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HOBO 18: R.I.P metaknight=Meta banned(Full results up!!!!! Pics/vids coming soon!!)


Smash Champion
May 20, 2008
Houston, TX
thats not mks fault then. if mk/mk is winning y not be deemed best?
Because they had to switch to wario. And I didn't team with Gnes. We could of taken it.

Also what inui said, this region is lacking snakes and GW. Duffman wasn't there either.


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
Because they had to switch to wario. And I didn't team with Gnes. We could of taken it.

Also what inui said, this region is lacking snakes and GW. Duffman wasn't there either.
EC has boosted its number of good Snakes recently, but GaW is quite poor off in terms of numbers everywhere.


Not even death can save you from me
Sep 9, 2004
Switch FC
Great seeing everyone again, I had a blast. Thanks for being amazing texas <3.

Edit: I love LA as well :p.

Lee Martin

Smash Ace
Dec 22, 2005
Baton Rouge, LA
Inui, I'm not talking crap and you know i love you, but don't say like stuff like we wrecked lee and dphat first set and forced them to switch and crap. I told you multiple times I wasn't trying and i honestly just wasn't. idk why it was just amusing to me. I know utd zac could tell bc we've teamed multiple times but once me and dphat kicked it into real gear it was clearly obvious we would win. short story i wasnt worried not to sound cocky.

I had already split top 3 in singles and didn't really care tbh. Dphat wanted to win so i actually tried second set. It wasn't a big deal to me. idk..

MUCHO shoutouts later though. especially to xyro and inui yall are too good in low tier dubs :)
And dphat we wreck hard. ;) our styles compliment each other very well.

ALSO xyro. I never used snake once this tourney idk why he's by my name. i was all lucario/toon link/marth respectively.


Smash Ace
Dec 11, 2008
Houston Tx
Are you the guy with the punisher Tee? Just putting a name to the face so I know who to talk to next time I see you. You talk like you know me, yet I we have never spoke.
We could have saved the trouble of typing and talked about any issues you had in person.
You seem a little ignorant. The parking lot IS PZ property, I dont need to explain the terms of my contract, just take my word for it.
Just in case in you misses my previous posts, the point is not whether he was harrasing anyone. I told him to leave and he should have. End of story. I have the right to refuse service to anyone. No need for any type of investigations here.
Most of the cops on Westheimer know myself or Deneice and PZ. They will show up pretty quick if there is any kind of problem. This is why PZ is mostly problem free.

As for 'getting the room cleared', what room are you talking about? The storage room has no AC. I doubt that will work. And WE ALL knew about AnimeFest, Dugfinn tried to change the dates to HOBO but some of the peeps had already bought thier tickets. Dugfinn stayed back (while 16 people in her team went to AFest) because of HOBO. I ran PZ alone with only kensou's help because we couldnt change the dates.

What exactly are you talking about with the cards? So you rather me increase the cost of the actual card from $1 to $2 rather than put a minimum of $5 which belongs to the customer anyway? How does that make sense? I'm not charging $5 for the card, they are simply charging $5 worth of points which they can use whenever. Noone loses and there is no price increase on anything. The card has always cost $1. This isnt a big deal so no point in explaining it further.

Running a business isnt easy and you know VERY little facts about whats going on. If you want to keep informed, why dont you just simply come talk to me also. Did it occur to you there might be more to what is being thrown around. Its easy to talk **** or pretend to be an expert on a forum.

I dont make a big deal out of what the haters say and dont think I wont take care of the issues on SRK. In due time everything will be resolved. Regardless of what you think there is mutual respect between myself and MOST people. Most of the **** talkers have never even met me. The ones that have problems with me is usually because I have problems with them. As long as you respect my business, I will respect you. It's simple.

I remember a post on this very forum about all kinds of crazy crap that was told to Xero about PZ. How Deneice stole the pot money etc...lol. D'Angelo told me yesterday "I'll make sure HOBO never comes to PZ again" rofl He also showed me the keys to his brand new 5-bedroom house with a monthly morgage of $600 in Alief. This is all great entertainment but it doesnt do anything for me, you or this community.

