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HOBO 16(no meta) RESULTS: Videos are up!!!! First post.


Smash Lord
Apr 27, 2007
LOL wow I got exposed for not being top top 5 diddy. I wonder who's in Xyro's list. Anyways

Here's the Chart for Houston Diddys
F-Fliphop :diddy:
G-Gnes :diddy: /:dedede:

Banana Pressure<----------------------------------> Mindgames:random:

As I see it I'm still better with the banana control and you still got the patient mind games. While razer is still trash. We need to fuse styles Gnes so we can be

Banana Pressure<----------------------------------> Mindgames:random:

Thats how bored I am at UH.


Apr 16, 2008
Round Rock, Texas
HAHAHA sorry...its all good...well play lots at SWAT man. Also, Zac i just didn't know GAW at all but I think i have a fairly good picture of what im suppose to do in that matchup now.

Now how to beat Zac on a CP, thats a different story.
Don't even worry about it. He lost them all after this tournament... YES!

Flip IS a walking party... ****ing purple and making it look GOOD? That's LEGIT.

He and I are destined to never play ever outside of the one time we face on gamebattles :p


Smash Master
Aug 8, 2007
In Another Dimension...
the tournament was a lot of fun

im definitely coming again with my brother to more houston tourneys..

for anyone interested in flirting with a babe. ;)
@ Gnes

Will you be at the next HOBO? 50% chance RGV goes again, and if we do, lets MM. :)

I want to play your Diddy. Depending on how broke I am, either 1$ or 5$.

Wow Vickey u came to this tourney...I didn't see u. :( Gay. Lets talk next time. Well discuss the mind of a woman, the sexiness of zelda, and how awesome we both are because we both like zelda. U GOT 33rd...best girl smasher in texas it seems

Though...if "ITS A TRAP"...we might have to stick with...

"Hey, How u doin"
"*awkward silence* so how bout that stinky guy over there"

Hmmm...sure Vorguen if u really want to. Though if just want to play its fine with me. I like doing RCMM but other than regular MM's are silly.:) so next hobo for 5$ it is. Or whenever we see u sexy people again.


Smash Master
Aug 8, 2007
In Another Dimension...
LOL wow I got exposed for not being top top 5 diddy. I wonder who's in Xyro's list. Anyways

Here's the Chart for Houston Diddys
F-Fliphop :diddy:
G-Gnes :diddy: /:dedede:

Banana Pressure<----------------------------------> Mindgames:random:

As I see it I'm still better with the banana control and you still got the patient mind games. While razer is still trash. We need to fuse styles Gnes so we can be

Banana Pressure<----------------------------------> Mindgames:random:

Thats how bored I am at UH.
Actually, RCMM sounds hilarious. Lets do that, on top of just regular friendlies.
Flip, i completely agree with everything on this chart. EVERYTHING. Ill catch up too your naner trick someday...probably when ur dead.

Vorguen, cool. I haven't done one regular MM to date. Cy still owes me one. Me and Dojo need to have ours. And loads of other. The point is, RCMM's>MM


Smash Rookie
Sep 15, 2008
Deviation = Falco oh ang Drake played marth not sonic and reznor was prolly sonic and fox


Smash Hero
Sep 18, 2006
SA-Town, Texas
Don't even worry about it. He lost them all after this tournament... YES!

Flip IS a walking party... ****ing purple and making it look GOOD? That's LEGIT.

He and I are destined to never play ever outside of the one time we face on gamebattles :p
I completely killed purple :[


Smash Journeyman
Sep 27, 2007
Houston, TX
This HOBO was fun stuff! My bracket was pretty messed up, though - I had to play two of my friends...in a row. xD Ah, well.


Dingding: Whaaat the crap, dude. You shoulda used kirby PLENTY moar often in this tourney, but you didn't. Nooooononono, you just HAD to show off your spammy, campy little link and look where it got you. Friggin 25th...hey, wait. 25th, that ain't bad. BUT STILL! YOU HAD TO PLAY TWO OF YOUR FRIENDS AND YOU DIDN'T LET UP AFTER YOU BEAT THE FIRST ONE! Geez. What a loser. Next time you're all ghey like that, don't expect to wake up the next morning. :\ Friggin...loser.

Kown: Yow. You were a man on a mission in our tourney set. xD Insane pit, best I've ever seen. But don't expect me to play link in such a crappy matchup next time around :p VGG's tho, man.




Dude....we had to play eachother in singles...you BARELY lost against xyro and his spiky self...we failed in regular teams...the only win u got in singles was a bye, and you deserved to get a LOT farther in singles than u got. Sry bout this tourney, man. Hope we go to moar tourneys in the summer :D

jS: :urg: Sorry we had to play, man. GG's, tho, nice ness! (lols niceness) And yeah, you should find a marf counter...you seem to fight WAAAY too many of those at these things, lol.

