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HOBO 18: R.I.P metaknight=Meta banned(Full results up!!!!! Pics/vids coming soon!!)

C 2the loud

Smash Cadet
Jun 21, 2009
Brownsville, TX
just a word of advice, being "warmed up" is only a legit john if your missing mad amounts of tech skill, ****ty edge guards and ****ty tactics dont involve being warmed up, you either know what to do or you dont, running toward a fox and blocking over and over and over without dodging or jump neutral or anything? ur gonna tell me that was a tech skill problem? were u expecting to not get grabbed into upkicks? seriously stop johning and get better, gj getting 2nd though doubles god :laugh:

ok well shout outs real quick

bear and sethlon - for ****** my handi marth :( doubles made me sad lol

kate - get abused by lucario haha, j/k it was all jokes around u just for kicks hope you didnt get mad and hope to hang with you and ur crew again

lucario guy from kates crew - never got ur name but i was talking to u and sethlon outside of pz fun ****.

PhantomX - we'll get blazblue friendlies in soon :)

Melee guys - fun playing some good comp, being from such a small town its hard to play alot of diff players and get used to styles =( but i did well till the pain from lack of sleep / heat kicked in :( ***** my techy fox hah ill get ya next time for sure =)

seiya - thanks **** tons for giving us a place to stay / play games, ur a cool guy

not sure i missed anyone, i was playing so many other games i didnt really get to know alot of smash players, probably cause i didnt play a game of brawl the whole time aha and i played less then 10 friendlies before the tourney.

o about the whole pz thing, it was amazing for me since i play so many of those games on a decent level, so the experience i gained vs great players was fun, although i did hand out my fair share of perfects and ocvs hah good **** guys ill def go to the next hobo with brawlys crew

incase anyone didnt catch on this is fro btw
you forgot cloud : the ultimate doubles partner?


Smash Rookie
Jul 4, 2007
Dude don't blame inui for getting second he just had to play lee martin and apparently the doubles anti christ. Can't blame him to lose to such a beastly team.

Edit: Shout Outs later :)
normally id say good **** to top 3, but u cant talk all kinds **** that ur gonna destroy teams and what not then get ***** 3-0 in winners lol


Smash Rookie
Jul 4, 2007
You're dumb.

We beat them back 3-0 in the first set of grand finals, and lost 2-3 in the second set.

They did better by ONE GAME.
one game better is first place scrub, and u 3-0ing them is irrelevent because they wernt posting mad amounts of **** on the boards


Smash Master
Jun 16, 2005
Houston, Texas
Having to play two sets against them implies you were already sent to losers. That is losing a set they did not. Dphat's Wario too good.

PS Allan I used mostly Mario in low tier.

I need to get off my lazy *** and do proper shoutouts. :)


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
Humoring someone giving me **** for getting 2nd place to an incredible team at a very hard tournament...is indeed ridiculous of me.


Apr 16, 2008
Round Rock, Texas
I'd like to throw out there, Gea, that Dphat's Wario is pretty bad. Even he knows this and says it. However, it was amazing at embracing it's inner DMG and landing the upair of victory that one round.


Smash Master
Jun 16, 2005
Houston, Texas
I'm not saying Dphat should main Wario or anything, but he did what he had to do and won. For that, he is too good.


Smash Rookie
May 11, 2008
@Xyro: You're really being too nice on PZ Allan. He told you he would get the room cleared, and he simply didn't come through with it.

The first cop did not find anything wrong with De Angelo standing around outside PZ. He was not harassing anyone. The parking lot is not PZ property.

The second group of cops were friends of PZ John because De Angelo said they have had to bust up people that have gotten mad at PZ John many many times in the past. To see the police take no initiative to investigate the situation and just take someone's word for it, and second to come after one call didn't work, is just crap. That's not how the police should work.

If PZ's staff was going to be busy with Animefest (I'm pretty sure that was the convention that was mentioned) , he could have told you in advance.

And was the out of state bonus paid? I kept hearing there was suppose to be one. Unless that was for first only, it's not an issue.

The point was, it was a pretty inadequte venue and I didn't really enjoy the place.

@Emotiongear: it got too expensive to print the cards? I'm sorry, 1 dollar more than covers the cost of a plastic card. If anything you make MORE money just printing cards if people are dumb enough to throw them out instead of keeping them. It's silly for me to point it out in the first place, but I think it's silly to try to cover yourself with a poor excuse for the five dollar thing. It's a business, simply put, so it's not my call to say whether you have to pay 1 or 5 dollars for a card, but there's no reason to have to make a lame and untruthful excuse for it. As we say in the smash community, NO JOHNS.

There's various other things I could go into, but this is smashboards, not SRK, which your venue is completely and utterly banned from. Most smashers don't know the history of PZ. I've kept myself well informed of everything, and no, my only source is not De Angelo. I have spoke with many players across all games, and one thing is clear: you try to make yourself sound like a nice guy, but you've screwed many many players and companies and think it's not a problem, because there will be other people you haven't scammed yet for you to do business with.

As a Texas TO and a public relations major, you have completely and utterly failed to make your reputation good. You think it's better to simply find freash meat then to PAY YOUR PLAYERS and make amends. Gamers talk to each other, word gets around. Of course if you're gonna go broke, then go bankrupt and get out the arcade business.

Just don't go down as that guy who never paid out people, lied and broke many many promises, changes his story to suit his own needs (SBO qualifiers anyone?) and has people threaten him on a regular basis.