Didnt we just have a 200 man tournament at Anime Matsuri with a $1000 cash pot bonus from us? And arent we planning to do another one in April? Its funny how you ignore things like this and cling on to who went to SBO and why. So u rather put in perspective the things you think I've done wrong as opposed to the things I've done right? figures...

I have nothing personal with you, I understand D'Angelo is your friend. I'm not asking you to take my side, in the end actions will speak louder. My advise is, for now, just remain neutral. Whether we're cool or not is your choice.
1st and formost. I wouldnt go to far as saying anybody is ignorant when a person has to "LIE" to cover up there "LIES" they tell all the time. Lets talk about a few things!

John/Emotiongear: Dont disrespect any of the brawl players/TO (calling them IGNORANT) that come out of TOWN to come to xyros tournament and to check out Planet-Zero! As far as me being banned, YOU NEVER BANNED ME except for this past sat (((1 DAY ONLY SPECIAL))). I left PZ and stop going for 6months because I didnt want to support a place that doesnt support gamers. At the end of the day when i realized that im not here to play the owner/john in games, Im here to play my FRIENDS in games. It pisses me off to see your top tekken player not gettin paid his earnings. Why, CAUSE IM A GAMER, YOUR NOT!!!! YOU PAY HIM IN PZ POINTS, Not in hardcore cash that was collected as entry. And then you asked the tekken community for 5000$ to help keep the place open for another month. Thats what you call a FUNDRAISER! I know that you SCAMMED investors and so many people are after you. Thats why when you close and lock up. You look 3 to 4 times before gettin in your car. CAUSE YOU KNOW PEOPLE ARE COMING FOR YOU! For example: Why the change of location all of a sudden. Was it because 1 of the players threw a BRICK in your window and slashed your tires cause they got tired of YOU! Or busting out your car window! See you act like I dont know your business when you know and i know I DO! As was said, gamers talk. I been going up there for 3 1/2 years, and have seen kensou get points in the weeklies he didnt deserve, Not to mention the SBO spot. See, what you have to understand is that KARMA is here and it is haunting you. Thats why you try to come up with new scams that dont work like the RANBATS! They failed because you pay to enter a weekly and see no payout. Those lasted 6 weeks and you pulled the plug because NO ONE WAS SHOWING UP!

D'Angelo told me yesterday "I'll make sure HOBO never comes to PZ again" rofl He also showed me the keys to his brand new 5-bedroom house with a monthly morgage of $600 in Alief. This is all great entertainment but it doesnt do anything for me, you or this community.
EXPOSED LIE! How could I have told you this yesterday when you kicked me out of your venue the minute I got there. See, this is what im talking about. 1 lie leads to the next. I told you this at the desk 4 weeks ago On SAT Aug 8 and you asked me how I been. I told you my recent accomplishments! Dont go my telling personal business. I never said anything about 600$ morgage or 5 bedroom house. I said a 4 bedroom house. THATS IT! Apparently you have a lot of maturing to do because you dont know who your dealing with or what your dealing with when it comes to business and personal. Learn to separate those 2 things when you are in business. Dont drag my personal life (which is OFF TOPIC) into this! Back to the TOPIC!

Planet Zero is considered over Funplex for many reasons by the organizers (like Funplex wont let people leave the room for the duration of the lock-in, there has to be a minumim number of people, you must buy thier food, venue fee of $20 per person).
Whereas Planet Zero will let people leave if they choose to, work out a deal with Jack in the box to stay open all night for the players, leave all the games on freeplay all night, possibly work out a deal where we can charge $25 per head for venue fee but $20 for those signed up for the big tournament at Anime Matsuri.
I personally do not mind if HOBO is hosted at PZ or at Funplex. Either way I support this community and I'll still see everyone at the the big tournament (with the $1000 bonus cash pot)at Anime Matsuri. I hope so at least :)

This is not the first time Airbrushking has tried to cause drama between Planet Zero and the smash community (Last time, it got him banned from PZ and Anime Matsuri). Afterwards, He came to apologize to us in person and we gave him another chance. Now he's giving it another shot with his idiotic post and slanders. I wish him the best of luck with that.
EXPOSED LIE #2 When has there been a venue fee at funplex that was 20$. Every flyer says 7$. #3 Lie, Funplex wont let people leave the room? What are you talking about. When we do whobo2 at funplex, the players have a 7000 man space that xyro has scene for himself that they can walk around whenever they feel like instead of being crammed against each other in your venue! Last LIE, Please tell the truth on who paid that 1000$ at anime matsuri 2009? Last time I checked, you lost your sponsorship deal with nissan thats why your monthly carshow numbers have dropped!

