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Greater Toronto Area Thread - The other other other other other other other other Pokemon Thread

Crooked Crow

drank from lakes of sorrow
Jun 11, 2007
Also Yhii, I know I need first and last, plus food money etc etc. I've lived on my own before :p I just went back home 6 months ago after a year in Etobicoke and 6 months In Downtown St.Catharines :p
I'm not saying you lack the necessary knowledge for living on your own. It's more or less that your dad is being unreasonable, his logic isn't making any sense. Oh well.

You will learn one day that parental logic is the worst kind of logic

I concur.


Smash Master
Nov 8, 2010
St.Catharines, Ontario, Canada
haha Thank you everyone for posting that I already paid half and pay the other half in like 10 days.

Regardless I would still pay him because he is my father, and he wants a ****tier relationship then you already have? :S


Smash Journeyman
Nov 29, 2009
How far can I ride without turning back?
Personally I'd burn the **** out of that bridge. I'd agree about the whole, "they're my parent I love them" which nothing can really be done about. Problem is when a **** relationship reaches this stage because of their own ignorance and stupidity, there really isn't anywhere lower your relationship can fall.

If you're making the money to pay for the phone, why do you need his card? Giving him any sorta foundation responsibility in your life is a bad idea. Also if by some chance because of your disability you DO need the foundation...then I suggest you do look into the disability claims instead of playing on your pride. It sucks having one thing in your life that you can't control, but you can actually get assistance with that cause you're not in a 3rd world country; why subject yourself to suffer something you don't have to?


Smash Master
Nov 8, 2010
St.Catharines, Ontario, Canada
Personally I'd burn the **** out of that bridge. I'd agree about the whole, "they're my parent I love them" which nothing can really be done about. Problem is when a **** relationship reaches this stage because of their own ignorance and stupidity, there really isn't anywhere lower your relationship can fall.

If you're making the money to pay for the phone, why do you need his card? Giving him any sorta foundation responsibility in your life is a bad idea. Also if by some chance because of your disability you DO need the foundation...then I suggest you do look into the disability claims instead of playing on your pride. It sucks having one thing in your life that you can't control, but you can actually get assistance with that cause you're not in a 3rd world country; why subject yourself to suffer something you don't have to?

I understand what you're saying, and I sort of agree, Its not that I need him, just he had a contract so I took the phone, thats all it was, just now its obviously an issue and I want out.

I don't need disability or anything like that, I was simply saying that I can take it if Im ever out of work, though what I do now gives me more money then Disability ever would. So yeah, thats also not a Pride thing. So Im not suffering(Well I work in a call center but still).

The relationship between my parents is pretty much gone anyways, my mother disowned me just after Christmas and the obvious problems that root way deeper then I've shared. I almost dont even need to walk away, Im already there... Not something Im happy about, but its the truth.

For the record, My aunt is letting me take the spare room in her house Until I can get on my feet, I found a few Bachelor/Studio apartments for 500$ a month, Utilities included(One also had wifi and cable :D) So wish me luck there.


Smash Master
Nov 8, 2010
St.Catharines, Ontario, Canada
For the record, My aunt is letting me take the spare room in her house Until I can get on my feet, I found a few Bachelor/Studio apartments for 500$ a month, Utilities included(One also had wifi and cable :D) So wish me luck there.
My aunt just called and told me that her husband(my step-uncle?) said no to me staying there because they cant afford it(I offered money)

like honestly ****ing god damnit


Smash Lord
Apr 10, 2006
Guelph, Ontario, Canada
that aunt for the time being and that 500$ all inclusive sounds really good

the only reason my family's still together is tradition and culture. my parents are really detached from us otherwise lol


Smash Ace
Oct 13, 2009
why not just be smart and independent and get a phone plan for yourself in the first place instead relying on your dad?

then you wouldn't of had a 350 phone bill.
then you wouldn't of been kicked out.

you should probably learn from this and start being independent.

no sympathy.

living at home is the best way of saving money ever. you should use it to your advantage.

also i figure you can handle criticism since you are adult enough to have lived on your own before.

this is so ******** i don't want post more.

Crooked Crow

drank from lakes of sorrow
Jun 11, 2007
My aunt just called and told me that her husband(my step-uncle?) said no to me staying there because they cant afford it(I offered money)

like honestly ****ing god damnit
Looks like you're staying at a shelter. Those places are something out of a horror movie, I hated living in them.

But yeah. Ministry is smart. Don't make the same mistake again, life is an adventure that consists of building blocks. Sometimes these blocks fall over, in the end though, you need to rebuild the initial structure and expand from there. Keep on building, and do everything in your power to make sure they don't topple over too much.

Metaphors are fun. Life sucks.


