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Greater Toronto Area Thread - The other other other other other other other other Pokemon Thread


((((((((((( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) gotta go fast!
Writing Team
Jul 13, 2011
daaaaaamn bing that blows chunks :(


Smash Master
Nov 24, 2007
Come By Chance Mews
once i get my phone planned change, which will be very soon, it will be this:

- 20 cents a minute for all calls
- $5 a month unlimited text messaging
- if you buy a $40 prepaid card it lasts for 6 months

$5/month is the only necessary fee. 6x5 = 30. thus i have $10 left to spend on calls for 6 months = 50 minutes. i don't actually like talking on the phone and i almost never have a reason to over just texting someone, so this is perfect.

$300 would last me about 4 years on this "plan."


Smash Master
Nov 8, 2010
St.Catharines, Ontario, Canada
Yeah my plans up this month so im dropping everything, its in my dads name right now, so Im getting rid of that too. Just put it in my own name, make my own plan and move. Yeah 300$ would cover about 6 months of mine too

I just realized its tax season so hopefully the Tax Pixie is kind to me.


Smash Lord
Apr 10, 2006
Guelph, Ontario, Canada
lmfao man i went the longest time with $10/month plans on rogers. with the phone in total i sent well over 45k texts i was so proud of it lol

now i needed a more full time phone and i'm only on a tab plan still with unl texting. 300 would last me a year lol (2.5 with the other one)

how can you actually burn 300 on a phone? don't you at some point clue in that you're paying 25 cents to text "okay" or "yes" a million times?


Smash Champion
May 16, 2006
Txting is addicting. I would understand. I'm glad I have unl txt or else I'd go over too. I had to pay $400 once cause I went over my limits for weekday local calls. But it was cause I thought I had free incoming Rogers to Rogers. lol



Smash Master
Nov 8, 2010
St.Catharines, Ontario, Canada
Jack, I dont have a smart phone, so I cant keep track of my texts. Also I really dont send texts that just say yes or Okay. If someone kills a conversations, I dont respond, I only send a yes or okay message if its like, actually needed and even then...

Anyways, I'd rather not be told how much of a moron I am considering im well aware of it.


Smash Lord
Mar 22, 2009
While we're on cell phone plans still...I'm just going to do some blatant self promotion:


35$ /month for unlimited global text, unlimited north america wide calling, unlimited data, no contract.

I don't use wind though....that'd be corporate scandal.


Smash Hero
Jun 26, 2007
Mos Eisley
Bing, honestly, it's just f***ing irresponsible of you to go $250 over, knowing full well what you'r payng 25c
extra per text. That's just dumb.

So what does that mean for the people from AZ you were supposed to be buying flights for? If it means you can't buy their flights anymore, that's absolutely irresponsible of you and you should have planned better if you knew other people were depending on you.

On another note, I think people who pay a lot for phone plans are really just slaves to a system. I pay $20 a month and I get:

- Unlimited text to anywhere in canada and the United States
- Caller ID
- 10c per minute calling

And if at any point I miss a payment, I just fall off my plan and it just automatically updates the next time i put $20 on with no additional fees. When i go back to the bahamas for summer and stuff, I don't pay a dime for 4 months. And then come back in september and it picks back up from where it left off. People who get duped into paying for those "plans" which are like $50 bucks a month and you get the phone for "free" are STUPID imo. Shop around before buying and you can get GREAT deals. They only sell those terrible plans to people who are ignorant.


Smash Master
Nov 8, 2010
St.Catharines, Ontario, Canada
Bing, honestly, it's just f***ing irresponsible of you to go $250 over, knowing full well what you'r payng 25c
extra per text. That's just dumb.

So what does that mean for the people from AZ you were supposed to be buying flights for? If it means you can't buy their flights anymore, that's absolutely irresponsible of you and you should have planned better if you knew other people were depending on you.

For starters, I have a texting plan, I just went over my limit. I wouldnt text at all if it just a simple 25 cents per text and thats all.

Secondly, Im not buying flights for people in AZ wtf are you talking about. I wanted to Nicknyte but now I cant. Oh ****ing well. For the record, I am giving the top 2 placing people in certain tournaments(impulse Circuit) their venue and entrance to Impulse.

Know what the **** you're talking about before calling me irresponsible and that people were depending on me. Like holy ****.


Smash Master
Nov 24, 2007
Come By Chance Mews
plans are better for people who want data and more calling. especially for data. basically iphone and android users will actually save money on plans, but only because they are willing to spend so much in the first place for the extra features.

if all you want is basic phone functionality and texting then contractual plans are generally not the best way to go. but yeah, a lot of people, especially older folks who aren't surrounded by phone culture as much as us young'uns, do not know their options and should be doing more research.

also, i'm still going camilo, i'll leave just as soon as i can stop watching the onion youtube channel for 5 seconds. (but i'll post first)


Smash Master
Nov 8, 2010
St.Catharines, Ontario, Canada
I unfortunately didnt set up my plan. It was my dads phone, he just gve it to me when he got a company phone, however, he's REALLY slow at doing things for me and because its in his name, Bell wouldnt let m change it.


Smash Hero
Jun 26, 2007
Mos Eisley
Tru that bing. I thought u were sponsoring flights for impulse or something. My bad, I ****ed up.

Yea kyle, I know the pricy stuff is mostly for data. I personally have never seen the need for a smart phone/data plan though.


Smash Lord
Mar 22, 2009
How will ryan troll the boards on the go without his data plan??

Plug into the matrix.

Yes, when is everyone going?


Smash Master
Nov 8, 2010
St.Catharines, Ontario, Canada
Tru that bing. I thought u were sponsoring flights for impulse or something. My bad, I ****ed up.