Xyro: You told me the only reason why your going back to Planet-zero was because of the lock-in. You said this was a 1 time thing only. I dont understand, Why wasnt you told ahead of time that it coudnt of been done? John said that the place had NO AC. Why wasnt you told ahead of time? You promoted for almost a month and some days and they could of gave you notice alot sooner. Why, cause they knew that if they did, You would go somewere else and they wouldnt get there $$$. Honestly, the scam was set in stone. Also, You know when I book a date at funplex, they dont do this shady stuff saying its called off or saying im going to give you a room and not come through. You know and I know I had been 100% real with the brawl community about everything and I support them to the fullest. If John did then why didnt they take all the arcades out of the room and say I KEPT MY PROMISE as a BUSINESS OWNER. Instead, you let the brawl players BURN in your HEAT because your trying to save money on electricity! :embarrass Realize xyro that he is a LIAR and he doesnt care about you nor the smashers. $$$ comes first before any of you.

Stop being so nice to these people cause remember what john told me at the old location. After xyro and dugfinn throw enough tournaments here. We as Planet-Zero will not be using them anymore and either me or my staff will throw brawl tournaments. We want to get the players familar with the location thats why when I tell them dont come back, then the players will already know our location. WOW. And dont forget that they wanted me to run weeklies at PZ but got mad when I chose Play N Trade over them.

We had this talk so many times about what these people did in the past. I can most guarentee you that if my test your skills series would of been there like John wanted it to be, Then I wouldnt been banned. Just to be REAL! You know and I know what happened to the 1000$ Nissan sponsorship $$$ that was so called supposed to be paid! Lets just say that it wasnt paid out from Planet-Zero/Nissan. I will leave it at that...


Smash Master
Mar 23, 2008
Planking Gnes While He Watches Invincible Youth
Inui, I'm not talking crap and you know i love you, but don't say like stuff like we wrecked lee and dphat first set and forced them to switch and crap. I told you multiple times I wasn't trying and i honestly just wasn't. idk why it was just amusing to me. I know utd zac could tell bc we've teamed multiple times but once me and dphat kicked it into real gear it was clearly obvious we would win. short story i wasnt worried not to sound cocky.

I had already split top 3 in singles and didn't really care tbh. Dphat wanted to win so i actually tried second set. It wasn't a big deal to me. idk..

MUCHO shoutouts later though. especially to xyro and inui yall are too good in low tier dubs :)
And dphat we wreck hard. ;) our styles compliment each other very well.

ALSO xyro. I never used snake once this tourney idk why he's by my name. i was all lucario/toon link/marth respectively.
Not going to lie most fun in doubles ever even though I ran real hard lol. We should definitely do it again sometime Lee. :) <3 Lee for favorite smasher of the year :)


Smash Rookie
Sep 7, 2009
i dont post here on the boards but i figured i might as well start now because the tournament was pretty dope and the smash bro's community is simply one to admire.

big ups to duggfin and xyro for running the event, i'm sure you guys were hella tired after the whole shebang was all said and done.

double the big ups to broly! omg your marth was hella dope to watch and i enjoyed doing the brief commentary to show support. it was definitely a **** good close match between you and inui. keep it up bro definitely impressive~!!

just to touch base on some stuff i didnt agree with. keep in mind this is nothing personal and i apologize for posting this in a shoutout thread. on to the meat of things...

The point was, it was a pretty inadequte venue and I didn't really enjoy the place.
i'd like to call you a liar in that regard because i watched you play and it looked to me like you were having fun.

