, and not 70-30 at least, so what I propose is what can Ganon do against sheik and how does it work, so any input in this would be helpful whether it be small or not.


Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2009
Greensboro, NC
personally, i'm learning fox.


i used to say a strong platform game can do things. making sheik chase you, and then leaving her above you can give ganon the advantage. but you have to find ways to get down without her comboing you from below, but still draw her up there for you to be below her. I can't fight sheik without a top platform, cause although that's where she gets some of her strength from, the only way i can get under her, is to force her to get on a side platform. either i can cut off the path to the side platform, or i get hits in when they're coming up. getting hits during inter-platform transitions seems vital in this matchup.

either way, i'm gonna learn how to push buttons and just usmash and uair the hoe.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 12, 2008
Crouch cancel, grab, grab, grab, grab... Do whatever you can to get grabs, then chaingrab to death.
I have it easier than you guys though, she can't chaingrab me back in PAL so I just have to lure her in.

On a side note, I came 4th in a UK tourney a few weeks ago, repping that Ganon from across the atlantic.


Smash Hero
Sep 8, 2005
Colver, PA
That's my boy, he's got plenty of Ganon exp. Did he go fox or falcon? His Falcon is much more deadly in my opinion. How'd the set go?
I forfeit my pool so unless you are talking about GunBlade or M2k, I didn't play anyone in my second round of pools.

- I was really surprised to see the number of ganon mains at the tournament, So many people I had never heard of were using him and using him VERY well. I couldn't literally turn a corner without someone playing him on the next TV and It was fun to watch. I repeat, Fun to watch.. I enjoy watching good ganons do what they do but I do not think it's for me anymore.


Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2009
Greensboro, NC
so renth, are you trying to switch to that fox of yours altogether?

also, i think i've finally decided to become the next big good ganon. it seems as if linguini is trying (although, i doubt he'll stay gone) to fade from the scene outside of florida. i wanna be the very best, like no one ever was.

although, since pound V, i think i've modeled my play moreso after rockcrock's. maybe i'll slow down soon, but goddamn, that guy is so fast, and just does whatever he wants, as long as the situation allows it. it's so aggro but so effective.


Smash Legend
Aug 6, 2006
Montreal, Quebec
so renth, are you trying to switch to that fox of yours altogether?

also, i think i've finally decided to become the next big good ganon. it seems as if linguini is trying (although, i doubt he'll stay gone) to fade from the scene outside of florida. i wanna be the very best, like no one ever was.

although, since pound V, i think i've modeled my play moreso after rockcrock's. maybe i'll slow down soon, but goddamn, that guy is so fast, and just does whatever he wants, as long as the situation allows it. it's so aggro but so effective.
Do you really think I'm going away from the scene that easily? =) You'll have to get by me first!

Edit: Yay I know you do, however I also like to fight Foxes with Ganon, the punch on their noses is so satisfying.

Pawls to the Wall

Smash Journeyman
May 2, 2010
____Houston, Texas____ Posts: 1,071 +
We need to discuss every viable option against Sheik. This ***** is mad annoying. lmao I'd hate to say it, but I don't think having a strong ground game really does much against her. She just can space everything you do in retaliation, and her priority just overrides anything Ganon can do. I want to make this matchup at least 60-40, and not 70-30 at least, so what I propose is what can Ganon do against sheik and how does it work, so any input in this would be helpful whether it be small or not.
Crouch Cancel angled down F-tilt (or even without the crouch cancel) was **** when I was playing Tope. Our match would have been much closer had I not blown 2 perfectly good chaingrabs. However, he still beat me while probably sandbagging in a friendly. I didn't play any other known sheik players.


Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2009
Greensboro, NC
well kage, i don't think i'll be the only one. just the next one to rise up. i've been around for about a year and a half; it's about time i stepped out of the shadows and rose up. linguini, you, rockcrock, and chaddd will all still be better than me for a little while, but i plan on blasting through within the next year.

edit: yo yay, we need to make sure we get some seriouslies outside of tournament. i need to **** ur fox some.

everlasting yayuhzz

Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2007
swaggin' to da maxxx
Do you really think I'm going away from the scene that easily? =) You'll have to get by me first!

