Lols, after incredibly fail getting home bus stuff, I am finally back.
It only took about 8 hours from leaving the venue. I am past 24 hours of sleep, it's to late to go to bed now. Imma just see how long I can go.
MARCO! Where were you?

You would have had massive fun coming back with us.
We started walking hoping to take public transit to the bus terminal. The buses never came. So after about 45 minutes in the cold we got a taxi to the bus station. Then when I get there, there was a greyhound bus leaving (that was about 12:15). Our bus wasn't supposed to come until 1:00.
So we waited in a bar for about 15 minutes before it closed, then we waited in the cold from about 12:35 to about 2:00 (yeah, our bus didn't come). Then we walked down to the RBC and sat in there until about 4:00 where my dad came and picked me Mike and Kyle up and took us back to Toronto. My dad dropped them off too, we didn't get home until about 7:30.
Oh and there was a bum sleeping in the RBC too. And there were some drunks getting busted up by cops outside, and drunks walking around everywhere.
Mike and Kyle were so tired, because they were up like regular on Friday, and took a super early bus to St Catharines, and stayed in the RBC and a Tim Horton's Saturday morning, then went though everything like I said. So they were going on 48 hours of no sleep.
Man he was so ****ing dead in the car. They were sleeping all over the place. And they slept through it, but a couple people spinned out on the road, one person careened into the ditch lol.