@Emotiongear: it got too expensive to print the cards? I'm sorry, 1 dollar more than covers the cost of a plastic card. If anything you make MORE money just printing cards if people are dumb enough to throw them out instead of keeping them. It's silly for me to point it out in the first place, but I think it's silly to try to cover yourself with a poor excuse for the five dollar thing. It's a business, simply put, so it's not my call to say whether you have to pay 1 or 5 dollars for a card, but there's no reason to have to make a lame and untruthful excuse for it. As we say in the smash community, NO JOHNS.
of course a person that doesnt own a business would say such a thing...the reality of the matter is that statement is a FACT. on a nightly basis we find at the very least 5-10 cards simply laying around the arcade. again on a NIGHTLY BASIS...keep that in mind. business ethics 101 on this is very simple, its called supply and demand and every business goes through it. the demand for the supply is high *aka the cards* cards are sold for $1 with a $5 minimum to insure that the demand is met. its not a hard concept to grasp, dave and busters minimum is $10 imagine that? does this mean the business is doing bad as you claim? not in the slightest it simply means that business is doing good if its stock supply is running out. again the concept of supply and demand isnt hard to understand.

There's various other things I could go into, but this is smashboards, not SRK, which your venue is completely and utterly banned from. Most smashers don't know the history of PZ. I've kept myself well informed of everything, and no, my only source is not De Angelo. I have spoke with many players across all games, and one thing is clear: you try to make yourself sound like a nice guy, but you've screwed many many players and companies and think it's not a problem, because there will be other people you haven't scammed yet for you to do business with.

As a Texas TO and a public relations major, you have completely and utterly failed to make your reputation good. You think it's better to simply find freash meat then to PAY YOUR PLAYERS and make amends. Gamers talk to each other, word gets around. Of course if you're gonna go broke, then go bankrupt and get out the arcade business.
right because SRK governs all of the nation's gaming communities right? i wont discredit your sources because everyone has an opinion correct? however calling a place a scam that you walked into on your own accord is quite baffling...if you felt that way why did you come in? many people have opinions about the place, its up until people step in and realize its not what was said. so hear say only does so much.

the reputation you speak of is only perhaps geared towards you. again you went off hear say and you still showed up...i question you as to why? now, of course you'd bring up things about go bankrupt, i hope you fail bla bla bla...you dont run or own a business and you think its easy to keep things up when you're not the man under the gun. thats a pretty subtle way of saying it i must say.

Just don't go down as that guy who never paid out people, lied and broke many many promises, changes his story to suit his own needs (SBO qualifiers anyone?) and has people threaten him on a regular basis.

PAY YOUR DUES. End of the story
now i take offense to the sbo quals comment simply because i was in that. now if you had an issue with it or felt like you had anything to say about it you coulda talked to me this weekend and i'd have gladly spoke about the situation. just so you know, nothing personal but dont speak on things you have no real understanding about.

and for the record...PZ has paid its dues and is STILL paying dues as we speak. paying dues is simply apart of life.

The MC Clusky

Smash Lord
Jul 18, 2007
San Antonio, TX
i'd like to call you a liar in that regard because i watched you play and it looked to me like you were having fun.
I never played on any of the arcades, and I was there for Melee. I had fun playing Melee, and seeing my friends. Like anyone would say, friends is a reason they go to a place. I enjoyed being with my friends, not the venue. There's a difference.

of course a person that doesnt own a business would say such a thing...the reality of the matter is that statement is a FACT. on a nightly basis we find at the very least 5-10 cards simply laying around the arcade. again on a NIGHTLY BASIS...keep that in mind. business ethics 101 on this is very simple, its called supply and demand and every business goes through it. the demand for the supply is high *aka the cards* cards are sold for $1 with a $5 minimum to insure that the demand is met. its not a hard concept to grasp, dave and busters minimum is $10 imagine that? does this mean the business is doing bad as you claim? not in the slightest it simply means that business is doing good if its stock supply is running out. again the concept of supply and demand isnt hard to understand.
So you find 5-10 cards lying around? You're telling you simply can't reuse them? It's not like I don't know how charge cards work, I used to deal with them myself. At this point I'm going to drop this arguement because quite frankly it wasn't really that important to begin with. I think we can both agree on it. I just didn't see why it started.

right because SRK governs all of the nation's gaming communities right? i wont discredit your sources because everyone has an opinion correct? however calling a place a scam that you walked into on your own accord is quite baffling...if you felt that way why did you come in? many people have opinions about the place, its up until people step in and realize its not what was said. so hear say only does so much.

the reputation you speak of is only perhaps geared towards you. again you went off hear say and you still showed up...i question you as to why? now, of course you'd bring up things about go bankrupt, i hope you fail bla bla bla...you dont run or own a business and you think its easy to keep things up when you're not the man under the gun. thats a pretty subtle way of saying it i must say.
Again, I was there for the smash tournament. Nothing else. Granted, I didn't really like the place (hot/cramped/etc), which is why I didn't buy drinks or play on the arcade machines.