Xyro n' Mr. 3000: THE most CRAZY team matches I have EVAR played! VERY good games, guys. I can easily see how yall got first.

Jerm: Wow...you EXPOSED us in low tier doubles xD Nice link, keep it up. Even nicer TL. :grin:
Moar friendlies at PnT shall be had.

Gea: Pity I didn't play u man, other than against your mario in low tier doubles. But yeah, I've been workin hard at this, and it seems to have paid off. See u in da summah! :grin:

Fax: Nice placing, keep-a-workin on that gaymanwatch. GG's btw, crazy comeback on that first match. :grin:

Ozz: BAAAAAHH WE HAD 'EM MAN! Ah well, my car was leaking gas so my ma had to take me, and I couldn't have stayed any later than I did. Great stuff, though - see ya at PnT in June! :grin: Oh and I can't go to ur ozzfest...sry man, really wish I could :urg:

PhantomX, Razer, Gnes: Man, great stuff at this HOBO 16. Congrats on yall's placing, not that I doubted any of yall for a minute :grin: I really wanna play some friendlies with yall.

Romeo: Yow, impressive placing for you being so new to the smash community! And you DIDN'T even use MK! Good job, keep it up man. :grin:

Conker: Wow, we talked so much but we never got any friendlies in! xD Come to some PnT's in June pl0x! :grin:

Phoenix Alpha: I needa start punching myself in the face every time I walk past someone I know and don't say anything unless they do. :urg: Nice placing with lucas, we be reppin low tiers :] Weg2pleh sometime.

RedInvader: WOOT we got top half fool! :grin: That was fun stuff, man. I hope you can come with axel and me to PnT's in June. Sorry I was always about to do something when you wanted to get in some friendlies with meh, lol.

Jog: I noticed, every time we started our MM, you got a better and better idea of how you can expose me in that matchup. xD GG's though, you were really close, and your power level rises every time I see ya. :grin:

Praxis: Yow, intense peach! Glad we got to meet, and great games in our MM! Ya got meh that last stock, though. xD

Heytallman: LOLOL wow we had to play eachother in our first match, right after we played a buttload of team friendlies. xD This happened to me and redinvader at HOBO 15, as well - we played Take and his friend after playing like a dozen friendlies with them, lolol. GG's, nice lucas. :grin:

Azuzu: LOL wow, nice pulling off the win in our tourney set! Really close 2nd and 3rd match, gg's man. Impressive rob. :grin:

Srsc@t: Fun friendlies, man! Bah, D3 and them there CG's, lols. Hope to see ya round! :grin:

Anyone I forgot/didn't remember ur name: Let's play sometime! Hope ya had fun! :D

Any1 not in TX: You're trash. Cuz you ain't in TX.
lol jk, GET OVER HERE! and play us sometime. :grin:


Smash Rookie
Jan 18, 2009
romeo shoutouts hehe

i personally think that with time and training those characters can in fact actually do better & lol at the fact that infinity didnt come but thats far beside the point anywayz here we are

1: razer (snake/diddy)- good player idk how this kid does it only at the age of 14 and with wii mote its ridiculous

2: gnes (diddy/dedede) -exposure you jus got exposed! lol i tried with my crappy falco but suicided and didnt get through your dedede..... and ur diddy almost got exposed with my snake lol looks like the snake/falco doesnt prevail :( with more time and training i wont need mk :) i still took the play n trade grand finals series hehehe exposed!!

3: phantom x (wario) - dont no ya looks like we gotta play gj with the dojo matches though

*4: dojo (diddy/kirby) y did i money match you this guy nearly jv 2 stocked my mk with his and my snake second round got jv 2 stocked looks like my 2 dollars is gone

7: fliphop (diddy) hahaha that aint fliphop lol ggz in knocking me outa of losers bracket uhmmmm supras skytop? lol only smasher i know with swagg i can relate to
*7: dphat (marth) that aint falco gj

9: mr 3000 (sonic) learned that your brother is nonetheless t-rex i see the resemblence lol and with the same first middle and last name wow lol ggj and o yeah we need 2 get another money match in so i can take your money

9: cy (wario) oh so your cy hmmm looks like we need to play

*13: romeo (falco/snake) gj on doing so well with out your mk and losing to gness and fliphop (both the people that you fought and beat with mk) you need to get better lol

13: xyro (samus!!!!) allen sims lol very nice tourney hoster very cool guy and very generous person when i almost got kicked out of funplex and supposedly banned for trying to supposedly talk to one of shawns (gay mean worker at funplex) female workers and not being 21 to stay in the bar area he calls the police and they find out i was completely innocent didnt do anything.... me in trouble.... what?/? lol we resolve our problems afterwards and turns out hes cool but anywayz thx for asking me what happend and nice tourney