Yea kyle, I know the pricy stuff is mostly for data. I personally have never seen the need for a smart phone/data plan though.

Its cool Bra :)

I want to sign up with WIND so bad but they dont have any coverage in my town yet(Thorold) they will be the end of the year but my plans up in like 2 weeks and I dont think i cant wait THAT long, provided thats also hoping that everything goes according to plan XD


Smash Lord
Mar 22, 2009
you don't have to resign a contract when your current one expires.

Cancel your plan when the contract expires and go find your own phone plan that you'll be satisfied with.


Smash Master
Nov 24, 2007
Come By Chance Mews
well calculate it out beforehand. my wind phone was like $80 and it seems good enough. if new phone + plan will save you $80 over the course of a year then it might still be worth it.


Smash Champion
May 16, 2006
Couldn't make it. But you probably figured that out by now. Happy bday Camilo. I really wanted to come though. ):



Smash Hero
Jun 26, 2007
Mos Eisley
Who's interested in going to Zenith 2012?

I really want to go because it will probably be my last national tournament before leaving North America (forever?). I'm going regardless. Anyone else interested lets make plans.


Smash Lord
Apr 10, 2006
Guelph, Ontario, Canada
Jack, I dont have a smart phone, so I cant keep track of my texts. .
trust me you do NOT need a smart phone to keep track of your texts. i've been living off of a sony ericcson 200a for like, 1.5 years. if you ask anyone who knows my phone, it's the LEAST technological phone ever LOL


35$ /month for unlimited global text, unlimited north america wide calling, unlimited data, no contract.
in January (2012) they had 29$ for unl data, texting, calling, nationwide, with $200 tab i think or $150. insane deal. nicest (non-apple phones). drawback? well, if you can settle for unavailable signal here and there and here and here lol

Yes, when is everyone going?
sorry i didn't see this. I was driving. Why don't ppl ever text? :S

Phone plans are something that are almost as picky as picking a house. you need to make sure you get what you pay for and such. i went through 3 brochures, and finally settled with koodo. i got a bb curve for free on tab, $30/month for text, cID, evenings/weekends calls, 100 anytime mins, etc. i'll probably never use half that stuff, but it was necessary cuz i needed a full time phone given i'm never home, and with the new job and 4th year around the corner. it's $5 for bbm, which i turned down... and by the luck of the draw, mar-april 2012 i'm offered free bbm (to use with the ppl i add in that period) LOL

koodo *****.

edit cuz the boards prematurely posted my post:

ggs everyone! it was super nice to see everyone again

camillo thanks for hosting!! i'm sorry but i've forgotten the spanish you taught me :(

david thanks for the friendlies and the talks and stuff, game-relevant and -irrelevant :)

kyle ggs. your falco is really clean. wrecks my falco rusty in the ditto. your puff could be more consistent tho :) at times i find it easy to get in, and at times really hard to. stop sandbagging i guess :p

twin + twinbroseph happy birthday again. i don't know if i said it to both of you guys or just one of you guys. i also was too flustered with rushing to pick up the gf that i didn't pay attn to which one i played the one last game LOL... but yeah, gg :)

ryan huge thanks for pointing out my phone was ringing LOLOL

james ggs as always :)

tgf ggs in teams so lawlsy

davidrose sorry we couldn't play!! next time!! i'mma teach you the way ;)

it was an awesome day :) few days can go better than: exam-gone-better-than-anticipated --> smash for hours with ppl-i-love-seeing-but-rarely-get-to --> gf and friends in the evening :D

thanks again guys. it's why i still play the game even if it's just to keep in touch with you guys
wish i could've drank some and raided the fridge tho LOL jkjk i would've chipped

Crooked Crow

drank from lakes of sorrow
Jun 11, 2007

That is unfortunate, it's entirely your fault though. $300 is a ridiculous amount of money. Oh well.

I'm with Wind as well, they're very good. $45 for unlimited data, text, and calling. It's ****.


Smash Master
Nov 24, 2007
Come By Chance Mews
Jack, I wasn't sandbagging, you were just playing pretty well (with a few technical mistakes here and there, but mostly pretty good i'd say) and I had various reasons for not playing well :p eh, more friendlies next time we're in the same building.

Who's interested in going to Zenith 2012?

I really want to go because it will probably be my last national tournament before leaving North America (forever?). I'm going regardless. Anyone else interested lets make plans.
if people are busing i'll probably go too.

well, that was fun :D


Smash Lord
Apr 10, 2006
Guelph, Ontario, Canada
No, you wouldn't want to waste the money o-o.
i have a pretty solid view on spending money on booze. i don't like spending money on booze where it's going to just become a drunken fest where you don't remember the next day; that's a waste lol cuz the money could be spent to something actually memorable

whereas yesterday was more of a fun hang out sorta deal. if i wasn't concerned with drunk driving, i'd have a drink or two. and i'd contribute so it's not everyone's fun at one person's expense. way to make me explain myself :embarrass:

Jack, I wasn't sandbagging, you were just playing pretty well (with a few technical mistakes here and there, but mostly pretty good i'd say) and I had various reasons for not playing well :p eh, more friendlies next time we're in the same building.
aha i wasn't calling you out i was sorta jk but yes yes more friendlies next time! so much fun lol i miss the falco dittos too but i overall enjoy playing your puff most


Smash Lord
Feb 24, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
i have a pretty solid view on spending money on booze. i don't like spending money on booze where it's going to just become a drunken fest where you don't remember the next day; that's a waste lol cuz the money could be spent to something actually memorable

whereas yesterday was more of a fun hang out sorta deal. if i wasn't concerned with drunk driving, i'd have a drink or two. and i'd contribute so it's not everyone's fun at one person's expense. way to make me explain myself :embarrass:
Asian, no difference
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