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Greater Toronto Area Thread - The other other other other other other other other Pokemon Thread


Smash Hero
Jun 26, 2007
Mos Eisley
shoutouts to all my homies out there grinding. Legally and illegally.

also, ****kin major lols at kurtis' sig


Smash Champion
May 16, 2006
lol I've seen some of his videos before. ITS CAUSE HE'S VIET ISN'T IT??


Oh and viet lips. Lol mine aren't as thick.


Smash Master
Nov 24, 2007
Come By Chance Mews
Joe, i looked through my folders of saved course work and just gave my general impressions on the more interesting ones. not sure if all of these are still classes or if the professors still teach there but...

[For everyone else, this post is long and has no relevance for you]

2240 Philosophy and Psychology was interesting and really easy (Nadia Halim)

3260 Philosophy of Psychology - the higher level version basically - I actually hated and it's the only course I ever dropped past the "get some amount of money back" date. Mostly it was the professor - Verena Gottschling. try not to take any courses with her, she was a terrible teacher, her assignments made no sense and she would have a powerpoint of like 100 slides but would randomly skip 10 at a time then come back to them later realizing she should have explained that part first. just really disorganized. and she seemed to be a hard marker too, though i only stuck around for one large assignment and one or two small ones.

right now that course is listed under Kristen A. Andrews who is a MUCH BETTER professor and i wish i'd gotten her instead that year =/ she literally worked at a dolphin research facility in i think florida for several years. so her job was largely playing with dolphins. i know this 'cause i had her for:

4084 Animals and Philosophy of Mind - which was very interesting but a bit harder than most courses, especially since it's a 4th year one. basically in philosophy, there are almost no 1st year courses, so 2nd year ones are all introductory (easy), 3rd year are medium and more in depth, and 4th year are a bit more specialized, meaning they're more risky, because if you pick the wrong course it'll end up being a deep look at something really boring and that just sucks. still, none of my 4th year courses were THAT hard, except this one, but it wasn't too bad for me since as you can tell by this list i'd been taking mostly philosophy of mind courses and i had a lot of background in it by then.

2160 Mind, Brain and Self, same thing (Anton Petrenko) (he's a really easy marking prof in general but doesn't always explain things that well, so better for easier 2nd year classes)

3280 Mind and Nature - Philosophy of Biology (David Johnson) also very interesting, the professor is slightly crazy but still fun to listen to, and if he has some interesting ideas as long as you take everything he says with a grain of salt :p

I also didn't like samuel mallin very much...i had him for a 4th year course on merleau-ponty recently. he seemed kind of full of himself and he expected us to understand merleau-ponty perfectly, but that guy is a pretty vague writer, and he was french, so you have to read someone else's translation, but the professor was still really picky about our language use...the actual course work wasn't very hard, but it was still just an annoying class overall.

uhh what else...2420 human nature (david stamos) was pretty good, professor was interesting. 3040 aesthetics was all right, but it had the same professor as 3280, and one class with him was enough lol.

2077 intro to bioethics was overall really good, but mostly it was 'cause of my tutorial leader, who is less likely to still be teaching there. the professor (duff waring) was decently interesting but mostly it was the tutorial that made that class for me. overall still worth taking i'd say.

2120 intro to existentialism was great. if i could do university again i'd make sure to take another course on existentialism. it's so weird. and that one was Matthew King, he was a really good professor.

yeah, a lot of the time it has more to do with the person teaching than the subject matter itself.


Smash Master
Nov 24, 2007
Come By Chance Mews
so for megabus tickets...right now

"Departs 00:30 Toronto, Toronto Coach Terminal
Arrives 06:40 Montreal, Montreal Bus Terminal, Metro Berri UQAM"

is $42, but

"Departs 06:30 Toronto, Toronto Coach Terminal
Arrives 12:15 Montreal, Montreal Bus Terminal, Metro Berri UQAM"
"Departs 08:00 Toronto, Toronto Coach Terminal
Arrives 14:30 Montreal, Montreal Bus Terminal, Metro Berri UQAM"

and like three more, are all only $26. all of these are departing friday morning.

so uh...ryan and camilo, i forget how much yours were, but if they were $42 maybe you can cancel them and get cheaper ones + a better time. or if you bought two tickets at once, maybe that affects the options it gives you and you could try separately?

alternatively, who else is going, might as well have some company. i'll probably be leaving from toronto on the 11:30 or 1:00 bus.


Smash Champion
Dec 22, 2005
ah, i think i have to be at my sister's convocation that weekend. oh well



Smash Cadet
Sep 8, 2010

2120 intro to existentialism was great. if i could do university again i'd make sure to take another course on existentialism. it's so weird. and that one was Matthew King, he was a really good professor.

I remember taking philosophy in school and it was mad good. Kierkegaard was one of my fav philosophers :D. I believe Kierkegaard was like #1 in existentialism if i'm not mistaken?


Smash Master
Nov 24, 2007
Come By Chance Mews
do u have housing kyle??
yeah, but i dunno how much more space kage has

I remember taking philosophy in school and it was mad good. Kierkegaard was one of my fav philosophers :D. I believe Kierkegaard was like #1 in existentialism if i'm not mistaken?
yeah he's pretty important for existentialism. also heidegger, sartre, and...one other guy i forget right now lol. but i only took that intro course so i didn't learn much more about any of them :( oh yeah, more recently, camus.

except merleau-ponty, and he just got annoying after a while.

thanks kyle,gonna look into things soon

Kyle what day are you leaving on?

still friday most likely


Smash Lord
Mar 22, 2009
For STYC, so who is:

1. going by bus to montreal?

2. housing with kage

3. sleeping at the school.

4. alternative plans.



Smash Master
Nov 8, 2010
St.Catharines, Ontario, Canada
For STYC, so who is:

1. going by bus to montreal? Don't have any other options

2. housing with kage Highly Doubt it

3. sleeping at the school. Possibly, depends if they have showers

4. alternative plans Eternal was looking into hotels, but thats money that I dont know If Ill have,


Smash Lord
Mar 22, 2009
I am looking to go to STYC, there are a few uncertain things right now that can't set these plans in stone permanently yet.

I'd be driving and I think I am currently in back and forth message exchange with the person that housed me last time at montreal, he is very nice and is able to offer housing again but I don't know if I can go yet 100% cuz I have a court date on june 2nd and I need to either push the date back OR send my mother to go for me instead...


Smash Lord
Mar 22, 2009
Yeah, wtf is with cops and handing out parking tickets for parking @ CUSTOMERS PARKING?????

And you have to wait for like over a year before you get your turn to appeal in court. It was so long ago, I don't even care about this ticket anymore. I should've just paid the stupid fine.
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