13: royr (marth) good friendlies ur marth cant handle my meta lol but i guess we can use ur sickness and not training johnz to put this aside lol but ggz see you at the play n trade summer series

17: ozz (falco) dat aint falco gj placing well but my falco did better ahhaha lol

17: jerm (toon link) bummer you lost to dojo and utdzac/hylian no top 5 this time lol
but gj beating me at the previous play n trade tourney youll get em next time instead of leaving your wii in the car, take it out and train itll actually do you good maybe lol jus try.... uhm santi status lol

17: t-rex (snake) hahaha nice conversation and telling the cop that im no harm and ull keep me outta trouble lol

17: poptop (wario) man your a soreloser luckily it was just 2 dollar moneymatch otherwise i wouldve forcfully taken the money from you
if i wouldve lost that moneymatch i wouldve given you the money looks like i got mindgamed

17: badnewsbear (marth/pika) cool dude when you are you going to upload the pixs

25: vorugen (snake/rob) gj

25: sethlon (marth) man go bak falco.. i remember looking at the videos at previous hobos and i remember going to my first tourney at hobo15 i was looking for you because the videos were just too **** i finaly play you and you bring your shiek out when i 2 stocked her i was like play falco your sheik is too easy lol and you said no i was sad but gj placing with marth though

25: ding ding (link) im actually learning how to play link for the low tier singles for hobo17 gj on your placement

33: praxis (peach) very cool guy thx for the money match i enjoyed taking your 3 dollarz lol early elimination johnz lol

33: redinvader (marth?) jc rodriguez finaly had a chance to meet you and finnaly c my good friend wally (man he looks different) lol

33: furbs (yoshi) thx for the support and telling me to come hey... it wasnt that bad lol but that aint falco:laugh:

33: trela (lucario) we need friendlies babyface

49: esca (pit/ "falcon") nice attempt at going captain falcon when you know you shouldve played with your pit nice friendlies and cool guys ggz

49: krd (sheik/ic?) im gonna work on my ic :chuckle:

49: jack frost (kirby) good friendlies jack ice :laugh: lol cool dude and ggz

65: turnip daisy (peach) cool guy lulz highz im daizy

& Lastly GH Neko thx for the introduction to brawl plus it’s a whole new game cool guy and I like commentating wit you lolz DAT AINT FALCO


Smash Master
Aug 8, 2007
In Another Dimension...
Yeah flip im goin to genesis :)

also...romeo u didn't almost beat my D3 with falco...i 2 stocked u lol. But thats besides the point. Dont post your shoutouts twice fool.


Smash Hero
Mar 25, 2009
@tallman- it was good to meet you also, after me trolling this thread lol

@Ozz- Hit me up on aim next time u see me on, i wanna talk to you about something


Smash Rookie
Jan 18, 2009
yep that needs 2 get better just leave it to meelee1 in being the best ic probably in the nation


Smash Rookie
Jan 18, 2009
lol i edited the post it was all caps and i forgot to mention gh neko lol i really do need 2 work on my falco i suicided lol 2 funny o yeah i did get 2 stocked but ur diddy almost got exposed =)


Smash Journeyman
Sep 27, 2007
Houston, TX
Oh, right! I forgot GHNeko!!! GG's on Brawl+, man! It's fun stuff, and THERE ARE ACTUAL LEGIT COMBOS in it! Even with link!!! :D Awesome wii too! LOL@I'm on a boat playing on Pirate Ship. Too good. xD


Sega Stockholm Syndrome.
Aug 13, 2007
lol i edited the post it was all caps and i forgot to mention gh neko lol i really do need 2 work on my falco i suicided lol 2 funny o yeah i did get 2 stocked but ur diddy almost got exposed =)
I <3 Shoutouts. Romeo, if I'm ever on stream again, you best be with me.

Oh, right! I forgot GHNeko!!! GG's on Brawl+, man! It's fun stuff, and THERE ARE ACTUAL LEGIT COMBOS in it! Even with link!!! :D Awesome wii too! LOL@I'm on a boat playing on Pirate Ship. Too good. xD

Hahahaha. I'll have even BETTER music at SWAT and Ozzfest 3. ;D

Ill beat your link next time. First time playing an offline link, so I know how to get through your ****. You're getting 4 stocked next time son.