I would also say SRK is the biggest community of people that play fighting games, which is the BnB of hardcore arcades. And to have not have the general support of that is a big loss.

now i take offense to the sbo quals comment simply because i was in that. now if you had an issue with it or felt like you had anything to say about it you coulda talked to me this weekend and i'd have gladly spoke about the situation. just so you know, nothing personal but dont speak on things you have no real understanding about.
I'm sorry you did get offended by that Kensou, I was directing that at Emotiongear, not at you. Yes, I do know you were involved in that, but I didn't want to bring that up at PZ because I only felt it would be something you wouldn't want to talk about. I'm willing to listen, so if you and I cross paths again I would actually be interested in hearing your side. I don't think PZ would be the place to do it though.

and for the record...PZ has paid its dues and is STILL paying dues as we speak. paying dues is simply apart of life.
Is it unbanned from SRK? That's the exact promise Wizard gave. If the players are paid, then they will be unbanned. There's a reason why Xyro handles all the money himself at the smash tournaments. They've already been mentioned in this thread.

I probably shouldn't have gotten involved in this argument, but I still felt compelled as a member of many fighting game communities.

As for Emotiongear claiming you would talk things out, I would call that bluff because you called the cops on De Angelo, without giving a reason. I'm quite sure if I started bringing up a large number of uncomfortable things in the arcade, it would have been the same fate for anyone else. Calling the cops AGAIN after it didn't work the first time? Classy. Real classy. You didn't have to give a reason (you said it yourself, its your business and you don't need a reason to ban people), but your actions did speak very loud.

Also, Xyro was NOT informed about De Angelo being banned in advance. We had to fill him in on what was happening because Xyro was busy running his tournament.


Smash Lord
Sep 17, 2008

1. Razer: thanks for playing me in 2 sets. too bad kosmos can still use peach against me =(. but ill get you next time =). too good man.

2.Gnes: Awesome set in brackets. Shame I didn't get the chance to play you in friendlies. I gotta get better at gimping.

13. Bwett: You should have won that set in bracktes. Happy b-day man. wish you could have come to tokyo one with us.

13. Fliphop: Great set, really turned up the heat on me after the first life in every match.

25. Ozz: Nice meeting another falco. First falco that i can't complain about in awhile.

25. Trela: Thanks for playing friendlies with me. Hopefully next time i catch you on a good day.

25. Phoenix Alpha: Sorry I called you Phantom X at dallas! and thanks for helping me in pokemon silver!

25. Magik: Awesome PT! you're the first decent one ive played in awhile!

33. Seiya: thanks for housing me and letting me sleep in your room! I wish we got to play.

33. Koala: Nice to meet you, Hope you were good being int he same room as Bassem and Dphat!

33. Kurozero: another good Falco! nice to meet you.

Sorry if i missed anybody else.


Unity Ruleset Committee Member
Aug 25, 2003
As for Emotiongear claiming you would talk things out, I would call that bluff because you called the cops on De Angelo, without giving a reason. I'm quite sure if I started bringing up a large number of uncomfortable things in the arcade, it would have been the same fate for anyone else. Calling the cops AGAIN after it didn't work the first time? Classy. Real classy. You didn't have to give a reason (you said it yourself, its your business and you don't need a reason to ban people), but your actions did speak very loud.

Also, Xyro was NOT informed about De Angelo being banned in advance. We had to fill him in on what was happening because Xyro was busy running his tournament.
To be fair, ME and DUGFINN keep track on the money because its what a TO should do. PZ has never stolen from us in the past and i dont see them doing it in the future. What happened AGES ago about paying players in other games(wether its true or not) is over.

And yea the day of the event i was told he cant show up. Its not like i knew for weeks in advance and hid it from him.


