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HOBO 18: R.I.P metaknight=Meta banned(Full results up!!!!! Pics/vids coming soon!!)

Espy Rose

Dumb horse.
May 31, 2006
Congratulations. You beat an extremely rusty player that had no time to warm up at all. The players in that Melee event were randoms, just like you. Given some actual practice time, my experience would have given me the tools to take you all out.
A good player doesn't need time to warm up. :p

I'll come to the next HOBO, I swear it.


Smash Cadet
Oct 25, 2008
Austin, TX
Thanks for coming out bro!

I enjoyed the few games we had, I have very little experience against Sonic so it was refreshing playing something other than freaking Wario. Come down to the next one and maybe we can play on a Wii that doesn't act gay.
That was the most ****** up thing ever, wasn't it? But yeah, I'm getting out there now. See how far this Sonic takes me.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 23, 2007
hobo 18 was amazing, thanks for making this event so much fun for me considering i've been off and on the last few months, this makes me want to play more,

and pick up a new character! :)


Roy: we did awesome! <3

Dave: i love you

Brent berwick: Your smile brightens my day even more now that i can see the brilliant radiant glow that was hidden behind those braces :)

Kuro: good job man! i underestimated you, i wont make that mistake again :), you won't be so lucky next time! :p

KRD: gj in teams keep playing D3, you've gotten better! your partner was annoying though :S

tallman: lets never team again!! i hate you!!!
internet sarcasm

Gea: this tournament was awesome those jokes and pickup lines are too good

Lee martin: THE RAGIN' CAJUN!! I <3 LONG TIME! seriously though fun seeing you again man

Xyro: I want more low tier doubles!! me and roy got this next time! :)

Beah: sorry it took so long to get your headband back to you, 8 months? ily though! we still need to play 40K

Dphat: you are the smash doubles antichrist lol

UTD Zac: im bringin ya a snack pack next tournament!

Bwett+Fogo: much love guys

Light: i want more shiek friendlies at the next one! your shiek is like champ status


Smash Master
Apr 16, 2008
Charleston, West Virginia
Actually smoom is a very good player. He just lacks exp. He is the FIRST ice climber to be able to beat people WITHOUT the infinite. Hes legit and earned his win.
He did hobble you in the end, and hobbling is still an infinite. NO JOHNS!

But yeah, Smoom got a lot better. I'm going to leave him as the young IC user in my place while I take the spot as Texas's Wolf.

Kingdom Come

Smash Lord
Mar 8, 2009
Spring, Texas
That was the most ****** up thing ever, wasn't it? But yeah, I'm getting out there now. See how far this Sonic takes me.
Yea it was lol. If you come down maybe we could team up for low tier doubles if that goes down. I'll prob team with KRD or my brother for reg dubs.

And Inui.......


.....We never got to finish our Ganon dittos.......




Oct 27, 2007
Gravity Falls, OR
Oh yeah, I forgot to give Furbs a shoutout. After not seeing you for so long, I enjoyed seeing you again last night. Had a good time talkin' Final Fantasy at Jack in the Box, and I loved the return of the Scooby suit!

Kingdom Come

Smash Lord
Mar 8, 2009
Spring, Texas
I'm surprised Tallman and Furbs haven't said anything about how I gayed them.

And I am going to apologize for playing like a douche, but man rubbing it into Furbs face was actually funny, he was like "That's ****ed up!"


Smash Champion
Nov 10, 2006
Lemoore, CA
Switch FC
Hey guys, SA had a good time.

Xyro/Dugfinn - Thanks for the great tourney. Next time we will bring Espy and others along.

Seiya - That was super gay that we had to play each other first round. I'm glad I got to play you though. :)

PX - Hey good to see you again. I'll give the stuff to Santi, or give it to KM to give it to Santi.

SMOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM - Hey guy sorry I had to drop out of the LT Doubles. I swear next time we will team.

Takeyourlife - Hey great games at BlazBlue. Love your interesting Jin. Next time I won't lose to your Jin.

Houston has very hot asian's there.....I swear if I go to stay/visit...I'm gonna be arrested. But loved that side of town.

