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HOBO 18: R.I.P metaknight=Meta banned(Full results up!!!!! Pics/vids coming soon!!)


Smash Ace
Dec 11, 2008
Houston Tx
Hyli Edit: I said no more.

Airbrushking/Planet Zero people

Please take your arguments to PM's. This is a results thread for shoutouts, I don't want to see anymore finger pointing and arguments and I don't care who started it. Just stop.

This is your only warning. This does not belong on smashboards.
Your right. This doesnt belong in this thread. This is my last comment and I will return to the houston thread!


Smash Hero
Aug 16, 2005

1: Ultimate Razer-Congrats on winning! Stop camping against Ganons with FALCON. :p

2: Gnes-I love you.

5: Zori-Lucario slayer, wtf? I'm going to learn Peach just to take you down, heh. :)

7: PhantomX-Too good. Don't ever turn to the dark side...

13: FlipHop-Trash, we didn't get to play.

17: Cy-Fun friendlies, as usual.

17: BadNewsBear-Thanks for the cookie. :D


25: Ozz-The ending to the second match was stupid. <_<

25: Trela-You're the best Lucario in Houston now. Take care...and your hat doesn't fit me, sadly...I'll steal it again anyways. ;)

33: RT-What am I going to do with you...?

33: Esca-Good friendlies.

33: Sethlon-Use Falco on me next time, please? :)

49: Kingdom Come-Fun friendlies.

65: HeyTallman-I'll show you the random trick someday. It's nothing special, just some flash.

Gea-I am serious about quitting competitive smash unless something really major changes my mind, but I'll still be active in the community.

DugFinn-Thanks for running everything. I'll keep in touch with you about Anime Matsuri. :)

Random people I played in friendlies but don't recall names-Thanks for playing with me. I enjoy them. :)

Anyone I forgot-Sorry!


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
Inui, I'm not talking crap and you know i love you, but don't say like stuff like we wrecked lee and dphat first set and forced them to switch and crap. I told you multiple times I wasn't trying and i honestly just wasn't. idk why it was just amusing to me. I know utd zac could tell bc we've teamed multiple times but once me and dphat kicked it into real gear it was clearly obvious we would win. short story i wasnt worried not to sound cocky.

I had already split top 3 in singles and didn't really care tbh. Dphat wanted to win so i actually tried second set. It wasn't a big deal to me. idk..

Do not insult me by sandbagging me in doubles! I have too much pride in doubles! You indeed were quite solidly beaten in the first set of grand finals, and when you "kicked it into real gear" it still went to last game.

Please do not disrespect me again in doubles.

MUCHO shoutouts later though. especially to xyro and inui yall are too good in low tier dubs :)
And dphat we wreck hard. ;) our styles compliment each other very well.

ALSO xyro. I never used snake once this tourney idk why he's by my name. i was all lucario/toon link/marth respectively.
Low tier doubles was the most fun event for me. :)

Inui - Son I am dissapoint. I made a point to not really talk to you all day and see what kind of person you were before being too friendly/hostile. We played our Melee set and you would not stop saying stuff under your breath. That is really poor sportsmanship and I was not impressed. The rest is a joke so roll with the troll and you'll do fine. Also lol @ using the Dirty Fritos tag. Too good.

What of it? I was obviously mad at our Melee set. It was only so close due to massive amounts of SDs and you did nothing but pill camp, which was extremely boring and frustrating. It's not really your fault about the SDs, so whatever...

Inui - I like how I was really looking forward to you coming down here, but I never played you lol I was so off my game and was afraid of you. You would've wrecked me!​
Haha... It depends on the time of day you play me. I suck when I'm tired.

You're adorable btw, lol.

I'm not entering singles anymore. So if anyone wants to lose, CY and I challenge teams to doubles MM.

17: PhantomX-First i would like to say thanks for teaming with me. Just from playing with you I honestly think only zac may have more knowledge than u about doubles. U really know what ur doing and i learned alot from teaming with u. Honestly i think we could have taken first. Every team that beat us had to resort to planking or just plain ******** shiz. We simply weren't patient enough. Its all good. Next time ill make sure we win, and also that we dont play four 3 set matches in a row.
Absolutely impossible because of Mew2King and I. PhantomX knows his ****, but he's not THAT broke'd in doubles.

9: Inui -Ur lucky PX wasn't on his A game today or we would have **** teams. But anyways, good stuff. It was nice seeing u again, and dont become anorexic u skinny *****.
I'm looking forward to your revenge on me. WHOBO 2?