Smash Lord
Jun 28, 2008
London, Ontario
Tristan and I were discussing this earlier but I want some outside opinion.

In terms on capitalization (finishing your combos/getting combos of every hit), how would one go about getting better at such a thing, if one were so inclined?

Everyone DI's differently and has different ways of escaping combos/links and hitting clutch techs/sliding of ledges etc.

But if you only have 1 or 2 practice partners, could doing different combos every time help you capitalize and get longer/better punishes against new play styles? Or would it be a pointless mixup to have at your disposal since it would just make you less consistent vs familiar styles and not work vs new styles? Is there any way of developing a better combo extention game that would work on new styles you come across?

Since you can't really force your opponent to DI and escape differently at the rate you want to be able to adapt to.


Smash Lord
Jun 28, 2008
London, Ontario
react to the DI or tech or what ever?
reacting is one thing, but knowing what will optimize your combo is another, and I don't see myself being able to zero-death someone new if I'm only used to having to combo against my usual opponents.

Was wondering if there's something different I can do vs a familiar style to maybe mimic what it would be like trying to death combo someone I've never played.


Smash Lord
Jun 28, 2008
London, Ontario
When you went to apex, were your combos working vs high level players? They never had any tricks they used to get out? Now what if you could be prepared for that?


Smash Legend
Nov 18, 2007
Spiral Mountain
*stares at question about comboing*

*knows that if he tries to answer he'll never get through the 200 pages of Joyce and 30 min presentation that has to be done for tomorrow*



Smash Lord
Jun 28, 2008
London, Ontario
why dont you remould the players you usually play by doing different combos to them so they di differently now and then and aren't as conditioned?
But if you only have 1 or 2 practice partners, could doing different combos every time help you capitalize and get longer/better punishes against new play styles?
pretty much exactly what i was asking, I'm just not sure if it will help at all.

: ( at david post. I'm definitely working on a website for class while posting.


Smash Lord
Apr 10, 2006
Guelph, Ontario, Canada

i saw it totally different when you put your question after mine. my bad x(

my answer is then, yes. totally yes.

when i play vs. cpus it's easy to be conditioned to approach them the same way, edgeguard the same way, everything the same way. cpus are almost always the same. that's why i try to play cpus like a human. i give them "the benefit of the doubt" like everytime lol. "oh, maybe cpu fox won't recover this way again" and edgeguard accordingly, and tho the fox will make it back, that way it puts me in a new situation i've never seen before, and that i can sorta learn to improvise/react accordingly. cpus tech on spot after a sheik dthrow like 1/20 times; elsewise they just tumble. it'd be horrible if i was trying to leran the techchase by simply jabbing everytime and watching them gettupattackintomyshieldformetoshieldgraborsomethingelseOOS, but i watch for that tech, and other techrolls (which happen like 1/40 times lol) before covering the tumble.

i don't know, i don't feel like my answer was sufficient, but i totally know what you mean. 2 players > cpus or another player who's not so quite built up the foundation, but you just gotta keep doing new things and mix it all up. if they do the same thing, then so be it, at least it puts you in a new situation that you wouldn't normally be in, advantageous or disadvantageous, and it lets you try to react accordingly.


Smash Master
Nov 24, 2007
Come By Chance Mews
well...i'm probably not the best person to ask about combos...but in my experience getting better at comboing means hitting them and then running or jumping after them without any sort of plan. eventually, having spent so much time in the "how do i continue this combo" phase of the game, you naturally start to come up with fresh ideas.

in other words, be really reckless *in friendlies* and you will get hit more but have more time to think about how to continue hitting them.

although, it sounds like you're trying to use a specific method to deal with a general problem. maybe it would be better to ask "how do i keep comboing fox with fox" and then all the nice fox mains can say, oh, have you ever thought about uptilting at this point? or weak nairing here on purpose?


Smash Champion
Dec 22, 2005
I want to pass this quiz on friday but I don't want to study

1st world problems :(



Smash Master
Nov 24, 2007
Come By Chance Mews
my life:

i have this essay to do for tuesday but i really don't feel like it. it is thursday or so. i haven't read either of the 2 books i need to.

i really shouldn't go to camilo's this weekend...**** it, i will anyway, i still have sunday

sunday = hangover = sleep most of the day

tuesday morning, still don't have much done, still have to read half of one book. i'll just skim it; nope, it's too interesting, i'll read it closely and waste more time

i have now missed the class in which i have to hand it in; oh well, i'll email it to the teacher later, she'll be understanding

8:30 pm. class ended at 7:00. go to write email. check inbox at the same time. as of monday, the professor had extended the due date to saturday because other students kept asking for extensions. essay is already done, i didn't have to go to the boring class, no late penalty, nothing else due until march 19.

so uh, smash this weekend anyone?
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