Edit: Yay I know you do, however I also like to fight Foxes with Ganon, the punch on their noses is so satisfying.
you gotta punch me first *****aa

we need to play some next time we're in the same place. i need to kick you around you ganon looking mofo! <3

chris. we in here

G. Vice

Smash Lord
Jun 15, 2007
so renth, are you trying to switch to that fox of yours altogether?

also, i think i've finally decided to become the next big good ganon. it seems as if linguini is trying (although, i doubt he'll stay gone) to fade from the scene outside of florida. i wanna be the very best, like no one ever was.

although, since pound V, i think i've modeled my play moreso after rockcrock's. maybe i'll slow down soon, but goddamn, that guy is so fast, and just does whatever he wants, as long as the situation allows it. it's so aggro but so effective.
I wanna be the next big good ganon! :(


Feral Youth
Sep 27, 2006
Cbus, Ohio
Holy ****, I just played smash for 9 hours at a smashfest. Sheik is still a ***** I have to pull out the bird for.

Falcon 3 person ffas, one red, one white (pink) and one blue, america match. epic ****


Smash Legend
Aug 6, 2006
Montreal, Quebec
I played 2 days in a row, about 11 hours of smash.. I want to win badly. =P

Edit: Sheik.. Well I think you have to be good at pressuring Sheik.. force her inside her shield. Space fairs and downtilt/forward tilt.. You can CC her dash attack and ftilt into your own downtilt/jab or grab as well. Watch out for the bait jab though, dont always jab after an aerial... you can go for a grab for try to bair inside her fair.


Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2009
Greensboro, NC
oh G.Vice, i think he means between you and me.

you have combo vids out though, so people already know you.

it's funny though, once some people saw my ganon, they started singing the song to bizzaro flames techskill video (D-D-D-D-D-DIE!)

soon, people will know my ganon for me...

G. Vice

Smash Lord
Jun 15, 2007
oh G.Vice, i think he means between you and me.

you have combo vids out though, so people already know you.

it's funny though, once some people saw my ganon, they started singing the song to bizzaro flames techskill video (D-D-D-D-D-DIE!)

soon, people will know my ganon for me...
Oh I understand what he meant now.

I don't know man, having a combo vid is cool and all, but cause I'm in school and I go to church on weekends I don't get to travel much, so basically nobody besides the midsouth has played me. Combo videos aren't worth just a whole lot in the grand scheme of things, but they are highly entertaining. My next video is underway though, so I am pretty hype about it, it's alot better than the first one for sure.


sugoi ~ sugoi ~
Dec 8, 2009
Columbus, Ohio
I'm gonna get DippN to teach me the way of Ganondorf. I was watching him at the fest yesterday and was really impressed.

There are a lot of Ganon players in Columbus.


Smash Hero
Feb 5, 2008
Lake Mary, Florida
We played right? I remember your name...
i only remember playing vs linguini's ganon and some black ganon player
maybe i did some teams stuff but i tend to blot out teams cause i'm bad at them

i dropped like ~70$ in my MM's, MM'd vanz, plank, lovage, phish it, kaostar, linguini, nando, vish(vist? a falcon player) no cash, eggm


Feral Youth
Sep 27, 2006
Cbus, Ohio
I'm gonna get DippN to teach me the way of Ganondorf. I was watching him at the fest yesterday and was really impressed.

There are a lot of Ganon players in Columbus.
call me whenever juu, and thanks i feel flattered. And yeah, I went from being the only ganon player, for two years since JoeBushman111 quit, to now being surrounded by 3 or 4 others. I think BDC stopped playing though :\ a shame, he improved drastically between just three tournaments.

Blargh.. /nostalgia. seeya next thursday


Smash Apprentice
Feb 10, 2011
Brentwood, TN
Ganon ledge stuff question stuff
How many frames (if any) of non-invincibility does Ganon have when performing the edgedrop, DJ, waveland backward back onto the edge?


Feral Youth
Sep 27, 2006
Cbus, Ohio
Going on what Pawls said, I'd assume that since you're regrabbing the edge, as long as you fast fall, you should be invulnerable during the entirety, Keep in minc though, they can still grab the edge before you.

I'm not positive on this, but it seems if you have enough time to ledgehop waveland jab, you'd have enough to waveland back and grab the ledge. The only idea I can think of that would prove you don't have full invuln frames, is that you have to jump over the ledge and slightly into the stage before wavelanding back, instead of just jumping up high enough to waveland onto the stage. That small window might end up making you vulnerable before you regrab the edge from a waveland -> regrab.

definitely worth AR, the more ledge options we get, the better.
I can already imagine calling out a marth fsmash with the reverse waveland edge grab then wavelanding on into a grab combo. Instinctively good marths might try an ftilt or downtilt first. An fsmash would leave them way too open. Depends on how confident they are I spose lol
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