Smash Master
Jun 16, 2005
Houston, Texas
Ultimate Razer - Good stuff as always man. Keep it up.

Gnes - Never give up, never surrender. We'll have a pity party and get you back on your feet in no time. :) I has surprise for you anyways.

Lee Martin - You glorious butthole you. You are always fun as hell to watch.

Bassem - **** you for being so good Bassem! Barely knocked us out of teams. Good stuff in singles too.

Fogo- RIP AND TEAR you big bear.

Zori - OH MY GOD. I can't shave your head now. Your hair is the source of your powers?


PhantomX - Your set vs Inui made my day lol

Hyro - DANG SON. You scared the **** out of me being so good. You and Jerm nearly had me and Tallman. TOO GOOD.

Inui - Son I am dissapoint. I made a point to not really talk to you all day and see what kind of person you were before being too friendly/hostile. We played our Melee set and you would not stop saying stuff under your breath. That is really poor sportsmanship and I was not impressed. The rest is a joke so roll with the troll and you'll do fine. Also lol @ using the Dirty Fritos tag. Too good.

Broly - You made me laugh SO hard with what you said on the way out of the venue. Legit my man.

Bwett - Scariest person I faced in low tier dubz. I know what you're going to do but it STLL WORKS ARGHJSALHDJH. :) Yoshi too sexy.


Dphat - My favorite person of the day. Seriously. You are like the cherub of Texas smash. The campy, hilarious cherub.

FlipHop - **** UH

Kates - Keep workin on dat ZSS. It was fun playing you in teams. I liked your ZSS. I just play her as well so I knew what to expect. :)

Cy - DANNNNNNG like one hit away man. Also you + Esca = ???? ****. Pack some more lunches next time.

Light - Wut you were there? I didn't get to talk to you much. **** HARDER WITH SHEIK. I hear they have new ATs over thur. Go learn to fly around the stage needle bombing us poor mortals.

BadNewsBear - You are the most huggable guy on Earth. <3


Ozz - Thanks for giving Dave a ride.

Trela - Once you get over this mental block that messes with you, you'll start ****** up the brackets. I'm rooting for you, bro.

Cyphus - Doubles were too fun. If we ever team again I gotta get a few friendlies beforehand to show you like one more trick. Best DK I have ever seen though and I can tell you'd **** me in singles. Badly. Sorry if I let you down.

Pheonix Alpha - DANNNNNG WTF you hack son. GG :)

Dv8ion - No seriously he ^^ hacks. Make him stop.


TakeUrLife - Dang son wreck BlazBlue more.

Seiya - You are a god for housing everyone.

Esca - DAT SMILE. I swooned. You + CY = awesome.

Sethlon - Thanks for hanging out with us and talkin some. I'm glad you get more playtime in. PRACTICE MELEE COME ON SON.

Smoooooooooooom - We didn't MM but that's cool. We should hang more.


Furbs - Dude stop being a biohazard at tournaments. <3 Good stuff with Roy.

Vorguen - Dang are you a professional bodybuilder? More than my heart throbs around you.

HeyTallman - Fathead.

Fear - Sorry I was so brutal to your GW. Keep practicing and take me out next time. Too fun man.

DugFinn- Now you know the secrets of Tallman. Expect more.

Jake13- Dude it was so good seeing you. Can't wait to see you more.

King Mosquito- Thanks for helping run melee and being so understanding. Thanks for chillin at Jack in the Crack with us and being just a nice guy in general.

Tarzan- I thought I saw the king of the jungle but I forgot to say hi. Expect it to be cold next time we meet.

Clue/Swoll - WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO go raise your daughter and quit ****** smash.

I know I missed people. But to everyone that came, thanks for making it fun. :D

The MC Clusky

Smash Lord
Jul 18, 2007
San Antonio, TX
King Mosquito- Thanks for helping run melee and being so understanding. Thanks for chillin at Jack in the Crack with us and being just a nice guy in general.
Thanks! I always like to keep things moving at a tournament and I'll always try to help if its needed.

Which reminds me, I need to make a few shout outs:

Tallman/other brawlers who joined Melee: thanks for giving melee a shot! I wish we had a few more TVs so we could get more games in though. Hopefully next tournament will have more space.