Much love to all of TEXAS <3


Smash Ace
Feb 1, 2009
Brownsville, Tx (RGV)
shoutouts: :)

vorgy: i love you and thanks for everything nakama
fk1: BRO!!!! it was great hanging out with you man best zss in the sw will have to be decided another day:
broly : good **** getting ninth rep that rgv son
razer : i have accepted the fact that we will NEVER play lulz
fogo: youre cool as **** man and thanks for the friendlies
gnes : you ***** me hard in our mm youre too good
px: good seeing you and good **** beating inui
bassem: I HATE YOU jk jk youre EXTREMELY good hopefully next time i wont have to play you in both brackets
sethlon : gg's man my heart has never beat that fast while playing brawl
kates: good **** on getting same place as me. the student has become the master
lee: was REALLY fun playing you man i hope we can play more in later tournies
hyro: playing doubles with you was too much fun your zss is a beast
cyphus: thanks for the blue moon it put me to bed
seiya: i love you man. you need to come down here at some point
light: forever my tourney smoking buddy


Smash Ace
Feb 1, 2009
Brownsville, Tx (RGV)
shoutouts part deux :) :)

bear : youre to cool man we need to hang more
dphat: you owe me ciggarretes you *****
dina: your cookies are amazing :)
tallman: we shouldve done our mm sooner im sure both of us were extremely drained but either way gg's

everyone else i forgot i love you and hopefully see you next time

<3 texas


Smash Lord
Jul 14, 2007
CS2G - Hyperbolic Time Chamber
lol your gunna get infracted for double posting, i <3 you though. its cool you probably won't ever get your cigs from dphat, he owes me a pack too =] Though he did give me a pack when we went to Apex, though i still shared it with him haha

Kingdom Come

Smash Lord
Mar 8, 2009
Spring, Texas
Man, that weed intake was crazy. There was like a mexican clique and everytime they walked by you could smell how strong that **** was.

Hobo 18 was fun


Smash Journeyman
Jun 19, 2008
Dallas, TX
I just want to say that because of HOBO 18...I love hugs a little bit more now. I need more hugs, please. :)

The MC Clusky

Smash Lord
Jul 18, 2007
San Antonio, TX
Actually smoom is a very good player. He just lacks exp. He is the FIRST ice climber to be able to beat people WITHOUT the infinite. Hes legit and earned his win.

No johns. You did bad, its ok. Everybody has bad days.

I KNEW there was something wrong. I can tell these things, my boy! And you won fair and square, each grab you landed you made it count WITHOUT the infinite. I am 100% ok losing to you. You eared that win. Im proud of you.

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hearing this from you is AWESOME!!!!!!! Thanks, we did AWESOME in low tier teams! I stock tanked/bult up damage while you KO everybody=TEAM WORK!

Roy doesnt realy play anymore. He works more than plays. He showed up for low tier though and did VERY well. Furbs yoshi grab release to royr' KNEE......SICK

Ok i guess i wasnt clear on some things YET AGAIN!

First off, PZ! THANK YOU for allowing us to come back and hold another event at your venue. There were some problems but it wasnt due to YOU. This smash event was thrown at you very very late so you didnt have enough tim to prepare for it(thats my fault). Not to mention, i pick one heck of a bad time to ask you to hold brawl event......half your staff was gone doing the anime thingy(again my fault). Yes it was cramped, but to be fair, we have been in much were so being cramped wasnt all that bad. I LOVED the event and i have no regrets. Its just next time i will ask you much earlier on because you and that other dude were trying to run you business AND take care of the smashers....thats tough to do.

About the lock-in: I CALLED IT OFF and got Dugfin to tell PZ!!!!!!!!!

Again this had to do with the timing of all of this. It was TOO SHORT of a notice(yet again, this is my fault). At first, PZ said they could do it(which is great) but then i learned they would need to get staff taken away from the dallas anime thing to be able to do the lock-in and that didnt sit right with me because.......

What if they bring in staff for the lockin and only 7-9 people stay? I would feel horrible for having staff taken away from a convention for only 9 players.

