Ha, balanced. Good one.
Two guys meet each other in a narrow corrodor. Noob has shotgun. Veteran has ACR. Noob wins.
If your using an AR then why are you running down corridors looking for kills like that?A shotgun is obviously going to win most of the time in that situation.The point is that each weapon is specialised for specific ranges,but with skill can be utilised at nearly any range(with obvious exceptions in both games)In Reach there are many weapons that are pretty much unbeatable at their specific range no matter what.
I think you've just been playing MW2 for too long. You're too used to people having much lower health and no shields.
I've played a LOT of every Halo game.Especially 1 and 3.Im well used to how the games work and Reach is just silly.Someone can get lucky with the spread of their DMR and get a headshot.Same goes for a few other weapons.Plus Ive just been mainly running around using double melee and pistol and going seriously +.It's just wrong.
Hardly. It's the experienced players that ***** the noob tube like hell, not the noobs.
Really?Id challenge this point as anyone I know who plays this game a lot NEVER uses the noob tube,unless the other team are abusing it.
They're called power weapons for a reason. You don't want the enemy getting them? Then for god's sake use the Scout and get it yourself.
I have being doing that and this is part of the problem.You can't be touched if your team gets even one of them.I got the Gravity hammer and Rockets last night with scout on Powerhouse and got a killing frenzy by camping the areas with health packs.I did pretty much the same with the sword/shotgun on Sword base at the top of the lifts and got a killing spree or 2.
I've never had the spawning problem before in Reach, but this comment is totally wrong. They do, and with gusto.
This is just weird because I very rarely get spawned behind in MW2.Unless I'm being stupid around an enemy Domination point or something.
HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHA...wait you were being serious when you said that?
You're joking right? I've lost to noobs a lot of times because they simply
halo sword lunge commando me or they have pain killer on. So what? Same thing happens in MW2. I shoot a guy with 40 bullets and he doesn't die because the hit detection in MW2 is mutilating.
Pain killer
OMA + DC + noob tubes
Shotguns as "secondaries"
This pretty much correct yes,but at least in CoD you have a chance to beat them even if they are using these "rigged" classes.In Reach you will almost never win a battle you shouldn't.Unless the guy is an idiot or a team mate helps you.
MW2 has a bunch of weapons that a cat could kill someone with by brushing the trigger as well. (i.e. M16, FAMAS, ACR etc.)
This is 100% true.
No, I've had several instances where the enemy team spawns behind me. In fact, I was playing Wasteland in MW2 last week and I spawned in back of 2 enemies. Awesome spawning system that MW2 has, eh?
See what I said to RuNNing Riot.
In reach I've found it to be happening to me on average 3-5 times a match.
Yes. You can empty 2 whole clips into a guy and he won't die. MW2 has the worst hit detection and spawn system which I've ever seen in a video game.
I think at most I've had to use 6 shots when yellow/orange bar.2 Clips is madness.(I take it your exagerating though)
I'm being pretty harsh considering It's a beta.But the issues still need to be addressed.As it stand there are a good few game breaking flaws.I don't want to play a game where I come up against an enemy knowing I can't take him out no matter what because he has X,Y,Z weapon/armor.Thats pretty much why Im giving up on the beta.Plus when the actual game comes out I assume it will be pretty different so Ill just have to learn whats changed.Ive got the core gameplay down now so.....
I'm gonna stop comparing the 2 before it turns into Halo thread vs Aidan.
I don't wanna piss anyone off.