Jake13: cool chilling with you as always. Me and my krew will be back in Houston soon.

good job running the tournament and thanks for letting us do melee.

DugFinn: Thanks for having an extra laptop for our brackets, it made us felt special :)

Lee: shoulda paid attention mang :psycho:

Inui: stop johning so much. You "may" have pro skills but you really don't have a pro attitude. Your last match against Jake 13 was rather one sided, and you ran into so many dsmashes from Peach. That's not being rusty, that's playing too aggressive which Peach loves. As for losing to Fro's Fox, I would expect someone who plays Metaknight to not complain about being beaten by the best character in the game. You're a cool guy, just stop johning so much, no one cares.

Greyfox: has started to call them Inui's instead of johns. Could the national catchphrase of the smash community be changed?

JUJ: good stuff on beating Trela, lol some random DDD player. Just introduce yourself to more people at tournaments, and you won't be called some random.

Kyro: kid's got too much energy >.> fun getting a chance to really hang and know you better.

De Angelo: nice to finally meet you, glad I introduced myself to you.

Sorry if I missed anyone.


Smash Lord
Feb 27, 2007
Houston, Texas
i hated that i couldnt join melee. i woulda won. any way if next time i bring a station can i set it up just for melee when the tourny is going on? then it can be used for brawl

The MC Clusky

Smash Lord
Jul 18, 2007
San Antonio, TX
i hated that i couldnt join melee. i woulda won. any way if next time i bring a station can i set it up just for melee when the tourny is going on? then it can be used for brawl
lol this is actually the second time I had to play you and you ended up dropping out of Melee. The first time was at FS4 which ran really late.

This time however wasn't really your call I know. We should play some games next time, cuz i don't want it to look like I'm running away from you or anything. It's just how things worked out.


Smash Lord
Feb 27, 2007
Houston, Texas
dammit light if i got use my teeth to pick up the dam 80 lb tv i have and put it on the dam tbl thats 4ft higher than me while connecting the power cord under ppls feet, and tryin to plug in the av cords while not being able to see what color goes where, just to find out i 4got melee, then so be it.



Smash Rookie
May 11, 2008
Airbrushking, you have to be one of the dumbest mofos I've ever encountered, but i'll humor you.

It also seems you cant read. How much was Funplex going to charge for a lock-in? $7 or $20?

The $1000 bonus pot money was paid by AM, just like I said it would be. Ask Dugfinn what the $1000 check said on top!
FYI we had tons of sponsors for the convention INCLUDING Nissan. I drive a G37s made and sponsored by NISSAN rofl. Kraker, Hajime, Dictator, etc and most of my friends who we do marketing together drive what?...Nissans

You cant even comprehend what kind of sponsors Anime Matsuri pulls in and why. Our car meet numbers have dropped? 3 months ago, we had probaby the biggest meet, the two consecutive months after, it rained on the day of the meet. Many factors influence the turnout of a meet but NOT an industry sponsor. Shows you kow nothing but you just pretend you do.

Im sure you already know now, you cannot come back into PZ or any of its events so go have fun with your **** talking, nothing good will come out of it. You're not trying to do anything good for this community (your silly airbrushed products do not count) and you dont own a business

We are still planning and we will do a lock-in at PZ. And it will not only be great, it will be BETTER than any kind of lock-in Funplex can host. Thats what happens when people put their minds together for common good, we make things happen.

Kingdom Come

Smash Lord
Mar 8, 2009
Spring, Texas

Fliphop- Man, I wanted to play you so badly but it wasn't no big deal you just woulda lost lol (yea right). Man, when they called for you matches I was there to cheer for you man. Anyways, when you get back to brawl hit me up so we can do some training at my place. No Homo. BTW I'm thinking of picking up Diddy.

RT- Preciate the friendlies dude that was mad fun playing against somebody on the Houston PR and not getting *****. Now you know the tru power of The King of Evil.

Xyro- Man, preciate you talking to me man, I just don't like being like mano y mano con todos naw meen? But man, you are a cool dude thanks for giving me the history of Hobo and everything man. You kinda made me feel young again when you started talking about the "New Generation". If there is anything I can do to help at the next Hobo tell me and I'll try to do it. Awesome event!