Since i didnt have ANY confirmed players for the lock-in i called it off. Yea i could have told PZ "since we cant do the lock-in and the timing was bad, lets call of the event" but i didnt. Dugfinn and PZ already said hobo18 CAN be at PZ(with or without lockin) so im not gonna back on out of it.

About the De Angelo ordeal. PZ simply ask De angelo to stay away for ONE day because of PAST events. Weth PZ or De Angelo was in the right or wrong, its the way it was so roll with it and leave it be. The cops issue was dumb because had De angelo left when he was asked to that WHOLE shabang would NOT have happened the way it did(and de angelo im not siding against you, im simply tellin the easiest way to solve that situation). John owns PZ(or runs it) his rules are the law, just follow it. I do, the players do, just do it.

LONG STORY SHORT! HOBO 18 was a great event that players will remember. it was a trip down memory lane for MANY of us and it was a fresh new expericnce for others. The players had fun, and 95% of us would want to come back. THANKS AGAIN for the chance to hold another HOBO at PZ!

When we do it again i WILL make sure its in ADVANCE so i dont put you on the spot like that again.

SHOUT OUTS in my next post, sorry guys!

@Xyro: You're really being too nice on PZ Allan. He told you he would get the room cleared, and he simply didn't come through with it.

The first cop did not find anything wrong with De Angelo standing around outside PZ. He was not harassing anyone. The parking lot is not PZ property.

The second group of cops were friends of PZ John because De Angelo said they have had to bust up people that have gotten mad at PZ John many many times in the past. To see the police take no initiative to investigate the situation and just take someone's word for it, and second to come after one call didn't work, is just crap. That's not how the police should work.

If PZ's staff was going to be busy with Animefest (I'm pretty sure that was the convention that was mentioned) , he could have told you in advance.

And was the out of state bonus paid? I kept hearing there was suppose to be one. Unless that was for first only, it's not an issue.

The point was, it was a pretty inadequte venue and I didn't really enjoy the place.

@Emotiongear: it got too expensive to print the cards? I'm sorry, 1 dollar more than covers the cost of a plastic card. If anything you make MORE money just printing cards if people are dumb enough to throw them out instead of keeping them. It's silly for me to point it out in the first place, but I think it's silly to try to cover yourself with a poor excuse for the five dollar thing. It's a business, simply put, so it's not my call to say whether you have to pay 1 or 5 dollars for a card, but there's no reason to have to make a lame and untruthful excuse for it. As we say in the smash community, NO JOHNS.

There's various other things I could go into, but this is smashboards, not SRK, which your venue is completely and utterly banned from. Most smashers don't know the history of PZ. I've kept myself well informed of everything, and no, my only source is not De Angelo. I have spoke with many players across all games, and one thing is clear: you try to make yourself sound like a nice guy, but you've screwed many many players and companies and think it's not a problem, because there will be other people you haven't scammed yet for you to do business with.

As a Texas TO and a public relations major, you have completely and utterly failed to make your reputation good. You think it's better to simply find freash meat then to PAY YOUR PLAYERS and make amends. Gamers talk to each other, word gets around. Of course if you're gonna go broke, then go bankrupt and get out the arcade business.

Just don't go down as that guy who never paid out people, lied and broke many many promises, changes his story to suit his own needs (SBO qualifiers anyone?) and has people threaten him on a regular basis.

PAY YOUR DUES. End of the story.


Smash Lord
Apr 26, 2008
Houston, TX
Kuro- I HATE YOU FOR SANDBAGGING. i 3-0'd you in mm, then ya get so close in tourny set, WTF?
lmaoo. I played the matchup completely wrong, either that, or I suck against any Marth. Beah went him against me as well. :( No johns, your the best Marth I've played so far. I didn't camp till tourney matches lol. Your legit bro.

Kuro: good job man! i underestimated you, i wont make that mistake again :), you won't be so lucky next time! :p
lol, I suck. And I know, hopefully you won't be sick either. :( You seemed really cool, and I wanted to talk to you alotta' more but never got the chance to haha.

I missed my baby Esca and Gnes. Wanted to talk to them to. Maaaaaannnn.