Smash Champion
Mar 31, 2007
Route 23
This was a fun tournament.. I played hard, and realized I still need alot of work. My toon is still just a baby =]


1: Razer (snake/diddy)- I saw your diddy.. TRASH. Lol, if you place higher than ally at apex.. I'll try and break my gf's legs. just for you <3
2: Gnes (Diddy/dedede)- Well, you said you'd get top 3, and you did it. But you need to be placing first.. your too good. We should start some serious training for the upcoming tournaments. Better rep hard at SWAT! Good job man <3
3: Phantom X (wario)- Your so good. Hopefully people who didnt know this before finally start to realize. Keep repping wario hard <3
*4: Dojo (diddy/kirby)- I'm SO much more determined than you are buddy! good job wrecking my **** <3
5: Utd Zac (GW)- Ahh, such a good much.. even though you clearly had me game 3. I had fun.. next time we meet, hopefully our matches will be just as fun as our first two. We are now 1-1.. we need to settle this. Annd.. your awesome =]
5: Hylian (GW)- Good job placing so well. not that I expect anything less from such a pro player.
7: FlipHop (diddy)- The remaining diddy I need to kill.. its gonna happen >=] Your such a pro
*7: Dphat (marth)- Good job on placing top 8 bro
9: Espy (sonic)- Funnn friendlies. I know since I pretty much won, that doesnt mean anything.. but I do feel I can beat you in tournament. But I feel that way about everyone.. dont take it personal. I'm cocky =]. I still loooove the sonic
*13: Romeo (falco/snake)- I wish I could have seen your falco. I'm sure its good.
*13: Light (sheik)- I want to play your sheik buddy.
13: Royr (marth)- Still the best marth in my book since my hero Kizzu
17: Jerm (toon link)- You let gness down.. dumb boy
17: Gea (peach)- Funnn chilling with you. I let you down in teams, but it wont happen again. Next time, we are gonna destroy everyone. Your peach is too good.
17: Badnewsbear (marth/pika)- Told you.. just because you beat santi and Hyro, doesnt mean you'll beat my TL. We are different. Fun MM. Your pikachu is still amazing, and your still an awesome person.
25: Vorugen (snake/rob)- I do owe you a match. Find a screen.. and next time I'll play.
25: Conker (toon link)- Toon link bro!
25: Ding Ding (link)- Your link is still awesome.
25: Phoenix Alpha (lucas)-Our Matches in low tier teams was SO fun
25: Bwett (yoshi)-Our Matches in low tier teams was SO fun
33: Praxis (peach)- Praxiss! your one cool person. Fun MM and tournament match. I thought you was gonna win the tournament match lol. You have a pro peach sir. Hope to see you again!
33: Seiya (pit)- Seiya!! stop coming to tournaments hung over lol. Your one awesomeeee person. We are gonna hang out soon man.. I just need to find a job. Annd, I'll remember to give you your shoes next timee <3
33: TallMan (lucas)- Fun matches man. Dont underestimate my link =]
33: Trela (lucario)- yes yes.. we shall play.
49: Esca (pit/ "falcon")- Dont leabe us D:
49: BluJay (mario)- You know peach is the shiz =]
49: Jack Frost (kirby)- Your one cool person. Hope to see you soon.
65: Swine Flu- You had a nice diddy.. just work on those airdodges buddy
65: Jog(oliamr/g&w)- Invite us over to train moree!
65: Vash (pit/snake)- Ahh, so sexy.. I cant handle it. =P
65: Magicteck (ness)- We should play man lol

Texas is the besttt! <33

Van Jones

Smash Lord
Feb 5, 2008
Leander, TX
17: Badnewsbear (marth/pika)- Told you.. just because you beat santi and Hyro, doesnt mean you'll beat my TL. We are different. Fun MM. Your pikachu is still amazing, and your still an awesome person.
Tehehehe. Just wait for our tourney match. :lick:


Smash Lord
Sep 17, 2006
Watch out Jerm.
I've seen Bear throw away a lot of money in a poker hand just to see if our tell on Bwett was true.

It was :)


Sep 28, 2005
Judgment Count: 856
I wish I was good at Poker. I want a rematch against you guys from Spring Break.

Oh, and I still hate you Light for forcing me to not go ALL IN that one hand. You really suck at teaching people how to play poker THEN taking there money.
Make it up with a backrub <3


Smash Champion
Jun 7, 2008
Vorgy = RGV = Brownsville, Texas
The tales of tallman's poker playing reach the ears of even the deaf Zimbabwean witch doctors.

Zac, you coming to next HOBO? I need to practice the G&W matchup vs a G&W that can 9 on command and knows all the silly stages.



Smash Apprentice
Jan 12, 2009
Onett, Eagleland
Daaaaang Jack Frost... im hurt.... we talked and met, even teamed in friendlies AND i gave you my sleeping bag and pillow, yet i dont hear anything from you:(


Smash Apprentice
Jul 4, 2008
Houston, Tx
Hey we need to play jerm I have never played your toon link so we should get to play sometime :cool:
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