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Greater Toronto Area Thread - The other other other other other other other other Pokemon Thread


Smash Apprentice
Dec 1, 2008
i need to reinstall that
it was confusing,
but i lost it once i reinstalled windows XD


Smash Legend
Nov 18, 2007
Spiral Mountain
[/feels warm + fuzzy combo + 69%]


<3 GTA

<3 Stos

<3 Chris / Andy / Bramptonia

<3 Bernard

<3 Ryan

<3 Tammy

<3 Osman

<3 people in general LOL


Smash Ace
Nov 3, 2007
T.dot, Canada
oh guys i found a new trick wit falcon, falcon is able to knee to edge cancel to wall jump XD i found it out by mistake vs my friend, i really dont no wat i did 2 do it but i did it on FD if some one wants to learn the timing or something then teach me i would be very happy,,,,,,,oh bernard i mastered dash atk to wall jump and found i can combo wit a nair right after to a knee if they D.i right at high %s, or if i dash atk their up b =D or side b vs fox and falco most easyest to do agiest :D falcon is pretty easy to


Colonel RTSD
Aug 14, 2005
Corneria, Lylat System
oh guys i found a new trick wit falcon, falcon is able to knee to edge cancel to wall jump XD i found it out by mistake vs my friend, i really dont no wat i did 2 do it but i did it on FD if some one wants to learn the timing or something then teach me i would be very happy,,,,,,,oh bernard i mastered dash atk to wall jump and found i can combo wit a nair right after to a knee if they D.i right at high %s, or if i dash atk their up b =D or side b vs fox and falco most easyest to do agiest :D falcon is pretty easy to
lol im guna hafta try the nair thing.

we luvu davidd. yay now we're both 19. we **** son.
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