See you in 25 years
May 16, 2009
Campgrounds, TX
Shout Outs

1: Ultimate Razer==Snake - why do you always win?
2: Gnes==Diddy - ur sexy ;)
5: Fogo==DDD - dude we have the same birthday! that makes us bros :)
5: Zori==Olimar(wtf) - PLAY PINK BOOTS!!!!!!
7: PhantomX==Wario - how do i upsmash instead of shield? lol fun friendlies, i was glad to see you take out inui
9: Ice==Snake - dude i freakin love you. i had fun chillin with you. by far one of my favorite smashers <3
13: Jerm==Toon Link - you're such a TL fan boy
13: FlipHop==Diddy - snake dittos on pictochat? mmm sexy <3
17: Kates==ZS - you're a girl... that means we need to play friendlies next time lol :)
17: Cy==Wario - good **** in teams! you were so close to taking out inui, once again good ****.
17: BadNewsBear==Marth/Pikachu/Snake - BEAH! i <3 beah :)
17: Shlike==ZS -fun friendlies :)
25: Xyro==Samus - best TO ever.
25: Trela==Lucario - TRASH
25: Magitek==Lucas - dude you're so chill, always good talking to you.
33: RT==Lucario - i'm happy we teamed :) you're my favorite panda <3
33: Seiya==Pit - seiya is top tier :)
33: Esca==Pit - still my favorite smasher <3 <3 <3
33: KuroZero==Falco/Snake - talk to me son! i still need to "wrap" that D3 :)
33: Smoooooooooooom==Legit IC - SMOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!! talk more son.
33: KRD==Wolf? - we need to finish our friendlies next time lol
49: Furbs==Yoshi - i had to get a penicillin after you ***** me in the scooby suit ._.
49: Vorguen==Snake - why do i love you so much? idk, but i do. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BKPoHgKcqag
65: HeyTallman==Lucas - dude good ****. with what you ask? PK FIRE PK FIRE PK FIRE
65: Axxo==Sonic - lol good seeing you again. i think the last time i saw you was hobo 13? long time.

Gea: always good seeing you too. teach me doubles you washed up doubles god you!

<3 you guys

Kingdom Come

Smash Lord
Mar 8, 2009
Spring, Texas
@Xyro: You're really being too nice on PZ Allan. He told you he would get the room cleared, and he simply didn't come through with it.

The first cop did not find anything wrong with De Angelo standing around outside PZ. He was not harassing anyone. The parking lot is not PZ property.

The second group of cops were friends of PZ John because De Angelo said they have had to bust up people that have gotten mad at PZ John many many times in the past. To see the police take no initiative to investigate the situation and just take someone's word for it, and second to come after one call didn't work, is just crap. That's not how the police should work.

If PZ's staff was going to be busy with Animefest (I'm pretty sure that was the convention that was mentioned) , he could have told you in advance.

And was the out of state bonus paid? I kept hearing there was suppose to be one. Unless that was for first only, it's not an issue.

The point was, it was a pretty inadequte venue and I didn't really enjoy the place.

@Emotiongear: it got too expensive to print the cards? I'm sorry, 1 dollar more than covers the cost of a plastic card. If anything you make MORE money just printing cards if people are dumb enough to throw them out instead of keeping them. It's silly for me to point it out in the first place, but I think it's silly to try to cover yourself with a poor excuse for the five dollar thing. It's a business, simply put, so it's not my call to say whether you have to pay 1 or 5 dollars for a card, but there's no reason to have to make a lame and untruthful excuse for it. As we say in the smash community, NO JOHNS.

There's various other things I could go into, but this is smashboards, not SRK, which your venue is completely and utterly banned from. Most smashers don't know the history of PZ. I've kept myself well informed of everything, and no, my only source is not De Angelo. I have spoke with many players across all games, and one thing is clear: you try to make yourself sound like a nice guy, but you've screwed many many players and companies and think it's not a problem, because there will be other people you haven't scammed yet for you to do business with.

As a Texas TO and a public relations major, you have completely and utterly failed to make your reputation good. You think it's better to simply find freash meat then to PAY YOUR PLAYERS and make amends. Gamers talk to each other, word gets around. Of course if you're gonna go broke, then go bankrupt and get out the arcade business.