Tallman and Furbs- GGS, Sorry to gay you. LOL I was really acting douchy just shoving it into Furbs face GGS fellas, Allan should ban MK (I'm Antiban BTW)

KRD- Maaaaaaaaan, preciate you teaming with me. Next time I'll work on my MK and we will do better.

Fatty- GGS man, you screwed me over with a freaking waft in a game where I was in control. Then you come back to knock me out of doubles? LOL it's cool GGS man, Preciate the advice you gave me for Wario it came in handy even though I lost to another Wario <_<

De'Angelo- Sucks you couldn't be there, man Funplex is better so hopefully I will see you there man.

Sm0o0o0o00o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o00o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0m- GGs man, LOL you can't beat me....Not when you CP is Pokemon Stadium and I tell you it's best if you go SV. BTW we shoulda saved that game, the spike was freaking awesome.

KuroZero- Yes I thought you were Smoom. I wanted to play you but eh gay Wii is gay.

Gea- You are witness to my ******ry. MK should be banned for that reason right there.

Trent- Yo man, nice Sonic it was a refresher from all the freaking high tier characters. GGs, come back to the next Hobo and we could prob team for low tier dubs if you want.

Magitek- Dude, thx for teaming with me on short notice. I know I'm not the best in anything but you didn't seem to care. Those matches we had were hella fun thx for teaming with me.

Zigsta- Nice to meet you man, looks like all the Pokemon Trainers out there love my research lol. Tighter than a Snorlax in a Speedo was hilarious.

Bwett and Dphat- Man, awesome Yoshi and annoying Jiggz LOL. Thanks for the advice you gave me DP it will more than 100% likely come in handy.

Beah and Light- ****, two of the best players I ever played on the same team. I hate wafflez..... GGS y'all ***** us badly.

Esca- I don't think we had our MM.

Ice- GGS man, dude you had me laughing, I can't remember what I said I said something about P4 and you just started nodding. This is a true Champion right here people. GGS, and awesome Pogeymanz.

SniperNightOwl- I don't remember seeing any females aside from Kate.

P4- Talk ****, you talk **** and talk **** and talk **** but then you don't say anything in person like that other dude. GGS

Inui- Dude, thx for the advice you gave me against Wario, you were a cool and funny dude. You weren't some douche like you make yourself out to be on the forums. I wanted to have those Ganon mirrors though. I am pretty sure I was in the lead at the time when we were playing. BTW MK> Melee Fox. MK ain't broken though. Man, Ganon Mirror MM next time you come down K?K.

CluelessBTD- Man you probably won't read this but whatever. Thx for letting me play Melee, I hadn't played it in forever and I had fun getting my *** kicked and giving your Jiggz like 3 Warlock Punches. I'll probably enter the next Melee tournament.

Everybody Else- GGS


Not even death can save you from me
Sep 9, 2004
Switch FC
Airbrushking/Planet Zero people

Please take your arguments to PM's. This is a results thread for shoutouts, I don't want to see anymore finger pointing and arguments and I don't care who started it. Just stop.

This is your only warning. This does not belong on smashboards.


Smash Lord
Jul 14, 2007
CS2G - Hyperbolic Time Chamber
and hylian steps in with his super moderator chain grab instant kill after 2 throws, you can di the first hit though =]

thanks hylian that was really starting to get annoying, also we didn't get to play chess b/c the guy from crew needed to go home. I'm bringing it to the next one still though


Smash Legend
Feb 12, 2006
Dang I got infracted with my posts though :(

MIC doesn't like camping.


Not even death can save you from me
Sep 9, 2004
Switch FC
Airbrushking/Planet Zero people

Please take your arguments to PM's. This is a results thread for shoutouts, I don't want to see anymore finger pointing and arguments and I don't care who started it. Just stop.

This is your only warning. This does not belong on smashboards.

Quoting for the new page as well so they see.

And yes, that stuff really isn't any of our business and does not belong here. It's driving away people from posting shoutouts.


Not even death can save you from me
Sep 9, 2004
Switch FC
Hey, what did I just say?

You can PM him if you want to. No more of that in this thread. From anyone. I will just edit it out and infract you.
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