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Greater Toronto Area Thread - The other other other other other other other other Pokemon Thread


Smash Ace
Oct 10, 2006
The snow needs to flow better because you can see the animation restarting. Also, I don't think it should be that thick. But, otherwise awesome.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 1, 2008
looks pretty sick
you should fix the snow animations though,
the restart is really noticeable
and you have 2 seperate sources of lighting
the bg look pretty good from what i can see through the snow XD haha

your sigs need to have fewer and stronger focal points
they keep my eyes moving all over cuz theres isnt much flow, and the places you put renders and text.
your individual parts of the sigs are good but you put them together sloppily,

i'd give it a 7.

things to work on, (its probably hard to do while working on sigs that have an animation, if you do them you might want to make them lighter so you can see more of the bg and render.)

focal points

none of your sigs really have flow =s
its kinda just like things here and there, you should try to make everything flow in one direction

when i look at your sigs my eyes go like dis
:dizzy: XD
theres so much going on ! haha
soo many focal points that its hard to pay attention to the main part (if there is one, wich there should be, [normally the render. text should be subtle a lot of the time])
like in the teen titans one
you have the name, big symbol, text beneath it, tt logo smack in the middle, render on the left
of course its because of the format of the sigs, but yeah.
same goes for the IC's sig
you have TWO renders,
text that stands out a lot
and then snow covering it all
its just too much to look at you know? because there isnt much flow, its hard to even follow it or see it in a way that works, the snow handicap'd you on that one cuz if the bg did have more flow or a direction to it, it would be hard to see because of the snow. :p

idk, this is more personal preference, but (sorry for basing a lot of this off the TT sigs, its just thats what i see mostly) they seem really cut and paste, sorta like you're just tryna fill up space XD
kinda like
'uuhhhh brush here....brush here...text over there....DONE.'

idk lol this is just how i like to do things,

of course if you're just playing around with the effects i'de say most of them are sweet, just with the snow and rain effects try to make the restart point more subtle.

im gonna use one of andys old sigs as an example

see how sex the text is, it doesnt stick out like a sore thumb, but its subtle, sexy, and adds a lot to the sig

quoting andy cuz he added a lot of stuff to critique in brampton thread that i think applies here too.


i don't like the background because of the reasons chris said. seems like filters and gradients which are really good tools to use in a lot of cases, but you can be sooooooooo much more creative with backgrounds. Use more brushes, make your own random shapes, and do whatever. I use filters and gradients and loads of layers and effects to tune it up. It really depends on what you're going for and what suits the render.

Chris says the background has to flow.. yeah, in a way i guess. The background has to flow with the render. They should correspond with each other and blend. Not really as in you gotta mask around the render, that works in some cases, but you just want the render to not stick out of place, or the background to stick out of place too much. You can actually use the render and do some crazy filters on it and make random shapes to put together and make the background. Your background is like blue while your render is all shiny and whhotnot. color co-ordination works really well for blending stuff in.

Text is the most frustrating part of the sig in my experience...... There's one easy thing to know about it, though. When you work with renders and backgrounds, you can focus on either of them and do whatever you want with the blending of it. For text, most of the time you just need to make it really, really simple and just blend. It never has to really stand out. A lot of people will tell you that keeping text simple is the best thing you can do then using crazy big font.

i made this sig like 2 years ago near the end of when I was really into photoshop
i like it because i was getting better at using C4D renders which is probably really overused by now, but people are always finding ways to be creative and sexy with them. I also looooooovvvvveeeeeeee how I made the text. but my monitor sucks and i have really low contrast levels so it's probably cut off for most people.

I kind of half-***** on the border, but whatever. Speaking of which, borders are also best simple. I usually have my border match with my text, which both should work for the entire sig. Nothing too fancy. The border should just close off the sig, i mostly just use a 1px black border. You can use a white border+text if you want so it stands out more on forums with darker backgrounds, just as long as the rest of the sig works with that.
also if any of it seemed rude or anything it wasnt intentional lol,
just tryna be helpful :p <3
i should dl cs4, could prolly do some sick **** with that

edit: wow it took me a while to type that lmfao
like 7 people posted before i finished LOL


Smash Apprentice
Dec 1, 2008
sooo im watching twilight to find out why so many people are going gay.
i find it fascinating.

no but seriously the movies alright.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 4, 2008
Thornhill, ON
GTA ALL DAI. Eric told me about the tournament, you guys are too killer.

When's the next fest, by the way? I'm out of town in a few days, it'd be nice to see you guys one last time before I go.

G1G4 G0N0RRH34

Smash Journeyman
Nov 24, 2008
Brampton, ON, Canada Captain Falcon: Show me ya mo
Afro Chris, you also need to work on more consistent borders too :p
1 or 2 px borders of whatever color that works with the overall sig, most of the time it'll be black
white works good too on forums with dark backgrounds like swf, but only if it works with it.

NOTHING must be allowed out of the border. Ever. Unless you're making a pop out sig, which usually doesn't always look that great anyways.

Just thought I'd give some input =D


Some guy
Aug 17, 2005
Toronto, Ontario
to anyone who cares:

On the way home from eric's yesterday, stos dropped me off at warden station, and on the train, my car had about 8 people on it. So on one of the empty seats, I FOUND A DS!!! (no stylus, and has a 2GB flash card with 24 games on it). It is a naruto Akatsuki theme for the background.

mario kart DS, Chrono Trigger (doesn't work), Kirby superstar, a **** load of rpgs I never heard of, naruto path of the ninja, 2 bleach games, and I forget


Smash Ace
Nov 3, 2007
T.dot, Canada
ok i made a new sig this one was made so i could learn to make the snow better tell me if it worked, oh and to try and make a better job wit text....always so hard to place for me >.<



Smash Master
Nov 24, 2007
Come By Chance Mews
it looks more subtle now but still isn't smooth enough. and i can still sort of tell where it restarts, but it's much less obvious. so...same problems as before, but less so =P

lol @ finding a ds. poor person who lost it.


Smash Master
Oct 22, 2007
Oshawa 905
The text is great IMO. The only problem is the snow freezes at the end of it's animation, and the focus is really entirely on vincent. My eyes were instantly drawn to the right.


Some guy
Aug 17, 2005
Toronto, Ontario
^ remember, Dharma give you good Karma.

it looks more subtle now but still isn't smooth enough. and i can still sort of tell where it restarts, but it's much less obvious. so...same problems as before, but less so =P

lol @ finding a ds. poor person who lost it.
Yeah poor guy. But honestly, if I didn't take it, someone else would've


Smash Apprentice
Dec 1, 2008
yeah, but we also mostly play melee. just a heads up =P
its sad we still have to say that despite the fact that the words melee only are int he thread title XD

edit: wow nvm i swear it did though LOL

edit2: i raep mine sweeper.

(all movies sped up, d/w theyre not days long LOL)

expert run :
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h9v-Pb5GtO8 - 8 mins =[ 99 mines

intermediate :
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CHbVWmHSddQ&feature=channel_page - 2 mins, 40 mines

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8CCr_r4pDSI&feature=channel_page - 24 seconds LOL 10 mines :p


Smash Apprentice
Dec 1, 2008
lol k o_o
thought i was losing my mind XD
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