Just don't go down as that guy who never paid out people, lied and broke many many promises, changes his story to suit his own needs (SBO qualifiers anyone?) and has people threaten him on a regular basis.

PAY YOUR DUES. End of the story.

PZ failed horribly IMO I am glad we are going back to Funplex. BTW PZ John are you going to be there at Funplex to "Support the Community" as you said you would? Or was that just something else you threw in there.

I'll be a bit hesitant to think about going to another PZ tourny. **** was crowded I cramped up a few times, no a/c got**** I was sweating hard, and then ****ing had all those arcade games that were there to take up space.

Funplex is better venue, I'm glad my crew couldn't come with me to PZ or else they woulda had a crappy time.


Smash Lord
Jul 14, 2007
CS2G - Hyperbolic Time Chamber
^^^ this, if more of my crew had come they might have been turned off to smash especially some of the people who had not gone to tournies yet

i will say though, about that sprite i bought, it was pretty much the most amazing thing i've ever experienced b/c it was so **** hot lol


Smash Lord
Apr 26, 2008
Houston, TX
P444444, gtfo. You didn't talk much at all :( You and your pimp color clothes dawww.

And Xyro, I went all Falco in tourney. Snake in a MM against Broly, and friendlies, that was it lol.


Unity Ruleset Committee Member
Aug 25, 2003
The first cop did not find anything wrong with De Angelo standing around outside PZ. He was not harassing anyone. The parking lot is not PZ property.
But to be fair he was also next to the door at times and next to the polls thats right by the door.

The second group of cops were friends of PZ John because De Angelo said they have had to bust up people that have gotten mad at PZ John many many times in the past. To see the police take no initiative to investigate the situation and just take someone's word for it, and second to come after one call didn't work, is just crap. That's not how the police should work.
How do you know what you just said was FACT? Did you speak with PZ/the cops and de angelo to find out ALL sides? Im not taking PZ or De angelos side. Im just saying. Wether PZ was in the wrong or not, if he asks you to leave, just leave. It may be screwed up but do it and move on.

If PZ's staff was going to be busy with Animefest (I'm pretty sure that was the convention that was mentioned) , he could have told you in advance.
They did. And i wasnt too worried because i can handle things by myself. However, after a while my conscience got to me and said "what if next to nobody stays for the lock-in? I just made PZ bring in staff from dallas when they were not needed here." It just didnt sit well with me since i couldnt confirm any sort of number of people. Ya know?

And was the out of state bonus paid? I kept hearing there was suppose to be one. Unless that was for first only, it's not an issue.
yes, sir! it was paid. 100 to bassem and 100 to lee martin. the oos bonus was DUGFINN's sponsor's money. Not PZ's. just to clarify.

The point was, it was a pretty inadequte venue and I didn't really enjoy the place.
To be fair, it was cramped and it was hot. Drink station for hobo 13(or was it 14) wa worse IMO.

And again, i am not siding with PZ or De angelo. I just want to see that maybe both side were at fault. MOST(95%) of the players didnt say " ill never come back here again!" They had fun.


Smash Champion
Nov 10, 2006
Lemoore, CA
Switch FC
OH ****. You. You're squritle is gaaay in plus. Play me at next hobo plz.
You wanna talk about one who isn't gay in B+, Zelda.

I'll meet you next HOBO if you wanna play again. :)

I don't use Zelda in B+ anyways cause if ****s with my game in rege Brawl.


Unity Ruleset Committee Member
Aug 25, 2003
Low Tier 2vs2

1: Mike The Headless Chicken (Inui + Xyro)==IKE+SAMUS
2: Hylian+Lee Martin==IKE+IKE
3: Captn Crow (UTDZac + Beah)==ZELDA+MARIO
4: Inui AIDS fest 09 (Royr + Furbs)==FALCON+YOSHI
5: Exposed Sheep (Razer + Gnes)==JIGGS+NESS/BOWSER
5: The Resistance (Dv8ion + pheonic Alpha)==NESS+LUCAS
7: Weapons of *** Destruction (PX + CY)==GANON+NESS
7: Washed Up Doubles God And A Fathead (Tallman + Gea)==LUCAS+NESS
9: Cyphus+esca (Cyphus + esca)==MARIO+SAMUS
9: Maggie and ****fire (Kingdom Come + Magitek)==PKMN T+LUCAS
9: Tighter than a snorlax in a speedo (Zigsta + Magik)==PKMN T+PKMN T
9: PhatKid and Wett Dinosaur (Bwett + Dphat)==YOSHI+NESS
13: Hyrulian Royalty 15X (Batto + ARC)==????+????
13: Ice+p4 (Ice + p4)==PKMN T+NESS
13: HoneyButtaChickenBis (Jerm and Hyro)==LINK+JIGGS/LINK