PAY YOUR DUES. End of the story.
Are you the guy with the punisher Tee? Just putting a name to the face so I know who to talk to next time I see you. You talk like you know me, yet I we have never spoke.
We could have saved the trouble of typing and talked about any issues you had in person.
You seem a little ignorant. The parking lot IS PZ property, I dont need to explain the terms of my contract, just take my word for it.
Just in case in you misses my previous posts, the point is not whether he was harrasing anyone. I told him to leave and he should have. End of story. I have the right to refuse service to anyone. No need for any type of investigations here.
Most of the cops on Westheimer know myself or Deneice and PZ. They will show up pretty quick if there is any kind of problem. This is why PZ is mostly problem free.

As for 'getting the room cleared', what room are you talking about? The storage room has no AC. I doubt that will work. And WE ALL knew about AnimeFest, Dugfinn tried to change the dates to HOBO but some of the peeps had already bought thier tickets. Dugfinn stayed back (while 16 people in her team went to AFest) because of HOBO. I ran PZ alone with only kensou's help because we couldnt change the dates.

What exactly are you talking about with the cards? So you rather me increase the cost of the actual card from $1 to $2 rather than put a minimum of $5 which belongs to the customer anyway? How does that make sense? I'm not charging $5 for the card, they are simply charging $5 worth of points which they can use whenever. Noone loses and there is no price increase on anything. The card has always cost $1. This isnt a big deal so no point in explaining it further.

Running a business isnt easy and you know VERY little facts about whats going on. If you want to keep informed, why dont you just simply come talk to me also. Did it occur to you there might be more to what is being thrown around. Its easy to talk **** or pretend to be an expert on a forum.

I dont make a big deal out of what the haters say and dont think I wont take care of the issues on SRK. In due time everything will be resolved. Regardless of what you think there is mutual respect between myself and MOST people. Most of the **** talkers have never even met me. The ones that have problems with me is usually because I have problems with them. As long as you respect my business, I will respect you. It's simple.

I remember a post on this very forum about all kinds of crazy crap that was told to Xero about PZ. How Deneice stole the pot money etc...lol. D'Angelo told me yesterday "I'll make sure HOBO never comes to PZ again" rofl He also showed me the keys to his brand new 5-bedroom house with a monthly morgage of $600 in Alief. This is all great entertainment but it doesnt do anything for me, you or this community.

Didnt we just have a 200 man tournament at Anime Matsuri with a $1000 cash pot bonus from us? And arent we planning to do another one in April? Its funny how you ignore things like this and cling on to who went to SBO and why. So u rather put in perspective the things you think I've done wrong as opposed to the things I've done right? figures...

I have nothing personal with you, I understand D'Angelo is your friend. I'm not asking you to take my side, in the end actions will speak louder. My advise is, for now, just remain neutral. Whether we're cool or not is your choice.


Smash Lord
Feb 27, 2007
Houston, Texas
Humoring someone giving me **** for getting 2nd place to an incredible team at a very hard tournament...is indeed ridiculous of me.
but you are a doubles god? with utd zac right? second to m2k? just goes to show you mk/mk is the best team hands down. not even dojo was there. ya woulda prolly gotten lower. good **** takin them to last game tho


Smash Master
Aug 8, 2007
In Another Dimension...
Hahaha Dphats meta is so good...it never gets hits...and lives forever, unless dojo is there :(

mk/mk is only good when they plank. Anytime else, completely winnable.


Smash Master
Mar 23, 2008
Planking Gnes While He Watches Invincible Youth
Dang broly to be honest they had an answer to the double MK and I was forced to switch to wario (which I rarely play) because I was so uncomfortable with MK. Inui and Zac was mad good I thought GF was going to be a breeze then they somehow took the lead in the 2nd set and I was sweatin hard.

Edit: God ****it Gnes LOL Got to bring up dojo don't ya lol.


Smash Lord
Apr 26, 2008
Houston, TX
I watched when Dphat's Wario beat Razer in the MM. I was loling.

Razer 2pro though.


Smash Master
Aug 8, 2007
In Another Dimension...
Also what Broly said. We played 4 team matches back to back...all of them going to match 3. This is after going through singles bracket and me playing razer in winners(and getting shell shocked >.<)

It was seriously so tiring.


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
but you are a doubles god? with utd zac right? second to m2k? just goes to show you mk/mk is the best team hands down. not even dojo was there. ya woulda prolly gotten lower. good **** takin them to last game tho
Their MK/MK got kinda wrecked after UTD Zac and I switched to having him camp while I fight a lot. Dphat did much better with Wario.

MK/MK loses to MK/GaW and MK/Snake. It's very, very apparent to me.

Dang broly to be honest they had an answer to the double MK and I was forced to switch to wario (which I rarely play) because I was so uncomfortable with MK. Inui and Zac was mad good I thought GF was going to be a breeze then they somehow took the lead in the 2nd set and I was sweatin hard.

Edit: God ****it Gnes LOL Got to bring up dojo don't ya lol.
Yeah, all of this is the truth.


Smash Champion
Nov 10, 2006
Lemoore, CA
Switch FC
@GH: What?!?!

Compliments on Magitek's Squirtle and mess talk about my Zelda?

Insulted I am good sir. >: (


Sega Stockholm Syndrome.
Aug 13, 2007
Because I know the Zelda match up better than Squirtle, so it annoys me when I do better against squirtle than Zelda. <_<

Your zelda is legit though. I just believe I can really..you know..**** your Zelda.
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