Btw, I lost like 5 more pounds while in TX. :)


Smash Legend
Feb 12, 2006
Lee Martin was sandbagging from what Dphat told me. It sounds plausible since I know even really good players will sandbag or play worse if they know a lot of Money is guaranteed/if they also did well in Singles.


Sep 28, 2005
Judgment Count: 856
7: UTD Zac-I side bet anyone that doesnt play meta 20$ that they cant stop Zac from planking. So when are we gonna team sexy? lol in reality i would like to team someday but this point i would let u down. Just give me a month. :)
Can we just flat out ban planking now please?

Also, Gnes, I would love to try teaming with you. I've got you and Flip on my list of people I want to team with.

... and Esca eventually ;)

EDIT: AND TRELA. I wanna team with Trela!!!


Smash Legend
Feb 12, 2006
You COULD stop it with Diddy, but you need two Bananas and balls of steel. Wario can also sometimes beat his planking but it depends on the stage and whether he can get two tires out.


Sega Stockholm Syndrome.
Aug 13, 2007
GHNeko - the little bit of B+ we got in was fun. I had forgotten about Zss' upB before now, uair -> uair -> upB ***** :) We still planning on going to Long Live Hit Stun?
**** Zamus Uair. I will not rest until that move is balanced. >_<

I'm surprised I managed to beat you a few times. I wish you played me later on. I was totally on my A game around...really late. lmao.

As for LLHS, I'm not making promises, but I am assuring you that I am trying REALLY HARD to go.

GH, I didnt see yoru gamer tag at all i think at hobo. were you the one i commented about picking all of falco's bad matchups?

also, ive been told on multiple occasions my falco is kind of weird. and at hobo ive been told whenever i mind game people, its insulting?

Perhaps next hobo we can play?
You're falco is weird. It was nothing but Utilt and Fsmash and I lost to that when Ozz's Falco is alot more technical and gives me more trouble but I win a fair amount against him. I was the one with the :V tag. I dont think I mentioned anything about his matchups though. I'm not insulting. I'm just embrassed that I lost so hard to you when I normally dont lose to Falco's like that. Its GGs and all. I got mindgamed hard. No johns. I want to rematch you and change it so that I come out on top consistantly. That's all. :V

GHNeko - hmph, looks like i will actually have to pick up and play brawl+ so i can shut yo *** up =D. i just dunno who to use.

Yo Falco is trash. Yo Marth is Donkey Butt. I'll MM you're Falco/Marth with my Mario and still come out on top. Let's go son. Anyone you want. Hobo 19 son. MMMMM MMMM SON. :V

I keep telling you to just pick someone and stick with him but you're as fickle with mains in Plus as you are in Brawl.


Smash Lord
Jul 14, 2007
CS2G - Hyperbolic Time Chamber
I really don't feel like doing shoutouts.

Basically, I had alot of fun with everyone, as usual.

All I know is Broly didn't leave me shoutout. :(

I'm not entering singles anymore. So if anyone wants to lose, CY and I challenge teams to doubles MM.
me and bear accept that MM

@gnes, i know what i have to do now... gnes train me!


Smash Lord
Feb 27, 2007
Houston, Texas
thats riiiiiiight. everybody better be ready. the cripple going serious at hobo 19...

unless theres stairs at the venue, then imma get mad and twitter


Smash Master
Aug 8, 2007
In Another Dimension...
You COULD stop it with Diddy, but you need two Bananas and balls of steel. Wario can also sometimes beat his planking but it depends on the stage and whether he can get two tires out.
How can u do it with diddy without putting yourself at risk at losing a stock. One hit rom a FISH of GAW's nair will set of diddys barrels. So explain. And if u say drop down to attack with any move i swear ill murder u in your sleep.


Also i also want to team with esca. He's been improving loads since OH SNAP. I think im gonna just try teaming with Razer/a few others from now on to prepare for winterfest and Pound.


Smash Lord
Feb 27, 2007
Houston, Texas
people dont know, but im a doubles god. utd taught me the ways.

if i do go to pound 4, anybody wants to team w/ me. the peeps im takin might are goin for melee.


Smash Champion
Feb 5, 2008
Beaumont, Texas
I need a GOOD team-mate for Pound.

LOL i'm jk Broly, I'd love to team with you. It's like a steroid version of Take. I love teamin with marth.

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