guys, can any of you help me out? There is some missing data here and i need your help

The MC Clusky

Smash Lord
Jul 18, 2007
San Antonio, TX
THIS IS KING MOSQUITO'S ACCOUNT BTW. I've noticed most people didn't catch the name change, so I'm making it clear right now. I think I'll just change it back. MC Clusky is what I use as my handle in all the other communities.

@GH Neko: yeah I was a little bored with B+. Just wanted to play melee but the heat and price of the arcades was annoying me alot. But I still like (not as much as melee) but yeah, we'll play again sometime. As long as Funplex is the next venue, I'm coming back to Houston.

BTW guys Smash burger was right down the street from PZ and it's ****ing amazing. I wish we had that in San Antonio. SA krew loved the Westheimer strip and will be back again.


Sega Stockholm Syndrome.
Aug 13, 2007
You wanna talk about one who isn't gay in B+, Zelda.

I'll meet you next HOBO if you wanna play again. :)

I don't use Zelda in B+ anyways cause if ****s with my game in rege Brawl.
I want to MM your Zelda. There is no way I should of had that much trouble playing your Zelda with Marth.

No ****ing way. Even if my Marth still shows to have trouble, My Mario will keep your Zelda in check. Forever and always. I'll put twice as much money on Mario vs Zelda than on Marth vs Zelda in Plus. This is fact. And I speak truth.


Smash Champion
Nov 10, 2006
Lemoore, CA
Switch FC
UTD Zac: Your a hero in my eye right now. :)

@GH: Wow are you really that confident in your abilities in beating my Zelda?
I know Zelda like the back of my hand.

No way shape or form am I insulting you, but to be honest you need to learn to take a loss and make dues in the next game. If you wanna MM my Zelda with your Marth and Mario, then that's fine I don't care really.

Like I said before. I don't play B+ Zelda cause it ruins my rege Zelda in Brawl.


Smash Rookie
Jul 4, 2007
just a word of advice, being "warmed up" is only a legit john if your missing mad amounts of tech skill, ****ty edge guards and ****ty tactics dont involve being warmed up, you either know what to do or you dont, running toward a fox and blocking over and over and over without dodging or jump neutral or anything? ur gonna tell me that was a tech skill problem? were u expecting to not get grabbed into upkicks? seriously stop johning and get better, gj getting 2nd though doubles god :laugh:

ok well shout outs real quick

bear and sethlon - for ****** my handi marth :( doubles made me sad lol

kate - get abused by lucario haha, j/k it was all jokes around u just for kicks hope you didnt get mad and hope to hang with you and ur crew again

lucario guy from kates crew - never got ur name but i was talking to u and sethlon outside of pz fun ****.

PhantomX - we'll get blazblue friendlies in soon :)

Melee guys - fun playing some good comp, being from such a small town its hard to play alot of diff players and get used to styles =( but i did well till the pain from lack of sleep / heat kicked in :( ***** my techy fox hah ill get ya next time for sure =)

seiya - thanks **** tons for giving us a place to stay / play games, ur a cool guy

not sure i missed anyone, i was playing so many other games i didnt really get to know alot of smash players, probably cause i didnt play a game of brawl the whole time aha and i played less then 10 friendlies before the tourney.

o about the whole pz thing, it was amazing for me since i play so many of those games on a decent level, so the experience i gained vs great players was fun, although i did hand out my fair share of perfects and ocvs hah good **** guys ill def go to the next hobo with brawlys crew

incase anyone didnt catch on this is fro btw
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